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THE 4 HORSES of the Revelations.

WHITE HORSE: Controlled by the White CHURCH OF ROME using the Mayhem of
Merchant LAWS. (All of the secret partnerships and memberships by organized Churches,
Nihilist BAR Attorneys and the False Authority of Commercial Corporation Controls; as
Amotions against the independent Office of People.)
[In America this is TREASON per “Article 3 section 3” and one shall stand convicted of treason by 2
witnesses OR by their own Confession in OPEN Court, such as admitting to having a BAR
membership under a secret OATH, which is an intentional act of insurrection against the People and

RED HORSE: US Communism, the RED system of False DEBT that we were
RAILROADED into as a FALSE Communal Partnership, which we now have in America
under the UNITED STATES Flag “RED, White and Blue” and which now covers the world
with individual “Bankrupt Postal Mayhem Person - Railroad Companies” for a Public
Corporation Regulated Commercial Commerce Communistic Postal Benefit but only if you
comply with the Commune Controller’s wishes.
[This is a Postal Corporation RELIGION of Control over the DEAD or False Debtors.]

The Bill of Rights: Article III [Amendment I] “RATIFIED” Congress shall make NO LAW
respecting an establishment of RELIGION, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or
abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to
assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. [Therefore the US
Commune coded system of Colorable Laws is a Religious Belief and a BREACH of this RATIFIED
RIGHT and is therefore an Act of TREASON.]

BLACK HORSE: The POSTAL “DEAD” Person is the Deceptive Mask pulled over the
Living People’s eyes, to appear to be the real Laws of the time and having valid authority to
breach the “Enacted and Ratified” Constitutional Laws and the Laws of the Land.
[This was done by the usage of STATE OF _______ and UNITED STATES Corporate POSTAL
Railroad Certificates and Licenses as Commune or Communist Leasing Contracts promising Benefits
but are never given because of the secret strings attached to the contracts.]

PALE HORSE: The Governmental Commercial Communism of the STATE and Local
Governments with their COURTS and Enforcers as the riders here, they are for the most part
operating as secret society BAR members under secret Oaths with their deceptive Colors of
Law creating a true legal Handicap to the defence of the People; this is an Insurrection to
the Constitutional “Enacted or Ratified” Laws in order to destroy the Rights and place
Communal Control the Lives of the People. [Also see the White Horse and you never admit
to understanding because that is an acceptance of a verbal contract.]

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