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Service Description

This Service Description describes the features and functions of SWIFT Scope. The document also explains the roles
and responsibilities of SWIFT and the customer in relation to the service. This document is for SWIFT Scope customers.

27 April 2022

Link to this document:

SWIFT Scope Table of Contents
Service Description

Table of Contents

Preface............................................................................................................................................................... 3

Significant Changes..........................................................................................................................................4

1 SWIFT Scope Solution............................................................................................................................ 5

2 Overview of SWIFT Scope Use Cases................................................................................................... 6

2.1 SWIFT Scope for Central Banks..............................................................................................................6
2.2 SWIFT Scope for Intraday Liquidity Reporting (ILR)............................................................................... 7
2.3 SWIFT Scope for Cash Reporting........................................................................................................... 7

3 Features and Functions of SWIFT Scope..............................................................................................9

3.1 Key Components of SWIFT Scope..........................................................................................................9
3.2 Customised Solution Architecture..........................................................................................................11

4 Data Management..................................................................................................................................12
4.1 Data Quality and Availability.................................................................................................................. 12
4.2 Data Types Overview.............................................................................................................................12
4.3 Currency Conversion.............................................................................................................................15

5 Operational Environment......................................................................................................................16

6 Ordering................................................................................................................................................. 18

7 Support...................................................................................................................................................19

8 Roles and Responsibilities...................................................................................................................20

8.1 SWIFT's Roles and Responsibilities......................................................................................................20
8.2 Customer's Roles and Responsibilities................................................................................................. 21

9 Contractual Framework........................................................................................................................ 25

Legal Notices................................................................................................................................................... 26

27 April 2022 2
SWIFT Scope Preface
Service Description

About this document
This Service Description describes the features and functions of SWIFT's Business Intelligence
SWIFT Scope solution. The document also explains the roles and responsibilities of SWIFT and
the customer in relation to the service.
Note This Service Description, together with relevant SWIFT contractual documentation, is
an integral part of the contractual arrangements between SWIFT and its customers for
the provision and the use of SWIFT Scope.

Intended audience
This document is for customers that need a description of the features and functions, and roles and
responsibilities in relation to SWIFT Scope.

Related documentation
• Inform Copy
• Alliance Access documentation
• SWIFT Integration Layer documentation
• Alliance Lite2 documentation
• SWIFT Corporate Rules
• SWIFT Customer Testing Policy
• SWIFT By-laws
• SWIFT Glossary
• SWIFT General Terms and Conditions
• SWIFT Services Terms and Conditions
• SWIFT Advanced Support and Care Services Service Description
• SWIFT Community Support Service Description
• SWIFT Custom Code Maintenance Service Proposal
• Ordering, Invoicing, and Payment

SWIFT-defined terms
In the context of SWIFT documentation, certain terms have a specific meaning. These terms are
called SWIFT-defined terms (for example, customer, user, or SWIFT services and products). The
definitions of SWIFT-defined terms appear in the SWIFT Glossary.

27 April 2022 3
SWIFT Scope Significant Changes
Service Description

Significant Changes
This section lists all significant changes to the content of the SWIFT Scope Service Description
since the September 2019 edition.
The table does not include editorial changes that SWIFT makes to improve the usability and
comprehension of the document.

Updated information Location

Replaced FIN Inform documentation by Inform Copy Related documentation


Information about the 3rd use case: SWIFT Scope for Overview of SWIFT Scope Use Cases on page 6
Cash Reporting

Update on the minimum System Requirements Minimum system requirements

27 April 2022 4
SWIFT Scope SWIFT Scope Solution
Service Description

1 SWIFT Scope Solution

The SWIFT Scope solution is comprised of three different use cases with each of them addressing
a specific business need.
The use cases are as follows:
• SWIFT Scope for Central Banks
• SWIFT Scope for Intraday Liquidity Reporting (ILR)
• SWIFT Scope for Cash Reporting

Characteristics of financial data access

All the data is stored locally at the customer's premises. Consequently, SWIFT Scope offers direct
access to financial data with the following characteristics:
• Transactional level
While providing ample possibilities for analysing the data at different angles and degrees of
aggregation, SWIFT Scope enables analysts to drill down to an individual message.
• Full scope
The complete copy of the message is stored, which enables SWIFT Scope users to gain access
to any of its fields.
Note Some fields and field options are not accessible through the default graphical
interface. These fields and field options require a direct query in the database.
Customers can find more information in Data Quality and Availability on page 12.
• Data frequency
The data is extracted from the SWIFT Interface, enabling access to near real-time transactional

27 April 2022 5
SWIFT Scope Overview of SWIFT Scope Use Cases
Service Description

2 Overview of SWIFT Scope Use Cases

This section provides information about the three SWIFT Scope use cases: SWIFT Scope for
Central Banks and SWIFT Scope for Intraday Liquidity Reporting.

2.1 SWIFT Scope for Central Banks

Only supervised financial institutions are eligible to subscribe to SWIFT Scope for Central Banks.

SWIFT Scope for Central Banks is a solution aiming at decreasing the cost of regulatory reporting
for commercial banks while enabling central banks to perform macro-economic trend analyses and
stay up to date with economic developments in their country.
The standard solution focuses on analysis of cross-border SWIFT FIN payments (MT 103 and MT
202). Additional modules can be purchased to extend the scope of data.

Available modules
The solution contains the following modules in the standard release/implementation:
• Cross-border Payments Report
This module consists of several dashboards that enable you to monitor and analyse data from
cross-border payment messages.
• Risk Analysis
This module enables the identification of countries and institutions that send/receive payments
that are potentially associated with an elevated risk. The focus is on large/range of amounts,
series of small payments, rare countries, and currencies.
• Payment Search Tool
This module enables the search function for any payment from any institution.
The following modules are also available on request. They are not part of the standard release/
• Foreign Exchange Report
This module provides you with information to monitor and analyse cross-border foreign
exchange activities. It is done through the information captured from foreign exchange
messages (MT 300 Foreign Exchange Confirmation).
• Interbank Lending and Borrowing Report
This module provides you with insights necessary to monitor and analyse cross-border, as well
as domestic interbank lending activities taking place in your country. Each of the dashboards
demonstrates different aspects of the underlying business activity. This is done through the
information captured from MT 320 (Fixed Loan/Deposit Confirmation) messages.
• Domestic Payments Report
This module consists of several dashboards that enable you to monitor and analyse data from
payment messages specifically transacted between domestic institutions.
• Statement Report

27 April 2022 6
SWIFT Scope Overview of SWIFT Scope Use Cases
Service Description

This module provides you insights into the amount of cash held by local banks in foreign
countries through the information available in statement messages.
• Trade Finance Report
This module provides a tool set with different dashboards. It enables you to monitor and report
on key insights related to trade finance messaging data using documentary credits, collections,
advice, and more trade-related message types. It uses various message types to provide a
holistic view of trade transactions. It enables advanced analytics capabilities and compliance
using entity resolution, text matching algorithms, and data validation integrating the Central
Bank’s back-office data.
Customers are invited to contact their regional sales representative for information about each
module’s detailed functionality and associated pricing.

2.2 SWIFT Scope for Intraday Liquidity Reporting (ILR)

Only supervised financial institutions are eligible to subscribe to SWIFT Scope for Intraday Liquidity
SWIFT Scope for Intraday Liquidity Reporting is aimed at financial institutions facing the challenge
of compliance with intraday liquidity reporting requirements. Its purpose is to provide customers
with an effective way of monitoring intraday liquidity and to shield them from the complexity of
calculating intraday liquidity metrics (referred to as intraday liquidity monitoring tools in BCBS 248
Paper) across accounts, currencies and jurisdictions.

Available modules
The solution contains three main modules:
• Live Liquidity Monitoring
This module allows customers to monitor the latest liquidity data processed by the solution.
Liquidity can be viewed by entity, correspondent, currency, or account.
• Intraday Liquidity Reporting
This module expands the scope of the analysis from current day to the whole month and
generates BCBS intraday liquidity metrics related to correspondent banking and direct
participation. It enables to perform analysis by customers’ entity, correspondent, currency, or
• Intraday Liquidity Stress Testing
This module covers the simulation of stress testing scenarios. It helps customers monitor these
scenarios and see how their liquidity profile changes in relation to each of these stresses.
Customers are invited to contact their regional sales representative for information about each
module’s detailed functionality, the scope of BCBS intraday liquidity metrics and associated pricing.

2.3 SWIFT Scope for Cash Reporting

Only Corporates are eligible to subscribe to SWIFT Scope for Cash Reporting.

27 April 2022 7
SWIFT Scope Overview of SWIFT Scope Use Cases
Service Description

SWIFT Scope for Cash Reporting is aimed for international corporates facing the challenge to
identify the cash balances of their accounts in an automated way. Its purpose is to provide
customers with an effective way to view cash balances of their worldwide entities in the moment
when the data is available. With this solution customers can analyse account balances trends and
transaction activities.

Available modules
The solution contains one module:
• Cash Position Monitoring
This module focuses on the cash balances of your accounts and subsidiaries. Therefore, the
system analyses the cash reporting messages provided by your financial institutions. The
related MT940 (Customer Statement Message)/MT950 (Statement Message) needs to be
provided by the account servicing institution to an account owner via the SWIFT Network.
Customers are invited to contact their regional sales representative for information about the
module’s detailed functionality and associated pricing.

27 April 2022 8
SWIFT Scope Features and Functions of SWIFT Scope
Service Description

3 Features and Functions of SWIFT Scope

3.1 Key Components of SWIFT Scope

This section provides information about the key SWIFT Scope components.

Important In this document, components that are not part of a standard SWIFT Scope
implementation will be indicated as such explicitly. The other components are part of a
standard SWIFT Scope implementation.

Architecture overview
The following diagram outlines the key components and end-to-end project management of SWIFT

Financial messaging

Important Non-FIN messages (including specific domestic formats) and messages exchanged
outside SWIFT are not part of a standard SWIFT Scope implementation. The
feasibility, cost, and implementation of such changes require a separate consulting

SWIFT Scope enables an automatic and transparent consolidation of messages exchanged over
the SWIFT network.
Data gathering can be extended by implementing an Inform Copy service.
• all incoming and outgoing branch payment messages copied to group headquarters
• all incoming and outgoing payments for a specific country are copied to the respective central
The Inform Copy message-copy service is part of a standard set up of SWIFT Scope for Central
Banks, which allows for the handling of high volumes of traffic brought by SWIFT Scope, but it is
optional for the other SWIFT Scope use case (ILR).
To learn more about Inform Copy, customers can refer to the Inform Copy Service Description.

SWIFT Interface
SWIFT Interfaces provide a connection to SWIFT and manage the emission and the reception of
SWIFT messages.
SWIFT Scope can be used with existing Alliance Access and Alliance Lite 2 installations.
Support of other interfaces can be investigated on a case-by-case basis but requires extra
integration effort during deployment.

27 April 2022 9
SWIFT Scope Features and Functions of SWIFT Scope
Service Description

SWIFT Integration Component

The SWIFT Integration Component transforms the raw transactional data into a data format that is
optimised for analysis.
SWIFT Scope enables customers to leverage the existing Alliance Access Integration Platform
(IPLA) or SWIFT Integration Layer (SIL) licences. Therefore, if a customer already has an IPLA or
SIL licence, then there is no charge for additional IPLA or SIL licences as part of the SWIFT Scope
implementation phase. However, customers will be charged for the custom code implementation
and maintenance fees for the support and maintenance service related to the specific SWIFT
Integration component. Moreover, if a specific implementation requires a change in the SWIFT
Integration component (for example, if a customer has an IPLA but requires a SIL), then the
necessary licence will be included in the implementation price.

Database server
The database server is holding all business intelligence data used in SWIFT Scope. It also
integrates SWIFT reference data as well as customer-maintained data.
The customer carries full responsibility for the maintenance, support, operation, security and
availability of the database, the data inside the database and any other components involved in the
Only Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server databases are supported for SWIFT Scope for Central
Banks or Cash Reporting implementations. Only Oracle databases are supported for SWIFT Scope
for ILR implementations.
Note The standard SWIFT Scope package does not include database licences. The
customer is required to procure and maintain the required database licences directly
from its third-party provider.

SWIFT Scope Database Schema

The SWIFT Scope Database Schema represents the logical structure of data on the Database
Server used by SWIFT Scope. It is provided by SWIFT and ensures the correct functioning of the
whole solution.
Note This component is not represented in the diagram under Architecture overview
above in this section.
SWIFT Scope Visualisation Server
The SWIFT Scope Visualisation Server is a third-party software provided to the customer by
SWIFT. It is used for the following purposes:
• generate all dashboards and reports
• control data access and permissions of the business users of the dashboards and the reports

SWIFT Scope Dashboards

Important The customisation of dashboards to individual customer’s needs is not included in a

standard SWIFT Scope implementation. The feasibility, cost, and implementation of
customised dashboards require a separate consulting engagement.

SWIFT Scope Dashboards are interactive reports stored on the visualisation server designed for
optimal analysis.
Each SWIFT Scope use case has sets of dashboards designed to address a specific business
challenge or need. The selection of dashboards to be implemented is defined by the customer as
part of the scoping exercise.

27 April 2022 10
SWIFT Scope Features and Functions of SWIFT Scope
Service Description

All SWIFT Scope Dashboards are accessible through either a web browser or mobile applications.
The customer can export the dashboards as an image or a PDF document.
Apart from the visualisation and the aggregation of data, SWIFT Scope Dashboards provide a
direct access to the complete set of extracted fields. The customer can select a set of data points,
see underlying database records, and download the underlying dataset in .csv format.
Note When using the dashboards, the customer must always comply with the licence
restrictions set out in Customer's Roles and Responsibilities on page 21.

3.2 Customised Solution Architecture

In certain cases, the customer can opt to perform data integration separately, effectively replacing
the SWIFT Interface and the SWIFT Integration Components with their own or separately
provisioned tools.
Note Such reduced architecture also requires full implementation of the SWIFT Scope
Database Schema.

27 April 2022 11
SWIFT Scope Data Management
Service Description

4 Data Management

4.1 Data Quality and Availability

Data retention
Transactional data at customer’s premises remains available for as long as defined by the
customer in accordance with its own data retention requirements.

Data availability
Data availability requires every component mentioned in the architecture overview in Key
Components of SWIFT Scope on page 9 to be fully operational.
Data is refreshed on a near real-time basis. The specific time of refresh is dependent on the
individual customer’s infrastructure, the selection of SWIFT Scope Dashboards, and the scale of
Some fields and field options are not parsed by SWIFT Scope. These fields are not made available
through SWIFT Scope Dashboards. The customer can retrieve the copy of the full message
through a direct query to the database.
Access to data
The customer is responsible for data access and user management. The total number of users
able to use the solution is dependent on the number of user licences as defined in the
corresponding Service Proposal.

4.2 Data Types Overview

This section provides information about the data types available in SWIFT Scope: transactional
data, SWIFT reference data, and customer-maintained data

4.2.1 Transactional Data

Transactional data is the data related to individual messages fed into the database by the
customer’s interface and integration component.
Transactional data is parsed by the SWIFT Integration Component to enable analysis. SWIFT does
not modify the transactional data during parsing, except for some modifications necessary for
analysis (for example, an account format correction), which are performed through mapping rules
that are part of the customer-maintained data.

Historical data
The standard SWIFT Scope solution does not include historical data. Only financial messages
exchanged after the implementation can feed the SWIFT Scope solution.
The customer might choose to upload its own historical data into SWIFT Scope to enable analysis
of larger volumes of financial transactional data from the very beginning.
Note Such upload is not included in a standard SWIFT Scope implementation. The
feasibility, cost, and implementation of historical data upload require a separate
consulting engagement.

27 April 2022 12
SWIFT Scope Data Management
Service Description

Related information
SWIFT Reference Data on page 13
Customer-Maintained Data on page 13

4.2.2 SWIFT Reference Data

SWIFT Reference Data is the data provided by SWIFT to enrich transactional data with business
SWIFT Reference Data provided as part of standard SWIFT Scope implementation includes:
• The BIC code to Bank name mapping
• The currency code to currency name mapping
• The country code to country name mapping
• The message type code to message type name mapping
• The time zone information (for SWIFT Scope Intraday Liquidity Reporting only)

Usage restrictions
The following usage restrictions apply to SWIFT Reference Data included in SWIFT Scope:
• SWIFT Reference Data is made available to the customer for consumption through SWIFT
Scope Dashboards exclusively. The customer is not allowed to use this data through any other
• The standard SWIFT Scope implementation includes an annual refresh of the SWIFT
Reference Data. The customer may request additional refreshes at extra cost.

Related information
Transactional Data on page 12
Customer-Maintained Data on page 13

4.2.3 Customer-Maintained Data

Customer-maintained data is the data that is not present in the Transactional data and the SWIFT
Reference Data. It is, however, necessary for a correct functioning of SWIFT Scope.
Customer-maintained data can be divided into the following 3 groups:
• Currency Exchange Rates on page 14
• Transformation Rules on page 14
• Collateral and Other Manual-Entry Data on page 15
Related information
Transactional Data on page 12
SWIFT Reference Data on page 13

27 April 2022 13
SWIFT Scope Data Management
Service Description Currency Exchange Rates

Information about current and historic currency exchange rates is required for the translation of the
original currency into the reporting currency. Exchange rates data is essential for the proper
functioning of the SWIFT Scope solution.

Customer responsibility
The customer is responsible for meeting the following exchange rates maintenance requirements:
• Structure
Currency exchange rates data must be structured in accordance to the SWIFT Scope Database
• Availability
The exchange rates information needs to be constantly available to the database. Storing the
exchange rates in a separate database than the SWIFT Scope is possible but increases risk of
the SWIFT Scope functionality being impaired by synchronisation failure.
• Completeness
Transactions in currencies that are not present in the exchange rate table are stored in the
database but ignored when calculating amount metrics in dashboards. Therefore, the exchange
rate table must contain all the currencies that the customer deems to be in scope for analysis.
• Frequency
The maximum update frequency supported is daily.
Tip Due to the smart exchange rate selection employed by SWIFT Scope, the
customer can choose different exchange rate update frequencies for different
For example, the customer can decide to keep daily exchange rates for the
frequently used currencies and monthly exchange rates for the exotic ones.
Note If the customer does not include an exchange rate for a given date in the exchange
rates table, then SWIFT Scope will search in that table for the rates applied in the
past and will apply the latest one. At the same time, SWIFT Scope will never apply
current or future rates to transaction(s) that took place in the past. Transformation Rules

Transformation rules contain the description of the transformations that need to be applied to
transactional data in order to ensure uniformity and completeness (for example, all account
statements have the same account format).

Customer responsibility
It is the customer’s responsibility to define and maintain transformation rules in accordance with the
SWIFT Scope Database Schema provided by SWIFT.
Note SWIFT disclaims all liability for inaccurate information in case of errors or omissions in
the transformation rules.

27 April 2022 14
SWIFT Scope Data Management
Service Description Collateral and Other Manual-Entry Data


Important Collateral and other manual-entry data is only applicable to SWIFT Scope for Intraday
Liquidity Reporting.

The Collateral and Other Manual-Entry data contain the information on the collateral positions and
credit lines that need to be uploaded into the SWIFT Scope solution directly by the customer.

Customer responsibility
The customer must provide and maintain collateral and other manual-entry data in accordance with
the SWIFT Scope Database Schema provided by SWIFT.
Note SWIFT disclaims all liability for inaccurate information in case of errors or omissions in
uploading or maintaining collateral and other manual-entry data.

4.3 Currency Conversion

This section provides information about the Original currency and the Reporting currency used by
SWIFT Scope.

Original currency
The original currency is the currency in which the initial message took place. It is made available in
the reports for filtering but does not affect the amounts shown.
Note While certain dashboards allow switching between reporting and original currency, by
default, all amounts shown in SWIFT Scope are expressed in the reporting currency.

Reporting currency
The reporting currency is the currency in which all amount metrics are expressed within the
dashboards. It is required to enable comparison between messages that took place in different
original currencies.
The reporting currency is defined by the customer during SWIFT Scope implementation.
To ensure correct translation from individual original currencies to the reporting currency, an
exchange rates table must be provided and maintained by the customer.
The customer can opt to have several versions of the same dashboard, each available in a
different reporting currency. However, this implies extra cost and additional effort from the customer
to maintain exchange rates data. Moreover, the data refresh frequency of the solution will be

27 April 2022 15
SWIFT Scope Operational Environment
Service Description

5 Operational Environment
End-user access
End users can use a web browser or Tableau Mobile application to access SWIFT Scope
Dashboards stored on the SWIFT Scope Visualisation Server.

Supported browsers
• Apple Safari, including Safari on the iPad
• Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer
• Mozilla Firefox (not supported on mobile devices)
• Google Chrome, including on Android devices
SWIFT only supports browser versions which are supported by their respective vendors.
Tableau Mobile iPad and Android Apps are available in the Apple App Store and Google Play
Store. These applications are supported by their respective vendors.

Minimum system requirements

SWIFT recommends that the customer runs the different SWIFT Scope components on three
separate servers.

Note The customer can opt to run SWIFT Scope in a virtualised environment.

Service availability and capacity limitations

As the accumulated number of messages grows, the queries and filtering settings must be adapted
by the customer to ensure continuous performance of the reports. In addition, the system
requirements of the SWIFT Visualisation Server, Interface (where applicable), and Database
Server require a regular revision by the customer.

27 April 2022 16
SWIFT Scope Operational Environment
Service Description

While SWIFT provides technical consultation on infrastructure upgrades as part of SWIFT Scope
maintenance activities, it is the customer’s responsibility to monitor and, where necessary, to
upgrade its system capacities in order to cope with increased data volumes.

27 April 2022 17
SWIFT Scope Ordering
Service Description

6 Ordering
Order SWIFT services and products
To use SWIFT services and products, a customer must subscribe to, or order, the relevant services
and products.

Related information
For information about SWIFT's online ordering facility and how to order, see >

27 April 2022 18
SWIFT Scope Support
Service Description

7 Support
The following activities are covered by the SWIFT Scope maintenance fee as defined in the
Service Proposal (not to be confused with Standard SWIFT support):
• solution components’ licences, excluding the fees related to the licence and maintenance of the
Oracle database (see above section on Architecture Overview)
• annual SWIFT Reference Data update
• modification to accommodate annual releases of MT Standards
• dashboard and Integration components support
• consultation on infrastructure updates
Note Modifications arising from changes in business practices are not included in the
maintenance fee. The feasibility, cost, and implementation of such changes require a
separate consulting engagement.

Customised architecture maintenance

In case of a customised architecture (as described in Customised Solution Architecture on page
11), the maintenance fee remains due in full, even if the SWIFT Interface and the SWIFT
Integration Component are excluded from the implementation scope, in order to cover proper
diagnostics by SWIFT Support staff during incidents.

Support for SWIFT customers

By default, SWIFT is the single point of contact to report all problems and queries that relate to
SWIFT services and products. Support is available to all SWIFT customers.
Individuals within the customer's organisation must register to use the Support service.
For more information about the different services that SWIFT offers as part of the support packages
and the procedure to order support, see > Support and Care Services.
Note Implementation of the SWIFT Scope Integration Layer is covered by the Custom Code
Maintenance Service Proposal as well as the Custom Code Maintenance Contract.

Related information
For more information about Support services, see the Service Description related to the applicable
support package: Support documentation.

27 April 2022 19
SWIFT Scope Roles and Responsibilities
Service Description

8 Roles and Responsibilities

This section sets out the roles and responsibilities of both SWIFT and the customer in relation to
the provision and use of the SWIFT Scope service.

8.1 SWIFT's Roles and Responsibilities

Liability for errors or omissions
Although SWIFT uses commercially reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy of SWIFT Scope
data, SWIFT assumes no liability whatsoever for any inadvertent errors or omissions in the data.
To the extent permitted by law, SWIFT provides SWIFT Scope solution on an as-is basis, and
disclaims any expressed or implied warranties, as to completeness, accuracy, merchantability,
satisfactory quality, or fitness for a particular purpose.

Liability for the different SWIFT Scope components

The liability for the provision and use of the different SWIFT Scope components remains governed,
each respectively, by their applicable SWIFT contractual documentation set out in the section on
Contractual Framework.

No liability for customer's own components

In cases where certain SWIFT Scope components are substituted, at the customer’s discretion, by
the customer’s own components (as described in Key Components of SWIFT Scope on page 9),
SWIFT disclaims any responsibility for the functioning and support of the customer’s own
components, as well as for the compatibility and error-free functioning of such components with
SWIFT Scope.

Informative nature of SWIFT Scope data

The scope of the data made available to the customer in its SWIFT Scope solution is defined per
the customer’s engagement in a separate SWIFT Scope Service Proposal.
The customer remains solely and fully responsible for all decisions based, in full or in part, on data
available in SWIFT Scope, and for all consequences resulting from such decisions. SWIFT
disclaims all liability with regard to such decisions and their consequences.

Verification of Usage restrictions

For the purpose of ensuring compliance with the SWIFT Scope usage restrictions and security
requirements, SWIFT has the right to verify the customer's use of the SWIFT Scope solution on a
10 days' prior notice.
SWIFT will maintain in confidence any information gathered during such verification and may
perform the verification at the customer's premises.
SWIFT will perform the verification in a way that does not interfere with the customer's normal
business conduct.
In the event that SWIFT determines that the customer does not comply with the relevant usage
restrictions or security requirements, SWIFT shall request the customer to take appropriate
corrective action.
If the customer fails to take such action within the 30 days' prior notice, then SWIFT may terminate
the SWIFT Scope subscription of the customer.
If the customer does take the required corrective action, then SWIFT reserves the right to verify the
customer's compliance with the user restrictions once again under the same terms.

27 April 2022 20
SWIFT Scope Roles and Responsibilities
Service Description

8.2 Customer's Roles and Responsibilities

SWIFT Reference Data usage restrictions
The customer’s right to use and disclose SWIFT Scope data to third parties is limited to the
transactional and customer -maintained data as present in SWIFT Scope Dashboards.
The customer may not re-use, distribute, or disclose, whether in full or in part, SWIFT Reference
Data tables containing mapping rules.

SWIFT Scope Database Schema usage restrictions

The customer’s right to use the SWIFT Scope Database Schema is limited to the database(s) that
are part of the SWIFT Scope solution.
The customer may not implement SWIFT Scope Database Schema on other databases.

Dashboards usage restrictions

SWIFT grants the customer a non-exclusive and non-transferable right to use the SWIFT Scope
Dashboards for its own purposes, in accordance with the following restrictions:
• SWIFT does not authorise commercialisation of the SWIFT Scope Dashboards.
• SWIFT does not authorise modification of the SWIFT Scope Dashboards.

SWIFT Visualisation Server software licence restrictions

SWIFT grants the customer a non-transferable, non-sublicensable, non-exclusive licence, during
the term of the customer subscription to SWIFT Scope, to use the SWIFT Visualisation Server
software in object code form solely as part of its use of the SWIFT Scope solution.
The customer must comply with the following usage restrictions when using the SWIFT
Visualisation Server software:
• The customer may not exceed the number of licences purchased in its SWIFT Scope Service
• In up to maximum two non-production environments, the customer may only use the SWIFT
Visualisation Server software for internal development, testing, or backup purposes, and within
the same number of licences purchased in its SWIFT Scope Service Proposal.
• In production, the customer may only use the SWIFT Visualisation Server software on a single
• The customer may make a reasonable number of copies of the SWIFT Visualisation Server
software for archival purposes.
• Regarding the maps or other third-party content included in the SWIFT Visualisation Server
software, the customer may not sell, licence, or distribute copies of such content by itself or as
part of any collection or product, and such third-party content is provided 'as is'.
• The customer may not (and shall not allow any third party to): (a) decompile, disassemble, or
otherwise reverse engineer the SWIFT Visualisation Server software or attempt to reconstruct
or discover any source code, underlying ideas, algorithms, file formats or programming
interfaces of such software by any means whatsoever (except and only to the extent that
applicable law prohibits or restricts reverse engineering restrictions); (b) distribute, sell,
sublicence, rent, lease or use such software (or any portion thereof) for time sharing, hosting,
service provider or like purposes; (c) remove any product identification, proprietary, copyright or
other notices contained in such software; (d) modify any part of such software, create a
derivative work of any part of such software, or incorporate such software into or with other
software, except to the extent expressly authorised in writing by SWIFT; (e) publicly disseminate
performance information or analysis (including, without limitation, benchmarks) from any source

27 April 2022 21
SWIFT Scope Roles and Responsibilities
Service Description

relating to such software; (f) utilise any equipment, device, software, or other means designed
to circumvent or remove any form of licence key or copy protection used by SWIFT in
connection with such software, or use the software together with any authorisation code, licence
key, serial number, or other copy protection device not supplied by SWIFT; (g) use such
software to develop a product which is competitive with such software; or, (h) use unauthorised
licence keys or keycode(s) or distribute or publish keycode(s) except as may be expressly
permitted by SWIFT in writing.
• The customer agrees that, except for the limited licence rights expressly provided to customer in
the present Service Description, SWIFT and its suppliers have and will retain all rights, title and
interest (including without limitation all patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret and other
intellectual property rights) in and to the SWIFT Visualisation Server software and all copies,
modifications and derivative works thereof (including any changes which incorporate any of
customer’s ideas, feedback or suggestions), and the customer acknowledges that it is obtaining
only a limited licence right to such software and that irrespective of any use of the words
“purchase”, “sale” or like terms hereunder no ownership rights are being conveyed to customer
under the the present Service Description or otherwise.
• The customer acknowledges that, it may obtain information relating to the SWIFT Visualisation
Server software, SWIFT or its suppliers, including, but not limited to, code, technology, know-
how, ideas, algorithms, testing procedures, structure, interfaces, specifications, documentation,
bugs, problem reports, analysis and performance information, and other technical, business,
product, and data, which customer shall not disclose to any third party or use for any purpose
other than the use of such software as licensed under the present Service Description.
• Except for any warranty that may be offered by SWIFT, the SWIFT Visualisation Server software
is provided “as is” and SWIFT or its suppliers make no warranties to any person or entity with
respect to the software or any services and disclaims all implied warranties, including without
limitation warranties of title, non-infringement, merchantability and fitness for a particular
• In no event shall SWIFT or its supplier be liable under contract, tort, strict liability or other legal
or equitable theory for any indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages in connection
with the SWIFT Visualisation Server software. Notwithstanding anything in the present Service
Description to the contrary, the total liability of tableau to customer, including but not limited to
damages or liability arising out of contract, tort, breach of warranty, infringement or otherwise,
shall not in any event exceed the fees paid by customer with respect to the software. SWIFT
and its supplier shall not be liable for loss or inaccuracy of data, cost of procurement of
substitute goods or services, system downtime, goodwill, profits or other business loss,
regardless of legal theory, even if SWIFT or its supplier have been advised of the possibility of
such damages. The customer agrees that the limitations of this section are essential and that
SWIFT would not permit customer to use the software absent the terms of this section. This
section shall survive and apply even if any remedy specified in the present Service Description
shall be found to have failed of its essential purpose.
• The customer acknowledges that the SWIFT Visualisation Server software is subject to export
restrictions by the United States government and import restrictions by certain foreign
governments. The customer shall not, and shall not allow any third-party to, remove or export
from the united states or allow the export or re-export of any part of the software or any direct
product thereof: (i) into (or to a national or resident of) any embargoed or terrorist supporting
country; (ii) to anyone on the U.S. Commerce Department’s table of denial orders or U.S.
Treasury Department’s list of specially designated nationals or U.S. Government’s lists of
parties of concern (;
(iii) to any country to which such export or re-export is restricted or prohibited, or as to which the
United States government or any agency thereof requires an export licence or other
governmental approval at the time of export or re-export without first obtaining such licence or
approval; or (iv) otherwise in violation of any export or import restrictions, laws or regulations of
any United States or foreign agency or authority.

27 April 2022 22
SWIFT Scope Roles and Responsibilities
Service Description

• The customer acknowledges that SWIFT’s supplier of the SWIFT Visualisation Server software
has a substantial interest in the software and that such supplier is a third party beneficiary to the
present Service Description, and has full right to bring any action against customer, including
injunctive action, to enforce the terms of the present Service Description.
• The software may contain or be provided with components subject to the terms and conditions
of “open source” software licences. open source software may be identified in the service
documentation, or SWIFT shall provide a list of the open source software for a particular version
of the software to customer upon customer 's written request. to the extent required by the
licence that accompanies the open source software, the terms of such licence will apply in lieu
of the terms of this Service Description with respect to such open source software, including
without limitation any provisions governing access to source code, modification or reverse

Responsibility to secure the SWIFT Scope database

The customer remains solely responsible for implementing the appropriate technical and
organisational security measures to protect the SWIFT Scope database given the highly sensitive
nature of the data stored.
In case SWIFT employees provide security guidance at the time of delivery of the solution, as well
as during post-delivery maintenance services, such guidance cannot be considered as conclusive
or exhaustive security recommendations for such purposes. SWIFT disclaims any responsibility in
case of unauthorised use or disclosure of the data from the database maintained and secured by
the customer.
Tip The customer is invited to contact SWIFT Support for Customer Security Programme

Responsibility to secure mobile devices

Consumption of sensitive transactional data via mobile devices represents higher risk of
unauthorised access due to, among others, loss or theft of such devices. It is the customer’s sole
responsibility to assess and decide whether such mobile devices meet its own security
requirements regarding access to its own transactional data, and the SWIFT Scope solution does
not include any advice or recommendations regarding mobile devices security. SWIFT disclaims
any responsibility in case of unauthorised use or disclosure of the data through mobile devices.
Tip The customer is invited to contact SWIFT Support for Customer Security Programme-
related information.

Compliance with the release policy

The customer must comply with SWIFT’s release policy and timely install upgrades of SWIFT
Scope components.
In case the customer opts for a customisation of the SWIFT Scope architecture (see Key
Components of SWIFT Scope on page 9), SWIFT disclaims any responsibility for ensuring the
continuous compatibility of the customer-provided components with the rest of the solution.
Moreover, the proper and timely upgrade of the customer-provided components is the sole
responsibility of the customer.

The customer may terminate its SWIFT Scope subscription and related consulting and
maintenance services upon a 3 months prior notice to SWIFT.
Termination will have the following consequences:
• The customer may no longer use the SWIFT Scope Dashboards.
• The customer may no longer use the SWIFT Scope Database Schema.

27 April 2022 23
SWIFT Scope Roles and Responsibilities
Service Description

• The customer may no longer use the SWIFT Reference Data.

• The customer may no longer use the SWIFT Visualisation Server Software and must
immediately cease use of the software and remove the software from its systems.
• SWIFT will have no more obligations to provide consulting, maintenance or support services
related to such dashboards or any other SWIFT Scope component.
Inform Copy, SWIFT Interfaces and SWIFT Integration Components (either IPLA/SIL or Integration
Consultancy) remain subject to their own termination conditions, in accordance with their applicable
contractual documentation.

27 April 2022 24
SWIFT Scope Contractual Framework
Service Description

9 Contractual Framework
Relevant contractual documentation
The provision and use of the various SWIFT Scope solution components are, each respectively,
subject to the following applicable SWIFT contractual documentation:
• For the dashboard licence, maintenance services, and, where applicable, custom code
developments, to the present Service Description, the SWIFT Services Terms and Conditions,
as well as, where applicable, a Custom Code Maintenance Service Proposal
• For the Consulting services, to the related Service Proposal and SWIFT Services Terms and
• For the SWIFT Interface, to the relevant Service Description and the SWIFT General Terms and
• For the SWIFT Integration Component, to the relevant Service Description and the SWIFT
General Terms and Conditions
• For the Support service, to the relevant Support Service Description and General Terms and

Related information
SWIFT Services Terms and Conditions
SWIFT General Terms and Conditions

27 April 2022 25
SWIFT Scope Legal Notices
Service Description

Legal Notices
SWIFT © 2022. All rights reserved.

Restricted Distribution
Do not distribute this publication outside your organisation unless your subscription or order
expressly grants you that right, in which case ensure you comply with any other applicable

The information in this publication may change from time to time. You must always refer to the
latest available version.

The English version of SWIFT documentation is the only official and binding version.

SWIFT is the trade name of S.W.I.F.T. SC. The following are registered trademarks of SWIFT:
3SKey, Innotribe, MyStandards, Sibos, SWIFT, SWIFTNet, SWIFT Institute, the Standards Forum
logo, the SWIFT logo, SWIFT gpi with logo, the SWIFT gpi logo, and UETR. Other product, service,
or company names in this publication are trade names, trademarks, or registered trademarks of
their respective owners.

27 April 2022 26

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