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IITian’s Career Academy

Foundation Course for IIT JEE | NEET | Olympiads

By Er. Wasim Ashraf – M.Tech, PhD from IIT Kharagpur

CBSE Class : XIth Periodic Classification of Elements DPP-1

Part A : Objective Type Questions Based on National Science Olympiad Exam Pattern :
1. 14 elements after actinium are called
a) Lanthanides b) Actinides c) D-block elements d) P block elements
2. An element has an atomic number of 15 with which of the following elements will it show similar chemical
a) Be (4) b) Ne (10) c) N (7) d) O (8)
3. The group number and period number respectively of an element with atomic number 8 is.
a) 6,2 b) 16,2 c) 6,8 d) 16,4
4. An element belongs to period 2 and group 2, the number of valence electrons in the atoms of this element is
a) 2 b) 4 c) 3 d) 1
5. In the third period of the periodic table the element having smallest size is
a) Na b) Ar c) Cl d) Si
6. Electronic configuration of Al+3 is
a) 2,8,3 b) 2,8,8 c) 2,8 d) 2,8,8,3
7. Identify the group which is not a Dobereiner triad
a) Li, Na, K b) Be, Mg, Cr c) Ca, Sr, Ba d) Cl, Br, I
8. Which is not true about the noble gases?
a) They are nonmetallic in nature b) They exist in atomic form
c) They are radioactive in nature d) Xenon is the most reactive among these
9. Identify the wrong sequence of the elements in a group
a) Ca, Br, Ba b) Cu, Au, Ag c) N,P, As d) Cl, Br, I
10. An element with atomic number ______________will form a basic oxide-
a) 7 b) 17 c) 14 d) 11
11. Which of the following does not decrease while moving down the group of the periodic table?
a) Atomic radius b) Metallic character c) Number of shells in the atom d) Valence electrons
12. The elements A, B and C belong to group 2, 14 and 16 respectively, of the periodic table. Which of the two
elements will form covalent bonds?
a) A and B b) B and C c) C and A d) None of these
13. Which group elements are called transition metals?
a) Group number 1 to 2 b) Group number 13 to 18 c) Group number 3 to 12 d) Group number 1 to 8
14. Which of the following is the correct order of the atomic radii of the elements oxygen, fluorine and nitrogen?
a) O < F < N b) N < F < O c) O < N < F d) F < O < N
15. Element X forms a chloride with the formula XCl2, which is a solid with a high melting point. X would most
likely be in the same group of the Periodic Table as
a) Na b) Mg c) Al d) Si


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IITian’s Career Academy
Foundation Course for IIT JEE | NEET | Olympiads
By Er. Wasim Ashraf – M.Tech, PhD from IIT Kharagpur

CBSE Class : XIth Periodic Classification of Elements DPP-2

Part B : Objective Type Questions Based on NEET Exam Pattern :
1. The chemistry of lithium is very similar to that of magnesium even though they are placed in different
groups. Its reason is:
(a) Both are found together in nature
(b) Both have nearly the same size
(c) Both have similar electronic configuration
(d) The ratio of their charge and size (i.e. charge density) is nearly the same

2. The element with atomic number 35 belongs to

(a) d – Block (b) f – Block (c) p – Block (d) s – Block

3. The correct order of first ionization potential among following elements, Be, B, C, N and O is
(a) B < Be < C < O < N (b) B < Be < C < N < O (c) Be < B < C < N < O (d) Be < B < C <

4. Representative elements are those which belong to

(a) p and d – Block (b) s and d – Block (c) s and p – Block (d) s and f –

5. Which of the following properties generally decreases along a period?

(a) Ionization Energy (b) Metallic Character (c) Electron Affinity (d) Valency.

6. On the Pauling’s electronegativity scale the element next to F is

(a) N (b) Cl (c) O (d) Ne.

7. The group number, number of valence electrons, and valency of an element with the atomic number 15,
respectively, are:
(a) 16, 5 and 2 (b) 15, 5 and 3 (c) 16, 6 and 3 (d) 15, 6 and 2

8. Which of the following oxides is amphoteric in character?

(a) SnO2 (b) CO2 (c) SiO2 (d) CaO

9. In the modern periodic table, the period indicates the value of:
(a) Atomic Number
(b) Atomic Mass
(c) Principal Quantum Number
(d) Azimuthal Quantum Number

10. In the long form of the periodic table, the valence shell electronic configuration of 5s²5p4 corresponds to
the element present in:
(a) Group 16 and period 6 (b) Group 17 and period 6
(c) Group 16 and period 5 (d) Group 17 and period 5

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IITian’s Career Academy
Foundation Course for IIT JEE | NEET | Olympiads
By Er. Wasim Ashraf – M.Tech, PhD from IIT Kharagpur

11. Arrange S, O and Se in ascending order of electron affinity

(a) Se < S < O (b) Se < O < S (c) S < O < Se (d) S < Se < O

12. In the modern periodic table , the period indicates the value of:
(a) Atomic Number (b) Atomic Mass
(c) Principal Quantum Number (d) Azimuthal Quantum Number

13. The electronic configuration of an element is 1s², 2s² 2p6, 3s² 3p³. What is the atomic number of the
element which is just below the above element in the periodic table
(a) 31 (b) 34 (c) 33 (d) 49

14. The reduction in atomic size with increase in atomic number is a characteristic of elements of-
(a) d−block (b) f−block (c) Radioactive series (d) High atomic masses

15. The number of elements in the 5th period of the periodic table is
(a) 3 (b) 9 (c) 8 (d) 18

16. The electronic configuration of halogen is

(a) ns² np6 (b) ns² np3 (c) ns² np5 (d) ns²

17. Which of the following forms the most stable gaseous negative ion?
(a) F (b) Cl (c) Br (d) I

18. On the Pauling’s electro negativity scale the element next to F is

(a) N (b) Cl (c) O (d) Ne.

19. The element californium belongs to a family of :

(a) Alkali metal family (b) Actinide series (c) Alkaline earth family (d) Lanthanide

20. Increasing order of electro negativity is

(a) Bi < P < S < Cl (b) P < Bi < S < Cl (c) S < Bi < P < Cl (d) Cl < S < Bi < P

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