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Prominent Education Center (PEC)

Prominent Education Center (PEC)

Subject: Preliminary Math

Chapter: Percentage

Md. Abdullah Al Mamun, Senior Mentor, Prominent Education Center (PEC)

Officer @ Sonali Bank Limited, Senior Officer @ RAKUB (Recommended)

Md. Abdullah Al Mamun, Senior Mentor (PEC), Officer @ Sonali Bank, SO @ RAKUB (Recommended)
Prominent Education Center (PEC)
# In mathematics, a percentage is a number or ratio that can be expressed as a fraction of 100.
# The word “per cent” means per 100.
# It is represented by the symbol “%”.
Express something in 100…
# 10% means:
# What is 10% of 100.
# What is 20% of 50?
# 3 is what % of 60?
# 7 is what percent of 5?
** ¾ is what % of ½?
** What is the 20% of 20?
** What is the 156% of 5/13?
** 15 is 75% of what number?
Fraction converts into % multiple by 100
% into fraction multiple by 1/100
 fraction to %
7/8 into %=
0.45 into %
 % to fraction
2% =
35% to decimal fraction =
1. 90 is 75 percent of which number given below?
a. 110 b. 80 c. 100 d. 120
2. If it is 250 miles Dhaka to Dinajpur and 120 miles from Dhaka to Pabna, What percentage of the
distance from Dhaka to Dinajpur is the distance from Dhaka to Pabna?
3. 40 is subtracted from 60% of a number, the result is 50. Find the number!
4. 40% of 200 is what percent of 160?
A. 20 B. 80 C. 60 D. 50
5. If 25% of a number is 75, 80% of the number is:
6. If 20% of a number is 3 then of 30% the number is
7. If 6.4 is 80 percent of 20 percent of a certain number, what is the number?
8. Noeem spent 2700 taka, which is 20 percent of his monthly salary. What is his monthly salary in taka?
9. Raman's salary is increased by 5% this year. If his present salary is Rs. 1806, the last year's salary was:
a. 1720 b. 1620 c. 1520 d. 1801
10. After deducting a commission of 5%, a TV set costs Tk. 9595. Its marked price is:
11. An employee’s annual salary was increased to $15,000. If her new annual salary now equals $90,000,
what was the percent increase?
12. In a college, 45% of the students are boys. If 40% of the boys and 20% of the girls went on a picnic,
what percentage of the total students went to the picnic?
13. In a bank, 30% of the applicants are from Rajshahi district and 20% of them from Rajshahi city. What
percentage of the total applicants are from Rajshahi city?
14. If 75% of a number is added to 75, then the result is the number itself. The number is:
15. If 15% of 40 is greater than 25% of a number by 2, then the number is:
A. 14 B. 16 C. 18 D. 20
16. If x is 30% greater than y, what percent of y is x?
Md. Abdullah Al Mamun, Senior Mentor (PEC), Officer @ Sonali Bank, SO @ RAKUB (Recommended)
Prominent Education Center (PEC)
17. Sixty-five percent of a number is 21 less than four fifth of that number. What is the number?
a. 140 b. 142 c. 144 d. 145
18. 80% of a number is equal to the th of the other number. What is the ratio between the first number and
the second number respectively?
19. A fruit seller had some apples. He sells 40% apples and still has 420 apples. Originally, he had: (BIBM)
20. In an election between two candidates, the candidate who gets 30 % of the votes polled is defeated by
15,000 votes. What is the number of votes polled by the winning candidate?
21. A man spends 75% of his income. His income increased by 20% and he increased his expenditure by
15%. His savings will then be increased by: ***
22. If A's salary is 25% more than B's salary, then B's salary is how much lower than A's salary?
23. Two numbers are less than a third number by 30% and 37% respectively. The percent by which the
second number is less than the first is:
24. A cricket team has won 40 games out of 60 played. It has 32 more games to play. How many of these
must the team win to make it record 75% win for the season?
25. There are 900 students in a school. 4% of them left the school and 50% of the remaining are girls. How
many girls remained in the school?
26. A man gave 30% of his money to his wife, 40% of the remainder to his son and the remaining money
equally to his three daughters. If each daughter gets Tk. 224, what does the wife get? ***
27. The price of the sugar rise by 25%. If a family wants to keep their expenses on sugar the same as
earlier, the family will have to decrease its consumption of sugar by: Crush type math of teacher
28. The cost of an article was Rs.75. The cost was first increased by 20% and later it was reduced by 20%.
The present cost of the article is: 2nd type crush math
29. If the price of a book is first decreased by 25% and then increased by 20%, then the net charges in the
price will be:
30. The price of an article was first increased by 10% and then again by 20%. If the last increased price was
Rs. 33, the original price was:
31. In a factory, there are workers, executives, and clerks. 58% of the employees are workers, 660 are
executives and the remaining 264 employees are clerks. How many employees are there in the factory?
(SO 2020 Based, BIBM)
32. The price of a pair of sneakers was Tk. 80 for the six months of last year. On January first, the price
increased 20%. After the price increase, an employee bought these sneakers with a 10% employee
discount. What price did the employee pay?
33. Mr. Khan's salary is Tk. 5000.00, and he gets 10% commission of his salary. If his salary increased by
10%, by what percent his commission will increase? (OC 2020, BIBM)
(a) 5% (b) 10% (c) 20% (d) 25%
34. What percent of 700 is 2.1? (OC 2020, BIBM)
(a) 3 (b) 0.3 (c) 0.03 (d) 30
35. A candidate who gets 20% marks in an examination fails by 30 marks but another candidate who gets
32% gets 42 marks more than the pass marks. The percentage of pass mark is:
36. A salesman receives daily wage of Tk. 250 and earns a commission of 15% on all sales he makes. How
much taka worth of sales does he need to make in order to bring his total daily income of Tk. 1000? (BB
Officer 2020, BIBM)

Md. Abdullah Al Mamun, Senior Mentor (PEC), Officer @ Sonali Bank, SO @ RAKUB (Recommended)

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