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1. Explain what is meant by the term management.

The term management is a method of dealing and/or controlling or managing people or

various things. It could also mean providing maintenance and design in order to efficiently
accomplish tasks.

2. Differentiate between efficiency and effectiveness.

Efficiency is doing things rights or getting the most output from the least amount of inputs while
effectiveness is completing activities so that organizational goals are attained.

3. Describe the difference between managers & operative employees.

A manager is someone who coordinates and oversees the work of other people in order to
accomplish organizational goals while operative employees are those employees who directly produce
goods and services for a business and do not supervise others’ work.

4. Classify the three levels of managers and identify the primary responsibility of each group.
TOP LEVEL MANAGER- Executive coaching, change management, leadership, delegation and
empowerment, etc.
MIDDLE LEVEL MANAGERS- Problem solving, team building, talent development, performance
management, etc.
LOW LEVEL MANAGERS- Emotional intelligence and coaching performance, etc.
5. Describe the four primary processes of management.

Planning: Planning involves setting objectives, identifying strategies, and determining the actions needed
to achieve organizational goals

Organizing: Organizing involves arranging resources, people, and tasks to facilitate the implementation of

Leading: Leading involves influencing and motivating individuals and teams to achieve organizational

Controlling: Controlling involves monitoring performance, comparing actual results against planned
objectives, and taking corrective action when necessary.

6. Summarize the essential roles performed by managers.


a. Figurehead
b. Leader
c. Liaison


a. Entrepreneur

b. Disturbance Handler

c. Resource Allocator

d. Negotiator


a. Spokesperson

b. Disseminator

c. Monitor

7. Discuss whether the manager’s job is generic.

Yes a manager's role is generic. This is because managers need to perform management function
such as, planning, organizing, directing and controlling. These are the basic function that all managers
are required to perform in an organization.

8.Four general skills necessary for becoming a successful manager.

1. Conceptual Skills

2. Human Skills

3. Technical Skills

4. Political Skills

9. Describe the value of studying management.

Management is a versatile subject that teaches students how to understand organizational

behavior, motivate and influence others, as well as become a leader in the modern business world.

10.Identify the relevance of popular humanities and social science courses to management practices.

Humanities and social science courses offer valuable insights into human behavior, societal
dynamics, ethical considerations, and cultural contexts that are highly relevant to effective management
practices. Integrating knowledge from these disciplines can enhance managerial decision-making,
communication, and leadership abilities.

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