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Giới thiệu

Good morning teacher. Please allow me to introduce myself. My name

is. You can call me Panh or orange. I am 20 years old and come from An
Giang. I am a sophomore of Ho Chi Minh City Food Industry
University. I am studying chemical engineering and my dream is to
become a chemical engineer. I spent a lot of time in lab practice and it
was essential for my future work. People always see me as an active and
hardworking person. I hope to create many new things for life in the

1.Tell me one activity that is good for both mental and physical health.
There are many good health activities but the activity that most people use is
2. How often do you take a nap in the afternoon?
Sleep for 15 minutes to 20 minutes will make our spirit more alert
3. Are you usually sleepy in the middle of the day?
No, I am not. Because I am very focused when working
4. How many hours do you usually sleep at night?
I only slept 6 hours per night. Because I came home from work very late and
had to stay up early to go to school
5. Do you like chatting on social media?
No, I am not. Because don’t have time for that.
6. Do you ever feel stressed at work or school?
Yes, I do
7. Are you reading anything interesting at the moment?
No, I am not. Because I have to study and do.
8. How often do you check your emails?
Every day, because there is a lot of important information to receive
9. Which things make you feel happy?
When people are full of energy, the body will emit a kind of happy and happy
10. What kind of regular exercise do you do?
I exercise every morning and practice yoga on weekends
11. How often are you late for class?
Sometimes I was late because of trafic jams in big roads
12. How often do you check your phone for messages?
Because I have a lot of work on the phone and chat with friends by texting
13. How often do you go on holiday/travel?
I don't travel because I'm still a student, sometimes I go home to visit my family
14. How often are you stressed at university?
Yes, they are. There are very difficult lessons
15. How do you play board games?
I do not like to play the game
16. How do you usually spend your free time?
In my free time I will go shopping, cook and review my lessons at school

17. Are you playing a sport these days?

I usually play sports on saturday with friends
18. Do you like eating out in restaurants? Why/Why not?
I don’t like eating out in restaurants. I like to eat the food I cook
19. Where do you normally go on holiday?
20. Where do you plan to go on holiday this year?
I will go back to my hometown when I have a vacation
1.Are you a competitive person? Bạn có phải là thích cạnh tranh không?
No, I am not. Because I like peace and cooperation in work.
2. Do you always like winning? Bạn có thích luôn chiến thắng không?
No, I don’t. Because every contest has winners and losers, there are
always people who are better than me
3. Do you prefer being a spectator or a player? Bạn thích làm khán giả
hay người chơi hơn?
I prefer to be a spectator because I don't like competing in competitions.
4. What sports do you like doing? Bạn thích chơi môn thể thao nào?
I like playing badminton because it can be played by many people and is
good for health
5. What sports don't you like watching on TV? Bạn không thích xem
môn thể thao nào trên TV?
I don't like to watch wrestling because I feel it's violent and I'm scared of
the wrestlers.
6. Which famous sports personality would you like to change places
with ? Bạn muốn đổi chỗ cho nhân vật thể thao nổi tiếng nào?
I want to change places with Chen Long - a famous badminton player in
China. Because he won a lot of medals and is loved by many people
7.Do you support a sports team?
I have never supported a sports team because I don't like playing sports
and have little interest in it.
8. Do you ever disagree with a referee's decision during a game?
Bạn có bao giờ không đồng ý với quyết định của trọng tài trong một trận
đấu không?
Yes, I do. There are many matches where the referee seems to be biased
and annoying for the audience.
9. What sports trophy would you like to win? Bạn muốn giành được
danh hiệu thể thao nào?
10. Do you find it easy to learn the rules of new games / activities?
Bạn có thấy dễ dàng để tìm hiểu các quy tắc của trò chơi / hoạt động
mới không?
Yes, I do. I usually learn the rules of the game before participating in the
1. What's the best way to get around your town or city?
Cách tốt nhất để đi vòng quanh thị trấn hoặc thành phố của bạn là gì?
I think to go around the city by bus because it's cheap and the bus have
air-conditioned. Soon there will be a Saigon metro to see the city from
above, it’s very interesting.
2. Is there a traditional method of transport where you come from?
3. How often do you use public transport? Bạn sử dụng phương tiện giao
thông công cộng thường xuyên như thế nào?
I always go to the university by bus every day
4. Is there a lot of traffic where you live? Nơi bạn sống có nhiều phương
tiện giao thông không?
Where I live there is a lot of transportation. There is a traffic jam during
peak hours
5. What's the best way of travelling long distances? Cách tốt nhất để đi
du lịch đường dài là gì?
Traveling long distances by plane is the best because it saves time and is
6.Is there a metro where you live or where you come from?
Yes, there is. The Saigon metro will be up and running early next year.
We can see the city from above, I think it’s very interesting.
7. What's your worst travelling experience? Trải nghiệm du lịch tồi tệ
nhất của bạn là gì?
For me, I have never gone on a tiring journey because I think that
whatever it will be, once I decide to go out and take a trip, I should feel
happy and enjoy it.
8. Have you ever been on a long boat trip? Bạn đã bao giờ đi thuyền dài
I haven’t been on a long boat trip before. Because because I get seasick
and if I go far, I choose to go by plane to save time
9. Would you like to have an electric car? Bạn có muốn 1 chiếc xe hơi =
điện ko?
Because gasoline is rare now and driving an electric car can save the
10. Do you have to travel to work or school in the rush hour? Bạn phải
đi làm hoặc đi học vào giờ cao điểm.
Yes, I do. Because I go to school by bus during rush hour, the traffic jam
is very bad and it takes me a lot of time to get home
11. What is the fastest means of transportation? Phương tiện di chuyển
nhanh nhất là gì
I think the plane is the fastest means of travel. It has a speed of 800 km/h

12. What is the safest means of transportation?

I think the plane is the safest means of travel. It has a speed of 800 km/h.
Because because the accidents in the air is less than the accidents on the
1. Do you like taking risks? Bạn có thích chấp nhận rủi ro
Because whatever you do, there's a risk. We cannot predict possible
2. Are you a decisive person? Bạn có phải là người quyết đoán
Yes, I do. Because I don't hesitate to decide something
3. Why do some people find it difficult to make decisions?
4. Would you like to go on some kind of expedition? Bạn có muốn tham
gia một cuộc thám hiểm nào đó không?
Yes, I would. Because going on an adventure is fun, we can find a lot of
new things
5. What kind of person makes a good expedition leader? Những loại
người làm cho một nhà lãnh đạo thám hiểm tốt?
I think assertive and knowledgeable people are suitable to be a good
expedition leaders.
6. Have you ever been climbing?
No, I haven’t been climbing before. Because I have a fear of heights
7. What do you prefer - mountains or the sea?
8. How good a survivor do you think you would be?
9. Where were you born?
I was born in Ho Chi Minh City. A place where many cultures converge,
beautiful scenery and delicious and diverse food
10. Where did you grow up?
I grow up in Ho Chi Minh City. A place where many cultures converge,
beautiful scenery and delicious and diverse food
11. When did you learn to ride a bike?
I learned to ride a bike at the age of 5
12. Where did you go on holiday last year?
On holiday last year, I often visit my grandparents and go to the temple
to pray for peace for my family
13. Have you ever broken a bone? Bạn đã bị gãy xương chưa?
I once broke my shoulder and foot because I fell down the stairs
14. Have you ever had a job? Bạn đã bao giờ có một công việc?
15. Have you ever had an accident?
I once broke my shoulder and foot because I fell down the stairs
1. How much recycling do you and your family do?
My family and I have not recycled because my parents have not cared
about environmental protection
2. What kinds of things do you regularly recycle? Bạn thường xuyên tái
chế những thứ gì?
I often recycle plastic bottles to make toys like robots or potted plants.
3. Do you use plastic water bottles more than once?
No, I don’t. Because using plastic bottles many times will generate
substances that are not good for health. I use porcelain cups to drink
4. What can we do to raise people's awareness of environmental
Chúng ta có thể làm gì để nâng cao nhận thức của mọi người về các vấn
đề môi trường?
We should have propaganda activities such as picking up trash on the
sidewalk, the beach, planting trees, painting environmental themes.
5. Do you ever order things online or by telephone?
Yes, I do. I always order things or food on e-commerce platforms like
shopee, lazada, baemin...
6. Do you have any problems with online orders? Bạn có vấn đề gì với
các đơn đặt hàng trực tuyến không?
Yes, I do. Sometimes there are some problems like broken, damaged or
not right with my order.
7. What percentage of your friends go online every day? Bao nhiêu phần
trăm bạn bè của bạn lên mạng mỗi ngày?
100% because most people need the internet for their own personal use.
8. How many people in your country have computers in their homes?
Có bao nhiêu người ở nước bạn có máy tính trong nhà?
Most people in cities have computers. But in mountainous areas, ethnic
minorities still don't have computers
9. How much paper do you throw away?
I throw away a few paper every day.
10. Do you use reusable bags?
Bạn có sử dụng túi tái sử dụng không?
No, I don’t. Because the area where I live, reusable bags are not popular
1. What stage of life would you say you are? Bạn sẽ nói bạn đang ở giai
đoạn nào của cuộc đời
I'm at a young age because I'm still in school and have very interesting
experiences with friends around me
2. What plans do you have for your next holiday?
I want to go somewhere far away such as Hanoi, Sapa. Because I think
that helps me to relive stress and anxiety after a long time of staying up
late reviewing many lessons to prepare for the exams.
3. What are you doing this weekend?
Actually, I don’t have many plans for this weekend because there will be
a lot of exams coming soon, I just want to focus only on reviewing all
the lessons and hope to achieve good grades.
4. What's the best celebration you've been to? Lễ kỷ niệm tuyệt vời nhất
mà bạn từng tham dự là gì?
I have been to attended my grandparents' 55th wedding anniversary. It
was a ceremony full of family members, it was a lot of fun and we
congratulate grandparents for having a very beautiful and lasting love.
5. Describe a special or traditional celebration in your country.
Tet is a traditional festival in Vietnam. On this day, people will return to
reunite with their families, cook chung cake, visit relatives and receive
lucky money. The atmosphere is very fun and bustling because there are
fireworks at New Year's Eve
6. Do you like dressing up in costumes or masks?
Yes, I do. Because I think the costumes and masks are so diverse, the
many colors make people more impressive when they see them
7. At what age can you drive a car or get married in your country?
In my country, everyone is 18 years old can take the driver license. To
get married, men must be 21 and women must be 18
8. When do you think children become adults? Khi nào bạn nghĩ trẻ em
trở thành người lớn
I think children become adults when they reach the age of 18 because
they have enough awareness and rights at this time
9. Have you ever had a life-changing experience? Bạn đã bao giờ có một
kinh nghiệm thay đổi cuộc sống
I have no experience in changing my life because I live quite simply
with little change
10. How does your family celebrate birthdays? Gia đình bạn tổ chức
sinh nhật như thế nào
My family celebrates a simple birthday with the congratulations of all
family members, eating together and blowing out cake candles
11. What do you do on New Year's Day?
On New Year's Day, I often visit my grandparents and go to the temple
to pray for peace for my family
12. Do you think it is a good idea for people to take a career/study break
to travel for months? Bạn có nghĩ rằng mọi người nên tạm dừng công
việc/học tập để đi du lịch trong nhiều tháng không?
Yes, I do. Because that helps they to relax, to relive stress and anxiety
after a long time of staying up late reviewing many lessons to prepare
for the exams.
13. If you could travel for 6 months, where would you go and why? Nếu
bạn có thể đi du lịch trong 6 tháng, bạn sẽ đi đâu và tại sao
If I could travel for 6 months, you would go to Japan. Because I think
the culture and food in Japan is very good and I can watch the cherry
blossoms bloom, experience the cold feeling when it snows
14. What do you and your friends do on Valentine's Day?
I don't have a boyfriend so I'm spending this day with my best friend.
We tell each other stories, go out to eat and watch horror movies

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