Sports Guidelines 2024

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Individual and Dual









Number of Players:
Men: 4
Women: 4
Game Events:
Team events (students)

Game Format:
1. Single Round Robin format will be used Most wins will be declared as winner.
2. In case of tie win over the other will be applied, in case of triple ties, the quotient rule
will be applied.

A. For single event:

a. A match shall consist of best of 3 games.
b. The side that first scored 21 shall win.
c. The side swimming the rally shall add I point to its score.
d. If a score become 20-20 all, the side w/c scores 2 consecutive win the game.
e. If the score became 29-29 all, the side that scores 30th point shall win. f. The side
winning the game serves first in the next.
g. When 1 side reaches 11 points, both players shall get a 60 sec. break.
h. A 2minutes break will be given between every set.
i. In case of injury, a 2 minute break will be given and the team will be asked if they will
still proceed w/ the game or forfeit the game.
j. Substitutions of players are not allowed.

B. For doubles event.

a. One service only.
b. Back service line remains.

6. If the player played in single A, said player will not be allowed to play in Doubles and in
Single B matches. This will be the same to the players who played in Doubles and single B.
7. No player will play w/out prescribed uniform.
8. No player will be allowed to play under the influence of drugs and liquor.
9. All teams are only given 10-minute allowance in order to complete the required number of
players, otherwise, the game will be forfeited.
10. All colleges shall provide their own rackets.
Refer to the General Guidelines.

Refer to the General Guidelines.

Refer to the General Guidelines.

01 100 MD Men and Women Final 02

1500 MR Men and Women Final

200 MD Men and Women Final
400 MD Men and Women Final

SHOTPUT Men and Women Final

DISCUSS THROWS Men and Women Final

JAVELIN THROWS Men and Women Final

LONG JUMPS Men and Women Final

4x100 MR Men and Women Final

4x400 MR Men and Women Final


1. Players must be enrolled this second semester S/Y 2023-2024.
2. All events are open for Men and Women.
3. Every athlete can play 3 individual plus 2 relay.
4. Decision of officiating officials is Final.
Order Event

01 4x25m Free Relay 02






1. Players must be enrolled this second semester of S/Y 2023-2024
2. All events are open for boys and girls
3. Decision of the referee is FINAL
4. Coaches are responsible to check the correctness of their swimmers’ submitted entries
5. Only 3 events per swimmer
6. All heat are time finals
7. Relay event is maximum of 1 entry per team
8. Protest must be submitted after 30 mins after the event. Address ONLY to the referee for any
contested event.

Rules and Regulations

Number of Players:

Men: 1
Women: 1

Game Format:

1. The tournament shall be governed by the FIDE LAWS OF CHESS.

2. There will be two categories: Men and Women. One (1) player each for men and
women division.
3. The tournament shall be played as an Individual competition with time control of 15
minutes each to finish the game.
4. Single round robin system shall be adopted.
5. The use of chess clocks is mandatory using digital clock
6. There will be no defaulting time, however the player’s clock will be started until it
turns out. The arbiter will announce if game result can now be submitted.
7. Scoring system. A player is credited 1 point for a win, 0.5 for draw and Zero (0) for
8. Players are not allowed to eat while the game is ongoing. Only bottled water is
allowed but should be place under the table.



Game characteristics

Arnis LIKHA ANYO (Arnis Creative Kata/Form) event is a demonstration of artistic, choreographed,
pre-arranged sets of movements, offensive and defensive techniques using stick (rattan cane).
The competition shall be one round of LIKHA ANYO performance, where in the performers are awarded
points by judges based on criteria. The performance shall have a minimum time limit of one (1) minute
and a maximum time limit of two (2) minutes.

There would be different divisions and weapon categories.

1) Men’s Division:
- Individual Single Weapon
- Individual Double Weapon category.
2) Women’s Division:
- Individual single weapon category
3) Mixed Division:
- Team/Synchronized Double weapon category.

Competition Area
The competition surface should be square, flat, horizontal, covered with rubber mats and free from any
obstruction. The minimum dimensions of the competition area is measuring 10 meters by 10 meters with
a 2 meters free zone around it and roofing height of not less than 5 meters from the playing surface. There
shall be entrance and exit areas for players which are located at the farthest boundary line parallel to the
judges. All lines on the playing surface should be 5.08cm wide and made of bright color.

The participants are required to use the following equipment.
- Standard Wooden stick/s (Rattan Cane). Not less than 60 cm and not more than 90 cm in length
with a diameter of not less than 1.3 cm and not more than 3.8 cm. It must not have sharp edges or
pointed ends.
- Attire or Uniform
Long sleeves Camisa Chino (Team color)
Red Kundiman Pants
White Arnis Belt
Rubber shoes (The participants may perform barefooted at their own risk)

A team may consist of a minimum of six (6) and maximum total of eight (8) players, composed of mixed
male and female players.
- Individual Event
A team may field in one (1) player for men and women category. Only players listed in the entry
form may participate in the competition.
Single Weapon Category for Men and Women and Double Weapon for Men only.
- Team/Synchronized Event
A team shall compose of eight (6-8) mixed performers. Only players listed in the entry form shall
participate in the competition.
Eight (6-8) performers for single and double weapon category

Qualifications (Please see Adnu Intrams 2016 qualifications requirements)

- Men and Women
Event Category
- Likha Anyo Individual Single weapon category (Men)
- Likha Anyo Individual Single weapon category (Women)
- Likha Anyo Individual Double weapon category (Men only)
- Likha Anyo Team double weapon category (Mixed)

Conduct of the Events

The conduct of the competition shall be one LIKHA ANYO performance. The performance shall have a
minimum time limit of one (1) minute and a maximum time limit of two minutes.

*Single weapon
At close stance, salutation is done by placing the right hand with the weapon pointing upward over the
left chest, while the left arm is at the side and is followed by a Nod. Upon entering the competition area,
players must do the salute to the officials, this shall be done before and after every performance (i-
*Double weapon.
At close stance, salutation is done by placing the right hand with the weapon pointing upward over the
left chest, while simultaneously extending the left hand with the other weapon horizontally to his/her left
side with both weapons pointing upward and is followed by a Nod. Upon entering the competition area,
players must do the salute to the officials, this shall be done before and after every performance (i-

Order of competition
The order of competition shall be made through drawing of lots. The team coach or team leader will be
the one to participate in the drawing of lots. This shall be done during the opening of the competition.
Individual event- 30-25-20-15-10-8-6-3 and 0 zero point in every event where it fails to send
Team/Synchronized event- 40-35-30-25-20-15-10-5 and zero point in every event where it fails to send

Criteria for Judging LIKHA ANYO

*Individual event (Coordination of Movements).
- Harmonizing and dexterity of movements 25%
- Mastery and Precision 25%
- Degree of Difficulty 20%
- Artistic Execution 15%
- Creativity 15%
TOTAL 100%
*Team Event (Synchronized).
- Timing/Synchronization 25%
- Mastery and Precision 25%
- Degree of Difficulty 20%
- Artistic Execution 15%
- Creativity 15%
TOTAL 100%

Draw Score
In the event that the scores are the same or draw, a repeat performance shall be done by the two player or
team. Note: This shall be applied only for the First (Champion), Second and Third (i-ARNIS).
Declaring a Winner
The player/team garnering the highest score-First Place, second highest score-Second Place, and the
third highest score-Third Place (i-ARNIS).

Violation of number of participants for Team/Synchronized LIKHA ANYO. Less than or more than the
required participants - 5 points deduction
Violation of standard salutation shall cause the performer/s deduction of 5 points/ violation.
Violation of time limit shall cause the performer/s deduction of 2 points in short of the minimum one (1)
minute time limit or excess of the maximum two (2) minute time limit (i-ARNIS).
Stepping or going outside the playing area will cause the performers a deduction of two (2) points.
Performer/s who loses control of the weapon/s shall be given a deduction of five points per violation.

Submission of fraudulent or falsified documents shall mean a disqualification on the player/team
Any unsportsmanlike behavior or action made by the performer/s coach or any team members shall mean
Failure to use the standard sticks and wear the prescribed competition attire shall mean disqualification.

A player/team who does not appear/s to the officials table after three (3) consecutive calls shall
automatically default the game.
Delaying of the event due to participation of the player/s in other sports will not be allowed.

Any protest will not be entertained.
Judges scores and decisions are final and cannot be protested.

Arnis Pederanyong Internasyonal, i-ARNIS rules (2011)

Prepared and submitted by:

Joseph Gabriel Z. Gomez, BSBS, CPES, MA

Tournament Manager for ARNIS intramurals 2024

Number of Participant/s
Total of Participants: 6-8 (Mixed)
Point System:
Distribution of points for Team/Synchronized Double Weapon Category 40-35-30-25-20-15-10-5, and for
Individual Single and Double Weapon Category 30-25-20-15-10-8-6-3. A team get zero (0) point in every
event where it fails to send representatives.

Event Category
- Likha Anyo Individual Single weapon category 1 performer (Men)
- Likha Anyo Individual Single weapon category 1 performer (Women)
- Likha Anyo Individual Double weapon category 1 performer (Men Only)
- Likha Anyo Team double weapon category 6-8 performers (Mixed)
1. There shall be coaches meeting 30 minutes before the start of the events
2. There shall be 3 calls for the participants for every event category.
3. The order of the competition will be determined by drawing of lots
4. The players equipment are as follows, standard rattan canes, long sleeves camisa Chino (team
color), red kundiman pants, White Arnis Belt and any color rubber shoes. Violation for the said
equipment mean disqualification. Please see general guidelines for the standard equipment.
5. There shall be 1 men and women player in the individual event per team and 6-8 participants
(mixed) performers in the team/synchronized per team. Less than or more than the required
participants in team event – a deduction of 5 points. Only the players listed in the entry form may
participate in the competition.
6. The conduct of the competition shall be one LIKHA ANYO performance. The performance shall
have a minimum time limit of one (1) minute and a maximum time limit of two minutes.
Violation for less than and more than the time limit is deduction of 2 points.
7. The standard Arnis salutation for single and double stick will be strictly observed (Please see
general guidelines).
8. The team with the highest score will be declared winner/champion. Highest score –1st place,
second highest score- 2nd Place, third highest score- 3rd place Judging will be based from the
criteria of judging created for this competition (Please see general guidelines).
9. In case of a tie or draw, a repeat performance shall be done by the two player or team.
10. Awarding of medals (gold, silver bronze) will follow right after the events have finished.
11. The Judges decisions are final.
12. Any protest will not be entertained.

Prepared and submitted by:

Joseph Gabriel Z. Gomez, BSBS, CPES, MA

Tournament Manager for Arnis, Intramurals 2024


501 Threesomes 3 players 4 points

501 Doubles 2 players 3 points
301 Singles 1 player 2 point

Schedule of Games:


1. Each team throws one dart at the bulls-eye. Whoever gets closest to the bull gets to START
the game first.
2. Each team starts with 501 points; the objective is to work your way down to exactly zero.
3. The first player throws three darts and add up their score. Subtract that number from 501 and
mark it on the score sheet.
4. The first removes the darts, and the next player throws. If playing three players, the turns
alternate between teams.
5. A player must end the game on a DOUBLE
6. Darts that miss the double ring and land on another number must be counted into your score. If
you have 40 points, you need a double 20. If your dart lands in the single 20 section, you must
subtract 20 points from your score. With 20 points left, you now need a double 10 to end the
7. If you hit a number larger than the number of points you have left; you are "BUSTED". Your
point total then returns to what you had at the start of your turn.
8. If your score leaves you with 1 point and You cannot double out on a 1, so you are back to
your points at the start of the turn.
9. The first player to double out WINS the game. The team losing the match gets to start first on
the next game.
a. Bring your own Dart Pins


Number of players:

Min of 2 - Max 4
Men: 2
Women: 2

First Single A- Men

Double- Mixed
Second Single B- Women

Game Format:
1. Elimination round shall be played with no deuce and no tie break. Final round however will be
played in one set, 6 games. Whoever scores 6 games first wins the match.
2. Every team must have min of 2 to max of 4 players.
3. Games will start at 1 pm on the first day of opening. A player who fails to appear at the
playing court within 15 minutes after the schedule to start the games shall lose match by default.
4. Only players and coaches are allowed to enter the court.
5. The Round Robin System shall be applied in this event.
6. In case a team tie occurs in this team even competition, the following will be implemented:
> Point system
> Toss coin
7. Rules of succession will be implemented.

Unfinished Games:
1. In case of inclement weather or fortuitous event, matches shall be postponed and must be
rescheduled. In any case of postponement, standing score shall be carried in the resumption of
games and occupancy of the court shall be followed. If so happens, the succeeding schedule of
games shall be adjusted accordingly.
2. If there is no alternative venue and not enough time to accomplish the tournament the
following options shall be agreed upon by the Tournament Manager and Coaches involved:
1. One (1) Set, straight four (4), no tie break game, no advantage set.
2. Super Tie Break, Ten (10) points.

Varsity: Refer to the General Guidelines.

Protest: Refer to the General Guidelines.


Number of players:
Men - 4
Women - 4

Game events:
Team Event (students)

Game format
1. Games are played 2 out of 3 sets during the elimination and semi-final round. Score 1-
11 per set. In case of tie, a score difference of two points is needed.
2 During the elimination, the single round robin format will be used.
3. A two (2) minute break will be given every set. 4. In case of injury, two minutes will
be given to both teams and the injured party/team will be asked if it will proceed with the
game or forfeit the game.
5. Substitution of players is not allowed.
6. If the player played in Single A, said player will not be allowed to play in Doubles and
Single B matches. This will be the same to the players who shall play Doubles and Single
B matches.
7. No player will play without his/her team color and prescribed uniform.
8. No player will be allowed to play if under the influence of liquor.
9. All teams are only given 10 minutes allowance in order to complete the required
number of players, otherwise, the game will be forfeited.
10. All colleges shall provide their own rackets.
11. Players are forbidden to say bad words and discouraged from questioning the referee.
Unsportsmanlike conduct will be reprimanded.

Refer to the General Guidelines.
Faculty and Staff:
Refer to the General Guidelines

The Rules of Play
Number of Participants:
Student (Mixed) - 2
Faculty (Mixed) – 2

Nine Ball
Nine ball is played with nine object balls numbered one through nine and the cue ball. The balls
are played in ascending numerical order. The player legally pocketing the nine ball wins the
Determining the Break
The player who wins the lag chooses who will break the first rack. (See 1.2 Lagging to
Determine Order of Play.) The standard format is to alternate the break, but see Regulation 16,
Subsequent Break Shots.
Nine Ball Rack
The object balls are racked as tightly as possible in a diamond shape, with the one ball at the
apex of the diamond and on the foot spot and the nine ball in the middle of the diamond. The
other balls will be placed in the diamond without purposeful or intentional pattern.

Legal Break Shot

The following rules apply to the break shot:
• the cue ball begins in hand behind the head string;
• if no ball is pocketed, at least four object balls must be driven to one or more rails, or the
shot is a foul
• Additionally, and only when Three Point Break Rule is used, if no ball is pocketed, three
balls must cross the head string, or the break is considered ‘dry break’. (See Regulation
18, Three Point Break Rule.)
Second Shot of the Rack – Push Out
If no foul is committed on the break shot, the shooter may choose to play a “push out” as his
shot. He must make his intention known to the referee, and then rules 6.2 Wrong Ball First and
6.3 No Rail after Contact are suspended for the shot. If no foul is committed on a push out, the
other player chooses who will shoot next.

Continuing Play
If the shooter legally pockets any ball on a shot (except a push out, see 2.4 Second Shot of the
Rack – Push Out), he continues at the table for the next shot. If he legally pockets the nine ball
on any shot (except a push out), he wins the rack. If the shooter fails to pocket a ball or fouls,
play passes to the other player, and if no foul was committed, the incoming player must play the
cue ball from the position left by the other player.

Spotting Balls
If the nine ball is pocketed on a foul or push out, or driven off the table, it is spotted. (See 1.4
Spotting Balls.) No other object ball is ever spotted.
Standard Fouls
If the shooter commits a standard foul, play passes to his opponent. The cue ball is in hand, and
the incoming player may place it anywhere on the playing surface. (See 1.5 Cue Ball in Hand)

The following are standard fouls at nine ball:

• 1. Cue Ball Scratch or off the Table
• 2. Wrong Ball First The first object ball contacted by the cue ball on each
shot must be the lowest-numbered ball remaining on the table.
• 3. No Rail after Contact
• 4. No Foot on Floor
• 5. Ball Driven off the Table The only jumped object ball that is spotted is the
• 6. Touched Ball
• 7. Double Hit / Frozen Balls
• 8. Push Shot
• 9. Balls Still Moving
• 10. Bad Cue Ball Placement
• 12. Cue Stick on the Table
• 13. Playing out of Turn
• 15. Slow Play
• 16. Ball Rack Template Foul

Serious Fouls
For 6.14 Three Consecutive Fouls, the penalty is loss of the current rack.
For 6.17 Unsportsmanlike Conduct, the referee will choose a penalty appropriate given the
nature of the offense.
If a stalemate occurs the original breaker of the rack will break again. (See 1.12 Stalemate.)
Team Sports







 There will be two (2) divisions, Basketball Men and Women
 A team shall consist of no more than fifteen (15) members entitled to play, including a
team captain beaded by a coach and, if team wishes, an assistant coach
 A team member is eligible or authorized to play for a team according to the regulations of
the organizing body. S/he is eligible to play when his/her name is entered in the official
Entry Form and he/she has completed all the requirements needed.
 Varsity players are allowed to play

Team Captain
 The captain is a player who represents his team on the court. He may communicate in a
courteous manner with the officials during the game to obtain information but only when
the ball is dead and the game clock is stopped

 At least ten (10) minutes before the game, each coach shall confirm his agreement with
the names and corresponding numbers of his team members
 Only the coach is permitted to stand during the game. He may address the players
verbally during the game provided he remains within the team's bench area.

 Only students who currently or officially enrolled at the Ateneo de Naga University are
allowed to join the team.
 Players are allowed to join the team of their respective Department only.
 Team Captains are the only persons who can talk with officiating officials in case of
clarification/or query
 Outsiders are prohibited to play as Coach of the Team

Scheme of the Game:

 Since there are only five teams involved in this year's Intramurals, the single round robin
system will be followed.

Playing Time:
 The game shall consist of four (4) periods of ten (10) minutes for men, while four (4)
periods of eight (8) minutes for women.
 There shall be intervals of play of one (1) minute between the first and second period
(first half), between the third and fourth period (second half), and before each extra
 There shall be a half-time interval of five (5) minutes.
 Teams should be in the playing venue at least 15 minutes before the scheduled game.

 Team shall lose the game by forfeiture if:
o Ten (10) minutes after the scheduled starting time, the team is not present or is
unable to field five (5) players ready to play.
o Its actions prevent the game from being played.
o It refuses to play after being instructed to do so by the officials.

 A team shall lose a game by defaulting if, during the game, the team has fewer than two
(2) players on the court ready to play.

Specific Guidelines

 15 Number of Players per team

1. Mode of game-refer to general guidelines (5 teams single round robin system).
2. Every game has a winner.
3. In case of a draw there would be a shootout of 5 kickers per team. If tie (3) kickers will
follow and so on. 4. Cards will be carried over the semis/finals.

1. The game must last for 30 minutes per half. Running time unless injury occurs.
2. The event manager has the discretion to shorten/extend the playing time if deemed.
3. If there is sufficient time left, the INTRAMURALS CHAMPIONSHIP GAME is
necessary. allowed to last for 5 minutes only. (as an extension)
4. (11) players should be in the pitch/playing court, one of whom is the goal keeper.
5. A match will be forfeited if one team will consist of less than seven (7) players on field.
6. Defaulting time will last for only (15) minutes. Defaulting time is strictly implemented.
7. Unlimited/open substitution. Substitution must take place at the half way line
8. Goalkeeper can leave his area but can only handle ball inside his area.
9. Opposition and defending players are permitted in goal keeper area
10. Goal keeper can't pick up back pass
11. When the ball crosses a touch line (side-line) it is put back into play by a throw-in.
12. There will be an offside
13. Center ball after each goal.
14. All free kicks are discretionary on the part of the referee.
15. During free kicks defending players must be 10 yards from the ball.
16. Penalties taken from center edge of goalkeeper area.
17. Goalkeeper must stay on his line when penalties are taken.
18. Only one goalkeeper playing the field will be assigned for the shootout. 19. Normal rules
shall be applied regarding Yellow and Red Cards.
19. Players registered for a team can only play for that team throughout the tournament.
Refer to the General Guidelines

Player's Equipment
: A Player shall not use equipment or wear anything (including any kind of jewelry) that could be
dangerous to himself or another player.
: A player is recommended to wear a proper playing attire including shin guards, long socks and
soccer shoes
: The decision of the tournament manager in all matters pertaining to the administration to the
tournament is final.
: All teams are required to be on the venue one (1) hour before tournament.
: The tournament manager may overturn any rule if they feel a team is deliberately using an
interpretation of the rules to gain an unfair advantage.


The tournament shall be organized and managed by the Event Manager in
collaboration with the Physical Education Department.
Participants in the tournament shall be those who are college students officially
enrolled in the university.
3. REGISTRATION of players
a. Each team shall register not more than fifteen (15) players. Such registration shall
be submitted to the Event Manager with the photocopy of the player's School
Identification Card and Matriculation Form. All players must be officially enrolled
in the current semester
b. Only 2 Foreign players can be registered per team. Only 1 Foreign player can play
during the match.
c. Twelve (12) players from the original list of fifteen (15) players will be registered
before each scheduled match.
a. Participating teams must use their designated college color for their jersey and they
are obliged to uses these colors for all their matches.
b. To avoid clash of colors, colors to be worn by teams for matches shall be decided
by the Sports Council and the Team managers prior to the actual match/games.
c. All teams are obliged to bring their respective jerseys.
d. Goalkeepers must be provided with jerseys of different colors contrasting with
those of the teams bearing their registered numbers (e.g. there shall be at least two
No. 1 jersey of different colors for the first choice goalkeeper and two jersey of
different colors for the reserve goalkeeper). Under no circumstance will
goalkeepers be allowed to play in jersey bearing numbers different from that
originally registered
e. In compliance with the FIFA Futsal Laws of the game, if a team wishes to play with
a field player in place of regular goalkeeper during the match, the player must be
designated as a goalkeeper, wearing jersey with a different color from his
teammates, the opposing team, the opposing teams' goal keeper, and the Referees.
The jersey must have the player's number printed as per tournament regulation/s.
f. Players should wear proper futsal shoes or rubber soles, shin guards, and long


a. All matches shall be played in accordance with the Laws of the Game as promulgated
by the International Board and published by FIFA.
b. In case of conflicting interpretation of the FIFA Futsal Laws of the Game, the English
text shall be prevaiL.
Single Round Robin System will be followed
a. Three (3) points shall be awarded for a win and one (1) point for a draw and none
(0) for a defeat.
b. If two or more teams tie on points, their position shall be determined as follows:
i. Goal difference in all the matches;
ii. Greater number of goals scored in all the group matches,
iii. Results of the direct match between the teams are concerned;
iv. Penalty Kicks if the teams concerned are still on the field of play;
v. Toss of coin
c. The event manager has the right to reschedule the final matches of any group/s
if such matches are deemed to affect the result of the other matches concerned.

II. Semifinals and Championship Match

a. If the semifinals & Final Match (championship match) ends in a draw after
the normal full time, there shall be a penalty kick shootout (3kickers per team)

III. Duration of Play

a. The duration of every match in the group stage shall be fifteen (15) minutes
per half. However the last remaining two (2) minutes will be a stoppage time.
b. The event manager has the right to adjust the duration of knockout matches.
c. All teams should be on the playing area ten (10) minutes before the
scheduled game. All games will resume accordingly based on the first match.
Defaulting time is five (5) minutes after the scheduled game.

IV. References
Futsal Referees shall be appointed by the event manager and they will be paid based
on approved rate of payment V. Players cautioned or dismissed from field of play
a. A player who receives two (2) cautions during the tournament shall
automatically be suspended for the match following the match in which he
received the second caution.
b. A player dismissed from the field of play by a Referee shall
automatically be suspended for next match and shall remain suspended until
his case has been decided by the Technical Committee.




Category of Players: Women

Number of Players: 15

Game Event: Team Sport

Game Format:
1. The existing ISF rules in softball shall be applied.
2. The size of playing field is 60 ft. between bases.
3. Pitching distance is 40 ft.
4. The size of the softball over the bat steel aluminum is 33/34 inches.
5. Official softball is Wilson balls made in the USA.
6. The rule of succession shall be applied in the game.
7. Nine (9) players shall be allowed to play.
8. Each team is composed of 15 players, I coach, I assistant coach, and 1 team manager.
9. The game shall be played for 3 innings in the elimination round with application of 10 run
rule at the bottom of the 2 innings.
10. Championship game will be played with 5 innings with 10 run rule at the bottom of the 3
11. Wearing helmet is required to all batters and runners.
12. Batters must follow the same order throughout the game.
13. The batter is out if and when: (a) three strikes have been called (b) a fly ball is caught (c)
the batter does not stand in the batter's box.
14. A runner is out if: (a) he is tagged with the ball before reaching a base (b) the ball gets to
1" base before the runner and (c) he runs more than 3 feet out of the base line to avoid
being tagged.
15. After a fly ball has been caught, the base runner must tag the occupied space before
advancing to the next base.
16. One base runner cannot pass another base runner that is ahead of her.
17. Runners must touch each base in order.
18. Stealing is not allowed.
19. Substitution of players is allowed.
20. Players must be in their official team color uniforms.
21. There are only 2 time-outs allowed per inning. A time-out is limited to 1 minute only.
22. Only the coach or the team captain is allowed to call the time-out.
23. The decision of the Chief Umpire and the base umpires (1" and 3" base) are final.
24. The line-up card of the team will contain -
a. The last name, first name, position and uniform number of the starting
players in the line up
b. The last name, first name, position and uniform number of available
c. The last name and first name of the manager.
25. The team that fails to appear on its scheduled game AFTER 15 MINUTES will be
declared as DEFAULT
26. The scheduled teams are expected to be on the field fifteen minutes before the actual
game. Non-appearance or incomplete players would mean forfeiture or default, and so, giving
way for the next game. Hence, the rule of succession is to be implemented

Faculty/Staff: NONE

The Coach
 S/he shall confirm the names and the corresponding number of his/her players in the
scorebook, fifteen (15) minutes before the game.
 Only the coach (and his absence, the team captain) is allowed to call for a time-out during
the game.

The Team Captain

 Represents his team in the field.
 Requests the official for any information or clarification during the game, however, only
when the ball is dead and the game clock is stopped.

The Forfeiture
 The team shall lose a game by forfeiture if
 The team is not present.
 It is unable to field 7 players after the scheduled starting time of the game. Its action
prevents the game from being played.
 It refuses to play after being instructed to do so by the officials.

The Defaults
 The team shall lose a game by default if
 The team does not have enough players (i.e. less than 7) on the field even it is ready to
 It fails to appear on its scheduled game AFTER 15 MINUTES.


Number of Players:
Men: 15
Women: 15

1. THE FIVB rules will be implemented in the tournament

2. There will be two divisions – The Men’s and Women's division. Maximum of 15 players
per team including the faculty/staff per division.
3. A maximum of two faculty/staff will be allowed to join the team in each division.
4. Varsity players are allowed to play.
5. Only students who are currently enrolled during the 2 nd semester are eligible to play in
the Intramurals.
6. All elimination games, Semifinal games and the battle for the third place will be best of
three (3) sets.
7. Players not in proper sports attire will not be allowed to play.
8. In case of a tie, the win-over-the-other rule will be applied, in case of triple ties, the
quotient rule will be applied (number of sets won).
9. The game official's decision is final.

Implementing Rules:
 Each team is entitled to have at least six (6) minutes and a maximum of ten (10) minutes
of warm-up. However, the said warm-up session should be done prior to the match which
means before 7:30 am.
 The officiating team will start on time and will be implementing a 15 -minute defaulting
time. (in accordance with the FIBV rules of 2011-2012).
 We will implement games of succession rule. This means that the succeeding game will
start 15 minutes after the previous scheduled game has ended. The said 15 minutes includes
the warm-up session.
1. Physical Education, Health and Music
Lorna Fe Lopez and Company
2. Philippine Folk Dances
Francisca Reyes – Aquino
3. International Table Tennis Association (ITTA) Rules
4. Federacion Internationale de Vollyball (FIVB) Rules
5. Sayaw Books
Philippine Folk Dance Society (PFDS) & Cultural Center of the Philippines, Manila
6. Federacion Internationale de Basketball Association (FIBA) Rules
7. The Teaching of Physical Education in the Phil. Schools
Dr. Carmen Andin and Company
8. Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) Rules
9. World Dancesport Federation
10. United States Tournament of Dance, Inc.
11. Badminton World Federation
12. Professional Darts Corporation
13. World Chess Federation

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