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Week 5 Submission Task 5.

1: Create a design solution

You will be asked to draw upon the content from this task in the upcoming AoS 1
Outcome 1 SAC – keep all evidence of your work saved to your computer.

Thoroughly complete ALL of the Submission Tasks for the

given week before submitting to your teacher.
Please be sure to label your document with your name and
keep a copy of this work.

This week’s Submission Task requires you to:

• To create a design solution for a design brief using the design process. Follow each
step in the template below.

• We recommend you refer back to the Week 1 chapter on design process and review
it thoroughly before attempting this task.

• Remember to complete your photographic verification template with this submission.

This task is designed to help you understand the following key knowledge and key skills.

Key knowledge
• The principles of research in the development of the Australian Dietary Guidelines and
Australian Guide to Healthy Eating, including recognition of credible sources, evidence-
based information and accurate analysis of data
• The nutritional rationale of the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating, with particular focus
on the ways in which food selection can assist in the prevention of obesity and related
lifestyle diseases
• Reasons for differences in dietary requirements, considering factors including age, sex,
pregnancy and lactation and activity levels.

Key skills
• Justify the science behind why the Australian Dietary Guidelines and the Australian
Guide to Healthy Eating are credible sources of dietary information

• Discuss the nutritional rationale of the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating

• Apply the healthy eating recommendations of the Australian Dietary Guidelines and
Australian Guide to Healthy Eating to the planning of daily food intake and, through
practical activities, create nutritious meals to cater for a diverse range of needs.
You are required to plan a day of meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks) for one
member of a family who is interested in the your knowledge of the Australian Dietary
Guidelines and Australian Guide to Healthy Eating.

Select ONE of the following individuals:

• grandfather, aged 73
• grandmother, aged 73
• father aged 40
• mother aged 40
• sister aged 22
• brother aged 22
• pre-teen daughter aged 11
• pre-teen son aged 11

The day of meals must meet AGHE recommendations on:

• serves and sizes

• enable your individual to maintain a healthy weight.

From this investigation you are to produce one of the meals from your investigation.
Remember to include any dietary requirements in your design. You are then to complete
a sensory analysis describing the taste, texture, appearance and aroma of your dish.
Part 1: The Design Brief

Part 2: Investigate

1. List the requirements for your individual according to the Australian Guide to Healthy

My individual is:

Pre teen 11 yr old

Grains 6

Vegetables and legumes 5

Fruit 2

Milk and milk alternatives 2

Meat and meat alternatives 3

Discretionary foods Processed food

2. Explain how and why these recommendations are beneficial to the health of your
selected individual with reference to the dietary requirements of your selected

It meets all need and is a good middle where it can give and take

3. Conduct research to allow you to plan a day of meals that meets the design brief. Ensure
you list each individual ingredient of your meals (including amounts) so that you can
show calculations of number of serves for each food group.

Grains Veg/ Fruit Meat Milk group Discreti

legumes group onary

Breakfast Oat Baked beans Banana Eggs Milk Salami

Lunch Lego bread Any Apple Chicken Yogurt Hot

vegetables chips

Dinner Fe ucine Any Pear Fish Rico a So

vegetables drink
Snacks Crumpet Capsicum Peach Tuna Cheese Cupcak
Part 3: Design a recipe

4. Select one of your meals and develop a recipe for that meal. Place the recipe in the
template below.

Annotate your recipe to demonstrate the following:

- How it meets Australian Dietary Guidelines, guideline 2

- How it meets Australian Dietary Guidelines, guideline 3
Part 4: Produce and provide evidence

Produce your chosen meal using your recipe. You are required to provide photographic
verification using the photographic verification template.

Take the following images of your practical work and insert the images into the template over
the next pages:

Take the following images of your prac cal work and insert the images into the template over
the next pages:

a. Three photos of how you can perform two technical skills or key processes relevant to your
recipe. (For examples of key processes/technical skills refer back to week 1 of the course)
b. Two photos of how you use equipment safely
c. One photo of how you demonstrate good personal hygiene
d. One photo of you maintaining a clean kitchen
e. One photo of you demonstra ng the appropriate and safe way to store food
f. A nal image of your food, showing skills in the presenta on of the nal product.
g. Please copy and paste your recipe into the nal page. This should include ingredients and
the recipe method.

The template over the next pages has been provided to help you submit your photographic
evidence. Insert the image into the space provided and write a descrip on of what each image
is showing underneath the image.

Recipe Name:

Photo 1- Technical skills or processes Photo 2-Technical skills or processes

Explanation of Technical skill in this photo: Explanation of Technical skill in this photo:

Photo 3- Technical skill or processes Photo 4- safe use of appropriate equipment

Explanation of Technical skill in this photo: Explanation of the safe use of appropriate equipment:

Photo 5- safe use of appropriate equipment Photo 6- demonstration of personal hygiene

Explanation of the safe use of appropriate equipment: Explanation of demonstration of personal hygiene:

Photo 7- how you are maintaining a clean kitchen Photo 8- appropriate and safe way to store food

Explanation of how you are maintaining a clean kitchen Explanation appropriate and safe way to store food

A final image of your food. Explain how you displayed skills in the presentation of the final product.
Part 5: Analyse and Evaluate

Complete a sensory analysis of your meal. Refer back to week 1 sensory descriptors use at
least 3 per box.

Appearance Aroma Texture Taste

a) Did the meal you cook provide you with a sense of satiety? Explain.

b) Is Is the chosen meal that you have cooked suitable for someone who is pregnant?
Explain why or why not?

c) Explain how and why your chosen meal enables your individual to maintain a healthy

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