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most dedicate themselves to traditional

Castorin Castorin endeavours such as logging,

carpentry, or woodcarving. These skills are
They all saw it this time, a whiskered furry taught to children at an early age and
face which had looked out at them from although some Castorin will pursue other
behind a tree. But this time it didn't crafts as they come of age, all who have grown
immediately draw back. Instead, the animal
up in a lodge will have woodcraft skills more
put its paw against its mouth just as humans
put their finger on their lips when they are developed than the average person.
signalling to you to be quiet. Then it
disappeared again. The children all stood Give and Take with Neighbours
holding their breaths…
"I know what it is," said Peter, "it's a Once a community grows too large to
beaver. I saw the tail."
continue to live in the same lodge, the group
"It wants us to go to it," said Susan, "and it
is warning us not to make a noise." will split, with the more adventurous
"I know," said Peter. "The question is are members of the community setting out to
we to go to it or not? What do you think, Lu?" find a place to build a new home. These brave
C.S. Lewis, The Lion the Witch and the souls will typically seek out an outside
Wardrobe community populated by other races where
they can live side by side. Castorins will learn
The lumber camps of the world resonate with the local language in order to begin building
the sound of saws and the smell of sawdust. If relationships with their neighbours.
you follow the river into the forest, you might Often the communities will form a local
be lucky enough to encounter a very different symbiosis with the Castorin trading their
type of logging activity. The Castorin thrive on lumber and woodworking for other goods.
the joys of forestry and woodworking and More frequently, a lodge will form trading
often locate their camps near towns and relationships with nearby towns, utilizing
villages where they can sell lumber, wood canoe travel and portage across local river
carvings, and other goods. networks to maximize their reach.
However, in some cases, the host
Community and Craftsmanship

Most at home in their woodworking shops

and the lodges they build along riverways, the
Castorin are traditionally a kind and
unassuming folk. Resembling beavers in
appearance, their stout build and large tail
leave them unsteady while travelling on land,
but adept swimmers.
More adept in building structures than
other animal folk, the Castorin diligently
construct large communal lodges wherever
they choose to set up camps. Instead of
adhering to rigid family structures, Castorin
communities consider all members of the
settlement to be kin, sharing
accommodations, chores, and child rearing
duties equally within the lodge.
Although members of a lodge are A Castorin bandit poses for the city guard’s portrait
encouraged to pursue their own interests, artist after being arrested.
communities do not take kindly to the arrival logs, stones) are available, you can create a 10
of the Castorin particularly where the foot radius structure. This structure is large
construction of a new lodge interferes with enough to house nine creatures of Medium
the flow of a river or local farmland. size or smaller. The structure can protect those
Castorin lodges with positive relationships inside from the weather and is immune to
often thrive with their member further attacks from Beasts of Medium size or smaller.
developing their skills and growing large, The shelter is otherwise unremarkable.
tightknit communities. Lodges with negative
relationships often fall into violent conflicts for
which they are unprepared, resulting in the
collapse of the community, and the survivors Forester
finding themselves either isolated, or joining
the larger, more diverse communities.
You are equally at home making camp among
the trees, or spending your day removing
Castorin Traits them altogether. Experienced with woodcraft,
you may have spent your time felling trees,
Age. Castorin have short lifespans than other harvesting them for bark, sap and edibles, or
perhaps even caring for saplings to ensure
species. They reach maturity at around 10
that the next generation of trees is healthy.
years old and can live to 50.
Whatever your specific calling, you are
comfortable in the world of rugged
Alignment. Castorin tend to be unconcerned
lumberjacks, nimble log drivers, and diligent
with the intricacies of morality and order forest stewards.
resulting in most of them being generally
neutral. Those who move from their Skill Proficiencies: Nature (Intelligence),
settlements to live with other species often Survival (Wisdom)
struggle to understand the purpose of laws so Tool Proficiencies: Your choice of Carpenter’s
long as they don’t actively harm others and fall Tools or Woodcarver’s Tools
Equipment: Your choice of Carpenter’s Tools
into chaotic neutral alignment.
or Woodcarver’s Tools, a set of common’s
clothes, a small whittling knife, and a pouch
Size. Castorin are between 3 and 4 feet tall
containing 5 GP.
and average around 50 pounds. Your size is
Small. Feature: Sustainable Forestry
Without the bounty of the forest, your trade
Speed. You have a walking speed of 20 feet wouldn’t be able to continue, so you have
and swimming speed of 30 feet. learned how to take just the right amount of
resources from nature, and how to replant
Ability Scores. Your Wisdom score increases properly to ensure that the forest will continue
by 2 and your Constitution score increases by 1. to thrive long after you are gone. When you
forage for food, water, or other natural
Woodcraft. You gain proficiency with your resources, if you leave half of what you find
choice of Carpenter’s Tools or Woodcarver’s behind, the ecosystem thrives and a beast of
Tools. CR 0 will follow you for the rest of your day.
The type of beast is up to your DM. It cannot
Languages. You can speak and write speak any language, but can follow simple
commands outside of combat. During
Common and one other language of your
combat, it cannot attack or take the help
choice that has some connection to an area or action.
culture outside that has engaged in trade with
your home settlement.

Beaver Lodge. Once per day, as long as

sufficient natural building materials (e.g sticks,
Toque of the Voyageur

Wondrous Item, Common

This simple hat is worn by Castorin explorers

who travel by canoe to search out places to
build new lodges. When wearing this hat, you
have advantage on Survival (Wisdom) checks
to navigate through the wilderness.

Instant Tree Tapper

Wondrous Item, Uncommon

This tool is empowered with a strong druidic
Adventurous and outgoing, you make your energy that allows it to harvest sap from trees
way trading with settlements up and down without damaging them, and instantly cook
the waterways. Your travels have taken you to
the sap into a magical syrup. Once per day,
many places where you have met many
you can use it to harvest enough tree sap to
different people. Along the way, you have
learned to navigate through the wilderness produce one bottle of syrup which when
and how to negotiate to buy and sell goods at consumed heals 1d4+4 hit points.
a small profit. Comfortable on the frontier or in
settlements, you represent the best of both Canoe
Waterborne Vehicle, 30 GP, 1 ½ mph
Skill Proficiencies: Persuasion (Charisma),
Survival (Wisdom)
This small boat can fit up to three medium
Tool Proficiencies: Navigator’s Tools, vehicles
(water) creatures and their equipment. It is light
Equipment: Traveller’s clothes, fishing tackle, enough to be carried overland by two
a mess kit, two empty sacks, and a pouch medium creatures at a slow pace. If the
containing 15 GP from your most recent creatures carrying the canoe are unarmoured,
trading trip. they can instead travel at a normal pace.

Feature: Rugged Charm

Perhaps it’s your comfort in the woods, or
Songwood Branch
maybe it’s your natural “musk”, but either way,
something about you emanates with the Wondrous Item, Rare
charm of a rugged outdoorsman. While in the
wilderness, other travellers are more likely to This branch has been taken from a rare tree
trust you and will willingly share their supplies native to the feywild. Once per day, you can
with you and your party for the night. spend 30 minutes singing to the branch about
an object. When you do this, the branch
Mundane & Magic Items transforms to take the shape of any object you
sing about as long as it is no larger than the
Log Driver’s Hook branch. At the end of the day, the branch
reverts to its original form. If you transform the
Simple Melee Weapon, (reach) 1d6 piercing. branch into a weapon in this manner, it
functions as a +1 weapon. If the branch takes
On a hit, you can use a bonus action to twist the shape of an otherwise magical object, it
the hook and attempt to grapple the target does not gain the magical properties of that
until the end of your next turn. object.

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