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Case Study - Parker Fudd

Ryan McGeown
Brock University
March 28th 2023

Dear, Mr. L. Fudd,

We appreciate your interest in Brock University and our course to assist with Parker's evaluation. We
would be happy to work with you to identify what we can do to help Parker reach his greatest potential. I think
it is very vital that you have gone out to help Parker improve on his shortcomings, as doing so at a young age
is necessary to prevent future health issues, according to my understanding of the rate and tempo of an average
child's growth and development. To provide Parker with the best options, we reviewed every piece of
information that was provided to us.
I measured Parker's information to compare him to other boys his age using the data from the Niagara
Area Growth and Development Center. Parker is late maturing in many anatomical categories, including
height, weight gain per year, leg length, and biacromial breadth, but was an early maturer in a few, including
weight, fat percentage, and BMI. Parker stands roughly 15 cm shorter than the majority of boys his age,
making him a short guy for his age. He may experience a late growth spurt, but as of now, he is expected to
achieve his maximum height of 163 cm by the time he is 19 years old. Even though he gains around 3 kg less
than he should be each year, he is 11 kg heavier than other boys his age. Although his muscle mass and bone
mineral content are exactly where they should be for his age, a 3.5 kg weight gain is more normal for
16-year-old boys than 15-year-old boys, presumably indicating that he is an early maturer. Although BMI is
unreliable in youngsters because it rises with age, Parker's BMI is relatively high because he is roughly at the
95th percentile. Because BMI is more frequently used for adults, it is typically employed as a screening tool
rather than a diagnostic tool for children's health. Parker developed his catching and hitting abilities
substantially above the average for his age group in terms of motor skills. Parker is a somewhat late maturer in
vertical leap, flexibility, and agility because his scores were slightly below the norm. Parker has average grip
strength, although his pull strength was a little lower than that of other boys Parker's age. He has exceptional
anaerobic power, scoring 1400 J above the mean when looking at his muscle endurance. His results also imply
that he has less abdominal endurance than the majority of 15-year-old boys because he performed 4 less sit-ups
than the usual mean. The last category looked at boys in his age group's percentiles of perceptual ability.
Parker's scores in all of the perceptual ability areas were well above average, indicating that he excelled in this
area. Overall, Parker only needs to work on a few things to ensure that he doesn't have any difficulties in the
future and can realize all of his movement potentials.
I've drawn inferences about what sports and activities would be beneficial for Parker based on
his statistics. Parker should pick up tennis again as one of his sports. First off, Paker is exceptionally
skilled at striking the ball with the racket (98 percentile, placing him in the top 2% of male
15-year-olds), which is a must for playing tennis. Second, he will be able to serve the ball with more
force and velocity than the other average boys his age, thanks to his strong anaerobic power. (BBC,
2023). Finally, considering his age and gender, he has excellent perceptive ability. Tennis is the sport in
which perceptual ability or talent is most frequently applied. (Kent, 2007). Baseball is a further
suggestion from me. In contrast to tennis, the skill to catch is crucial. Fortunately, Parker not only ranks
in the top 2% for striking but also in the top 4% for catching. This implies that when the ball is hit or
thrown toward him, he will be able to catch it well. His tremendous anaerobic power and striking
ability will enable him to be a good hitter at the bat. Although the distance of his throw is now average
for his age, I think that with the right mechanics and the usage of his strong anaerobic power, he might
also develop into an excellent thrower in baseball. Parker will become a stronger hitter thanks to his
perceptual skill in baseball as well. Your ability to anticipate the best time to swing the bat may be
directly tied to your eye alignment, depth perception, and bat-swinging skills. If your eyes are not
pointed precisely where the ball is, your brain will perceive the ball as being farther away than it is.
(Fitzgerald 2019).
Parker's physical and motor skills have generally developed well. To lose weight, I would
suggest a regimen that combines exercise and muscular growth. Studies show that combining the two is
best for enhancing overall health, developing muscle, and reducing body fat. If you want to give both
activities your complete attention, try doing your cardio and weightlifting on different days to give
your body time to rest in between sets. (Livingston, 2020). He was found to be slightly weak in overall
flexibility, which can be improved by adding some stretches before or after the workouts. Parker might
no longer be interested in sports and physical activities; after all, not all kids are. Even so, it's crucial
that he is provided with the healthy foods, rest, and social networks he needs to develop into the
successful young adult he will be (Algonquin College, 2016). I wish you luck, so please think about
what I've said and, if necessary, ask for my or other people's assistance.


(Winter, 2023)


Feature Result Support Assessment

Name: Parker Fudd

None Needed Here

Sex Male
Race Caucasian
Chronological (Decimal) Age 15.2 years
very below, just above 5th percentile (50th percentile at
Height 158 cm p. 56
173 cm)
Height gain per year 7 cm p. 61 At mean height gain for his age
Roughly the 80th percentile, fairly heavier than the mean
Weight 68 kg p. 58
low weight gain for his age. normal weight gain for a 15
Weight gain per year 3.5 kg p. 61
year old male is 6-7 kg
Muscle mass 27 kg p. 150 At mean muscle mass for his age
Total bone mineral content 2400 grams p. 132 At mean total bone mineral content
p. 113
% fat 20 % 3% over the mean of 17% for 15 year old males
p. 65
BMI 27 kg/m2 very above, bmi on the 95th percentile

Leg length 73 cm p. 68 Legs are roughly 7cm smaller than the mean of 80cm
Biacromial breadth is roughly 5 cm shorter than the mean
Biacromial (Shoulder) Breadth 33 cm p. 68
of 38 cm
Arm circumference 28 cm p. 69 At mean average (28 cm)
Calf circumference 36 cm p. 69 At mean average (36 cm)
Motor Skills
Vertical Jump 42 cm p. 221 Vertical jump 3cm lower that the mean of 45cm
Standing Long Jump 200 cm p. 221 at mean average (200 cm)
Throwing for Distance 50 m p. 221 at mean average (50 cm)
Running Speed (30 yards) 4.0 seconds p. 222 at mean average (4.0 seconds)
just below mean average by 0.7 seconds. Mean average
Agility (Shuttle run) 9.3 seconds p. 222
for 15 year old males is 10 seconds
below flexibility mean by roughly 5 cm. mean average is
Flexibility (Sit and Reach) 17.5 cm p. 223
Catching (%tile by sex) 96 Very above the mean percentile
Striking (%tile by sex) 98 Very above the mean percentile

Grip Strength 40 kg p. 219 At average mean (40 kg)

Pull strength 35 kg p. 219 pull strength 5 kg weaker than a average mean (40 kg)
Muscle Endurance
roughly 2 seconds shorter than average mean (32
Flexed Arm Hang 30 seconds p. 220
Abdominals (Sit-ups) 38/minute p. 220 4 less than average mean (42/minute)
1400 J above the average mean. Average mean sitting at
Anaerobic Power (10 sec.) 5500 J p. 259
4100 J
1 ml/kg min less than the average mean for 15 year old
Max. Aerobic Power (VO2 max) 53.5 ml/kg.min p. 243
Canadian males.
Pubic Hair Status (U.S. White) PH2 p. 312 No assessment needed for this (PH stage 2 of 5)
Bone Age 14 years younger than his age group
Perceptual Ability (%tile by sex)
Perceptual Integration 90 Very above the mean percentile
Fine Motor Integration 98 Very above the mean percentile
Temporal Awareness 80 Fairly above the mean percentile
Bi-Lateral Integration
95 Very above the mean percentile

* Please Note: All of the page numbers listed are from Malina et al. (2004) and are in the “Charts for the Case Study” file in
the Case Study folder on Sakai. *As explained in lecture, percentiles do not require a chart as they can be interpreted as is.


The 10 Best Things You Can Do for Your Mental and Physical Health. (2016, May 11). Algonquin College.

Retrieved March 28, 2023, from

BBC & BITESIZE. (n.d.). Anaerobic respiratory system - Aerobic and anaerobic exercise - OCR - GCSE

Physical Education Revision - OCR. BBC. Retrieved March 28, 2023, from

Kent, M. (2007). The Oxford Dictionary of Sports Science & Medicine. Oxford Reference. Retrieved March

28, 2023, from


Livingston, M. (2020, February 27). Cardio before or after weight lifting: Which one is better for weight loss?

CNET. Retrieved March 28, 2023, from

2019, Dynamic Visual Skills for Sports, International Sports Vision Association and DeAnn Fitzgerald, OD.

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