Bow-Tve-Acp-8 Week-1

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GRADE 7 TVE (2 hours per day) No. of minutes per Week = 600 minutes
Total No. of Minutes = 4800 min for 8 weeks
Most Essential
Quart Compete # of
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Learning Week
Day 1: Discuss the use of farm/fishery tools
Day 2: Discuss the farm/apprioriate tools according to their requirements/use
Select and use farrm Day 3: Discuss the farm/fishery tool if they are checked from faults or defects
1 Week 1 600
fishery tools Day 4: Identify the farm/fishery tool for faults and defective with accordance with farm procedures
Day 5: Assessment
Day 1: Discuss the history of fish capture and the 2 methods of catching fish
fishery equipment, Day 2: identify the different common non-textile fishing devices in capturing fish
2 facilities and its Week 2 600 Day 3: Determine the use/functions of the following fishing devices
functions Day 4: seat work
Day 5: Assessment
Day 1: Discuss the definition and history of aquaculture
Basic principles and Day 2: Discuss the scope and importance of aquaculture
3 theories in Week 3 600 Day 3: identify the different kinds of fishing gears used in municipalfishing grounds
aquaculture Day 4: Discuss the function of the different kinds of fishing devices
Day 5: assessment
600 Day 1: explain the basic layout of small-scale hatchery
Day 2: identify the different types of tanks in a small-scale fishery
Fish tank layout and
II 5 Week5 Day 3: Disscuss how to design tanks for culturing fish
Day 4: Discuss the life support units
Day 5: Assessment/activity
Day 1: expalin the layout and design of fish pen
Day 2: determine the materials and types of nets to be used in fish pens
6 Week 6 600 Day 3: identify different life support systems
Day 4: draw the layout of fish pen
Layout plans for Day 5: activity/seatwork
pens and cages Day 1: expalin the layout and design of fish cage
7 Week 7 600
Layout plans for
pens and cages
7 Week 7 600 Day 3: identify different life support systems for cages
Day 4: draw the layout of floating fish cage
Day 5: activity/seatwork
Day 1: identify work tasks
Apply safety Day 2: Determine safety measures to be observed in work tasks
8 measures in farm Week 8 600 Day 3: identify hazards
operations Day 4: wear outfit (PPE) accordingly
Day 5: follow emergency procedures
Total no. of Minutes 4,800 min
Total no. of Weeks 8

Prepared by: Reviewed by:


Subject Teacher Head Teacher I

Principal IV

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