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Proposed Amendments

6) A Proposed Referal to the Executive for an Amendment to the Constitution Regarding Party Membership Proposed by Don Nicholls, Oshawa Date: 12/09/2011 As this is a referal around a constitutional question to a committee that in this case will not have the power to act, it does not require a 2/3 vote WHEREAS the Socialist Party of Ontario welcomes both Members and supporters to our cause; and WHEREAS our Party requires a defined Membership base of support; and WHEREAS the cost of Membership should not be a deterrent to becoming a Member of the Socialist Party of Ontario. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED That the Executive be instructed to prepare a recommendations which identifies various levels of Membership (eg; Low wage/Unemployed; Regular, Sustaining); and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEDThat these recommendations come before the next general meeting of the Membership, either the Policy Assembly or Annual Convention; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Executive support these initiatives with the necessary proposed Constitutional Amendments 7) A Proposed Constitutional Amendment to Article 6.1 Proposed by Don Nicholls, Oshawa Date: 12/09/2011 For consideration as an amendment to the Party Constitution (Pls. note all amendments must pass by a 2/3 vote) 6.1 Delete: This must be done at a public nomination meeting at which Change; any to Any Add: Each RA Executive is free to determine the method of candidate selection be it a nomination meeting, mail-in ballot or electronic means as long as the ballot is secret and required notice is provided. The Party Organizing Co-ordinator may act as Chief Returning Officer. The method must be approved by the Executive and as long as it is secret, democratic and not in violation of this Constitution approval will not be unreasonably withheld. Appeal to the Convention or Policy Assembly will be available. 10) Constitutional Amendment Proposed by Don Nicholls, Oshawa Date: 18/10/2011 For consideration as an amendment to the Party Constitution (Pls. note all amendments must pass by a 2/3 vote) Proposal to add to Clause 6:2 Nomination for Candidates for Election

All nominations must be decided by at least 50% plus 1. (Add): Should there only be one declared candidate the candidate requires endorsation from the RA who will conduct a secret ballot to Nominate or to Not Nominate. 9) Constitutional Amendment Proposed by Don Nicholls, Oshawa Date: 18/10/2011 For consideration as an amendment to the Party Constitution (Pls. note all amendments must pass by a 2/3 vote) Proposal to amend 5.7 and the meeting must be open to the public. The partys Membership Secretary may, if she chooses, send an observer . Change to and the meeting must be open to the public the Partys Membership Secretary, may, if hey so choose, send an observer .: 19) Three Constitutional Amendements Proposed by Ken Ranney, Peterborough Date: 09/11/2011 For consideration as an amendment to the Party Constitution (Pls. note all amendments must pass by a 2/3 vote) Democracy within the Socialist Party of Ontario Whereas now, in the formative years of this party, is the time to lay the basis for distinguishing this party from other parties, all of which have come to be dominated by their hierarchies over time; Therefore be it resolved that the e-mail addresses of all party members be available to all other party members, with an option for any member to decline; and Be it further resolved that resolutions committees, with power to select resolutions for discussion at Policy Assemblies and conventions, be forbidden; and Be it further resolved that minutes of all (central party) executive meetings be e-mailed to all members. Please note that if adopted these will added as articles to the Constitution in the appropriate sections. 29) A Proposed Amendment to Clause 7:4 of the Constitution Proposed by Michael Laxer, Toronto Date: 10/11/2011 For consideration as an amendment to the Party Constitution (Pls. note all amendments must pass by a 2/3 vote) Be it hereby resolved that Clause 7:4 of the Constitution be amended so that the requirement that party members be given three weeks notice of Executive meetings be changed to a requirement that they be given two weeks notice.

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