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On the plus side, having children at a young age provides the necessary energy to engage
in activities with growing children. For example, young parents often possess higher levels
of endurance and enthusiasm, which can enhance the overall parenting experience.
Another point is that favorable aspect is the relationship that can develop between
parents and children, potentially fostering a closer bond and improving understanding and
However, there are also disadvantages. For instance, young parents may face financial
constraints, challenges in establishing professional careers. What is more less time for
oneself, and a lack of life experience that can pose difficulties in navigating the
complexities of child-rearing.
Last of all, in my opinion, the decision to have children at a young age should be based on
a careful assessment of individual circumstances and preparedness. In conclusion, it has
benefits as well as disadvantages, so it is important to take these points into account so
that young people make a better decision in the situation.

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