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Memorandum of Law on Ecclesiastical Societies

As a Distinct and Sovereign Jurisdiction

Judicial Notice by Affidavit
FRCP ER 103(b); ER 103(2); Judicial Notice ER 201 et. seq.
Ecclesiastical Societies
As a Distinct and Sovereign Jurisdiction

T he Good kelly – russell, sui juris, a Private Man with status, not character as to a person
and with intent not a juristic person:
“Omnis persona est homo, sed non vicissim,” every person is a
man, but not every man is a person. “Homo vocabulum est naturae,
persona juris civilis,” man is a term of nature, person is a term of civil
(Broom’s Maxims, 1848 ed.);
nor a corporate being; as a scholar of American and Church history cites the historical record and
experience of the Inaugural President (presider of the Covenant) of the Untied States of America,
who presided over the Continental Congress to protect and preserve the un-a-lien-able Rights of
one to embrace and exercise, unencumbered, the tenets of the Christian Covenant, Law and
proper federal protocol of our Holy Writ; to which Petitioner subscribes as a consecrated
Christian-class Citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven, Ephesians 2:19—a class of Citizen in which
President George Washington was found and served in exemplary manner as a Lay Leader and
Church Warden to preserve morality in the community and society.
Ecclesiastical Societies are Private, Protected1 and Sovereign States2. We saints have
more than a purpose, we have a destiny—which implies a destination. While purpose is
temporal destiny is eternal (Jude 14, 15). God’s will is already achieved in Heaven (Mt. 6:10), it
is man’s duty to effect the same “on earth as it is in Heaven.”
During Creation Week creation was at rest (perfect) because creation’s order was aligned
with the Creator’s orders. Further, Paradise was created in enemy-occupied territory as earth is
Satan’s domain since his rebellion. Jesus, our Prince of Peace, instructs the saints to come out
from secular jurisdictions and be separate (2 Cor. 6:14). The root of our response-ibility is
response to the Covenant. God has set our government (1 Cor. 12:28)—we are Christ, “His
Christ” (Acts 4:26; The Revelation 11:15, 12:10) and partakers of divinity @ Pt. 1:4).
King David exclaimed in the record of our Holy Writ at Psalm 24 that from the
foundation of the seas to the mountain tops the earth is the LORD’s and everything in it; all the
people belong to Him—not any government created by man in deference to God’s order, such is
peonage. In fact, this Psalm is language of government, including Heaven’s Armies (v. 10 NLT,
cf. Lk. 2:13).
Nations that disregard our Creator’s orders do so to their own peril, deceive
themselves and are directed toward failure by God; even their pagan armies cannot save the
nation (33: 10f). He is our hope, help and shield. Profane nations, despite sacred mandates, that
conduct affairs as secular jurisdictions do not have the authority to exercise jurisdiction over a
sacred venue3.

Hosanna-Tabor Evangelical Lutheran Church and School v. E.E.O.C., et al, 132 S. Ct. 694 (no. 10-553)
Convention of Rights and Duties of States 49 Stat 3097 T.S. 881 26 December, 1934, Article 2-3
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We operate under the Most High God Amighty’s Psalm 91:1) laws by His Covenant,
natural law, and not the world’s operation of the Babylonian Hammurabi Code or Admiralty
Law. Therefore, it is a trespass and a tort on God Almighty’s laws and His subjects when
Christians are compelled to comply with private, substantive statutory law repugnant to the
tenets of our Holy Writ and conscience, in violation of the restraints upon the United States
pursuant to the Free Exercise Clause 4. The Head of our State is The King of Kings to who our
allegiance is a covenantal obligation. He is our Sovereign, not any Admiral. We occupy the
same soil a U.S. citizens as Non Resident Alien5 Men and Women—Citizens of Heaven,
Ephesians 2:19. Christians are as defined born out of the jurisdiction of the United States and not
naturalized under the constitution and laws6
As President—thus, presider of the Covenant—of the organic United States of America,
George Washington, a devout Lay Leader in his Ecclesiastical Society, delivered the following
statement to the general assembly representing the United Baptists of Virginia;
If I could have entertained the slightest apprehension that the Constitution framed by
the Convention, where I had the honor to preside, might possibly endanger the rights of any
ecclesiastical Society, certainly I would have never put my signature to it.7
That organic Constitution, as America’s Charter, is a deliberate restraining order on
the Federal Government. It regulates the government as a service agency with limited authority
granted by the Sovereign republic States while retaining their respective Sovereignty; just as the
republic States are service agencies to the Sovereign “We the People,” where all sovereignty
resides8. Further, to emphasize the point: the ten limiting articles of amendment attached
thereto as the Bill of Rights all limit government—not the People.
As an Ordained Minister for our Wonderful Prince of Peace who holds a Master’s Degree
pursuant to His mission of Peace, and a Foreign Minister 9 occupying an Office as Head of State
of an Ecclesiastical Society of non-denominational Christian Assemblies of peaceful, non-
belligerent, foreign neutral men and women 10, this writer is an active assemblyman of his
republic State National Ecclesiastical Society, thus a non-corporate being without this state
(District of Columbia territory)11, The corporate STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA D.U.N.S. ®
no. is 06-700-6072.
Pontius Pilate did not have jurisdiction over Jesus. Pilate brought this to the attention of
Jesus’ sacred society that had conducted and albeit mock trial. Further, he referred the matter up-
line in his secular jurisdiction though it was remanded back to Pilate. Finally, he extended an
offer of grace to avoid executing Jesus. When all of his efforts failed he turned the matter back
over to the appropriate venue which had proper jurisdiction and publically washed his hands of
the matter, for “every jurisdiction has its bounds (Broom’s Maxims, 1848 ed.).
Approximately 300 years ago Puritan and Separatist-Pilgrim Ecclesiastical Societies,
chartered as decentralized local assembly venues (ecclesia, Gk.; body politic), self-governed by

Bill of Rights, 1791, Article in Amendment I
Westin, Richard, Lexicon of Tax Terminology, Wiley Law Publications, New York
26 USC § 7701 (b) 1B; neither a United States citizen or a permanent resident
Writings of George Washington, vol. XII, p. 154.
Miller v. US, 230 F 2d 486, 489;
18 USC §§ 112, 1116; 22 § 254 (d), Vienna Convention Public Law 95-393, 1978 Diplomatic Relations Act, HR
7819 § 5
Geneva Convention IV 1949
SCCL 19 § 19-19-20
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the Covenant of our Holy Writ, established themselves on America’s shores after having signed
the Mayflower Compact claiming our land for Jesus and the furtherance of the Gospel.
Upon giving up on England’s inversion of scriptural federal protocol, these Ecclesiastical
Societies had good reason as a tenet of their Christian faith to sail specifically to our shores.
Over 200 years prior, the German Monk. Martin Waldesmuller, began marking maps of our land,
“Emerick”[a], e derivation of the German word himmelriech which means “Kingdom of
Heaven.”12 Our land had been known for centuries as the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and was
steeled with charters in hand with the intent to invoke the Christian Covenant of our Holy Writ.
The Government of God referenced above at Psalm 24 is headed by our Wonderful
Prince of Peace, His Son—the child given to us (Isaiah 9:6, 7)—and shouldered by those of His
body given authority to do so by the elect. It is described, ordained, mandated and to the Prophet
Moses by his father-in-law as Moses led God’s covenant People toward nationhood (Exodus
18:13f). The Ten principles that serve as the foundation of society were personally written in
stone by the finger of God. The mandate taught to Moses was taught by Moses at Deuteronomy
1:9f—in the Book of the Covenant—for emphasis. It is republican in form and style of
governance with inherent common law courts, judges, and assembly venues. Further, the only
record of a tripartite character in human history is recorded by the Prophet Isaiah at chapter 33,
verse 22, judicial, legislative and executive branches all sourced in the Father of Creation!
Approximately 230 years ago, after having served as Church Warden to ensure a
moral society, George Washington, constitutionalized the Christian Covenant for
perpetuity and went on record, May 10, 1789, as having established America, the Kingdom
of Heaven on earth, as the world’s asylum for the religiously and politically persecuted.
The Apostle Paul addressed the distinct bounds of the secular and sacred jurisdictions at 1
Corinthians 5:12-6: 7 (NAB);
Why should I be judging outsiders? Is it not your business to judge those within?...How
can any one of you with a case against another bring it to the unjust for judgment instead of to the
holy ones?...Do you not know that we will judge angels? Then why not everyday matters? If
therefore, you have courts for everyday matters, do you seat as judges people of no standing in the
church? I say this to shame you.
George Mason:
All acts of legislature apparently contrary to natural right and just are, in our laws, and must be in the
nature of things, considered as VOID. The laws of nature are the laws of God; whose authority can be
superseded by no power on earth. A legislature must not obstruct our obedience to him from whose
punishments they cannot protect us. All human constitutions which contradict his laws, we are in conscience
bound to disobey. Such have been the adjudications of our courts of Justice.13
Personae is specific to the secular Roman civil law, not God’s law to which Apostle Paul
bound himself. The Constitution of the United States of America at Article I section 2 references
slaves as person. For believers of the tenets of the Christian faith to forego their Law of Two
Masters articulated by our Wonderful Prince of Peace by acquiescing to an inferior 14 th
Amendment §§ 3 and 4 subject responsible for a contrived private corporate debt of the United
States14 is to commit spiritual treason to which one cannot be compelled15 to commit. The word
person(ae) did not have the meaning in Roman Civil Law that homo (man) did; it is a particular

George Washington’s Sacred Fire, Peter Lillback, Providence Forum Press, Bryn Mawr, 2006 p. 1085
Robin v. Hardaway, 1 Va. (Jeff.) 109 (Va. Gen’l .Ct. 1772)
28 USC § 3002 (15) (a); Act of 1871 41st Congress
U.S. v. Will et al, 66 L. Ed. 2d 392 pp. 405-407

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reference to artificial beings (persons). To COMPEL Christians to operate as a resident of the
U. S. as a person is a Violation of the U.S. commune’s 13th Amendment restraint.
Violations of the Free Exercise Clause in the First through Fourteenth Amendments
to said Constitution which effectively penalizes the free exercise of cardinal principles of one’s
religious faith and constitutional liberties is squarely addressed by the Supreme Court upon
overturning the Supreme Court of South Carolina.16
The door of the Free Exercise Clause stands tightly closed against any Government
regulation of religious beliefs as such. Governments may neither compel affirmation of a repugnant
belief, nor penalize or discriminate against individuals or groups because they hold religious views
abhorrent to the authorities…” The government has an obligation of neutrality and equal protection.
Many people hold beliefs alien to the majority of our society—beliefs that are protected by the First
Amendment but which could easily be trod upon under the guise of ‘police’ or ‘health’ regulations
reflecting the majority views.17
Justice Douglas concurring, “The harm is the interference with the individual’s scruples or
conscience—an important area of privacy which the First Amendment fences off from
government. The interference here is as plain as it is in Soviet Russia, where a churchgoer is
given a second-class citizenship.
Justice Stewart concurring, I am convinced that no liberty is more essential to the vitality of the
free society which our Constitution guarantees by the Free Exercise Clause explicit in the First
Amendment and embedded in the Fourteenth…I think our Constitution commands the positive
protection by government of religious freedom—not only for the minority, however small—not
only for the majority, however large, but for each of us.”

Also look at memo on religious liberty

Sherbert v. Werner, 374 U.S., 398
Toward Benevolent Neutrality, Church, State and the Supreme Court¸ Miller Flowers Markham Press Waco
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