Lab 1

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Name: ______________

Student ID: ______________

Lab #1: Qualitative and Quantitative Analyses

You should fill out the lab report in one of two ways:
1. Bring a paper copy of the handout to your lab session and write out your answers on the
handout. At the end of your lab, take a photo of each page of the handout and convert the
photos to a single PDF file. You can use or any other
appropriate software to convert your photos to a single PDF file. If you choose this option,
make sure that you write clearly and that your photos are of high enough resolution so that the
TA can easily read your answers.
2. Type out your answers directly on this handout and then convert the completed Word
document, as well as any other required attachments, to a single PDF file.

Submit your completed lab report via the Assignments tab on Brightspace. The lab report is due 24
hours after the end of your lab session. The lab report must be in the form of a single PDF file with the
filename in the form of LastName_FirstName.pdf (e.g., Smith_John.pdf).

Two biomechanical principles that are the foundation of successful movement performance are the
principle of summation of joint force and the principle of continuity of joint force. These principles refer
to the importance of (i) adding together forces from as many muscles as possible to maximize the
amount of “push” and (ii) timing forces from these different muscles to produce a flowing, continuous
movement, respectively. When joint movements are optimized and coordinated, this results in a
greater speed in the most distal body part (e.g., the hand holding the ball, the foot in contact with the
ball, etc.), leading to better performance (Figure 1).

elbow Figure 1: Schematic diagram of how

wrist segment velocities summate (add up).
Each curve represents the movement of a
shoulder different joint. (a) co-ordination at peak
velocity of each segment results in
maximum summation and performance; (b)
co-ordination occurring before peak
velocity leads to decreased performance;
(c), co-ordination occurring after peak
velocity leads to decrease performance.
Adapted from: Gowitzke and Milner (1980).
Understanding the scientific bases of
human movement. Baltimore, MD:
(a) (b) (c) Williams & Wilkins.

For this lab, you will examine how the principles of "summation of joint force” and “continuity of joint
force” contribute to throwing performance.

KINE 3P10 (Fall 2023)

The Edinburgh Handedness Inventory Questionnaire assesses the dominance of a person's right or
left hand in everyday activities. It is scored on a “laterality index (LI)” scale from -100 to +100, where a
-100 score indicates that the person is extremely left-hand dominant, and a +100 score indicates that
the person is extremely right-hand dominant.

Prior to your lab session, determine your laterality index score by completing the Edinburgh
Handedness Inventory Questionnaire ( and attach
a copy of your questionnaire results to your lab report (1 mark).

Form into groups of three or four students. Each group member will perform an overhand throw while
other group members observe the sequencing and co-ordination of limb movements as well as
measure and record the distance the beanbag travels. Each group member will perform three throws
for each of the following conditions:
1. Throws with the dominant arm/hand
a. Using only wrist flexion (i.e., wrist flick)
b. Using only elbow extension and wrist flexion
c. Using only shoulder rotation, elbow extension and wrist flexion
2. Repeat steps 1a-c using the non-dominant arm/hand

1. For each throwing condition, calculate the average distance thrown (in meters) by each group
member (i.e., add the distances of the three throws and divide by three).
2. For each throwing condition, calculate your group average (i.e., add up the individual group
members’ average and divide by the number of group members).
3. Convert the group’s average throwing distance to the specified units. In the space provided, show
how you converted the units for the “wrist” and the “shoulder, elbow & wrist” distances.
4. Calculate the % difference in throwing distance between your dominant and non-dominant arms
for the “shoulder, elbow & wrist” throwing condition. The % difference is calculated as:
(average distance with dominant arm – average distance with non-dominant arm) ÷ (average
distance with non-dominant arm) x 100
Obtain each student’s laterality index and % difference scores. Plot the class results in Figure 2.


Table 1: Distance thrown using the dominant hand. (1 mark)

Throw Throw Throw Throw Throw Throw Throw Throw Throw
Avg. Avg. Avg.
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3

Group average: in meters in meters in meters

Group average: in millimeters in centimeters in kilometers

KINE 3P10 (Fall 2023) 2

Table 2: Distance thrown using the non-dominant hand. (1 mark)
Throw Throw Throw Throw Throw Throw Throw Throw Throw
Avg. Avg. Avg.
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3

Group in meters in meters in meters

Group in millimeters in centimeters in kilometers

Show your work for the “wrist” condition unit conversion (dominant hand): (1 mark)

Show your work for the “shoulder, elbow & wrist” condition unit conversion (non-dominant hand): (1

Show your work for your % difference calculation: (1 mark)

KINE 3P10 (Fall 2023) 3

Figure 2: Relationship between the strength of handedness (laterality index) and percent difference in
throwing performance between the dominant and non-dominant arms. Each data point should
represent one student. Make sure you label the y- axis scale. (1 mark)

1. For the throws involving the non-dominant hand, compare the average distance thrown as
additional joints were added to the motion. Was the distance always greater when more joints
were involved? Explain why your results are expected or not expected based on your current
understanding of biomechanics. Which biomechanical principle helps to explain your results? (3

KINE 3P10 (Fall 2023) 4

2. Qualitatively describe how the throwing motion differed during the “shoulder, elbow & wrist”
condition when someone threw with their dominant compared to their non-dominant hand. What
does it mean when a movement is uncoordinated or not smooth? (2 marks)

3. (i) Based on the class data, describe how the laterality index was related to the amount of
difference in throwing performance between the dominant and non-dominant arms. (1 mark)

(ii) Explain why this relationship occurs (note: if a clear relationship was not observed in the class
data, explain how laterality and difference in performance should be related). Which principle of
biomechanics helps to explain your results? (2 marks)

4. Aside from visual information, how might you use other senses to qualitatively assess the throwing
motion? Provide a specific example. (1 mark)

KINE 3P10 (Fall 2023) 5

5. Excluding those used in lab today, identify three joint movements that could be incorporated into
the throwing technique to further improve throwing distance. (1 mark)

6. If your student ID number is an even number, do question (a). If your student ID number is an odd
number, do question (b). Show enough work so that it is clear how you obtained your answer. (2

a) You throw the beanbag at an angle (θ) of 63° with a resultant velocity of 7.9 cm/s. Using
trigonometry and the diagram below, determine how fast (in mm/min) the beanbag is thrown in the
horizontal and vertical directions (i.e., horizontal and vertical velocities, respectively).

b) You throw the beanbag at an angle (θ) of 24° with a resultant velocity of 3.2 cm/s. Using
trigonometry and the diagram below, determine how fast (in km/h) the beanbag is thrown in the
horizontal and vertical directions (i.e., horizontal and vertical velocities, respectively).



KINE 3P10 (Fall 2023) 6

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