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I- Multiple Choice

1.Which one of these is a form of verbal communication?

A. Shaking hands
B. Talking Professionally
C. Nodding head
D. Tapping fingers

2.What should you be doing when listening to someone?

A. Day dreaming
B. Talking
C. Paying attention, asking questions, and giving verbal cues

3. Select one method of relaying verbal messages:

A. Talking over the phone
B. Sleeping
C. Giving a presentation
D. Email

4. Which of the following is not a form of verbal communication?

A. Facial expressions
B. Face-to-face communication
C. Talking over the phone
D. Reading

5. What is the purpose of verbal communication?

A. Verbal communication occurs when you are communicating and you
have to covey something that cannot be conveyed without talking.
B. Face-to-face meeting
C. Being assured of the identity of the person you are talking to
D. To establish trust

6. How should verbal communication be?

A. Crisp, clear, and confident
B. Messy, sloppy, and nervous
C. Shaky, terrified, and unable to speak
D. Overconfident, cocky, and unaware

7. What are the obstructions to verbal communication? (Select all the

options that are relevant)
A. People talking in the background
B. Very loud noises
C. Calmness
D. Solitude
8. Is verbal communication better than non-verbal?
A. Yes
B. Maybe
C. sometimes
D. Both are important in a conversation

9. Communication is always a __________ way process

A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four

10. What are the rules to be a good listener?

A. Stop talking when other's are
B. Try and put the talker at ease
C. Remove any distraction
D. All of the above

11.If someone avoids looking you in the eye and instead looks down at the
ground, what could it mean?
A. That he or she lying
B. That he or she is feeling ashamed
C. That he or she is disgusted with you or the situation
D. That he or she wants you to look at the ground, too

12.Nonverbal cues can help us do which of the following?

A. Decipher mixed signals
B. Provide clues about a person's mental and physical state, attitudes,
feelings and roles
C. Tell if someone is lying
D. All of the statements are true.

13.What is a nonverbal cue?

A. The process of sending information through ways that do not require the
use of language
B. The process of sending information through ways that require the use of
C. The process of sending information through verbal sounds but no
discernible words
D. The process of sending information that sometimes requires the use of

14.Which of the following is an example of allness?

A. I don't listen at all.
B I have a tendency to view people based on how others talk about them.
C. I listen to someone talk for five minutes and assume I know all about
D. I put everything into a conversation and am open and honest.

15.If I am not clarifying between my opinions and actual facts, what barrier
to verbal communication am I creating?
A. Verbal messages
B. Fact-inference confusion
C. Lies
D. Allness

16. A type of smile which engages both the muscles which raise the lip
corners as well as those that raise the cheeks and produce wrinkling around
the eyes. It is considered a sign of genuine enjoyment.
A. Darwinian smile
B. Duchenne smile
C. Ekman smile
D. engaged smile

17. Emotional information that we unintentionally express through our

nonverbal communication which can be helpful in detecting deception.
A. emotion exposures
B. emotional emanations
C. emotional leakage
D. escaped emotion

18. This is the briefest of all the emotions, lasting only a few seconds at
A. fear
B. surprise
C. startle
D. anguish

19. A type of gesture (often unconscious) in which one body part (usually
the hand) touches or moves another body part (the other hand, hair, some
part of the face or an object).

A. manipulators
B. managing motions
C. unconscious conductors
D. handlers
20. A type of gesture that occurs during speech- tracing the flow of thought,
providing emphasis, making an action the speech is referring to, showing a
spatial relationship or drawing a picture in the air. The type shown varies
across cultures and the frequency of use varies across individuals.
A. descripters
B. gestural forms
C. illustrators
D. operators

21. The evolutionary function of this emotion is to avoid or reduce harm to

oneself or someone/something one cares about.
A. sadness
B. fear
C. suspicion
D. doubt

22. Very brief facial expressions, lasting only a fraction of a second.

A. fleeting expressions
B. mini expressions
C. secondary expressions
D. micro expressions

23. This is the only emotion which is displayed with a unilateral facial
A. contempt
B. disgust
C. hate
D. confusion

24. A feeling that occurs when successful liars get away with a lie and take
pleasure in their accomplishment.
A. misleading merriment
B. duping delight
C. swindlers joy
D. hoodwink happiness

25. Guidelines we learn in the course of growing up about when, how, and
to whom it is appropriate to show our emotional expressions.
A. emotional decorum
B. expression precedents
C. display rules
D. emotion guidelines
26. This emotion produces a universal facial expression which signals that
something is offensive or revolting.
A. hatred
B. repugnance
C. nausea
D. Disgust

27. The facial expression of this emotion often includes the eyebrows being
pulled down and together and the lips being pressed tightly together.
A. anger
B. sadness
C. happiness
D. Fear

28. The author of "The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals", a
seminal work that explored biological aspects of emotional life and inspired
and influenced Dr. Ekman's work.
A. Guillaume Duchenne
B. Charles Darwin
C. Jane Goodall
D. William James

29. Bodily movements that have a precise meaning known by all members
of an ethnic group, sub-culture, or culture. They typically signal messages
just as deliberately and consciously as the words that are spoken.
A. emblems
B. group symbols
C. culture badges
D. trademarks

30. A universal trigger for this emotion is the loss of a valued person or
A. depression
B. sadness
C. melancholia
D. distress

31. Communication achieved using facial expressions,eye contact,

movements, and gestures
A. body language
B. eye contact
C. tone
D. Rate
32. Act of moving one's body parts, usually arms, hands, legs, as a means of
A. gestures
B. facial expressions
C. vocal distractions
D. Fluency

33. Communicating ideas and emotions non verbally by changing one's face.
A. vocal variety
B. gestures
C. facial expressions
D. eye contact

34. Any communication that conveys a message consisting of words is

A. verbal communication
B. written communication
C. oral communication
D. non-verbal communication

35. A particular look or gesture is an example of

A. oral communication
B. written communication
C. verbal communication
D. non-verbal communication

II- True or False

36. Unlike verbal messages, nonverbal communication lacks specific forms,
functions and rules.
37. Nonverbal communication is learned within a culture.
38. Verbalist is another term for vocals.
39. It is easy to stop your nonverbal communication
40. Nonverbal communication is usually specific and clear.
41. Substituting a cough for a word is an example of nonverbal.
42. Nonverbal symbols can function as metaphors.
43. Verbal communication is only spoken.
44. Nonverbal communication generally functions independently from
verbal communication.
45. American Sign Language developed from the ideas of a French
46. Verbal communication is interpersonal communication that
includes oral communication, written communication, and sign
47. Nonverbal communication encompasses a whole host of
physicalized nonverbal cues that convey emotional states and
complement verbal messages.
48. Nonverbal human communication involves many different parts
of the body
49. Verbal communication relies on words to convey meaning
between two or more people.
50. Verbal communication can transpire over the phone, through
email, written letters, or a face-to-face conversation.

III- Fill in the blank

51. The transmission of ideas and emotions between or among persons with
the use of verbal and nonverbal cues is called____________.
52. The process or act of conveying one's thoughts or ideas using speech is
referred to as___________or spoken communication.
53. ___________ communication refers to the use of wordless cues in order
to convey a message.
54. The message is interpreted and decoded by the __________.
55.______refers to those response of the receiver after receiving the
56. Non-verbal communication is the _____ of conveying message without
using words," according to the textbook.

IV- Enumeration
57-63. Give a situation where verbal communication is being used and
explain how it was done.
64-70. Give a situation where non-verbal communication is being used and
explain how it was done.

V- Essay
71-85. What are three areas need to consider when communicating verbally?
Explain each area.

86-95. What are three areas need to consider when using nonverbal cues?
Explain each areas.

96-100. Which is the most important type of communication, verbal or

nonverbal communication? Why?

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