Your American Inherit Legacy Account

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Your American Inherit Legacy Account:

The Initial STATE OF IOWA “Certificate of Live Birth” Contract was based upon the usage
of an Artificial Person to act as the PATRICK DEVINE “American Inherit Legacy Account”
Holder for the Genuine Owner; until he came of the Age of 21. This then allowed the “Black-
Hearted” UNITED STATES and individual STATE Governments; in opposition to the essential
morality of good hearted and honorable government; to act as Insurance and Bond Writers per their
new Color of Law requirements to DEFRAUD the American Genuine Owner by getting him under
subscription to be the Guarantor or Naked Underwriter of the STATE Corporation - Foreign
Insurance Policies for his “Guarantee” Inherit Legacy Holder. The Governmental STATE
Corporations were then allowed the Beneficial Income Profits from the Insurance Bonded USURY
of the “Guarantee’s” Legacy Accounts and the Foreign Bankers of the Insurance Policies to
EMBEZZLE from the American Genuine Owner; his Labor Assets.

Per the American Charter, the Constitution, there was never to be a One COUNTRY or
STATE Religion but yet the “Black-Hearted” Corporate UNITED STATES has forced a False
Religion Belief upon the American People in the Form of “SOCIAL INSURANCE POLICIES”;
that has been enforced solely for the Benefit of the UNITED STATES Corporation. Then the
Individual STATES have setup up their own “Black-Hearted” STATE Religions and these
Religions are also a False Religion of being protected by Insurance Policies (the STATE Insurance
Policies range from Social Security, Liability Insurance protection, Title Insurance protections,
License Insurance protections, etc.). These Fraudulent “Black-Hearted” Insurance Policies are in
opposition to the essential morality of good hearted and honorable government and they have been
UNJUSTLY regulated by the STATE Religion Black Robed Court Judges (Priest) to place
Deceptive Regulatory Underwriter Controls upon the American People.

The UNITED STATES - 14th Amend. “Black-Hearted” Governmental Corporations have

been operating as Foreigners in opposition to the essential morality of good “We the People”
Constitutional Governments. These Foreign “Black-Hearted” Governmental Insurance
Corporations are now required to PAY their TARIFF INCOME and CUSTOM TAXES, without the
usage of Threats and Intimidations against the Deceived Guarantors, for their usage of the Foreign
Bankers of USURY that have defrauded the American Creditors of their Underwritings used by the
Foreign Bankers as Collateral for their own Beneficial Gains of which they risk nothing.
Therefore, it is a Natural Right of every American to standup in support of the 1st
Amendment and Stand in opposition to the Foreign STATE Blackleg and “Black-Hearted”
Corporations of False and Destructive Religions; using their Black Robed Insurance Policies,
contracts void of the essential details and honorable commitments.

The FINAL Order is that Mr. Patrick; Devine, the Genuine American, REVOKES all his
deceptive subscriptions as being the Guarantor or Underwriter for any and all associated Corporate
Insurance Policies as it is in violation of his Religious beliefs.

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