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Hogsett Primary

Support, Structure, Success:

Behavior Development

Better Together
Staff Guidance

The mission of Hogsett Primary is to grow thinkers and learners

in a nurturing, structured, and positive environment.

Updated June 2023

Culture Crew
Our Culture Crew (PBIS Team) represents a wide range of roles in our school:

, Administrator
Coach, Special Education Teacher
, Spanish Teacher
, School Counselor
, Preschool Resource Teacher
, First Grade Teacher
, Kindergarten Teacher
, Kindergarten Teacher
, School Psychologist

Our PBIS Team (Culture Crew) meets every month to review data to determine what’s
working, what’s not working, and plan next steps. We regularly seek feedback from the
school and provide support to make our PBIS system successful including celebrating
Before School ● PBIS training with clear expectations for all areas, schoolwide
Begins systems of acknowledgement, consequences, and

First Week of ● Conduct student kick-off and celebration.

School ● Expectations taught by all staff and recorded on checklist
● Acknowledge appropriate student behavior and staff effort.

Monthly ● Culture Crew meeting: review data and update action plan.
● Celebrate success with staff.
● Provide staff with a summary of relevant data and support.
● Conduct student celebrations.
● Acknowledge appropriate student behavior and staff effort.

Each quarter ● Conduct a PBIS booster to review procedures.

Timeline guidance from Kentucky Center for Instructional Discipline.

Updated June 2023

All expectations are defined and supported with pictures and common language that aligns to
our three simple rules:

1. Be kind.

2. Work hard.

3. Stay safe.

For example, our hallway expectations are: (see attached matrix for all common areas)

Be kind. Work hard. Stay safe.

Keep hands and feet to self. Be quick and quiet Keep eyes forward.
Use kind words. (whisper). Walk.
Stay in place in line. Follow directions.
Give a wink, wave, or smile.

Students receive regular,explicit instruction on behavior expectations in all areas of school. The
following is a recommended template for teaching expectations:
1. Identify the expectation/expected behavior.
2. Provide a rationale for teaching the expectation.
3. Define a range of examples(examples and non-examples (non-examples should be
modeled by an adult)
4. Role play and/or describe activities for the expectation.
5. List methods to prompt or remind the expectation.
6. Describe what student success looks like/sounds like, etc.

All adults are expected to model school-wide expectations. School-wide system for students:

Updated June 2023

School-wide expectations
Be kind Work hard Stay safe

● Hands/feet to self ● Quick and quiet ● Eyes forward

Hallway ● Kind words (whisper) ● Walk on the right side
● Stay in place in line ● Follow directions ● Obey stop signs
● Wink, wave, smile

● Hands/feet to self ● Leave no trace ● Stay in fence

Playground/ ● Kind words ● Follow directions ● Stay in place teacher
recess says
● Follow playground rules

Classroom ● Hands/feet to self ● Leave no trace ● Feet on ground

● Kind words ● Follow directions ● Walk

Cafeteria ● Hands/feet to self ● Leave no trace ● Wash hands

● Kind words ● Follow directions ● Stay seated
● Touch only my food and ● Talking voice ● Raise hand for help
tray ● Keep food on my tray ● Walk
● Use manners

Restroom ● Respect privacy ● Leave no trace ● Walk

● Hands/feet to self ● Go, flush, wash ● Feet on the floor
● Kind words ● Quick and quiet
Field trips ● Hands/feet to self ● Leave no trace ● Stay with the adult
● Kind words ● Follow directions
● Use manners
Crew ● Hands/feet to self ● Follow directions ● Stay seated
Gathering ● Kind words ● Silent or whisper ● Raise hand for help

Bus ● Hands/feet to self ● Follow directions ● Seat to seat, back to

● Kind words ● Leave no trace back
● Talking ● Raise hand for help
Voice Level Expectations:
● Silent
● Whisper
● Talking
● Yelling (outside and sometimes in the gym)

Updated June 2023

School-wide mindfulness strategies

Updated June 2023

Students that meet and/or exceed expectations will be acknowledged regularly. Adult behavior
when providing acknowledgement is:
● Positive
● Specific, clear
● Applied immediately
● Teacher initiated
● Focused on improvement

Some ways that we will celebrate student success are:

Individual student: Classroom: School-wide:

● Recognition in Crew ● Game party ● Music in the

Gathering ● Popcorn party lunchroom
● Monthly award ● Recognition in Crew ● Popsicle party
● Crew member of the Gathering ● Silly sock day, etc.
week ● Sign for door ● Stickers
● Board meeting ● Headbands/necklaces ● Special guest
recognition ● Guest reader ● Weekly and monthly
● Leadership roles ● Lunch outside drawings for lunch
● Postcards home ● Notes to class reward or book
● Phone calls from ● Anchors from related vending machine
principal arts teachers
● Lunch with principal
● Stickers

Updated June 2023

Responding to Inappropriate Behavior
Adult behavior when providing correction is:
● Calm
● Consistent
● Brief
● Immediate
● Respectful

The continuum of strategies to respond to inappropriate behavior:

Correction Technique Words/actions an adult can use

Prompt Provide verbal and/or visual cue.

Redirect Restate the behavior expectation using the matrix or connect to

school rules.

Reteach State and demonstrate the behavior expectation using the matrix or
school rules, have the student demonstrate, and provide immediate

Provide Choice Give choice to accomplish the task in another location, about the
order of task completion, using alternate supplies to complete the
task, or a different type of activity that accomplishes the same
instructional objective.

Conference Describe the problem. Describe the alternative behavior. Tell why
the alternative is better. Practice. Provide feedback.

Specific student conference procedures:

1. Positive, private, using quiet voice
2. Describe the problem
3. Describe the alternative (what the student should do instead)
4. Tell why the alternative is better
5. Practice (student should tell and/or show)
6. Provide feedback.

**Per the Hogsett Wellness Policy: ¨A4. Students will not be deprived of physical activity as a
consequence for behavior or academic performance.¨

Updated June 2023

Problem behaviors are categorized as minor or major infractions. Clarification on how behaviors
are categorized, managed, and possible responses follow.

(classroom managed; (office managed)
follow classroom management plan)

Physical contact Physical aggression

Running in hall Running away (flight risk)
Inappropriate language (low-intensity) Inappropriate language (abusive)
Low intensity non-compliance/defiance Severe non-compliance/defiance
Minor/initial theft Repeated theft
Lying Bullying/Threatening to hurt others
Cheating Spitting on others, exposing self
Property damage Property damage (aggressive)

Possible Responses Possible Responses

Reteach/practice desired behavior Reflection sheet

Verbal warning Parent contact
Non-verbal cues Restitution
Change of seating Loss of privilege
Restitution Collaborate with School Resource Officer
Loss of privilege Work before returning to class
Time out Reteach time
Parent contact Suspension
FRC referral FRC referral
Counseling referral Counseling referral
Teacher trading Threat assessment
Yellow or red slip Office discipline referral
Parent contact Red slip

Updated June 2023

School-wide processes:
Teachers are expected to have clear behavior development plans within their classrooms
beyond these school-wide options.
Student action Forms/options Details

Exceptional individual Blue slip ● Blue - Given by classroom teacher

behavior ● Green - Given by adults other than
classroom teacher
Exceeds expectations ● Give to office before the end of the day
Green slip ● Announced during afternoon crew
● Documented as data for school (+/-)

Crew member of the ● Given by the classroom teacher to

week recognize a student who modeled the
crew goals for the week

Expected individual Praise or ● Anyone - verbal, gestures, sticker, etc.

behavior acknowledgement of
some kind
Meets expectations

Minor behavior Reteach, prompt, ● Can be given by any adult

remind, etc. ● Teachable moment

Minor repeated Yellow slip ● Can be given by any adult

behavior ● May do reflection

Reflection sheet ● Can be given by any adult

● Send home

Red slip ● Can be given by any adult

● Make two copies: one for teacher file and
one for Brittany Broach (send original
Major behavior ● Data kept for school (+/-)
● Must do reflection sheet and attach to
send home
● Call/reach out to parent

Office discipline ● Completed by/with a principal

referral ● Make two copies: one for teacher file, one
for Brittany Broach (send original home)
● Brittany enters into Infinite Campus
● Data kept for school
● Must do reflection sheet and attach with
copy sent home
● Phone call home

Updated June 2023

3 red slips in the same Reteach Time ● Scheduled by the teacher on M, W, Th
9 week grading period with the family with a reteach note and
or a more severe phone call.
incident ● Teachers do not supervise own students
● Follow guidance for reteach procedures
● Possible apology/social story specific to

Updated June 2023

Playground Expectations:
● Staff should be spread out across different zones of the playground, making sure that all
areas and children are within sight lines.
● Teachers should interact with children, helping them to interact with other students, play,
and prevent conflicts.
● When on the natural playground, keep students from climbing rocks.

Playground Rules:
● Mulch on ground
● Slides go down only
● Use equipment (balls, trucks, etc.) appropriately
● Swings go straight

Updated June 2023

Cafeteria Expectations (Lunch):
Before going to the cafeteria, students should be lined up by their lunch choice (all PBJs
together, yogurts together, etc.).

● With teacher supervision, each class will enter quietly through the left side of the
cafeteria entrance (lines on the floor are marked with arrows to show direction).
● Follow the lines on the floor to choose milk and juice and continue on to the serving line,
making food choices. (Students will not return to the serving line after being seated.)
● Enter lunch number.
● Walk to assigned tables.

Students are to eat while having quiet conversations with friends at their own table. Students
are not permitted to get up from their seats during lunch. If students need assistance he/she
must raise their hand for help. **Teacher is excused when students have been seated.

At the end of lunch period, students will:

● place any trash or food onto their tray and listen for directions. Pick up trash from the
floor. Monitor may ask that students push the trays toward one end of the table so that
trays can be dumped into trash cans.
● wait quietly for lining up directions. Students are to walk when directed to line up.

Students will line up quietly on the left side of the cafeteria entrance (lines on the floor are
marked with arrows to show direction) and return to their classroom.

Note: If a parent comes to eat with their student, they will eat at one of the small tables (or small
rooms) near the entrance. Only the student will be allowed to eat with their parent (no extra

Updated June 2023

Reteach Time Procedures:

● Cannot require parents to allow students to attend reteach time.

● Focus with parents on “reteach” and working together to improve behavior.
● Should be scheduled very close to the incident if possible. If there’s a long delay, it might
not be effective and other strategies should be used instead.
● Be mindful of undue burdens on family members.
● Three red slips in the same nine week grading period.
● Sometimes a major incident may lead to a reteach time.
● Teachers cover reteach time on a rotation schedule. If a teacher schedules reteach time
on a day that they are covering reteach time, they should swap dates with another
● If you get a reteach time scheduled, copy the note and give to the counselor including
attached copies of the red slips. This is very important so that the teacher can
accurately reteach the behavior.
● Teachers covering Reteach Time need to check with the counselor to see if there are
students staying. If there are, the teacher will pick up the binder and document the
reteach time.
● The teacher will discuss what alternative choices could have been made, read a social
story to support replacement behavior, and/or have the student write an apology.. If
possible, practice by modeling a situation. If there is any time afterward, there is some
work in the binder the child can complete until 3:30, focusing on the fact that the student
missed instructional time so this is a way to make that better.

Updated June 2023

Teacher: _________________________________

Beginning of School - Teaching of Expectations

Be kind Work hard Stay safe Date
● Hands/feet to ● Quick and quiet ● Eyes forward
Hallway self (whisper) ● Walk on the right
● Kind words ● Follow directions side
● Stay in place in ● Obey stop signs
● Wink, wave,
● Hands/feet to ● Leave no trace ● Stay in fence
Playground/ self ● Follow directions ● Stay in place teacher
● Kind words says
recess ● Follow playground

Classroom ● Hands/feet to ● Leave no trace ● Feet on ground

self ● Follow directions ● Walk
● Kind words

Cafeteria ● Hands/feet to ● Leave no trace ● Wash hands

self ● Follow directions ● Stay seated
● Kind words ● Talking voice ● Raise hand for help
● Touch only my ● Keep food on my ● Walk
food and tray tray
● Use manners

Restroom ● Respect privacy ● Leave no trace ● Walk

● Hands/feet to ● Go, flush, wash ● Feet on the floor
self ● Quick and quiet
● Kind words (whisper)

Crew ● Hands/feet to ● Follow directions ● Stay seated

Gathering self ● Silent or whisper ● Raise hand for help
● Kind words

Bus ● Hands/feet to ● Follow directions ● Seat to seat, back to

self ● Leave no trace back
● Kind words ● Talking ● Raise hand for help
● Save all food for
Voice Levels Red - Silent Yellow - Whisper Green - Talking

Updated June 2023

Teacher: _________________________________

January Reteach of Expectations

Be kind Work hard Stay safe Date
● Hands/feet to ● Quick and quiet ● Eyes forward
Hallway self (whisper) ● Walk on the right
● Kind words ● Follow directions side
● Stay in place in ● Obey stop signs
● Wink, wave,
● Hands/feet to ● Leave no trace ● Stay in fence
Playground/ self ● Follow directions ● Stay in place teacher
● Kind words says
recess ● Follow playground

Classroom ● Hands/feet to ● Leave no trace ● Feet on ground

self ● Follow directions ● Walk
● Kind words

Cafeteria ● Hands/feet to ● Leave no trace ● Wash hands

self ● Follow directions ● Stay seated
● Kind words ● Talking voice ● Raise hand for help
● Touch only my ● Keep food on my ● Walk
food and tray tray
● Use manners

Restroom ● Respect privacy ● Leave no trace ● Walk

● Hands/feet to ● Go, flush, wash ● Feet on the floor
self ● Quick and quiet
● Kind words (whisper)

Crew ● Hands/feet to ● Follow directions ● Stay seated

Gathering self ● Silent or whisper ● Raise hand for help
● Kind words

Bus ● Hands/feet to ● Follow directions ● Seat to seat, back to

self ● Leave no trace back
● Kind words ● Talking ● Raise hand for help
● Save all food for

Voice Levels Red - Silent Yellow - Whisper Green - Talking

Updated June 2023

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