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Memorious in year 5

The day I got hurt I

was running after
school I was playing
tag but then I saw
being me sabahwoon
was running towards
me and then suddenly
I look in front there
was a table I hit the
table and fell down
and blood was on my
chin I went to the
nurse and I got
Sudden moments
I was in school
studying maths and
suddenly some buddy
knowned the door and
called my name I was
shocked why am I am
going home I packed
my bag and went to
my dad I asked my dad
why are we going
home in Tamil my dad
said because my friend
said these school has
covid 19 I was shocked
and went home
My 3 favourite
teachers in year 5
1.Mr Vimal
2.Mr Mark
3. Mrs Shapna I am
sorry if its wrong

Why I like these three

teachers 1 Mr Vimal I
like Mr Vimal because
he does not scold any
one if they bully or talk
root he as a lot of
responseabillt of these
class he’s kind and his
Next Mr Mark
He s’ kind friendly and
lot more her teach as
sports like game of
cones chopping ball
and a lot more and He
s the one who teached
me my favourite game
football thank you Mr
Next Mrs Shapna
I like Mrs shanpa
because she teach as a
lot of science staff and
a lot of projects She’s
kind and thank you Ms

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