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Game Stream Insights Guidelines v.6.


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Previous versions
• Game Stream Insights Guidelines v.4
• Game Stream Insights Guidelines v.5.5

Last Updated: APRIL 2022

Changes to this version

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1. Removing 14+ as a category and having just non sensitive and 18+
2. Introducing priority orders for borderline and low quality content when multiple

eviolations occur in the same stream

a. Sexual content > Graphic & Shocking> Violence & Criminal activity > Regulated
Goods > Unsafe behavior
b. Watchbait > Pre-recorded > Looping > Still Image > Graphics only Poll> Slideshow
3. Introducing a separate category called “watchbait” under Low quality - this is to capture
78 id
IRL VODs at the start of live streams. Check here for more details
4. Introduced a special section in gaming vs non gaming to account for specific edge cases
that came up during employee reviews/SEVs or working group discussions for gaming vs
non gaming cases
5. Introduced a special section for pre-recorded videos to capture edge cases based on
employee reviews/SEVs


The purpose of this work-stream is to identify dark gray borderline content, low quality gaming
content in Gaming Live streams in addition to categorizing videos as Gaming vs Non Gaming

• Help Facebook reduce risk of paying out to accounts that are run by non-gaming
• Enforce on videos that are dark gray borderline through proper tagging of live streams
• Provide insight into the type of gaming and non-gaming streams we host on our
• Collect helpful insights of streamer attributes

Decision Label Tree Breakdown:

a. Is there an issue that prevents you from rating the job?
i. Skip
b. Does this contain dark gray borderline (non-recommendable) content? If so,
what type? (single select ordered in terms of priority)
i. No
ii. Sexual Content

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iii. Graphic & Shocking
iv. Violence & Criminal Activity

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v. Regulated Goods
vi. Unsafe Behavior
c. Is this dark gray borderline (non-recommendable) content occurring outside of
gameplay? (e.g. in a movie clip, a broadcast, in real life)
i. No
ii. Yes
d. Does this contain mature content? If so, what is the most severe type?

86 n i. No
ii. 18+
e. Does this contain low quality content? If so, what type? (single select ordered in
terms of priority)
e i. No
ii. Pre-Recorded Video
iii. Watchbait
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iv. Looping Video
v. Slideshow
vi. Still Image
vii. Graphics Only Poll
f. Is the streamer actively engaging with the low quality content?

i. No
ii. Yes
g. Is the content featured in the video stream related to Gaming or Non-Gaming?
i. Gaming
1. Gameplay by Streamer
2. Game Events

3. Cast Other Streams

a. With commentary
b. Without commentary
4. Other Gaming Content
ii. Is Game Tag used?
1. Yes
a. Is Game Tag Correct?
i. Yes
ii. No
2. No
iii. Non-Gaming
1. Commercial Type
2. IRL Type
a. Hanging Out
b. IRL
iv. Is Game Tag Entered? (“Hanging Out” is not considered a game tag)
1. Yes

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Skipping Jobs

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If you encounter an error that prevents you from viewing the stream, please select the Skip
option in the SRT. Once you have selected Skip, you can identify the reason for Skipping the job
from the selections provided. The skip button has built in hotkeys, “K” is used for the skip
button and continue with the numerical keys for the next options.

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Escalating jobs

Please familiarize yourself with our Facebook Community Standards and Gaming Community
Guidelines to better understand what content and behavior violate our standards. If you come
across something that does violate our standards, please Skip the job and provide notes on why
it is a violation in the “Something Else” box provided.
Immediate Escalation

Violating content is content that potentially violates Facebook's Community Standards (if
content is from Facebook). If you encounter content that you think is violating Facebook’s

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Community Standards, please immediately take the following 3 actions:
1. Escalate the Job ID (incl. SRT link) immediately to your manager

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2. If you are not comfortable reviewing the content, you should reject the job after
3. Vendor managers should use the CO Contact Form, at [link], to route Job IDs into CO
a. Violating content should never be screenshot or replicated in any way as it only
further exacerbates the issue. Please always look to use task/job number and SRT
URL for issue identification.

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Examples of violating content: sexual images of children, recruiting or transporting of humans
for sex trafficking or slavery, threat of immediate violence, promotes suicide, terrorist groups
and other dangerous organizations, bullying, hate speech.
No need to memorize Community Standards/Guidelines. Escalate if you see something that
seems wrong.
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Gaming Livestream Review Process
How should I review a stream ?
1. Check timestamp on the stream when you open the job

a. If the timestamp is 00:00 or within 5 secs of 00:00 , it means you are viewing the
start of the stream
b. If the timestamp is somewhere beyond 05:00 (5 mins ), it means you are viewing
from somewhere in the middle of the stream. Please go back to the start of the
stream and review

streams start in the middle at say 30 mins to 1 hours beyond the start. it is important you
check for this and go back to the start of the stream if this is the case.

The start of the stream is important to review because streamers often upload VODs or IRL
content that must be reviewed for borderline and low quality content. Due to this trend in
streamer uploads, it is imperative that you ensure you’ve skimmed through all of the stream
that is available for your review.

Ex: Bug removal video are usually inserted at the beginning of this streamer’s content. If you
had not reviewed the beginning of the stream this very important content may have been
2. Videos that are “is live” when you open the job
For streams that are live at the time of reviewing, watch the starting 30 secs of the video, then
scrub through the middle at various points until the time at which the stream is live

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3. Videos that are “was live” when you open the job
For streams that are “was live” and have an ending at the time of reviewing, watch the starting

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30secs of the video, scrub through the middle and scrub through the final minutes of the video

Stream lengths
• For streams up-to 3 hours long, follow process above
• For streams greater than 3 hours long, scrub through the first 5 mins , scrub through the
middle and scrub through the end of the video

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Gaming vs Non Gaming Content
Definition: Any content that relates to online gaming including actual gameplay within a game,
gaming news, gaming equipment, game reviews, lists of top games, etc
• There are four stream types within the Gaming label: Gameplay by Streamer, Game
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Events, Cast Other Streams, and Other Gaming Content. These will be described in detail

How to mark for combination of Gaming and Non Gaming content ?

1. If a stream has any gaming content as defined above then mark as Gaming
a. example: Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.

2. Streams containing Non-gaming content (Commercial, gambling) followed by

Gaming → Mark as gaming but it will be pre-recorded under low quality
a. example: Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.

Special gaming cases:

1. Video begins with Gaming but transitions into live shopping content - mark as non

a. eg: Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.
2. IRL content of streamer streaming a game on their mobile — gaming
a. Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.
3. Online card games where no human hands or faces are seen and the gameplay is virtual
— gaming
a. Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.b
4. Online slot games where there is no exchange of “real money ” — gaming (Refer to
borderline policy for definition of real money)
a. Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.
5. Gaming content that has IRL content playing concurrently /at the same time — gaming
(if 50% of the overall video has gaming)
a. Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.
6. How do we mark spin to win games ? → gaming
a. Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.
7. IRL board games where human hands or faces are seen or there is no indication of
virtual gameplay → mark as non gaming

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a. Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.

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Options under Gaming content
Gameplay by Streamer

What is Gameplay by Streamer ?

• Gameplay refers to the act of playing the game rather than anything that takes place
before or after the active playing.
• This is content that involves the player interacting within the actual game interface,

86 ne such as completing missions, interacting with NPCs, moving in-game, etc.

• This rating should only be used when the live stream features actual gameplay and the
gameplay is being done by the streamer who posted it.
• This rating also applied to any form of gaming online, including online board games such
as Parcheesi/Ludo
• Examples of the Gameplay by Streamer rating:
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• Explanation: This video features a streamer playing Call of Duty
Warzone. This is gameplay by the streamer who posted the
content and it is not a gaming event, so this meets the criteria for
Gameplay by Streamer.

• Explanation: This video features a streamer playing Scrap

Mechanic. This gameplay is done by the streamer who posted the
content and it is not a gaming event, so this meets the criteria for
Gameplay by Steamer.

What is not Gameplay by Streamer?

• Gameplay does not include menu screen, lobby interaction, cut scenes, loot crates/box
openings, character or team selection, upgrades, etc. Those will fall under Other Gaming
• This rating should NOT be applied to a re-cast stream of someone else’s gameplay. (I.e.
a streamer shares someone else’s gameplay stream). This scenario falls into the Cast
Other Streams rating.
• This rating should NOT be applied to gameplay during esports tournaments or gaming
conventions. These scenarios fall into the Game Events rating.
Game Events

Definition: Streams that cover gaming related events such as Esports events, Community
events, Conventions, etc.
• Gaming Tournaments - a series of contests between a number of competitors, who

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compete for an overall prize. This can include casual and professional tournaments.

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o Many Game Event streams will show brackets/match-ups throughout the
stream, which is a good indicator that the stream features a tournament.
• Esports Coverage - streams that cover major Esport game events. Esport being defined
as professionally organized gaming competitions between multiple competitors who
compete for an overall prize
• Community Events - streams that cover events that involve a targeted/specific group or
few number of individuals. Gaming Conventions and Scrimmages are the most common

86 ne types.
o Gaming Convention - a large gathering centered on role-playing games,
collectible card games, miniatures wargames, board games, video games, or
other types of games. ex. E3, Blizzcon, PAX
o Scrimmage - a competitive game between two or more competitive
players/teams for practice use. The streamer must not be actively participating
in the event, otherwise it will be gameplay by streamer. Also includes gatherings
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• Examples of the Game Events rating:
/. → tournament
• Explanation: This stream features a tournament of Gears 5
gameplay. There are many things that indicate that this is a

tournament. We need to assess the video stream itself, but we

can use the posting page & description as helpful clues. The
posting page name includes “esports” and the description
includes hashtags for esports. In the gameplay itself, we can see a
banner across the top with the list of the teams and their scores.
▪ →

esport event
• Explanation: This stream features a virtual tournament of an F1
race. We can see the racers and their places along the left side of
the screen during gameplay. In addition, the description indicates
that this is an e-sport event.
▪ →
• Explanation: This stream features a tournament for the game
Street Fighter. The first part of the stream shows the players that
are facing off (a match-up, as mentioned above).
Cast Other Streams

Definition: Streams that have been previously recorded & posted by someone who is not the
current poster.
• This rating refers to streams that are being recast. For example: A stream of

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StoneMountain64 playing Call of Duty Warzone, that is being shared/re-posted by

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someone who is not StoneMountain64.
• This rating has two sub-categories: With Commentary and Without Commentary.
o With Commentary refers to a re-cast in which the person who is sharing the post
is speaking over the original audio. Streamer A records the gameplay. Streamer B
shares the video with Streamer B’s own voiceover.
▪ Typically Streamer B would be taking content from a tournament and
adding their own language, basically a dub over of the tournament for

86 ne international sharing.
o Without Commentary refers to a re-cast in which the person who is sharing the
post has not added any of their own audio. Streamer A records the gameplay.
Streamer B shares the video with only Streamer A’s original audio.
• When checking if a stream is a recast, always view the uploader’s page for
confirmation that they are not the original uploader
• Streams labeled as Cast Other Streams should also always be tagged as Low Quality and
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• Examples of the Cast Other Streams rating:
• Explanation: This video stream is posted by HLC Gaming. The
video itself is footage from other players/streamers playing in a

tournament. This streamer is re-casting the tournament, but he is

not involved in the tournament as a player or host. He is talking
about the gameplay in a screen within the screen, so this is Cast
Other Streams with Commentary.
• Explanation: This video stream is posted by the page Fortnite

Battle Royale Headquarters. This video is a stream originally done

by the Youtuber Tfue. Therefore, since this is a sharing of Ali-A’s
video, a re-cast, this is Cast Other Streams. There is no audio
added beyond what was originally put in by Tfue so this is
Without Commentary.
• Explanation: This video stream is posted by GG ESports which
features the famous streamer Ninja playing Fortnite. This is
another example of gameplay being shared/recast by someone
who is not involved with Ninja himself. This video only contains
the original stream’s audio, so this is Cast Other Streams Without

Cross-Posting UI
• What is Cross Posting?

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o Cross Posting happens when 2 streamers agree to stream live on each others

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o This can be confusing for raters when Profile Page names are not the same and
raters would incorrectly label streams as Cast Other Streams without
o If a stream is Cross Posted, streams should be reviewed as if they are posted by
the original streamer
• Our SRT UI will let us know when streams are being Cross Posted. The indicator will

86 nshow as:

e o Video Is Crosspost = True

▪ If this shows as True then the video itself is a crosspost from another
streamer and should be treated as if posted by the original streamer
o or Video Is Crosspost = False
▪ If this shows as False then the video itself should originate from the
creator of the page.
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• Examples:
o Here we can see that Video is Crosspost = False. Since this job is not a crosspost,
and we can see that the In game name and Facebook profile names do not
match up, we can assume this should be labeled as Cast Other Streams

o Another example of Crosspost = True. Even though the IGN name and the page
names are not similar the profile has permissions from the original streamer to
be using their content. This would be categorized as Gameplay by Streamer.
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86 ne o Here is an example of Crosspost = True in the case of a professional tournament.
▪ Even with Cross Posting = True, page owners must be affiliated with the
stream in some way; either part of the team, the caster, Language dub,
player, etc to have the legal rights to be recasting a professional
▪ In this case, the caster is neither affiliated with the casters nor the
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language dub. Also another factor is that the external link is linked to a
Twitch stream from the original casters. There is no evidence that the
original stream came from Facebook and this could be a false positive
case of true cross posting.

Other Gaming Content

Definition: Content that relates to Gaming but does not fall into the above categories.
• This rating can refer to things such as game trailers, testing/reviewing gaming
equipment, news of console releases & updates, gaming focused skits, game stream
promotional videos, etc.
• While this rating can be somewhat broad, it still refers to content that is directly related

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to Gaming only. This does NOT refer to online gambling or real-life sporting events.
Those fall into Non-Gaming categories that will be discussed in further detail further

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• This rating also contains Table Top Games and Board Games where there are no IRL
elements such as human hands or human faces and the game environment is digital
o Tabletop role-playing game: also known as a pen-and-paper role-playing game, is
a form of role-playing game (RPG) in which the participants describe their
characters' actions through speech and actions are calculated through dice.
o Board Games: tabletop games that typically use pieces moved or placed on a

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e pre-marked board and often include elements of table, card, role-playing, and
miniatures games as well.
o Ex. Dungeons and Dragons, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, Monopoly
Examples of the Other Gaming Content rating:
• Explanation: This video features a skit about Periscope players.
This video is related to Gaming, in the sense that it is showing a
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perception of a certain type of gamer. However, it doesn’t fall into
the other Gaming categories, so Other Gaming Content is the best

• Explanation: This video features a game release trailer for the

game BioShock. This is clearly related to gaming, but it does not
fall into the other Gaming categories. All trailers and promotional
material should be rated Other Gaming Content.
• Explanation: This video features some gaming news and

review/information of streaming equipment. This is related to

Gaming, but it doesn’t fall into the other gaming categories, so
the best rating is Other Gaming Content.

Non-Gaming Content
Definition: Content that does not relate to Gaming in any way.
• This rating refers to streams that contain Commercial content like movies, television
shows, live or prerecorded sporting events, and real-life video streams that feature
people chatting, selling items, gambling, cooking, etc.
o Note: If a stream contains a casino game or any wager of real world currency, it
is considered gambling and not gaming.
• There are two sub-categories in the Non-Gaming category: Commercial Type and IRL
Type. These will be defined in further detail below.

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o The IRL Type label includes sub-labels: Hanging Out and IRL stream

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Commercial Type

Definition: Non-gaming content that has been made for commercial distribution and may likely
be copyrighted material.
• This rating refers to streams that feature movies, television shows, sports broadcasts,
news programs, etc.
• This rating does NOT refer to personal videos of sports, such as a children soccer game,

86 n or low-quality non-copyrighted news interviews and radio programs. Nor does it refer to
church-related videos even with watermarks or other signals you can see on TV. These
would be rated as IRL Type > IRL Stream
• Examples of the Commercial Type rating
e o Explanation: The screenshot below of the thumbnails from a Commercial Type
stream. This stream features a movie starring Adam Sandler, which is clearly
copyrighted material and made for commercial distribution.
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▪ Explanation: The screenshot below of the thumbnails from a Commercial

Type stream. This stream features a cartoon, which is likely copyrighted
material and clearly made for commercial distribution.
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86 ne o
▪ Explanation: This stream features a soccer match between two
professional teams. This is a sporting event that was recorded for
commercial distribution.
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IRL Type

Definition: Non-Gaming content that features “in real life” content

• This rating refers to all Non-Gaming content that is NOT Commercial Type.

IRL - Hanging Out


Definition: Non-gaming content that is posted by a gaming streamer that is focused on

interaction with the audience
• Hanging Out is a label we use when a Gaming Creator is interacting with the audience or
having a conversation with another Gaming Creator on camera, without the gameplay

o We want to use this tag for gaming creators that take a break from constantly
posting gaming videos and stream a video where they are chatting with their
audience, interviewing/talking to another creator or gaming figure, and/or
stream some of their hobbies they like to do when not gaming
• Hanging out is available only to select GAMING CREATORS. Thus there is a connection to
gaming. Check the original video and uploader page for if the streamer is a Gaming
• Streams need to have the Hanging Out label to be considered as Hanging Out. else, label
it as IRL. Here is an example of a stream that uses the Hanging Out label.
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• This tag will not apply to videos that are compilations or videos that are prerecorded

What content is allowed?

• Chatting
o Content needs to be of the creator talking. They can be doing a wide range of
activities but the primary focus needs to be of them talking and engaging with

their audience
▪ Giveaway / Raffles
▪ Shout outs / Fan Signs
▪ Traveling / Exploration
▪ Conversation/ Interaction with Audience
▪ Gaming equipment unboxings
• Art
o Content needs to be of the creator doing some kind of activity with the primary
focus needs to be of them interacting or engaging with their audience, examples:
▪ Painting / Drawing / Sculpting
▪ Cooking
▪ Game Design
• ex. Creators using Unity or Unreal engine to build some kind of
Game world or is coding physics/mechanics for a game.
• Podcasts / Talk shows
o Common signals

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▪ Has a camera and/or live video
▪ Visual indication using words like “Podcast” or “Show”

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What content is not allowed?
• Violating Content
o Integrity violating
o Commercial Type
▪ Non-Gaming → Commercial Type
• Tag these as: Non-Gaming → IRL Type → IRL Stream

86 ne o Creator sleeping
o Listening to music with no talking
o Pet cam
o Still images with music
o Filming / restreaming an event without direct commentary to the camera
o Tik Tok Videos
▪ Reels Compilations are also not allowed since it is not direct engagement
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to the audience.
o Shopping Videos

Step By Step Process on how to review video for “Hanging Out”

• Question 1
o Is Stream Gaming or Non-Gaming?

▪ → Non-Gaming
• Question 2
o Is Non-Gaming Stream IRL or Commercial?
▪ → IRL
• Question 3

o Is stream IRL or Hanging Out?

▪ → Is Stream IRL or Hanging out?
• The main thing you’re looking for would be anything that
describes gaming (e.g. gaming terms in the description, name or
tag, gaming overlay use, gaming chair or other gaming
paraphernalia), what type of game they play, anything about their
clan, or a description such as “Instead of playing GTA5 today I am
going to be chatting with everyone!”.
• There should be obvious indicators that the streamer is a Gaming
content creator but if you have doubts on using the Hanging out
tag, the best type research is to look through the Facebook page.
▪ STEP 1: Go to the Facebook page. Copy the VIDEO
ID from the SRT job in the “Content in Review”
section. Use the URL “[Video
ID] ←Enter video ID after the forward slash”
▪ STEP 2: The URL should take you to the video
posted by the creator on Facebook. From there go

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to the creator’s page by clicking on the creator’s
name and look through the videos the creator has

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• We’re mainly looking for a majority of
videos to be gaming. We are going to be
using the Majority rule, or 15/20 videos on
the page must be gaming to be judged as a
gaming page.
• If the page is not a gaming creator page,

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e Proceed to tagging as IRL
• If the page is a gaming creator page, use the
Hanging Out tag and submit the job
Example shown here doesn’t have a video description but does have a
page description that indicates they are a gaming clan.
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• Example of a video that shouldn’t be rated Hanging Out. The Video description doesn’t

have any indicators of anything gaming related

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▪ Please note that creators can also abuse the usage of Video and Page
• As a final option for research, you can look through the Page of

the streamer to verify.

Visual Indicators within stream to identify gaming creator profile

• Gaming Peripherals
o Chair
o Headset
o External Mic
• Overlay around the stream and/or overlay around the streamer face cam
• Videos within the Thumbnails that show gaming
• Video Caption and Page description
• Verified check mark
More exampled can be found in Hanging Out Example Table
Colum Colum Column 3 Col Co Colum Co Co Col Col
n1 n2 um lu n 6 lu lu um um
n4 m m m n9 n
n5 n n 10

5 l
7 8
FB ID SRT ID ScreenShot Co Ha Reaso Ga No IRL Ga

65 tia
nt ngi n mi n- me
en ng ng Ga Ta
t Ou mi g
Ty t? ng Ent
pe ere
441797 296285 No This is No IR IRL Yes

86 n
790234 960403
e 7197
m of a
n- L
78 id
this is
ng Out

e the

193885 140242 No Strea No IR IRL Yes
242174 551345 mer is n- L
479 259 not a Ga
gamin mi

5 l
g ng

65 tia

86 ne
78 id
909369 161223 No Strea Ga
906491 780563 mer is mi
997 2826 playin ng

5 l

65 tia
86 ne
78 id
124178 Ga No This Ga
774952 me video mi
6591 Ev is not ng
en from

t the
elf but

did for
g out,

5 l

65 tia
ons. It

86 nehas to
be the
ons to
78 id
ce for
it to

ng out
440948 796834 Ch Ye This is No IR Ha Yes
016964 304252 att s gamin n- L ngi
795 358 ing g Ga ng-
Strea mi Ou

5 l
mer ng t

65 tia

86 ne
78 id
242157 132694 Ch Ye Strea No IR Ha Yes
264230 826440 att s mer is n- L ngi
164 2256 ing chatti Ga ng-
ng/bro mi Ou
swing ng t

278923 274533 Ot Ye Gamin No IR Ha Yes
043132 124062 he s g n- L ngi
7393 847 r Strea Ga ng-
mer is mi Ou

5 l
curren ng t

65 tia
g his

86 ne t or
it a
78 id
473025 823014 Ot Ye Gamin No IR Ha Yes
547037 121889 he s g n- L ngi
224 354 r Strea Ga ng-
mer is mi Ou

5 l
cookin ng t

65 tia
86 ne
78 id
336641 Art Ye No IR Ha No

571009 s This n- L ngi

4996 creato Ga ng-
r is mi Ou
curren ng t

kind of
ad or
nt and
ds to
of War
e of

5 l
ds. A

65 tia
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86 nemer
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78 id

271113 Po Ye Pure No IR Ha No
491915 dc s examp n- L ngi
3906 ast le of Ga ng-
s Podca mi Ou

5 l
sting, ng t

65 tia
page is
d but I
so I

86 ne looked
r into
78 id
rs host

or set

es for
s but

5 l

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Game Tags

Definition: A tag that the streamer has used to identify the game being played/referred to in
the stream.
• Game Tags will follow the following format: [streamer/posting page] is playing [game
• Often, we will see other things that follow the posting page name, such as “is live” or

86 n “was live in [group name]. These are NOT game tags.

• Some Game Tags will be hyperlinks to the game’s Facebook page. Others will not. Game
Tags do not need to be hyperlinks to be considered correct.
• If there is a game tag present, answer Yes to the question, “Is game tag
e used?”. Otherwise if there’s no game tag, answer No.
o We only care about if there is a game tag present for this question so even if the
game tag shown is not for a real game or if the game that is tagged does not
78 id
correspond with the game being featured in the stream, answer Yes.
o Then for the next question, “Is game tag correct?”, answer No.
• Example of a game tag being used.
o Explanation: The screenshot below shows a stream that does have a Game Tag
present. Although the stream itself is not gaming content, it is tagged as “playing

PUBG Mobile”.
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• Example of a missing game tag
o Explanation: The screenshot below is from a stream in which there was no game

tag used. This simply says, “is live”. There is no game tagged.
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Correct vs Incorrect Game Tag
• If the game tag correctly identifies the game that is featured in the stream. Answer
“Yes” to “Is game tag correct?”

o If the game tag incorrectly identifies the game that is feature in the stream.
Answer “No” to “Is game tag correct?”
• Some games are part of a larger game franchise. Game tags that feature the original
franchise are considered a correct game tag for any game within the
franchise. However, tags for specific games within the franchise should relate to the
correct game being played.

o Ex. Gameplay of Grand Theft Auto V can be tagged as Grand Theft Auto V or
Grand Theft Auto. However, gameplay of Grand Theft Auto V with a tag of Grand
Theft Auto: Vice City is incorrect.
o Ex. A tag of Call of Duty on a video featuring Call of Duty: Warzone gameplay is
correct. However, a tag of Call of Duty: Ghosts on a video featuring Call of Duty:
Warzone is incorrect.
• If you are unfamiliar with a game, please use Google or Bing to conduct a search for that
game’s gameplay images and other information about that game that can help you
determine whether or not the game tag is correct.
• Examples
▪ Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.
• This stream is tagged as “playing Feed and Grow: Fish”. By
scanning through the gameplay, we can see that this is a correct
game tag.

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▪ Example of the Game Tag Incorrect rating:

• This screenshot is from a stream in which the game tag was
incorrect. This is tagged as “playing Need for Speed”, but the
gameplay is of Resident Evil 4. Resident Evil has its own game tag,
so it should be tagged accordingly.
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• The screen shot below shows PUBG Mobile tagged as the game

tag. The stream is Non-Gaming: Commercial Type stream that

features a movie. Because this is considered Non-Gaming, the
game tag is considered incorrect.
• In the screen shot below, the stream is tagged as Apex Legends,
however the stream is playing Call of Duty: Warzone. This game
tag is considered incorrect for this stream.

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Borderline Policy

Link to full guidelines: Borderline Policy - PDO Gaming copy

Link to examples for Graphic and Shocking content

How do I handle different borderline violations in the same video ?


A stream can have different borderline violations at different timestamps. Use the priority rule
below to make your selection


Sexual content > Graphic & Shocking> Violence & Criminal activity > Regulated Goods >
Unsafe behavior
How do I handle combinations of violations at the same timestamp ?

Sometimes streams can have IRL or Fictional content where multiple borderline violations can
occur at the same time. In that case use the same priority rule as above

5 l
Sexual content > Graphic & Shocking> Violence & Criminal activity > Unsafe Behavior >

65 tia
Regulated Goods

Out of Game borderline signals :

How to handle IRL content spliced with gaming content ?

86 n
Priority is for IRL content over fictional/gaming content.

So if a stream has both IRL and gameplay/fictional content playing together, mark for
borderline if the IRL content has any violations even though the fictional/gaming part does not
78 id
How to handle mix of IRL and fictional gaming videos for all low quality violation types?

Evaluate it as follows

1. Borderline labels - applies to IRL and gameplay parts of the stream

2. Gaming vs Non gaming - If a stream has any gaming content, it will be tagged as Gaming

even if it has IRL content

3. Low quality labels - applies to the entire video meaning a stream can have pre-recorded
content before gaming content
Low Quality Policy

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A stream will sometimes comprise of content that has no relation to gaming or is

taken/reposted from another streamer. This type of content is usually intended to generate
more views on the uploader’s channel.
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Select yes if the streamer is actively engaging with the low quality content such as if their voice
can be heard as commentary or if their webcam can be seen as they are reacting to the
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Priority order for marking low quality content

1. If a stream has multiple low quality violations at different timestamps, use the

following priority order

a. Watchbait > Pre-recorded > Looping > Still Image > Graphics only Poll>

Difference between Watchbait and Pre-recorded


• Watchbait refers to streams that have VODs at the start of the stream which are
typically IRL content/ streams where streamers are reacting to IRL content that occurs at
the starting 15 mins of the stream/ tiktok watermarks in the stream
• Pre-recorded refers to streams that do not have a streamer but include just gameplay
such as GTA characters walking / RDR2 animals just walking by / cut scenes of car
crashes . Refer to the section on “How to mark for pre-recorded” content to get more
examples and definitions

Options for low quality content

Priority Low quality Description Examples
1 No A stream that does not contain any low-quality
content as defined in the cells below.

5 l
Note: Videos with the "Was Live" tag should

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be labeled as if they are live.
2 1 Watchbait Watchbait content in game streams can be
defined as any live gaming stream that has
VODs at the start of a stream or a streamer
reacting to IRL content at the start of a stream
or stream that have the tiktok watermark.
Please refer to "How to mark Watchbait"

86 n
e Pre-Recorded
section below to see more details
A stream that features just gameplay videos
without the streamers present or cut scenes
that make up the entire stream. Examples
include GTA characters just walking , flight
simulator games that show a flight just flying
around etc. Refer to "How to mark pre-
78 id
recorded videos" for more details and
4 3 Looping A stream that replays the same video segment Example
more than one time. Streams with the "Visual
Loop" tag on SRT also fall under this label.

5 4 Still Image The entire frame is a static image/video with Error!

no movement (2 or less disctinct frames) Hyperlink
throughout the stream. This includes videos reference
that have small movements with no significant not valid.
purpose or value. EXCEPTION: Introductory
images for streams that are less then 20

minutes, e.g. Streamer's logo, "Stream starting

soon", etc.
6 5 Graphics Only A stream that contains a graphic survey which Error!
Poll asks users to respond by reacting to it in a Hyperlink
certain way (Sad, Anger, Like, etc.) reference
not valid.
7 6 Slideshow A stream that contains a presentation OR Example
slideshow (3+ distinct frames). These typically
have editing work, overlaid text, and/or music Error!
playing in the background. This resembles a Hyperlink
compilation of photos. In these streams, still reference
pictures are more than 70% of the content. not valid.
Pre-Recorded Content Signals

1 Signal Description Example

5 l
2 Multiple Stream contains picture-in-picture or split screen videos Error!
screens with where the player in one of the videos is likely not Hyperlink

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no player playing a video game (e.g. can see hands but cannot reference not
see/hear a controller/keyboard and cannot see headset valid.
or gaming chair).
3 Compilation Stream contains video with 2 or more previously Error!
Video separate video clips. Compilations usually don’t trace a Hyperlink
concise sequence of events, but rather follow a certain reference not
theme or topic. EXCEPTION: animated introductions valid.

86 nPast events
Older date
posted in
that are related to the streamer.
If the stream contains a video of a known event (e.g. E3
Expo 2020) then look for the date on which the event
occured and determine if it did not occur on the same
date as the stream.
Stream contains watermark with something that
indicates pre-recorded content, e.g. date older than

78 id
video date of the stream.
6 Movie scenes, Stream includes footage from a movie, a TV program, Error!
TV scenes, or any copyrighted fictional content. (E.g. a CBS TV Hyperlink
etc. Show Clip, an Avengers Clip, a Geico Commercial, etc.) reference not

7 Medical Stream includes footage from a medical operation Example

scenes being performed on a person, e.g. stitches, earwax
removal, surgery, etc.

How to mark Videos under Watchbait ?


1. Live streams with VODs that occur at the start of a gaming live stream to be marked as
Watchbait . Exception to this rule is a countdown clock or a promo of the streamer's
a. eg of VOD in beginning of live
stream :
b. Examples of exceptions: welcome screen/ countdown clocks in the beginning of
2. If there is a streamer who is reacting over movies, youtube videos or other content clips
within the STARTING 15 mins of a live stream or any standalone activity (such as
cooking) and then it is followed by Gaming content, the video will be tagged as
Watchbait → streamer is actively engaging with the low quality content = NO → Mark
as gaming
a. eg:
3. If a gaming video has the “tiktok” watermark on it, consider it to be watchbait

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4. All non-gaming videos that do not contain any gaming should be tagged as “Watchbait”
a. eg:

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How to mark videos under Pre-recorded ?

1. If a gaming video on Live has gameplay or content that has the words "Breaking news" ,
"Russia" or "Ukraine" please tag them as pre-recorded videos. They can be tagged as

86 n
2. If a stream is labeled as “Cast Other stream” and if crossposting = FALSE, MARK IT AS

3. If the entire stream is just gameplay (eg:characters walking in GTA, RDR2 ) without
a. - GTA
airplane clip
78 id
b. - WWE tournament of bots
c. -
random gameplay of cow walking in GTA
d. -
random compilation of cars/car crashes
e. - RDR2

gameplay without streamer

4. Content that is split screen - if there is a split screen involving IRL and Gameplay , that
will be marked as pre-recorded

a. - IRL Girl in skimpy clothes split screen with

gameplay. If you see this lady anywhere in streams mark as pre-recorded
b. - Girls in skimpy clothes

Exceptions to mark as Pre-recorded or watchbait

1. If the stream contains a streamer in the form of a virtual avatar it should be treated as
no low quality, gameplay by streamer
2. Split screen of IRL and gameplay where IRL is of a streamer who is actually streaming
and playing the game. Do not confuse this with split screen of IRL content of girls in
skimpy clothes. Mark as gameplay by streamer and no low quality
3. Split screen where Streamer;s hands are shown. Mark as Gameplay by streamer and no
low quality

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