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Management Discussion and Analysis Report to war-induced commodity price increases and broadening price
pressures. Aggregate Emerging Market and Developing Economies
Subsequent waves of pandemic and conflict in Ukraine has dealt (EMDE) inflation reached over 9.4 percent-its highest level since
a severe blow to the global economy, shattering expectations of a 2008-while inflation in advanced economies, at 6.9 percent, is the
fast paced recovery from the damaging impact of the COVID-19 highest since 1982.
and has triggered an inestimable humanitarian crisis that demands
a harmonious resolution. As tensions between Russia and Ukraine IMF also states that frequent and wider-ranging lockdowns in
escalated into a full-blown crisis, global oil and gas market faced an China-including in key manufacturing hubs-have also slowed
upward rally in crude oil prices, to surge past USD100 per barrel, a activity there and could cause new bottlenecks in global supply
phenomenon that is likely to sustain if the conflict prolongs. chains. In several countries uncertainty has steeply risen and further
increases in commodity prices, additional supply disruptions, and
The global economic recovery continues amid evolving challenges, tighter financial conditions remain threats. World Bank highlighted
Companies and Governments worldwide are re-evaluating their that higher, broader, and persistent price pressures shall slow
dependencies and re-analysing their strategies. For oil and gas, the down the global trade growth to 4 percent in 2022. Overall risks
volatility reflects the unwinding of partnerships between Western to economic prospects have risen sharply and policy trade-offs
and Russian energy groups. The impact of supply issues will vary have become ever more challenging. Maintaining the resilience of
by country and be heavily influenced by the geopolitical actions. financial institutions through effective regulation is also critical at
Gas is particularly vulnerable, with almost 40% of the natural gas this juncture.
consumed in the European Union originating in Russia.
The immediate and longer-term impact on raw materials, logistics/ Indian Economy:
transportation, implementation teams, and infrastructure is
inevitable. The conflict in Ukraine exposes once more the risks
associated with the interconnected nature of global trade. India 20
meets half its gas needs through imports of liquefied natural 15
gas (LNG). Though Russian LNG imports are low, the crisis has
pushed up the fuel prices. India’s economic recovery amid rapid 10
vaccination will also be affected severely as it is intricately linked 5

Per cent
to accessibility, availability and affordability of Energy. Inflationary 0
pressures on economies due to rising fuel costs has prompted
hardening of monetary policy by the Central Banks. -5
In the present circumstances, energy security has joined energy -10
transition as a top global priority, though the energy picture is -15
less clear at the global level. The energy sector impacts of the -20
present crisis will reverberate across every corner of the globe. It
is expected that countries would accelerate the implementation -25
of their decarbonisation policies, in particular energy demand
reduction strategies.
1. Global Economy

50 per cent CI 70 per cent CI 90 per cent CI


RBI: Monetary Policy Statement (June)

CI - Condence Interval

Indian economy grew 8.7 per cent in 2021-22 as per latest

Provisional Estimates of National Statistics Office. The GDP growth
for 2021-22 takes the economy above its pre-pandemic level and
is an improvement after contracting 6.6 per cent in 2020-21. The
economic impacts from the most recent COVID-19 Omicron wave
were relatively small and the populations are well-vaccinated.
World Bank expressed concerns regarding deterioration in asset
quality previously masked by COVID-era lending support measures
including loan forbearance can resurface as these measures are
phased out.
Pandemic has left country with rising fiscal deficit. High import prices
and demand during the recovery have led to deteriorating current
account balance, while supply constraints and rising commodity
IMF: World Economic Outlook prices have added to inflationary pressures. The ongoing conflict
Ukraine-Russia crisis unfolded while the global economy was on a further adds to supply constraints and financial sector uncertainties,
mending path but had not yet fully recovered from the COVID-19 as trade embargoes and financial sanctions on Russia reverberate
pandemic. April edition of the World Economic Outlook highlighted through the global goods and financial markets. The unemployment
that the ongoing conflict in Ukraine has “severely set back” global rate has declined to levels seen prior to the pandemic, but the labor
economic recovery. As per IMF, global growth is projected to slow force participation rate remains below pre-pandemic levels.
from an estimated 6.1 percent in 2021 to 3.6 percent in 2022 and
2023. This is 0.8 and 0.2 percentage points lower for 2022 and In India, rising inflationary pressures led to an unscheduled policy
2023 than projected in January. World Bank in its Global Economic rate hike in May & June 2022. Considering the microeconomic
Prospects report published in June 2022, has lowered global growth uncertainties, World Bank has also lowered India’s growth forecast
forecast for calendar year 2022 to 2.9 per cent from 4.1 per cent. for the current fiscal year (2022-23) to 7.5% from its previous
World Bank reported that Global median headline CPI inflation rose estimate of 8% made in January.
to 7.8 percent (y/y) in April 2022, its highest level since 2008 due

2. Global Energy Sector There has been a strong rebound in oil demand that has not been
matched by a rebound in investment in supply. Despite upward
World has experienced multiple waves of infections from the
pressure on prices, upstream spending in 2021 is set to remain
contagious virus, and new variants have brought additional below 2019 levels. Major international companies are diversifying
challenges. Global energy markets are under stress as it is facing their spending and building their portfolio in low carbon business.
double whammy of energy crunch and higher prices caused by Financial resilience is increasingly becoming a function of climate
pandemic & conflict in Ukraine. Crude oil prices increased by 36 resilience, companies are keen to build a portfolio that is resilient to
percent between August 2021 and February 2022, driven by a both lower commodity prices and higher carbon prices.
strong recovery in oil demand, followed by geopolitical tensions.
Brent crude oil temporarily reached USD 140 in early March as Gas & LNG
markets started to reduce Russian oil imports. The global energy Global natural gas consumption showed a strong recovery in 2021,
system is facing extreme uncertainty in the near, medium and long with an estimated 4.5% y-o-y increase. This is more than twice the
terms, while the consumers are facing hardships due to the limited equivalent of the decline experienced in 2020 and the third strongest
availability of oil and gas. year since 2000, after 2010 and 2018 (which grew by 7.8% and 5.2%
The oil and gas sector is confronted with the biggest task in society- respectively). This strong growth resulted from the combination of a
addressing climate change. The structure of energy demand is rebound in economic activity after the lockdowns of 2020, boosting
changing, with the importance of fossil fuels gradually declining. consumption in the industrial and power generation sectors, and
What pathways can companies opt, and how can they steer towards a succession of extreme weather events that led to higher than
low carbon opportunities in an economically viable manner is a big expected heating and power generation needs. Growth slowed
question. There has been a marked strengthening in the past two significantly in the second half of 2021 due to a challenging price
years in the ambitions of governments around the world to increase environment and softening of the economic recovery.
the pace and extent of reductions in carbon emissions. Wind and Global LNG trade expanded by 6% in 2021, slightly below the 7%
solar power are expanding rapidly, underpinned by continuing falls average rate in the 2015-2020 period, but much faster than the 1%
in their costs and an increasing ability of power systems to integrate increase in 2020. The Asia Pacific region saw an 8% increase in
high concentrations of variable power sources. LNG imports and accounted for more than 95% of the net growth in
LNG trade globally. China (up by 17%) and Korea (up by 14%) were
BP energy outlook 2022 estimates that share of fossil fuels in
the largest contributors in volume terms, particularly in the first three
primary energy shall fall from close to 80% in 2019 to 30-20% by
quarters of 2021, and China became the world’s biggest importer
2050 in Accelerated and Net Zero Emissions (NZE) Scenarios. The
of LNG last year.
declining importance of fossil fuels in global energy is offset by the
increasing role played by renewable energy, whose share in primary Russia is Europe’s largest natural gas supplier, meeting 33% of
energy increases from a little over 10% in 2019 to 55-65% by 2050 the region’s demand in 2021 after constant growth over the past
in Accelerated and Net Zero scenarios. It is believed that the recent decade due to the depletion of domestic production. Higher LNG
energy crisis will accelerate the adoption of renewable energy. import needs in Europe are putting pressure on an already tight
global LNG market balance in 2022. Natural gas storage played a
Oil Prices & Demand crucial role in meeting seasonal swings in gas demand across all
With Oil markets struggling to navigate supply losses and key gas regions during the 2021/22 heating season. Gas storage
dislocations stemming from Russia-Ukraine conflict, US and levels both in Europe and the United States stood well below their
International Energy Agency (IEA) coordinated stock releases are five-year average levels at the end of the heating season, indicating
somehow easing the pressure emanating from supply crunch and strong restocking needs.
providing a crucial buffer to oil markets that’s facing heightened The record highs in spot natural gas prices in 2021 and 2022 have
uncertainty amid the multitude of repercussions stemming from refocused attention on the role of natural gas, and raised new
sanctions and embargoes targeted at Russia. As per IEA, global questions about the extent to which, and for how long, it can retain
demand for oil in 2022 is forecasted to average 99.4 million barrels a place in the energy mix as clean energy transitions accelerate.
a day, up by 1.9 mb/d from 2021.
Woodmac expects oil demand to grow at 3.6 million b/d in 2022 (still
the second-biggest annual jump ever) and 2.2 million b/d in 2023.
However, annual demand for 2022 has been trimmed by 0.8% and
for 2023 by nearly 1% – mainly due to Covid-related lockdowns in
several major cities in China and the weaker outlook for Russia’s
economy due to sanctions. The impact of higher prices in some
countries is a secondary factor.
IHS Markit’s base case scenario projects Dated Brent to average
about USD 104/bbl in 2022, assuming disruptions to Russian oil
supply of the order of 1-3 MMb/d, which are offset to a degree by
higher Iranian exports, unilateral output hikes by Saudi Arabia and Main Spot and forward Natural Gas prices, 2020-2022 (IEA)
the UAE, and strong supply gains outside of OPEC+. If there are
more extreme cuts to Russian supply, then prices could average
USD 133/bbl or more, with spikes to even higher daily levels at times.
Short-term prices have jumped as a result of tightening supply and Oil and gas companies have continued to keep a tight control on
demand conditions as well as the Russia-Ukraine conflict. As more exploration spending following the market upheavals in the middle
supply emerges, particularly from the US and demand growth of the last decade and more recently from the damage wrought
decelerates, prices are expected to ease back to the low USD 70s on global demand by the Covid-19 pandemic. Exploration drilling
in 2023. However, there are plausible scenarios where prices move activity saw a significant drop in 2020 due to the impact of the
even higher as a result of Russian supply disruptions. Covid-19 pandemic on global oil demand. A rise in oil prices from
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last year has not directly translated into a similar hike in exploration strategic, and environment-focused buying in 2021. Despite a 75%
capex, as upstream players maintain financial discipline and focus rebound in oil prices and record cash flows, for example, global
on high-quality prospects. Rystad predicts that licensing activity is O&G M&A deal activity increased by only 18% and capex grew by
likely to see a drop in 2022. 66 rounds are expected to be completed, only 17% in 2021. Rystad Energy reported that Global upstream
out of which around 14 are currently in the bid evaluation stage and merger and acquisition (M&A) deals rebounded to pre-Covid-19
16 are open for bidding, with the remaining 36 still in the planning levels in 2021, reaching a total of USD 181billion, a 70% increase
stage. The rounds that are still under planning are high-risk rounds over 2020. The total deal value for 2021 was the highest in three
and around 50% of these likely to face delays and closing dates be years and almost reached the highs seen in 2017 and 2018 of USD
extended to next year. The rounds that are yet to open have higher 205 billion and USD 199 billion, respectively. Deals valued at more
risk and could face delays in actual awards, with results potentially than USD 1 billion accounted for USD 126 billion, or 70%, of the
by next year. Most of the rounds that are likely to be completed are global total.
in mature basins.
Geopolitical uncertainties may impede O&G M&A momentum in
Investment 2022. ESG consideration in M&A is emerging and evolving. Private
Equity (PE) interest has started looking for low-carbon solutions.
Upstream investment is rebounding off a 15-year low, led by
However, portfolio-rebalancing amid the evolving geopolitical
resource holding NOCs. But demand is recovering faster and high
landscape and ongoing opportunities to integrate hydrocarbon
prices suggest more investment is needed. As many oil and gas
and green energy assets could provide some support to the M&A
companies have started to reshape and reorient their portfolios,
activity in 2022.The deal pipeline is robust, and the upstream M&A
only a few are positioned to react swiftly to the recent oil price surge
market looks set to continue to strengthen.
to provide much-needed additional production.
3. India Energy Snapshot
The current upcycle –which has seen Brent crude surge past USD
100 per barrel –is remarkable in that, despite the oil price surge India is the world’s third largest energy consumer and a major force
and robust cash flow generation, exploration and production (E&P) in the global energy economy. Energy consumption in India doubled
investment is only showing a modest uptick, with little sign of a since 2000, due to growing population, rapid industrialisation and
recovery to levels seen before the Covid-19 pandemic kicked off large scale urbanisation. While the pandemic seriously hampered
in early 2020. capacity growth in 2020 and 2021 the pace is likely to further pick
up in 2022. Energy use on a per capita basis is well under half the
One of the key reasons for the reduced investment sensitivity
global average, and there are widespread differences in energy use
to oil price movements is a shift in cash flow distribution among
and the quality of service across states and between rural and urban
industry players. Amid the downturn caused by the drop in demand
areas. Over 80% of India’s energy needs are majorly met by three
due to the Covid-19 pandemic, returning cash to shareholders
fuels: coal, oil and solid biomass. Coal remains the largest single
became a top priority and companies reshaped their business
fuel in the energy mix. Oil consumption and imports have grown
models accordingly. Companies are also shifting priorities towards
rapidly on account of rising vehicle ownership and road transport
diversification, resilience and decarbonisation.
use. Domestic fuel sales have been rising since the government
The focus for the most part is on short-cycle, fast-payback has been lifting COVID-19–induced curbs.
conventional, deep water or shale projects. For the year 2022,
BP Energy Outlook has envisaged that there will be a strong

Rystad Energy expects that the global upstream investments will

growth in primary energy led by renewables and, to a lesser extent,
grow around 20%. From 2020 to 2023, the average yearly growth in
natural gas. Average growth per year would be around 2.5%- 2.7%.
investments is estimated at 7%. It expects shale/tight oil investments
As result of this strong growth, India would account for around
to increase almost 35% this year. Deepwater is expected to grow
13%-14% of the global primary energy consumption in 2050, up
around 30% this year. Brazil, Guyana, West Africa and Australia will
from around 7% in 2019. The country is the world’s fifth largest
drive most of this growth.
renewable energy market with installed capacity of close to 109 GW.
Woodmack observes that Investment is on track to rebound from India has increased its Conference of Parties (COP) 21 Nationally
USD 350 billion in 2020 to USD 430 billion by 2023 but price volatility Determined Contributions (NDCs) commitment, the country has set
created by demand uncertainties would serve to reinforce or break an ambitious target of 500GW by 2030.
discipline, or recreate capital starvation, perpetuating the risk of
Crude Oil & Natural Gas Production
under or over investment. Upstream capital requirements depend
on expected demand and achievable capital efficiency. As per Petroleum Planning and Analysis Cell (PPAC) data, domestic
crude oil production in FY’22 stood at 29.69 Million Metric Tonnes
(MMT) versus 30.49 MMT during FY’21. ONGC’s standalone
Deloitte’s 2022 oil and gas M&A outlook highlighted that aggressive production was 19.54 MMT vs 20.27 MMT in FY’21. Production
acquisition strategy of O& G companies has given way to restrained, from Oil India Ltd and PSC/ JVs was 2.98 MMT and 7.16 MMT


Natural Gas output in FY’22 was 34.02 Billion Cubic Metres (BCM), Import and Export
versus 28.67 BCM in FY’21. The increase in gas output was mainly
PPAC reported that Crude oil imports increased by 7.9 percent
contributed by private operator in Eastern Offshore.
in FY’22 to 211.9 MMT. The country’s import dependence has
ONGC’s standalone domestic output stood at 20.91 BCM. Oil India increased owing to a steady decline in domestic output and surge
produced 2.89 BCM and other private operators 10.22 BCM. in demand, however, lower than pre-pandemic imports of 227
million tonnes in 2019-20.
Consumption of Petroleum Products
Petroleum product exports increased to 62.7 MMT from 56.8 MMT
According to PPAC figures, domestic petroleum products
in FY’21. Forex outgo for imports for FY’22 surged to all time high at
consumption in FY’22 increased by over 4 percent to 202.71 MMT,
USD 120.4 billion versus USD 62.2 billion in the previous financial
as demand for transport fuels surged as the pandemic-linked
year. The higher import bill may significantly affect the forex reserves
lockdown restrictions eased and economic activity picked up.
and current account deficit.
Except SKO, petcoke & others, all petroleum products reported a
growth in consumption during April-March 2022 compared to the Crude Oil Price: Indian Basket
same period of the previous year.
Crude oil price of the Indian basket averaged USD 79.18 per barrel
Petrol consumption was up 10.3 per cent at 30.9 million tonnes during FY’22 compared to USD 44.82 per barrel in the previous
in 2021-22 while diesel sales were up 5.4 per cent at 76.7 million fiscal. The rise in prices was the steepest in the month of March
tonnes. Consumption of LPG was up 3 per cent at 28.3 million 2022 when the Indian basket averaged USD 112.87 per barrel. The
tonnes. Aviation Turbine Fuel (ATF) demand soared 35 per cent supply concerns have kept global oil prices elevated since Russia-
to 5 million tonnes but was less than the consumption recorded Ukraine Crisis in February. India, which meets nearly 85% of its oil
during the pre-pandemic year. This was mainly because full aviation needs through imports, could be hit by a widening trade deficit,
services resumed only towards the end of the year. weakening rupee and persistent higher inflation. Higher oil Prices

Crude Oil Price: Indian Basket

120.00 80

Crude oil price (US$/bbI)


US$ vs Rs
60.00 60


0.00 40

April May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar


Price Exchange rate (US$ vs Rs)

leads to broader price increases since it adds to input costs for volatility also reached record levels as a result of unprecedented
large number of products. While current prices are at a level that uncertainty.
aligns with ONGC’s strategic outlook and will boost the capex
Domestic gas prices in FY’22 have been revised – it was priced at USD
spending and fast track the monetization of discovered fields.
2.90/MMBTU for H2FY’22 as against USD 1.79/MMBTU for H1FY’22.
Domestic Gas Prices Also the ceiling price for gas produced from challenging fields of
deep-water and HP/HT areas was revised to USD 6.13 per MMBTU
The ongoing Ukrain-Russia conflict has added further pressure and
for October 2021-March 2022 from USD 3.62 per MMBTU in H1FY’22.
uncertainty to an already tight natural gas market. Europe’s natural
Further, the prices of domestic natural gas for H1 FY’23 have been
gas supply has been a topic of concern since mid-2021. Short-term
revised to USD 6.10 per MMBTU (million British thermal units). For
prices have reached all-time record highs since the beginning of
the Gas produced from discoveries in deep-water, ultra deep-water
the conflict. The competition for flexible LNG cargoes pushed Asian
and HPHT fields, the gas price ceiling is USD 9.92 per MMBTU.
spot prices to a record high and led to further curtailment in price-
sensitive importing markets, particularly in emerging Asia. Price In order to give a fillip to the gas based economy, focus is being
EXPLORING hidden depths
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given to enhancing domestic gas production, expeditious where the contracts require market price discovery through
development of gas infrastructure as well as development of Gas transparent means. These affirmative policy actions are a much-
market by providing open access to gas infrastructure. To further needed vital nudge for a sector that has enormous untapped
facilitate conducive business environment for competitive gas potential and is a key strategic plank for supporting the country’s
markets, efforts are underway to rationalise gas pipeline tariff sovereign growth and development pursuits.
structure for improving the affordability of gas across the country
and for attracting investments into the gas infrastructure. Reform ONGC has made significant progress in this timeframe. It has
measures like e-auction, Gas exchange platform, common carrier completely monetized ‘U’ Field of KG-DWN-98/2 project. Its
etc. will create conducive conditions for growth of gas based efforts contributed to the upgrading of Bengal and Vindhyan from
economy in the country. Category 3 to Category 2 Basins, of which the former became a
Category 1 basin soon after with commercial production of first oil
Present remunerative prices will unlock value while ensuring a
steady and reliable supply of indigenously developed gas to the from its Ashokenagar-1 well.
country’s growing industrial and commercial setup – making that Perseverance of ONGC over the last 25 years, has now paid off –
the perfect embodiment of an ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’ philosophy. the Vindhyan Basin is close to becoming the ninth producing Basin
Domestic Upstream Reforms and Initiatives of India. On testing, the Well Hatta#3 in the Son valley sector of
Madhya Pradesh produced over 62,044 cubic meters/day gas, thus
The last few years in the domestic upstream sector have been a confirming the production potential of Proterozoic Basin for the first
sight for significant policy reforms and progressive decisions, GOI time in India. ONGC is fully geared to consolidate this development.
has undertaken several policy measures to increase exploration With belief in prospectively, it has already acquired 5 Blocks under
and production activities in India. The rapid pace of policymaking OALP rounds on the same Play trend.
and swift progress on the ground with projects such as the National
Seismic Project and Reassessment of Hydrocarbon potential At present world is witnessing double jolt of Pandemic and Ukraine-
will provide the necessary support for exploration activities in the Russia Crisis. Energy Transition has gained fresh impetus due to
country and further augment Oil & Gas supplies. unsustainable Oil & Gas Prices which will entail fresh challenges
Some of the key reform measures have been, the introduction of to E&P Sector. Some key issues that merit attention at this point
a new licensing regime – Hydrocarbon Exploration and Licensing are the moderation of OID Cess and royalty rates and coverage of
Policy (HELP) – that allows for Open acreage system of bidding crude oil and natural gas under GST.
with marketing and pricing freedom among other incentives. New Operational Performance
players that entered the fray through the DSF and OALP bid rounds
will provide the much needed thrust to explore the prospectivity of For FY’22, Oil & Gas production of ONGC Group, including PSC-
the Indian Sedimentary Basins. Government also brought in policy JVs and from overseas Assets has been 55.72 MMTOE (against
to incentivize greater recovery from our hydrocarbon producing 58.39 MMTOE during FY’21). ONGC-operated domestic fields
assets through the EOR Policy. accounted for bulk of the countries oil and gas production – 66
Further, the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas (MoPNG), percent and 61 percent respectively.
Government of India, vide Notification dated 15 October 2020, has Oil and gas production profile of ONGC from domestic as well as
allowed the producers to sell the natural gas through e-bidding overseas assets during last five years are as given below:

Oil and gas production FY’22 FY’21 FY’20 FY’19 FY’18


Crude Oil Production (MMT) 29.81 31.04 33.11 34.33 34.79

ONGC 19.55 20.27 20.71 21.11 22.31
ONGC’s share in JV 2.16 2.26 2.64 3.12 3.13
ONGC Videsh 8.10 8.51 9.76 10.10 9.35
Natural Gas Production (BCM) 25.91 27.35 30.12 30.55 29.42
ONGC 20.91 22.10 23.85 24.75 23.48
ONGC’s share in JV 0.77 0.72 1.04 1.06 1.13
ONGC Videsh 4.23 4.53 5.23 4.74 4.81
Proved reserves
Position of proved reserves of your company (including ONGC Videsh) is as below:

Proved Reserves (MMtoe) FY’22 FY’21 FY’20 FY’19* FY’18

ONGC 557.31 580.52 602.55 625.52 683.46
JV share 14.22 16.33 17.82 20.07 11.42
ONGC Videsh 274.34 273.59 340.45 345.78 287.13
Estimated Net Proved O+OEG Reserves 845.87 870.44 960.82 991.37 982.01
*FY’19 onwards the reserves are based on PRMS basis; earlier years were reported based on SPE-classification


Financial performance: ONGC Standalone

(` Million)
Particulars FY’22 FY’21 % Increase/ (Decrease)
Crude Oil 836,612 479,338 74.53
Natural Gas 124,414 114,216 8.93
Value Added Products 138,597 85,355 62.38
Other Operating revenue 3,831 2,502 53.12
Total Revenue from Operations: 1,103,454 681,411 61.94
Other Income 65,156 71,425 (8.78)
EBIDTA 609,456 335,697 81.55
PBT 410,400 164,028 150.20
PAT 403,057 112,464 258.39
EPS 32.04 8.94 258.39
Dividend per share 10.50 3.60 191.67
Net Worth ** 2,371,481 2,045,586 15.93
% Return on net worth 17.00 5.50 209.09
Capital Employed 1,349,661 1,159,394 16.41
% Return on capital employed# 29.01 12.23 137.20
Capital Expenditure 277,413 268,593 3.28
** includes reserve for equity instruments fair valued through other comprehensive Income

# Return on capital employed is calculated by excluding exceptional item. In case exceptional item is included, ROCE would be 13.42% for 2020-21.

Details of Significant change in ratio (i.e. 25% or more from previous year):-

Particulars 2021-22 2020-21 Change in %

(i) Debtors Turnover (days) 32 34 (5.88)
(ii) Inventory Turnover 13.51 8.00 68.88
(iii) Interest Coverage Ratio 142.18 55.95 154.12
(iv) Current Ratio 0.98 0.86 13.95
(v) Debt Equity Ratio 0.03 0.07 (57.14)
(vi) Operating Profit Margin (%) 39.33 25.30 55.45
(vii) Net Profit Margin (%) 36.53 16.50 121.39
(viii) Return on Net Worth (%) 17.00 5.50 209.09

1. Change in Inventory Turnover Ratio 3. Change in Debt Equity Ratio

Inventory Turnover ratio for FY 2021-22 is 13.51 against 8.00 in FY The Debt Equity ratio for FY 2021-22 is 0.03 against 0.07 in FY
2020-21 i.e. increase of 68.88%, due to increase in revenue from 2020-21 i.e. decrease of 57.14%, due to decrease in Debt by
operations by `422,043 million and decrease in average inventory `86,257 million and increase in other equity by `325,895 million.
by `3,526 million. The increase in revenue from operations is mainly The decrease in Debt is due to repayment of current borrowings
due to increase in crude oil revenue by `357,274 million on account during FY 2021-22.
of increase in crude oil prices, increase in natural gas revenue
4. Change in Operating Profit Margin
by `10,198 million on account of increase in natural gas prices,
increase in value added products revenue by `53,242 million and The Operating Profit Margin for FY 2021-22 is 39.33 % against
increase in other operating revenue by `1,329 million. 25.30 % in FY 2020-21 i.e. increase of 55.45 %, this is mainly due
2. Change in Interest Coverage Ratio to increase in Profit Before Interest & Tax (PBIT) by `261,576 million
The increase in PBIT is mainly due to increase in revenue from
The Interest Coverage ratio for FY 2021-22 is 142.18 against operations by `422,043 million which is partly offset by increase
55.95 in FY 2020-21 i.e. increase of 154.12%, this is mainly due to in statutory levies by `115,085 million as the levies are charged on
increase in Profit Before Interest & Tax (PBIT) by `261,576 million ad-valorem basis.
and marginal decrease in interest cost during the year. The increase
in PBIT is mainly due to increase in revenue from operations by 5. Change in Net Profit Margin
`422,043 million which is partly offset by increase in statutory levies
The Net Profit Margin for FY 2021-22 is 36.53% against 16.50% in
by `115,085 million as the levies are charged on ad-valorem basis.
FY 2020-21 i.e. increase of 121.39%, this is due to increase in Profit
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after Tax (PAT) by `290,593 million mainly on account of increase in crude oil prices and also on account of reduction in tax expenses by
`44,221 million due to adoption of lower tax regime as per section 115BAA of income tax act 1961.
6. Change in Return on Net Worth
The Return on Net Worth for FY 2021-22 is 17.00% against 5.50% in FY 2020-21 i.e. increase of 209.09% ,due to increase in Profit after Tax
(PAT) by `290,593 million mainly on account of increase in crude oil prices and also on account of reduction in tax expenses by `44,221
million. The same is partly offset by increase in net worth by `325,895 million.

Financial performance: ONGC Group

(` in Million)
Particulars FY’22 FY’21 % Increase/ (Decrease)
Revenue from Operations 5,317,618 3,604,635 47.52
Other Income 74,376 93,324 (20.30)
EBIDTA 873,113 588,057 48.47
PBT 540,911 301,264 79.55
Profit after Tax for the year 492,941 213,602 130.78
- Profit attributable to Owners of the Company 455,221 163,044 179.20
- Profit attributable to Non-Controlling interests 37,720 50,558 (25.39)
EPS 36.19 12.96 179.24
Net Worth * 2,595,029 2,209,810 17.43
% Return on net worth 17.54 7.38 137.67
Capital Employed 2,308,233 2,025,625 13.95
% Return on Capital employed# 25.43 15.66 62.39
* Includes reserve for equity instruments through other comprehensive income

# Return on capital employed is calculated without considering the impact of exceptional items. In case exceptional item is also considered for calculating PBIT, ROCE
would be 24.52% for 2021-22 and 16.12% for 2020-21.

4. Opportunities & Threats

The recent geopolitical crisis amidst the ongoing pandemic, has Despite the challenges, many E&P companies are sustaining efforts
proved just once again, how vulnerable the global economy remains to decarbonize their operations and their value chains. A number
to systemic risks. The oil and gas industry has rebounded strongly of oil and gas companies have already set net-zero-emissions

in 2021, with oil prices reaching their highest levels in six years. targets. The Paris Agreement strengthened the global response to
These price increases come on top of already tight commodity the threat of climate change. According to new data released by
markets due to a solid demand recovery from the pandemic, as the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), renewable
well as numerous pandemic-related supply constraints posed energy continued to expand steadily and well above the long-term
by the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. The conflict has disrupted trend, with share in total capacity expansion reaching new record
production and trade of several commodities, particularly those of 81% last year. Global renewable generation capacity amounted
where Russia and Ukraine are key exporters, including energy, to 3,064 Gigawatt (GW) by the end of 2021, increasing the stock of
fertilizers, and grains. IHS in its recent report has highlighted that renewable power by 9.1 per cent.
the world oil supply cost curve has shifted upward. This results in
about a USD 15/bbl increase in their price outlook to 2050 in base- Total installed renewable capacity (excluding hydro) in FY’22 has
case scenario. It is expected that the general price environment reached 109 GW in India. The share of renewables in the power
between 2030 and 2050 shall average about USD 74/bbl in real sector is already at 27.5 percent and is likely to step up further with
terms (or about USD 117/bbl in nominal terms). While the recovery the development of more efficient and cheaper storage solutions.
is better than expected, pressure is mounting on E&P companies to India has also already raised the nationally determined contribution
accelerate the shift of energy system away from one dominated by (NDC) target of non-fossil energy capacity to 500 GW by 2030.
hydrocarbons towards the one with low-carbon system. At present nearly 1 Million Electric Vehicles are already plying on
Indian roads. Rystad Energy’s report states that in the 2030s, the
Most models of the energy transition also suggest that continued EV revolution will spill over into electric trucks which will see a
petrochemical demand and use in industry & transportation will delayed transition, but once it takes hold, on a per unit basis, will
ensure a considerable level of oil and gas demand, even in a net- have a material negative impact on oil demand that will materialize
zero scenario. The global energy mix is not changing nearly as in the 2040s.
quickly as the world needs it to, as it is influenced by a range of
factors, from political support, economics, to the development of Energy consumption in India has doubled since 2000, with 80%
emerging technologies. IHS Markit predicts that higher oil prices of demand still being met by coal, oil and solid biomass. On a per
and a renewed focus on energy security are expected to jump-start capita basis, India’s energy use is less than half the world average.
global upstream capex spending. Liquids demand (demand for As Indian economy is the fastest growing major economy, it is re-
refined products, natural gas liquids, biofuels, and other liquids) is entering a very dynamic period in its energy development. Over the
now expected to peak at about 109 MMb/d in 2030. coming years energy demand and energy dynamics is expected
to transform from fossil to low-carbon by the second half of this

century. Despite the ongoing transition, IEA has underlined that Oil Russia’s isolation following its invasion of Ukraine is deepening,
& Gas will remain central to the Indian economy over the next three Russia has historically been a source of low-cost oil for the world
decades. market. IHS in its report expects Russian crude and condensate
output to fall from 10.4 MMb/d in 2021 to 9.1 MMb/d in 2022. Further
Being an energy starved country, GoI has laid special onus
output declines are expected over the longer term given Russia’s
on ONGC to carry out surveillance programme on behalf of
loss of foreign investors and access to international capital and
Government of India to probe and explore remaining unexplored
technology. Amid the widening supply and demand uncertainties,
sedimentary basins of the country. As per the most recent resource
oil market volatility remains rife.
reassessment study, a total of about 42 BTOE of resource potential
was estimated from all category basins. Out of this about 12 BTOE For oil companies, an array of issues have influenced capital
has already been discovered, with a large potential of about 30 planning strategies, these factors include the industry’s growing
BTOE yet to be discovered. ONGC will have opportunities to take emphasis on the energy transition, rising inflation, Govt. regulations,
lead in acquiring prospective areas through OALP & DSF for geopolitical concerns and more recently a surge in commodity
exploration of oil & gas and to expand its reserve base. ONGC has prices and an increased focus on energy security following Russia-
already initiated and is continuing efforts for identifying such areas Ukraine conflict. High oil prices poses risk for less capital discipline
in various basins. which reduces the focus on new opportunities, companies focus
more on the core business through higher capex spending. Current
ONGC added one more basin (Vindhyan) to the hydrocarbon
O&G price regime is apt for companies to fund their sustainability
map of India by testing the well, Hatta-3 which flowed @ 62,044
standard cubic metre of gas per day. With this, ONGC discovered
08 out of 09 active basins of the country. ONGC has declared 4 Further, domestic gas sector is prone to price fluctuations The fact
New hydrocarbon discoveries (2 in onland and 2 in offshore) during that our project pipeline is quite gas-rich with break-evens in the
FY 2021-22 in its operated acreages. Six hydrocarbon discoveries USD5-USD9/MMBtu range-current price range will support the
have been monetized during the year including 2 discoveries vision of Gas based Economy. We are hopeful that the setting up of
notified during the FY 2021-22. ONGC plans to invest `3,10,000 the online gas hub - India Gas Exchange - is the first step towards
million in next 03 years on exploration. This will help ONGC achieve liberalising prices and moving away from the current formula which
its acreage acquisition program to bring around 5,00,000 sq. km is a derivative of international gas-rich and liquid hubs that do not
under active exploration by 2025. Your Company has also lined up really reflect the reality of our domestic market. ONGC has acquired
25 projects in next 03 years on field development. 5% equity in Indian Gas Exchange (IGX) as strategic investment and
is also a member of IGX. ONGC has become the first Exploration
Beyond ambitious renewable energy target for ES 2040, your
and Production (E&P) company in India to trade domestic gas on
Company is also looking to aggressively induct technology
Indian Gas Exchange from its KG-98/2 block.
across all facets of its business ensuring greater energy
efficiency, more productivity and improving safety performance. The expanding LNG business also supports its global reach, and
This focus has only sharpened in the wake of the COVID-19 with the emerging concept of ‘green LNG’ it will gain traction even
pandemic which has reset expectations and priorities of our among the more climate-forward regions of the world. Under more
business. ONGC is also focused on leveraging its extensive aggressive scenarios where world transitions faster to lower carbon
experience in meeting vast and complex challenges to ecosystem, the verdict for more oil is quite extreme – IEA in its NZE
advance solutions at scale in the highest-emitting sectors of the case sees oil demand at 72 mb/d in 2030 and 24 mb/d by 2050.
economy and keenly striving to enhance its renewable portfolio. Natural gas demand increases in all scenarios over the next five
ONGC is exploring growth options in low-carbon businesses, years, with sharp divergences afterwards. Many factors affect to
technologies like clean hydrogen and carbon capture, utilization, what extent, and for how long, natural gas can retain a place in
and storage to lessen emissions intensive footprint and steadily the energy mix when clean energy transitions accelerate, and the
wants to increase its size and scale in renewable sector. outlook is far from uniform across different countries and regions.
In the NZE, demand drops sharply from 2025 onwards and falls
Extra cash generated in a higher commodity price scenario may
to 1,750 bcm in 2050. By 2050, more than 50% of natural gas
allow E&P companies to reinforce their financial position and
consumed is used to produce low-carbon hydrogen, and 70% of
to move into the next phase of the capital allocation framework.
gas use is in facilities equipped with Carbon Capture Utilization and
Companies must now, in all probability, also invest resources
Storage (CCUS). Whereas, Rystad Energy has forecasted that oil
towards making their portfolio lighter or more diverse depending
demand to peak at 107 million bpd in 2025 and then progressively
on their expertise, future opportunity set and shareholder / investor
decline to 51 million bpd by 2050. While these are merely forecasts
right now and much depends on how actually leading countries
5. Risks and Concerns or regions or economic blocs like EU and countries like US and
China move ahead with implementing their COP-21 commitments
The biggest impact on physical oil fundamentals so far in 2022 is on and their own internal Net-Zero goals/ policies.
the demand side because of prevailing geo political concerns. But
this is expected to shift as China will start reopening its lockdowns Oil and gas companies have kept their exploration spending low
areas. following the market crashes in the middle of the last decade
and more recently from the damage wrought on global demand
There is diminishing likelihood of a revitalized US-Iran nuclear by the Covid-19 pandemic. A rise in oil prices from last year has
deal, which will keep out 1 MMb/d of additional Iranian oil output not directly translated into a similar hike in exploration capex, as
that had been expected to begin to enter the market later in 2022. upstream players maintain financial discipline and focus on high-
Other factors include OPEC+ running out of spare capacity, quality prospects. Exploration drilling activity saw a significant drop
falling Russian oil production, the European Union eliminating in 2020 due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on global
most Russian oil imports, the risk of US supply gains falling short oil demand. The total number of exploration wells drilled in 2021
of expectations as producers adhere to capital discipline, and oil was on the low side with a marginal drop of around 5% from the
inventories that are already very low. previous year, however there was an opposite trend for offshore

EXPLORING hidden depths
ACHIEVING glorious heights

wells where activity increased. Rystad Energy in its analysis expect more and more discoveries into the production stream quicker
a similar trend in 2022 and could see an around 10% increase in as well as made solid contributions to national E&P missions. In
offshore well numbers this year. terms of supplies, the Company has a strong pipeline of projects –
greenfield projects as well as brownfield redevelopment schemes.
ONGC, however, continues to aggressively pursue exploration
programs to maximize its reserve base as well as to augment the Presented below is a brief overview of our current exploration status
country’s prospective hydrocarbon-bearing areas. This means a as well as efforts in emerging areas and production enhancement
combination of near-field appraisal and conventional wildcats. Your efforts.
Company also runs the risk of running into unplanned delays on
A. Exploration
account of various environmental and regulatory issues. A single
window clearance system may be expedited to facilitate prudent ONGC continues to make meaningful discoveries while
utilisation of resources and enable timely delivery of results in consolidating its reserves. It has adopted a ‘Play Based Exploration’
strategic and economically sensitive sector like oil and gas. approach to accelerate the exploration activities from prospect
Loss of valued experience, in a technology-intensive sector like focus to play focus. The strategic change to play based concept
E&P, where the pool of expertise is already limited is a serious is primarily to assess the maximum YTF resource potential and
obstacle. The possibility of not attracting enough talent into the enhance the reserve base of the company. In the present OALP
sector is an area of grave concern. However, diversification and regime, your Company is continuously evaluating prospectivity of
technology-integration could not only ease people requirements of new areas to maximize its acreage holding as well as to carry out
companies but may be useful to get the younger generation to join aggressive exploratory efforts. Recent exploratory breakthrough in
this vital industry by offering a different value proposition. terms of finding hydrocarbon in Bengal basin, commercial flow of
hydrocarbons in Vindhyan basin, and presence of gas within intrusive
ONGC has implemented updated OISD Standards to improve
in Mesozoic sequence in Kutch Offshore are major leads to boost
contingency combat capabilities. International underwriters,
exploratory efforts. In Mahanadi offshore basin, your Company has
enabling a lower-than-peer insurance premium for these assets,
restarted its exploratory campaign. With the culmination of fifth
have rated ONGC offshore assets under ‘acceptable risk’.
round of Open Acreage Licensing Policy (OALP) bidding, ONGC
Operational safety is a high-risk element for most upstream was awarded 24 blocks as an operator in onshore and offshore
operations. It requires companies to adopt a more holistic approach areas falling in 3 tier category Indian sedimentary basins adding
through a well-designed and strong HSE framework. With future exploration acreage of 46,313.36 Km2. Your Company participated
operations, at least domestically, moving to more difficult terrains aggressively in the OALP rounds VI & VII held during the year and
with challenging geologies, the centrality of Safety cannot be over- emerged as the highest bidder winning an acreage measuring
emphasized at this point. 34,097 Sq. Km. in OALP Round VI against the total offered area of
35,346 Sq. Km. ONGC emerged as sole bidder in 3 blocks in OALP-
Energy Strategy 2040
VII and is expecting an addition of at least 9,397 Sq. Km.
ONGC had adopted Energy Strategy 2040 as its strategic blueprint
Currently, all the awarded OALP blocks are in exploratory phase.
for future in 2019. ‘Energy Transition’ was one of the fundamental
Cumulatively as on 01.04.2022, a total 3,047.66 LKM of 2D seismic
drivers of the roadmap and, going along, it is clear that this
data and 8,965.05 SKM of 3D seismic data has been acquired
transition is going to play an increasingly stronger role in charting
and one exploratory well has been drilled in OALP Blocks. Further

out the future policies and strategies.

exploration activities are in progress.
ONGC remains committed to expand its production from both
The significant potential growth areas in exploration are:
domestic and overseas operations to 110 MMTOE by 2040.
However the pandemic has introduced further challenges in • Kopili, Sylhet, Barail, Bokabil and Tipam in South Assam Shelf
production particularly from difficult plays. ONGC is in the process area, Kuargaon-Mahakuti-Lakwa-Lakhmani-Banamali-Safrai
of sourcing new technologies and partnerships for harnessing corridor In North Assam Shelf, Lower Bhuban play in high-
these fields as it remains focussed on shorter business cycles. pressure area in Rokhia field, Middle Bhuban formation in
In Downstream, Your Company is well poised to expand its capacity Kunjaban field
through the expansion and green-field activities in progress at its • Exploration focus in the coming years will be oriented towards
subsidiary units. Your Company is also expanding its footprints in probing Early Paleocene Olpad, Late Paleocene OCS/
CGD & regas through group entities and has presence in 23 GA’s Mandhali and Early Eocene YCS/Chhatral, Paleocene-Early
across 12 states. A 5 MMTPA LNG regasification terminal at Chhara Eocene Panna Play with significant YTF potential.
port (Gir Somnath District) in Gujarat is under implementation
• Kutch-Saurashtra will be of prime importance in the coming
Your Company is progressing well on the path of strategic restructuring years. Plio-Pleistocene play in deep water block KG-DWN-98/2
of the group businesses with amalgamation of OMPL with MRPL. & Bhuvanagiri play shall also be targets for future exploration.
In addition, your Company is also exploring opportunities in the
field of Renewables in India and abroad. ONGC has signed MoU • Exploration focus will also be oriented towards opening of
with SECI for pursuing clean energy Goals. new potential corridors in newly acquired OALP blocks in Son
Valley Vindhyan Basin especially for Rohtas, Mohana Fawn,
6. Outlook Jardepahar and Kajrahat plays.
Your Company is positioned well for further business avenues • Probing of sub-thrust Dharamsala sequences in Palampur-
backed by steady cash-flows. ONGC is exploring opportunities Sarkaghat areas and Subathus/ Bilaspur Limestone in
in new energy as part of its transformation into a true energy Palampur thrust areas in Kangra-Mandi sector of Himalayan
behemoth. Not only do we have the largest exploratory acreage Foot hills will remain as prime focus areas for future exploration.
of 1,26,657 Km2 in India as an operator as on 31.03.2022. We
also are making continuous efforts to create a commercial play in • For the first time, ONGC will venture into Bikaner Nagaur
newer and frontier areas. Over the last few years, we have brought Basin through its newly acquired OALP block to largely probe
potential of Jodhpur and Upper Carbonate plays.

B. Development of new fields center has teams dedicated to HSE, which execute the safety
guidelines prescribed by OISD as well as DGMS. HSE teams are
On the production front, while legacy fields continue to be the
also responsible for obtaining necessary licenses and clearances
mainstay of our base production, there is significant traction on the
from the State Pollution Control Boards.
development of new fields as well as new schemes for maximizing
recovery in mature areas. All transactions in the company are carried out on upgraded SAP
S/4HANAsystem. It is the successor to SAP R/3 and SAP ERP and
ONGC is cognizant of the role it assumes in the national energy
is optimized for SAP’s in-memory database SAP HANA. Proper and
landscape. It has made cumulative core E&P spends of over
adequate system of internal control exists to ensure that all aspects
` 1,500 billion over the past 5 years. As on 01.04.2022, 20 major
are safeguarded and protected against loss from unauthorized use
projects are under implementation with a total projected cost of
or disposition and that each transaction is authorized, recorded
around ` 5,90,000 million with envisaged gain of ~85.5 MMTOE.
and reported. The system further ensures that financial and other
Among these is ONGC’s mega offshore deep-water project in records are fact-based and reliable for preparing the financial
East Coast, Cluster-2 Development of KG-DWN-98/2. U Field of statements.
this project has been fully monetised with the opening of third well
Outcome Budget analysis: Your Company has established the
U-1-A. The completion of this project is expected to substantially
linkages of budget expenditure with anticipated outcomes to
enhance the Gas portfolio of your Company.
have clear sight on the future growth orientation parameters.
Further, your Company, supported by Government’s policy support, Expenditure proposed in Budget towards Development drilling
is strongly pursuing improving recovery from existing areas. As part and creation of Capital Facilities is co-related with the incremental
of expanding its EOR portfolio under the ER policy, 211 fields of gain in Oil and Gas production targets for next 5 years. Some of
ONGC located in onshore and offshore areas were considered for the other parameters included for outcome budget analysis are
screening. Total of 33 ER Proposal were submitted, out of which 17 profitability variation analysis, budgeted Balance Sheet and Cash
have already been approved. Two fields, Gandhar GS-9 & Gandhar Flow, sensitivity analysis on profitability and cash flow as a result of
GS-11, are under feasibility Study. changes in Crude Price and Exchange Rate.

ONGC for the first time executed a Pilot polymer flood project in 8. Human Resource Development
heavy oil field of Mehsana. The Pilot was completed on 15.09.2020
Employees are the cornerstone of ONGC’s growth and value
before the scheduled period. The pilot was successful in achieving
creation. ONGC’s HR Vision is to build and nurture a world class
all its objectives. The incremental gain is 5057 m3 in 13 Months
human capital by continuously innovating and adopting best-in-
against FR envisaged 4960 m3. The closure report was approved
class HR practices through engaged, empowered and enthused
by DGH on 08.11.2021. Commercial scheme for the same has
already been submitted and envisages incremental oil gain of 1.79
MMt (~ 5 % over BAU) and recovery of 23.3 % by 2046. Your Company’s talent management strategy is focused on building
an optimal and competent workforce to meet business needs
7. Internal Control Systems
and is centred around workforce planning and talent acquisition,
To manage the large portfolio, your Company has institutionalized performance management, learning & development, career growth,
robust internal control systems to continuously monitor critical succession planning, leadership development, and extending best
businesses, functions and operations; particularly field operations. of employee facilities, welfare benefits and work environment. As
The top management of your Company monitors and reviews on 31.03.2022 there were 27,165 employees on rolls of ONGC.
various activities on continuous basis. A set of standardized Even amidst the challenges of pandemic, ONGCians ensured
procedures and guidelines has been issued for all the facets of critical supplies of Oil & Gas through their commitment, and spirit
activities to ensure that best practices are adopted and those of collective collaboration & achieved a stellar physical & financial
percolate even up to ground level. performance during the year.

Your Company has a dedicated Performance Management and Capacity building of the workforce is a priority area, with dedicated
Benchmarking Group (PMBG) which monitors the performance institutes effectively catering to the learning & development needs
of each business unit against the Key Performance Indicators of our employees to efficiently meet the challenges of dynamic &
(KPIs) defined in the Performance Contracts between the top evolving E&P industry. ONGC also has tie-ups with various reputed
management and the Key Executives. As part of its push for national & international institutions, agencies and business schools
systemic transformation and strengthening of control systems, your for this purpose. During FY 2021-22, learning methodologies were
Company has placed adequate emphasis on institutionalization continued on online mode. 19,219 executives and 4,338 non-
of tools, practices and systems that facilitate greater operational executives were imparted training in relevant domains, spanning
efficiencies and workplace productivity. Your Company has 66,660 executive and 9617 non-executive training days.
introduced E-Grievance handling mechanism for quick redressal of
Learning Management System (LMS) undertaken by ONGC is a
grievances of its various stake-holders.
pioneer project under the Government’s Digital India Initiative.
Your Company has dedicated Internal Audit (IA) group which carries LMS portal brings competency-based learning, to enable self-
out audits in-house. At the same time, based on requirement, paced continual learning, through learning pathways, world class
specialized agencies are engaged to carry out audit in the identified trainings, latest content and assessment-based progress. With this,
areas. Statutory auditors are appointed by Comptroller and Auditor ONGC has become the first PSE to onboard Learning Management
General (CAG) of India for fixed tenures. System in 2022 under Mission Karmayogi launched by Hon’ble
Prime Minister.
Third party safety audits are conducted regularly for offshore and
onshore installations by established national and international Leadership Development: ONGC has in place strategic
HSE agencies such as Oil Industry Safety Directorate (“OISD”), an development interventions across executive levels, to
organization under the control of the MoPNG, which issues safety build and nurture a continual pipeline of energy leaders.
guidelines. Further, subject to the safety regulations prescribed by During the year, ONGC launched Harvard ManageMentor – a
the Directorate General of Mines and Safety (DGMS), each work management development program [e-learning] covering more
EXPLORING hidden depths
ACHIEVING glorious heights

than 3,100 executives. Further, to take care of development needs Your Company sponsored various sports associations/ federations/
of the young officers, under ONGC Mentor Mentee Exercise 2021- sports bodies for organizing sports events as well as developing
22, 600 Mentors have been initiated into the mentoring journey, who sporting infrastructure. The endeavours of your Company, towards
are each mentoring 1-2 young executives from their work centre. Human Resource development, are well recognized in the industry
with ONGC being ranked 404th in the Forbes World Best Employers
Digitisation of HR Processes: A number of digital initiatives
list 2021 & also featured in Great place to work among nation
were taken up, during the year, towards improved employee
processes, HR workflows, digitization of Trust records, in line
with the organization’s push for technology & digitization. ONGC 9. Environment Protection and Conservation, Technological conservation
has introduced IT Enabled paperless Medical Referral process and Foreign Exchange Conservation
system through Medical Smart Cards (ONGCCares) to regular/
The particulars of environment protection and conservation are
retired employees & their dependents thus making the system
detailed in the Business Responsibility and Sustainability Report
more convenient & transparent. Further, Paperless Medical
and Technological conservation and foreign exchange conservation
reimbursement processes and referral systems was also launched
are detailed in the Board’s Report.
in 2021, directly impacting more than 1.5 Lakh beneficiaries,
leading to considerable reduction in carbon footprint, as well as 10. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
system improvement.
A detailed overview of the Company’s CSR programmes and
Continuous communication & connect of top leadership with spends are detailed in the Board’s Report.
operations teams at ONGC locations across the country was
ensured to reinforce employee safety, boost workforce morale 11. Cautionary Statement
and provide all necessary support for smooth operations. Towards Statements in the Management Discussion and Analysis and
supporting its workforce for timely immunisation, ONGC organized Directors Report describing the Company’s strengths, strategies,
Vaccination camps at various work locations across the country for projections and estimates, are forward-looking statements and
employees and secondary workforce. progressive within the meaning of applicable laws and regulations.
Your Company continued its support for development of sports in the Actual results may vary from those expressed or implied,
country by providing employment opportunities to sportspersons depending upon economic conditions, Government Policies and
and also granting scholarships to budding talents in 22 games. other incidental factors. Readers are cautioned not to place undue
reliance on the forward looking statements.

Hon’ble Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas & Housing and Urban Affairs
Hardeep Singh Puri at the Platinum Explorer Rig in Eastern Offshore


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