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Delivering Ship Design Education at a Distance

Article · January 2013

DOI: 10.3940/rina.ijmd.2013.c1.16


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4 authors, including:

Ema Muk-Pavic
University College London


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Trans RINA, Vol xxx, Part C1, Intl J Marine Design, Jan - Jun 2013


E Muk-Pavic, N Bradbeer and D Fellows, Marine Research Group, UCL
T McDonald, Atkins Oil & Gas, UK


As part of their contribution to Marine Technology Education Consortium (mtec@work), UCL provides a long-distance
module on Warship Concept Design. The module is design-based which presents a challenge in a long-distance format
given the limited opportunities for staff-student interaction. This paper reviews the challenges inherent in teaching a
design-based subject via long-distance learning and the role of Virtual Learning Environments in enhancing the learning
experience. The module structure is reviewed in the context of other on-campus design exercises undertaken at UCL.
Advantages and drawbacks of the MTEC distance-learning approach are examined in the context of constructive
alignment and outcome-based learning together with other long-distance learning practices. Finally, areas where future
improvements to the existing module could be made are discussed.

1. INTRODUCTION the subject. Finally, the post-course element contains 15

hours of study time and also involves the completion of a
mtec@work is a consortium of four UK universities post-school assignment to consolidate the module
recognised for their excellence in marine technology learning.
education and research. The universities involved are
Newcastle, Strathclyde, Southampton and UCL. The A typical MTEC module is assessed through three
mtec@work programme offers innovative, flexible elements:
postgraduate training, designed specifically for graduates
working in the marine industry. The programmes are  A pre-school assignment (30% of the module mark)
delivered part-time, through ‘MTEC modules’ which which will be submitted prior to the intensive
feature a combination of distance learning with week- school;
long intensive schools.  An examination (40% of the module mark) which is
sat during the intensive teaching week;
Programmes leading to MSc, Postgraduate Diploma or  A post-school assignment (30% of the module mark)
Postgraduate Certificate qualifications in marine which is submitted eight weeks after the intensive
technology are provided through mtec@work. school.
Alternatively, students can undertake individual modules
as Continued Professional Development. UCL currently offers four MTEC modules. Three of
these modules (A2 - “Marine Engineering”, C7 - “Marine
1.1 MTEC MODULES electrical and electronic systems” and C8 – “Marine
powering, transmission and propulsion”) conform to the
More than twenty-five MTEC modules are offered, standard MTEC module structure. The fourth module,
covering topics including: naval architecture; marine C17 “Warship Concept Design” features a radically
engineering; maritime economics; marine design; and different delivery method driven by the subject matter
renewable energy. All modules are designed to MSc but within the constraints of the MTEC module structure.
level and have no prerequisites. This allows advanced This paper discusses the development and delivery of the
technical knowledge and business applications to be C17 module within this context.
taught with minimum disruption to the graduate’s work
responsibilities. When the MTEC degree structure was initially
formulated it contained exclusively analysis modules and
MTEC modules are split into three sequential elements: no ship design element. A need to enhance student
knowledge in ship design has been highlighted by
1. Pre-school long distance self-learning; Industry [1], as well as through recommendations from
2. A one week intensive school; Professional Institutions such as RINA and SNAME. To
3. Post school long distance self-learning. meet these requirements, UCL proposed the inclusion of
a ship design module. The Marine Research Group at
MTEC modules are normally structured to provide 50 UCL had an extensive warship design expertise.
hours of pre-course study (to enable students to revise Consequently a ship design module focused on the
and review the module material) over the 8 weeks design of a warship was developed and became part of
preceding the intensive school. The intensive school the defence stream of MTEC. To our knowledge, there
features approximate 35 hours of contact time and continues to be no comparable “ship concept design”
typically includes a range of lectures, case studies, module delivered by distance learning.
tutorials, presentations, discussions and visits tailored to

Trans RINA, Vol xxx, Part C1, Intl J Marine Design, Jan -Jun 2013


UCL has historically delivered various taught courses on In contrast, the MSc ship design exercise is a group
the design of marine systems. However, the challenge of project, the majority of which is undertaken full-time
developing a course to match the MTEC module over several months. The exercise is scheduled after the
constraints led to a review and analysis of the existing taught part of the MSc program and exams (when
UCL courses to identify suitable content and structure for students have acquired the necessary analysis skills) but
the new module. before the individual research element of the program. At
the outset of the design exercise the students are given a
At the time the MTEC module was developed UCL short design brief (typically one page), which they
offered two ship design courses: The BEng Ship Design develop into a set of outline requirements. A design is
Course, forming part of the final year of the BEng in then developed to meet these requirements, after which a
Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering; The MSc comprehensive technical analysis is undertaken to
Ship Design Exercise, forming part of the MSc examine the design and validate the student’s decisions.
qualifications in both Naval Architecture and Marine The MSc design exercise is structured to challenge the
Engineering. UCL also offers a short postgraduate students to develop innovative but realistic solutions.
course in submarine design that adopts a similar format Students frequently decide to explore unconventional
the MSc Ship Design Exercise. alternatives, as illustrated by the Trimaran Landing
Platform Helicopter (LPH) shown in Figure 1. Further
2.1 BENG SHIP DESIGN COURSE details of the UCL MSc course are presented in [2].

The BEng ship design course was undertaken in parallel 2.3 COURSE COMPARISON AND MTEC C17
with other activities by BEng students in their third and
final year of study. Students completed an individual Reviewing both the BEng and MSc design exercises at
staged design project for a warship, yacht or container the outset of the development process for the MTEC C17
ship. Starting from a fixed set of requirements, students module it became apparent the structure, process and
developed a numerical sizing tool using specified tools employed within either course could not be directly
procedures and data. Students then explored limited adapted to the new module. For example, the timescales
variations of payload and vessel characteristics to and structures of the courses differed significantly from
develop an appreciation of different design impact. The that required by the MTEC module as shown in Figure 2.
design was then developed in more detail across areas
including resistance, powering, stability and structure UCL decided to undertake a significant development
using the analysis techniques students had learned during effort to produce a new material for the MTEC C17
their time at UCL. Frequent design reviews with staff module, leveraging the department’s existing design
members provided milestones to ensure progress through education knowledge and experience. Several factors
the project’s stages, while also providing feedback to inherent in the MTEC format were identified as drivers:
students on their developing designs. Finally, the
students produced a report detailing their designs, • The unsupervised learning process – particularly
including standard deliverables such as general challenging for a design related module, where
arrangement drawings and lines plans for formal experience and guidance play a key role;
assessment. • The short duration of the intensive week – leading to
limited face-to-face learning and reduced
opportunities for re-work;

Figure 1: MSc Ship Design for Trimaran LPH [3]

Trans RINA, Vol xxx, Part C1, Intl J Marine Design, Jan - Jun 2013

(a) UCL BEng Ship Design Course

(b) UCL MSc Ship Design Course

(c) MTEC C17 Module

Figure 2: Comparison of design course timescales and structures

 The potential for broad variations in the students’ Adult education theories and strategies have been
existing design analysis skills – increasing the developed to reflect this type of learning and capture the
required depth of guidance needed, while delivering key differences between andragogy and pedagogy. While
the module at a distance increases the difficulty of some rely fully on andragogy, others have moved further,
providing this guidance. investigating various approaches. They are still based on
distinctive characteristics of adult learning as defined in
A new course structure was defined for the C17 module, [4] but take in account individual circumstances (e.g.
for which supporting documents and tools were self-direct, reflective and experimental, transformative,
produced, using source material from both existing UCL etc.).
courses. A range of key ship design areas were identified
for inclusion in the new module: Constructivists see learning as an active process that
builds new knowledge on existing knowledge and
 Cost-capability analysis; personal experience [6]. For successful retention new
 Ship sizing; knowledge must be incorporated by a student ‘doing’
 Ship layout; (i.e. by reflective thinking, applying knowledge and
 Stability analysis; problem solving) [7], which traditional lecturing
 Structural design; approaches do not accommodate.
 Hydrodynamics.
The concept of constructive alignment was developed by
Biggs [7] and has since become the most commonly
Before presenting details on the structure, documentation
and tools developed for the MTEC C17 module, we will applied concept in higher education, despite some
criticism. Constructivists consider learning as synthesis
introduce the broader context of adult educational theory.
of biological, humanist and behaviorist activities. They
frame cognitive learning as a process of acquiring skills
by observing, reading, experiencing and then by
(mentally) manipulating and remembering the
information. These processes require both acquiring
Since the 1970s, a significant number of new different
information and then relating this to the student’s prior
learning models have been developed to meet the
distinctive characteristics of adult learning [4-5]: personal experience. Hence, new knowledge is built upon
existing platforms and generates a “mental referencing
system” that will be used to remember and recall the
 A need to know why they are learning, resulting in
knowledge in future, enhancing the student’s capabilities
internal rather than external motivation;
and future decision making skills.
 A self-directed learning approach, linked to
accumulated life experience and tasks in personal
In order to ensure successful cognitive learning teaching
context (social and situational);
structure must be aligned with the intended learning
 A preference to problem-centered rather than outcomes. Constructive alignment recognizes that
subject-centered learning. students learn in different ways using combination of
different techniques, from surface learning (e.g.
memorising) to deep learning (e.g. theorizing). The

Trans RINA, Vol xxx, Part C1, Intl J Marine Design, Jan -Jun 2013

diversity of student backgrounds results in different Key benefits of long-distance learning are:
approaches to learning for each student as illustrated on  Part-time studying: minimal disruption to the
Figure 3. A well-designed course should not depend on student’s professional career and/or private life;
the students learning preferences and ensure all students  Flexibility: learning in own pace and time.
achieving the intended learning outcomes.
However, long distance learning can give rise to a range
of difficulties:

 Self-motivation and time management: students

must manage learning time in parallel with other
obligations (jobs, family, etc.). Students typically
require self-discipline and significant self-motivation
to complete a distance learning program.
 Limited communication: As stated earlier,
communication is an important element of learning.
However, distance and time can make it hard to
facilitate effective two-way communication.
 Self-directed learning: During the long-distance
learning students are left to find their way through
the taught material with some help from the staff.
 Campus life: It is an advantage for students to feel
Figure 3: Student orientation, teaching method part of a group of peers. Learning can be a lonely
and level of engagement design model [7] journey and sharing with colleagues can help to
relieve some of the burden. Furthermore, belonging
The Humanist approach advocates a subtler, student- to a group facilitate self-assessment, a key
centered process where learning is the student’s mechanism that adult learners use to progress.
responsibility. The role of a lecturer is to initiate the
internal process of learning by creating the ‘stage’ where The paper now details how the new module provided
students themselves will learn and build-up on existing guidance and structure to a ship design process in the
knowledge by reflective processes and understanding. challenging context of long distance learning.
The role of the lecturer is to facilitate learning, ensure
students feel belonging to a group and are able to learn 5. MTEC C17 WARSHIP CONCEPT DESIGN
from each other [6, 8]. They should ensure access to MODULE
information, while seeking to enhance the student self-
esteem, enthusiasm and motivation. The MTEC C17 Warship Design module was designed
applying constructivism as described above. The learning
Other authors state that the role of teaching needs to be outcomes are clearly stated and aligned with the
changed to focus more on interaction (via both student- assessment method. The structure of existing on-campus
teacher and student-student communication) rather than courses (described in Section 2.1 and 2.2) was modified
self-learning or simply transmitting the knowledge. to suit the long-distance format and the limited time
Laurillard [9] highlights a need to take full advantage of available for face-to-face learning during the intensive
the digital technologies available to enhance teaching school. This process was driven by a defined set of
practice. Any lecturer needs to put knowledge (readily intended learning outcomes.
available through other means) in the proper context and
ensure problem-based learning. 5.1 MODULE AIMS

It should be noted that none of the educational theories The module aims to introduce students to the concepts of
and methods presents a “one-size-fits-all” approach and design integration and synthesis, raising awareness of the
good practice implies combining multiple methods in process by which requirements are generated and also
order to maximize learning quality for all students. exposing some of the constraints present in design.


On completion of this module the student should:
Delivering education via a long-distance format brings
additional challenges. Teaching strategies need to be  Understand the nature of the ship design process and
appropriately selected to cater for long distance as well methodology;
as face-to-face learning. As such it is wise to apply a mix  Generate ship design requirement statements based
of techniques that will suit both the subject and student on budget and intended role;
cohort while facilitating E-learning.

Trans RINA, Vol xxx, Part C1, Intl J Marine Design, Jan - Jun 2013

 Originate their own warship concept design, undertakes: lectures; tutorial style design reviews; and
applying learnt skills and present it through a ship guided design synthesis.
layout and specification;
 Perform an economic analysis of their ship design; The intensive week’s lecture material covers ship
 Understand constraints present within the process procurement, the design process, structures and stability
and likely interdisciplinary interactions or conflicts within design, propulsion systems, marine engineering
that can arise; elements and electrical generation and distribution.
 Hypothesize ways to improve ship design further.
The design review and synthesis elements allow the
5.3 MODULE STRUCTURE students to further develop their own designs using UCL
To fulfil this aim, the module is structured to combine
lectures (explaining the theory and experience) with a The post-school work provides time for the students to
design exercise (where students have the opportunity to complete their design and produce a formal report. The
undertake a design and learn from practice). report forms the assessment mechanism for the module
and is returned to UCL where it is marked by staff.
The pre-school work involves the students independently
undertaking the initial element of the design process, 5.4 MODULE DOCUMENTATION
supported by the design guidance documents, road-maps
and tools produced by UCL. Students are given With no pre-existing material suited to the specific
individual design briefs together with a set of calculation demands of the module, UCL undertook an exercise to
tools and extensive documentation. Using this they: produce a broad range of guidance documents:

 Determine weapons & sensor fit based upon an  Main Design Procedure - Outlines and introduces
outline requirement; the module and the main phases in the design;
 Undertake an initial sizing process (otherwise known  Annex 1: Ship design and acquisition - Describes
as concept design); processes involved in design generally and ship
 Perform a cost/capability trade-off. design in particular. This annex is provided for
background and does not provide direct guidance to
During the intensive week, the MTEC C17 students visit help with the design exercise;
UCL and attend lectures on a range of ship design issues,  Annex 2: Concept Design Procedure - Describes the
while also pursuing design development work. This procedure to be adopted to complete the early phases
provides an opportunity to interact with UCL teaching of the design exercise.
and research staff but also other students from a broad  Annex 3: Parametric Survey - This describes the
range of industry backgrounds. Table A provides an procedure to be adopted to complete the fourth phase
overview of the typical intensive week, illustrating the of the exercise, the parametric survey.
three different types of activities the MTEC student

Table A: MTEC C17 Intensive Week Schedule 2012

Trans RINA, Vol xxx, Part C1, Intl J Marine Design, Jan -Jun 2013

 Annex 4: Design Development - This describes the A data book with selected information on key payload
procedures to be adopted to complete the final phase and ship systems was also provided to support the
the exercise, design development. exercise.

These documents are structured to guide the students 5.5 MODULE TOOLS
independently through the design exercise. However, the
detailed descriptions and guidance of the design steps Both the UCL BEng and MSc courses make use of
risked obscuring the overall design process. Therefore, commercial naval architecture analysis software together
Road Map documents detailing the broad process and with other UCL and student developed tools. The
key expected deliverables were developed, examples are constrained timescale of contact time combined with the
shown in Figure 4. challenges of distance learning led to an early
recognition that the normal UCL practice would be
As module attendees may not be familiar with naval ship unfeasible.
standards and conventions, three short guidance
documents were produced to provide deeper guidance in For example, UCL expects MSc students to develop their
particular areas where the existing expertise/knowledge own tool for assessing and managing weight and space
may be limited. These documents were: demands within their design. Their tools are typically
developed over several weeks with extensive interaction
 Stability guidance;
 Structural design guidance;
 Layout guidance.

Defining the Staff Target Conduct a major

parametric survey

Annex 2 Section 2.1, 2.2

Staff Apply constraints

Target Initial Sizing
Baseline & Options

Spreadsheet Conduct a minor
Annex 2 Section 3.2 parametric survey

Apply constraints
Cost Capability
Baseline + Options Baseline + Options
Annex 2 Section 3 Annex 2 Section 5

Select preferred
Cost Capability Study
Cost / Capability
Annex 2 Section 5 Rebalance Ship

Statement of Indicative Design

capability Annex 2 Section 1.5 Yes
Did rebalancing
Annex 2 Section 1.5
change ship?

Indicative Indicative No
Block deck layout Upper deck layout
Annex 2 Section 1.5,4 Annex 2 Section 1.5,4 Complete Form A
and send to UCL
Select most Cost Effective Option
(b) Key C17 Parametric Survey
(a) Key C17 Concept Design Steps
Figure 4: Example Road Maps

Trans RINA, Vol xxx, Part C1, Intl J Marine Design, Jan - Jun 2013

with UCL staff to explore and challenge the logic behind facilitate distance learning. The MTEC C17 module has
the student’s design decisions. This approach was judged fully incorporated this VLE in the teaching.
to be infeasible given the distance learning format of the
MTEC module; particularly considering the potential risk C17 students’ use of the VLE extends beyond accessing
should errors be discovered during interactions with staff the material described above and returning their
in the course of the intensive week. assignments. The VLE is also used to develop a sense of
belonging to the group. Building a student identity is an
Other issues that precluded the use of the tools or important step in facilitating communication and learning
approaches used in the UCL BEng or MSc design within the peers. Various discussion forums are used,
courses included the learning curve of standard extending from social topics (such as discussing hotels
‘commercial’ design tools used at UCL, the availability for the intensive school) to discussions of design
of software licenses and the challenge of providing coursework problems. UCL staff moderate this
support. Early recognition of these factors led to the discussion, in order to ensure students adopt the correct
development of custom tools suited to the specific conclusions (e.g. allowing for students discussions prior
requirements of the MTEC module. Priorities adopted to posting confirmations).
during the tool development activities included:
Staff also worked to enhance use of forum by regularly
 No specific commercial naval architecture software publishing articles or news (e.g. new type of the
programs used for the pre/post course elements of equipment, announcement of some new warship design
the module (bespoke Microsoft Excel tools adopted contract). This stimulates student to leave a comment and
as a widely available alternative); instills an importance of knowledge of industry trends.
 Simple design tools with clearly defined input and
 Limited adaptability for alternative design concepts.
The students’ focus during the intensive week is on
These choices were driven by a desire to instil an attending lectures and developing their concept design.
understanding of the overall design process – by To expose them to various aspects that should be taken
highlights key decision and drawing out important issues into account several student-led activities were
– rather than providing detailed guidance on how to do developed.
the work in practice.
At the beginning of the week students present their
Tools were developed by UCL and provided to the existing ship design, completed in the pre-school phase,
students to assist with developing their designs in the to the class. The purpose of this activity is:
following areas:
 To provide an opportunity for participants to get to
 Ship sizing; know their peers and develop a sense of belonging to
 Cost capability; the wider group;
 Parametric survey;  To build each student’s motivation and enthusiasm:
 Structural weight; For a design based course it is important that
 Propellers and powering. students develop a sense of ownership of the project
and move away from the standard course structure
The first three tools are employed prior to the intensive and attitude towards coursework (i.e. that it is not
week at UCL. The final two are used during or after the only about the mark).
intensive week.  Students become aware that the ship design exercise
allows them to present themselves to other
During the intensive week at UCL the students employ a participants as professionals, which boosts
commercial naval architecture package (Paramarine) to motivation and instills a sense of responsibility.
develop a hullform, analyse stability and extract deck  Provides an opportunity to improve their
plans. These deck plans are first used to develop an presentation skills – normally difficult to accomplish
initial general arrangement (typically undertaken by in a distance learning format.
hand). This process allows the students to determine
bulkheads positions that are inform by stability analysis. This initial activity successfully engages the students in
discussions regarding critical ship design issues at the
5.6 VIRTUAL LEARNING ENIVRONMENTS start of the intensive week, demonstrating the complexity
of the design and need for multi-disciplinary approach
Most universities now employ Virtual Learning (often with minimal staff direction). This opportunity
Environments (VLE) to facilitate better communications also allows for informal feedback from peers together
with students. However, VLE use is often limited to the with UCL staff and a chance for self-assessment.
distribution of teaching material. The mtec@work
consortium provides a VLE called ‘Blackboard’ to

Trans RINA, Vol xx, Part C1, Intl J Marine Design, Jan -Jun 2013

The same activity is repeated at the end of the intensive 6.2 FOCUS ON WARSHIP DESIGN
week, where students present their progress and discuss
future work they intend to undertake in the post-school The majority of the students who have undertaken the
period. module have come from a naval/military environment,
with a smaller number from the commercial sector. There
Midway through the course each student is given a was a concern over whether these “commercial” students
sample ship taken from a publication or media (journal, would find a warship design to their liking. However the
marketing material, etc.) to critique. Based on high-level feedback has always been positive in terms of student
specification and layout each student prepares a brief satisfaction.
presentation on specific aspect of that design (e.g. safety
systems, payload, arrangement, firefighting, 6.3 SHIP DESIGN OUTCOMES
accommodation, etc.). This allows the students to gain a
broad appreciation of how other designs address these It has never been an objective that the designs should be
issues. As students are typically focused upon specific “high quality” in themselves, as suggested above it is far
challenging aspects of their own design this exercise more important that the students learn from the
allows them to re-examine ship design issues that they experience in order to be best placed to produce high
might have overlooked. This activity reinforces the quality designs when working as part of a design team in
importance of overall synthesis in ship design to achieve the future.
a successful solution. Importantly, by asking each student
to present on one aspect of design, peer discussion While it is not an objective to produce high quality
highlights and reinforces the most important aspects that designs, it is clearly desirable. This is an area where
are applicable for all designs. almost without exception the results have proved
disappointing. Students are able to undertake the initial
6. REFLECTION ON MODULE DESIGN sizing and cost-capability trade-off’s well and generally
conduct the technical analysis of their designs to a good
One should measure the success of the module against standard. However, the hull form and general
the learning objectives; this is not easy. However, staff arrangement of the final designs often did not reflect that
have the overwhelming impression that the students gain of real ships (despite module documentation which
a great deal from the module in terms of its learning attempts to guide students towards a sensible
objectives and this is confirmed by student feedback. arrangement and an example of a good layout).


In general student’s feedback, collated from 2006 The MTEC C17 module was originally conceived
onwards, was very positive. It can be summarised in the through applying a constructive alignment approach.
following quotes: Outcome-based learning and teaching principles were
applied to the module design to allow it to cater for
“All agreed that the school met their expectations students’ diversity to maximise opportunities for deep
and was relevant to their own working learning by all students. This is achieved by constructive
environment. The breadth and depth of the alignment of all elements of the module to help students
material covered related well to the students’ achieve intended learning outcomes (see Figure 5).
needs and the material was industrially relevant.”
A core of good course design is well-defined intended
“The assignments represented the material learning outcomes (stating the abilities the student should
covered during the intensive school or in the gain during the module), taking consideration of the tools
distance learning material, and the instructions required to satisfy them. Furthermore, a suitable
were clear.” environment needs to be created to facilitate learning.
Finally, appropriate assessment methods should be used
However, some concerns were raised: to evaluate the student’s achievements.

 The access arrangements and time allocated for For this module, a blended format combining long-
completion of the distance learning material were distance and face-to-face learning to a set timescale also
rated “fair” to “good” which gives room for had to be considered. While all material for long-distance
improvement. learning was extensive and carefully prepared, it could be
 Some students felt that there was insufficient time argued that the effectiveness of self-learning was not
during the intensive week to get to grips with the maximized for all students. More advanced use of virtual
software and complete the assigned task. However, learning environments could provide better support for
the students acknowledged that it would be difficult students and allow teachers to monitor student progress
to find a readily available alternative to integrate into during long-distance learning phases of the module.
the project that would be of similar value.

Trans RINA, Vol xxx, Part C1, Intl J Marine Design, Jan - Jun 2013

improvement which might maximize the effectiveness of

Course Aims
this long-distance learning format and meet challenges
discussed in previous section.
Intended Based on pre-defined module structure
learning The module learning strategy can be further revised to
improve long distance self-directed learning. Long
Content Teaching and distance modules can benefit immensely from E-learning
Learning that carries the bulk of teaching/learning experience.
Environment With that in mind we should aim to further expand use of
the virtual learning environment by providing higher
Including VLE
levels of communication and interactive student
Teaching Activities (face-2-face and activities.
E-activities) and Student progress
Assessment The intensive week structure needs to be more flexible
monitoring plan
and fluent to maximise learning experience. The current
structure is quite constrained due to the significant
Module number of lectures. This removes opportunities for late
Evaluation changes due to the issues that might arise in students
work. In the future, we plan to incorporate “flipping
lectures”: live webinars and pre-recorded lectures might
Module be available through VLE that will support student in
Modifications long distance self-learning. This will result in having
fewer lectures in intensive week and freeing time to
enhance communication on the module (both student-
Figure 5: Module Design Methodology staff and student-student), extended practical tutorial
sessions and should lead to better ship design outcomes.
A final necessary step is the development of a course
evaluation strategy, which will assess the courses Further improvements in the ship design outcome may be
effectiveness and allow the mitigation of any identified achieved by introducing an additional tool to develop an
faults. Using a virtual learning environment brings initial layout sketch during the pre-school long-distance
additional benefit to assessing student online activities learning phase. Such a tool allow student to assess
and can provide essential information (visit logs, payload not only in terms of numbers (e.g. weight, price)
student’s activities, active reading lists, etc.). All this but initiate thinking on space requirements and
information together with a standard assessment appropriate arrangements.
mechanism (staff and student feedback, external
examiner reviews, etc.) can highlight issues that need Formative assessment is quite limited as feedback is
further improvement. primarily given as part of a final assessment. To improve
students learning we have introduced formative feedback
6.5 VIRTUAL LEARNING ENVIRONMENT on the report draft four weeks prior to final submission
deadline that will allow students to deepen their
During the MTEC C17 module the VLE was employed knowledge and improve design as well as the quality of
to facilitate communication between all participants their final report.
(both student-staff as well as student-student). The
following points were noted: 7.1 WARSHIP VS. COMMERCIAL SHIP
 VLE helped staff to guide students engaged in the
long-distance learning taught course through key The learning objectives for any mtec@work students
material (however, it still has limitations compared undertaking the module were seen as:
to a full-time face-to-face course).
 It provided an effective mechanism of disseminating 1. Allowing the students to gain an understanding of the
information to all students; difficulties of defining the operational requirement
 Using the VLE gave some students an opportunity to for a ship within a cost constrained budget;
improve IT skills. 2. Allowing the students to apply the analysis skills
acquired elsewhere in the context of a ship design;
7. FUTURE MODULE IMPROVEMENTS 3. Allowing the students to appreciate the difficult
interdisciplinary interactions and compromises that
Even though the authors are very satisfied with the need to be made in the context of a ship design.
achievements of our students and existing module
delivery, we are aware of opportunities for further The module uses a warship design example to explore
improvements. Here we propose some potential these objectives, but the knowledge gained by students is

Trans RINA, Vol xxx, Part C1, Intl J Marine Design, Jan -Jun 2013

applicable to other ship types. Learning objectives 2 & 3 Our experience with this module proves that a design
above are general and apply to both warships and based module can be delivered successfully in long-
commercial ships. However, it is important that the ship distance format. Blending long-distance learning with
design problem exposes key interdisciplinary conflicts, face-to-face intensive school, with the help of Virtual
consequently it must have: learning Environment can provide high quality results.

 Reasonably high top speed – to make the propulsion In closing, we highlight [10]:
issues demanding;
 Reasonably complex internal arrangement – to make “Balancing the serious content of the curriculum
the spatial issues demanding; with the appeal to desires of students for
 Have an ocean going requirement – to make the excitement, motivation and inspiration is a way
structural issues etc. demanding; forward that can make use of live lecture, group
discussion or virtual environment as well as
Learning objective 1 is more specific to the ship type, for deeply engaging combination of these.”
a commercial ship this learning objective might be
expressed as: There is much to be learned about how to teach ship
synthesis in a distance-learning environment; our current
To allow the students to gain an understanding of approach has proved to be successful but also exposed
the difficulties of defining the operational some issues.
requirement for a ship within a defined rate of
financial return. 9. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

In conclusion we might decide that the question of We would like to thank the MTEC program and UCL
“warship” or “commercial” ship should not be the driver teaching staff devoted to delivering excellence in
in the module design. Rather, the key issue is to design a education and supporting our effort to continuously
ship of a type that makes demands of all the various improve student performance.
elements (propulsion, structures, seakeeping, layout, etc.)
and hence exposes the student to the conflicts that In particular we would like to thank all our long-distance
emerge as they try to satisfy all the requirements students on their commitment, hard work, long hours,
and dedication to over five years of part-time study and
8. CONCLUSIONS resilience in the face of illness, care of dependents, a day
job and other assorted life pressures.
Throughout history the role of higher education has
shifted from teaching ‘what is known’ to ‘how one 10. REFERENCES
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