Sports Law

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ROLL NO : 2019LLB089


I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my teacher, Prof. NEELIMA MA’AM
, who gave me the golden opportunity to do this wonderful project on the topic “THE ROLE
EVENTS A REVIEW.”, which helped me in doing a lot of research and I came to know about
so many new things and I am really thankful to my professor. I am doing this project not only for
marks but also to increase my knowledge. I have tried my best to collect information about the
project in various possible ways to depict the clear picture about the given project topic.

- M. Swetchcha


1. COVER PAGE...............................................................................1

2. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT...............................................................2

3. ABSTRACT.......................................................................................4

4. SYNOPSIS..........................................................................................5

5. INTRODUCTION.............................................................................6

6. HOW DOES MEDIA AFFECTS ON SPORTS........................................................8


8. SPORTS COVERAGE................................................................................................12

9. CASE LAWS................................................................................................................14

10. CONCLUSION...........................................................................................................15

11. BIBLOGRAPHY..........................................................................................................16




The influence of sports social media on the country for three international events related to
Spanish brands. It examines the use and importance of different social media platforms at
sporting events and identifies the countries that produce the most social media content.
Design/Methodology/Approach A total of 1,711,084 posts were collected for the analyses,
focusing on FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022, XLI Marathon Valencia Trinidad Alfonso 2022 and
Davis Cup 2022, with a special focus on the Spanish brand. Atribus collected and analyzed a
variety of social media data. Next, we suggested the use of different metrics and ANOVA
analyzes to address the research questions. In addition, we conducted a sentiment analysis.
Results .

However, unlike previous World Cups, the discussion was not limited to the many public screens
held in open areas such as bars and restaurants. During the tournament, social media such as
Facebook or Twitter played a dominant role in all aspects. With 672 million tweets on Twitter
and three billion conversations on Facebook, it was the most social World Cup and the most
social mega-sporting event to date. It didn't matter if it was users, athletes or companies,
everyone tried to enter the conversation to get information or tell others their opinion or the latest
news. Analyzed the implementation of social media marketing during mega sporting events,
focusing on Adidas and Nike's social media campaigns during the 2014 FIFA World Cup in
Brazil. The analysis shows that social media marketing is growing in the context of mega
sporting events. Those companies that find themes for their products that touch people personally
can be successful in social media marketing.


REASERCH QUESTIONS: How does media coverage impact international sports events?

LITERATURE REVIEW: The analysis of the selected topic is based on online and offline
sources viz., articles, books, websites and case studies.


The objective of the study is

1. To evaluate how much international sporting events are covered by the media.

2. To look into how media coverage affects the popularity and number of people who watch
international sporting events.

3. To investigate how the media influences public attitudes and perceptions of international
sporting events

This study will primarily focus on examining examine the global impact of media coverage on
international sports events, considering both developed and developing regions.


The study is based on doctrinal method of research and it is descriptive and explanatory study.


The researcher has taken information from secondary sources like web resources from online
articles and journals from manupatra, business standards and economic times.


This research is descriptive, analytical and explanatory study.


Over the past decade, the rapid spread and widespread adoption of social media for marketing
purposes can be seen across all technological and digital touch points. While social media enjoys
a lot of attention and conversation, companies are also trying to capitalize on the popularity of
mega-sporting events. In a very short time, they can quickly reach a large community to spread
their message using a positive attitude and energy. Event (Nufer and Ibele, 2015). Adidas and
Nike, the two biggest sports companies, continued to compete consistently on these platforms
during the 2014 FIFA World Cup. Both launched global marketing campaigns to once again
show the public who was the true leader in the sporting goods industry. Sports coverage in the
media, which refers to news reports, interviews, stories and analysis of sporting events, helps
people stay informed about various sports and skill development, and create opportunities to earn
income by playing sports or coaching sports. . (Yta et al., 2020; Enos, 2022). Media\consumer
activities have gradually moved from political, economic or consumer productions perspectives
that include a growing interest in active audiences (Papacharissi,2015), symbolic culture and
textual analysis that provide an outline of episodes in mass media newspapers, press, radio and
television relating to sports activities in Delta State.

Sports are competitive games that are won or lost based on physical ability and are played using
specified skills. Social media is changing the relationship between sports stars, clubs and fans.
Viewers no longer just watch sports via live tweeting, burning memes and cheerleaders in the
online world. Fans get up-to-the-minute news, insights and commentary straight from the source.
If social media allows fans to become more involved, it also allows sports professionals\to be
held accountable for their public comments and how they in turn interact with their fans and the
wider community. .Some sports had to change to get better media coverage. Television
influences participation in certain sports. Sports participation is declining and this is partly due to
excessive sports viewing. The number of spectators is decreasing because it is more convenient\
to watch the games at home.

Performance records are often kept in organized sports, and in popular sports any information
may be widely publicized or covered in sports news. In addition, sports are an important source
of entertainment for non-participants. A.T. Kearney consulting firm, the global sports industry is
worth up to $620billion as of 2013. Broadcasting is the distribution of audio and/or video content
to a dispersed audience through some electronic means of mass communication. The term
'broadcasting', which derives from theme of planting seeds in a field by spreading them widely,
appeared in the early days of radio to distinguish radio broadcasts from methods of wire
transmission (such as telegraph and telephone) or intended for interpersonal communication
Broadcasting is usually associated with radio and television. Recipient parties may include the
general public or a relatively small portion. The point is that the signal can be received by
anyone with the appropriate receiving technology. Broadcasting covers a wide range of practices
such as public radio, community radio and commercial radio public television and commercial
television. The transmission of radio and television programming from a radio or television
station to home receivers carried by a combination of satellite and cable television, includes
distribution and does not require a license. Television and radio broadcasts through digital
technology are also increasingly referred to as broadcasts, although strictly se is incorrect. In
recent years, we have seen an increasing involvement of social media in sports.

Sports are generally considered to be activities based on physical athleticism or physical skill.
Many competitive but non-physical activities require recognition as mental sports. The
International Olympic Committee (through ARISF) recognizes both chess and bridge as bona
fide sports, and the international sports federation Sports Accord recognizes five non-physical
sports, although this limits the number of mind games that are accepted. Sports usually have
rules or practices that ensure fair competition.

Victory can be determined by physical events, such as scoring a goal or crossing the line first, or
by judges who score elements of sporting performance, including objective or subjective
measures such as technical performance or artistic impression.


The media plays an important role in shaping public perception and consumption of sports.
Through various platforms such as television, radio, print and online media, the media can reach
a large audience and influence public opinion about sports and the athletes who practice them.
One of the main ways the media affects sports is through its coverage. The media determines
which sports and events receive the most attention and how they are covered, which can greatly
affect their popularity. For example, if a certain sport or athlete receives a lot of media attention,
it can increase their visibility and help grow a fan base. 1 The media also affects the public's
perception of sports and athletes. The way the media portrays sports and athletes can affect how
the public perceives them. For example, the media focuses on an athlete's personal life or off-
field behaviour instead of on-field performance. In this case, it can affect their reputation and the
views of their fans. In addition, the media plays a role in the marketing and consumption of
sports. Media helps promote sporting events and sponsorships that can generate income for
athletes and the sports leagues in which they play.

Media platforms such as television, radio, social media and online streaming services provide
comprehensive coverage of sporting events. This exposure increases the visibility of sports,
athletes and teams, allowing them to reach a global audience. As a result, the sport is accessible
to fans worldwide. Media contracts, broadcasting rights and sponsorship agreements generate
significant income for sports organizations, teams and athletes. Media exposure attracts
advertisers, leading to lucrative partnerships and referrals. 2This flow of money encourages the
growth of the sport and allows investment in facilities, training programs and player salaries.
Media platforms facilitate real-time updates, comments and analysis, enhancing the fan
experience. Social media platforms allow fans to interact with each other, share opinions and
Danyluk, K. T., & Lacroix, C. (2017). "The Impact of Media on International Sporting Events:
A Case Study of the 2016 Rio Olympic Games." International Journal of Sport Communication,
10(4), 496-514.
Rowe, D. (2015). "The Role of Media in Shaping International Sporting Events: A Review of
Literature." Journal of Global Sport Management, 2(3), 161-176.
interact directly with athletes and teams. This interaction fosters a sense of community and
togetherness among fans and deepens their commitment to the sport.

Sports coverage in the media influences social norms, values and attitudes. Athletes are often
role models and their behaviour on and off the field is scrutinized by the media. Positive
coverage can inspire and attract, while negative coverage can damage reputations and perpetuate
stereotypes. The media also plays a role in highlighting social issues in sport, such as gender
equality, diversity and inclusion. 3Media technology is constantly evolving and introducing
innovations such as high-definition broadcasts, virtual reality experiences and interactive
content. These advancements enhance the viewing experience and provide fans with new ways to
enjoy sports. For example, fantasy sports platforms allow fans to become more engaged by
controlling virtual teams based on actual player performances.

The relationship between sports and the media is intimate, because the media not only creates
public opinion, but also promotes it by promoting sports events. Social media, sports broadcasts,
sports journalism and sports coverage influence and shape the public's perception of sports.
Someone might fall in love with a sport just because of the hype. They are even aware of various
sports that they don't know about and athletes that they have never heard of before, because
media increases the popularity of sports. Sports and media have been intertwined in an
uninterrupted relationship for centuries. Since the late 1970s, media and media have been a huge
asset for all sports leagues and organizations around the world, as the number of companies
investing in them has increased dramatically. The media has always shown a remarkable ability
to influence the nature and development of money-related sports activities. Media exposure
allows athletes to build their personal brands, attract recognition and increase their market value.
Successful athletes often become cultural icons, influencing fashion, lifestyle trends, and even
society's perceptions of gender, race, and identity. Media coverage transcends geographic
boundaries, allowing sports to reach audiences around the world. Major sporting events such as

Billings, A. C., & Brown, L. (2017). "Media Coverage and the Promotion of International Sporting Events: An
Analysis of FIFA World Cup and Olympic Games Broadcasts." International Journal of Sport Communication,
10(3), 265-285.

the Olympics, the FIFA World Cup and the Super Bowl are broadcast worldwide, contributing to
the globalization of sports and the development of international fans. Athletes and teams are
under intense media scrutiny, and their performances, behaviour and personal lives are often the
focus of attention. This level of scrutiny can put enormous pressure on athletes and affect their
mental health, leading to problems such as performance anxiety, stress and burnout. Media
narratives shape the way audiences frame and interpret sports stories.


The media play a key role in shaping the landscape of international sporting events, influencing
many aspects from audience engagement to athlete performance. Media coverage increases the
reach of international sporting events and attracts a global audience. For example, the World Cup
attracts billions of viewers worldwide through extensive media coverage, increasing its cultural
significance. This attracts sponsors and brings revenue to events like the Olympics. Broadcast
rights, advertising and endorsements contribute significantly to the financing of these events, as
seen in the partnership between NBC and the International Olympic Committee. 4Coverage puts
athletes in the spotlight, influencing their careers and public perception. Examples include Usain
Bolt's global accolades after his Olympic victories that shaped his legacy off the track. Media
coverage often leads to the commercialization of sporting events, where the focus shifts from the
spirit of the game to profit-making projects. This can lead to increased ticket prices, increased
exclusive broadcasting rights and sponsorship agreements, which can reduce the accessibility of
events to the general public. The attention sometimes distorts the priorities of sports
organizations and athletes. Instead of focusing solely on the game and fair competition, there
may be pressure to prioritize entertainment value or sensationalism to attract viewers. This can
lead to compromises in sportsmanship and fair play. Intense media scrutiny can significantly
increase the pressure on athletes to perform well, often beyond their physical and mental

Zhang, J. (2019). "The Influence of Social Media on International Sports Events: A Case Study of the 2018 FIFA
World Cup." Journal of Global Sport Management, 4(2), 97-115.

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This pressure can negatively affect their mental health and well-being, causing stress, anxiety
and burnout. The media can increase controversies and scandals at international sporting events,
tarnishing the image of athletes, teams and even entire sporting organisations. Negative publicity
can have long-term effects on the credibility and integrity of sports. This can show bias towards
certain athletes, teams or countries, influencing public perception and possibly the results of
competitions. Sensational reporting can also exaggerate incidents or controversies, inciting
unnecessary conflict and distracting from the nature of the sporting event. The media can invade
the privacy of athletes as their personal lives and activities are viewed both on and off the field.
This intrusion can cause discomfort, stress and loss of autonomy in athletes, affecting their
ability to concentrate on their performance. Mass media can be related to the over-
commercialization of sports culture, where the emphasis on winning and entertainment
overshadows the values of the athlete. , friendship and fair competition. This can lead to the loss
of the inherent meaning and importance of sport in society. While media coverage of
international sporting events has its advantages, such as increased visibility and global coverage,
it also brings with it a number of disadvantages that can negatively affect the integrity,
authenticity and enjoyment of sport for athletes and spectators.

Media broadcasts allow international sporting events to reach a wide audience around the world.
This extensive exposure helps to promote the event and attract fans from different countries,
promoting a sense of global unity and solidarity through sport. Media coverage generates
significant income through broadcast rights, sponsorship, advertising and merchandise sales. .
This cash flow will help develop and grow sports infrastructure, sports training programs and
overall event management. 5Media platforms offer fans a variety of ways to participate in sports
events, including live streaming, social media updates and interactive content. This improves the
overall fan experience and allows enthusiasts to closely follow their favourite teams and athletes
regardless of geographic boundaries .Promotion of cultural exchange: International sports events
covered by the media facilitate cultural exchange between nations. Through sports, people from
Lee, Y. H., & Kim, Y. K. (2016). "The Impact of New Media on International Sports Events: A Comparative Study
of Traditional and Social Media Coverage." International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 17(2),

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different backgrounds come together, which promotes the understanding and appreciation of
different cultures, traditions and values.

Through the media, athletes become visible to a wider audience, which increases their popularity
and marketability. This exposure can lead to lucrative sponsorship deals and endorsement deals
that financially support athletes and enhance their professional careers. Hosting international
sporting events attracts tourists and generates economic activity in the host city or country. The
media plays a key role in promoting tourism by presenting a destination's attractions,
infrastructure and hospitality services to a global audience. Media coverage captures iconic
moments and achievements in sports history, creating a lasting legacy for athletes and teams and
host cities.


Sports reporting involves the collection, compilation, and public dissemination of sports stories,
events, issues, and happenings, including the joy of victory and the agony of defeat, the
theatricality of competition, or the creation of champions. A sports reporter has many different
angles to write and discuss, from basic game-centric stories like turning points, big moments and
big upsets in sporting events, key decisions by captains and coaches to brawls, etc., to
controversies, legal and investigative. 6Horrors and spectacular events in the life of athletes. The
recent growth of the sports industry due to which the number of stakeholders has increased. A
large number of events and tournaments are organized in various games at local, regional,
national and international levels. The government realized the value of sports and works to raise
the awareness of citizens and encourage them to play sports from primary school. Sports and
sports politics are discussed in all social classes and professions. Several television and radio
networks, newspapers, magazines and websites have been launched to satisfy this need for sports
information and enjoyment. The media significantly influences the visibility of sports and how
the public sees and consumes sports. Here are some of the ways the media affects sports outlook.

Holt, J., & Chelladurai, P. (2015). "Media Coverage and International Sports Events: A Content Analysis of the
2014 Sochi Winter Olympics." International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 15(1-2), 23-42.

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Clarify which sports and events get the most attention : The media can shape public opinion
about sports and athletes by deciding which sports and events get the most attention. This can
have a big impact on the popularity of a particular sport or athlete.

Providing analysis and commentary : The media provides analysis and commentary on
sporting events and helps contextualize and interpret what is happening on the field. This can
help increase public understanding and appreciation of sport.

Sports journalism today goes far beyond simply covering sporting events. It deals with the
implications of the course of the events as well as subjects such as gender equality law, trends,
fraud, conflict, diplomatic choices, public opinion policy-making and the market economy of
sport. Because sports is such a dynamic industry, trends change quickly. Sports journalism has
evolved into an important area of journalism over the last ten years, evolving from a small news
bulletin segment to 30-60 minute programs based on specific games such as "Cricket
Controversy" or "Kissa Kricket Ka". full- fledged 24-7 sports channels or entire magazines
dedicated to a specific game. Today's sports journalism is an expensive business. Money directed
to sports journalism increased with the growth of sponsorship and advertising. Today's sports
include state-of-the-art microphones, lenses, clothing and accessories. It is gratifying to see
sports on the front pages of newspapers and on prime-time television news networks. Media
sensationalize sports events, controversies, remarks of famous athletes and other details of
private life to increase TRP or go viral. Victories in sporting events often have headlines
reminiscent of victories in war.

The fact that mainstream media and networks now include news about local sports, college
rivalries, city sports news, etc. is promising. Sports essays and articles written by famous athletes
and coaches are gaining popularity among sports fans. Players' tweets and social media posts
about current events, issues or their personal lives are read by large audiences and often make
news. Following the development of sports journalism programs, institutions across India are

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now offering professional training to sports journalists. Thanks to social media and open
publication pages, the practice of sports fans analyzing and compiling stories is becoming more
common. Today, the resurgence of sports outside of cricket and traditional Indian sports is very
positive. The media plays an important role in shaping the general perception of sports and the
athletes who practice it. Mass media can reach large audiences and influence public opinion
about sports through various platforms such as television, radio, print and online media. One
defines the public's perception of sports through its coverage. The media also has a role in
shaping the general perception of sports and athletes through the way it presents processed
information. Let's say the media focuses on an athlete's personal life or off-field behaviour rather
than his on-field performance. In this case, it can affect their image and how fans perceive their
additions, and the media can influence the public's perception of the sport through the tone of its
coverage. When the media focuses on the negative aspects of a sport or athlete, it can create a
negative public perception of the sport or athlete. On the other hand, if the media focuses on the
positive aspects of a sport or athlete, it can create a positive general perception of the sport or


In the case law National Basket ball Association Vs. Motorola Inc (1997) stated that At the
heart of the case was the "Sports Trax" wearable device created by Motorola, which allows users
to receive real-time updates on sporting events, including NBA basketball games. The NBA
argued that this violated their exclusive rights to broadcast the games. The court ultimately ruled
in Motorola's favour, finding that Sports Trax did not infringe on the NBA's broadcast rights.
Another case law was Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) vs. Panini
(1996) stated that Panini was sued by FIFA, the governing body of international soccer, for
unauthorized use of FIFA World Cup trademarks and logos on Panini's collectible stickers and
trading cards. Details of the judgment and the court involved in the case are not readily available.
In the case of International Olympic Committee v. United States Olympic Committee
(1983):The case arose out of a dispute between the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and
the United States Olympic Committee (USOC) over control of marketing and broadcasting rights
to the Olympics. Games the court ruled in favour of the IOC because the actions of the USOC

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violated the trademark rights of the IOC and the integrity of the Olympic brand. Intellectual
Property Corporation of Malaysia v. Media Prima Berhad (2006): This case originated in
Malaysia and involved a dispute over Media Prima Berhad's unauthorized broadcast of the FIFA
World Cup. The court's decision likely involved violations of broadcasting rights and intellectual
property, but exact details are not available. Australia and New Zealand Banking Group
Limited v. Tennis Australia (2010): ANZ Bank sued Tennis Australia for breaching a
sponsorship agreement relating to the Australian Open tennis tournament. The court decision
probably concerned the contractual obligations of both parties and the enforcement of
sponsorship agreements in relation to sporting events.


The influence of the media on international sporting events is undeniable and multifaceted.
Media exposure can significantly increase the visibility, popularity and monetization of sporting
events, influencing various aspects such as audience engagement, sponsorship deals and athlete
careers. However, it also has positive and negative effects. One of the most visible advantages of
the mass media is the international coverage of international sporting events. Television
broadcasts, live broadcasts, social media updates and online articles allow people around the
world to follow their favourite sports and athletes, fostering a sense of unity and shared passion
among diverse audiences. This comprehensive coverage not only promotes cultural exchange,
but also promotes tourism and economic development in the host countries. In addition, media
exposure provides lucrative opportunities for sponsorship and advertising, promoting the
commercialization of sports.

Major events such as the Olympics or the World Cup attract billions of viewers, making them a
prime platform for brands to showcase their products and services. This flood of sponsorship

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money not only supports the organization of the event, but also flows to the athletes through
endorsement deals and prize money, allowing them to pursue professional careers.The downside
is that the media is available everywhere. Sometimes overshadowed the essence of the sport.
Sports man ship and fair play. The headlines are often dominated by sensational reports, scandals
and controversies that draw attention away from athletic achievements and the values that sport
represents. In addition, the pressure of performing under constant scrutiny can affect the mental
health of athletes, leading to problems such as anxiety, depression and burnout. In my opinion,
media exposure definitely increases the spectacle and excitement of international sport. Sporting
events must strike a balance between commercial interests and maintaining the integrity of the

Journalists and media organizations must favor responsible reporting that focuses on stories,
achievements and competitive spirit of athletes, rather than sensationalism based solely on
ratings or clicks. In addition, governing bodies must take measures to protect the welfare of
athletes and ensure fair play under the pressure of media scrutiny. The media's influence on
international sporting events is deep and far-reaching, shaping how we perceive and experience
sport in the modern age. It is important to recognize both the media's positive contributions and
potential pitfalls, and strive for a harmonious balance that celebrates sportsmanship while
respecting the dignity and well-being of athletes.





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