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Department of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Research (SRH), World Health Organization

and the Human Reproduction Program (HRP)

Contract with Jumuiya ya Kaunti za Pwani/Pwani University

WHO Contact Person: Venkatraman Chandra-Mouli
Contract Period: 15 April to 1 July 2021

Title: Organization of an inception meeting and provision of support to facilitate development of a

regional strategy on AYSRHR for six coastal counties in Kenya, in the context of the AYSRHR TA
Coordination Mechanism

1. Background:

In 2019, WHO SRH/HRP established the Adolescent and Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
(AYSRHR) Technical Assistance (TA) Coordination Mechanism, as part of the FP Accelerator Project. The
objective of this mechanism is to deliver TA that countries need for designing, implementing, monitoring,
reviewing and documenting their AYSRHR programmes, in ways that are timely (through a mechanism
that can respond in a punctual manner); effective (from individuals with the right technical and practical
experience in a similar context, with back-up from evidence-based programme-support tools); efficient
(from experts located as close to the respective country as possible, using methods that are effective and
consider available resources); and contribute to national capacity development.

The mechanism received a request for support from the Jumuiya ya Kaunti za Pwani (JKP, an economic
block of six coastal counties in Kenya) to address the coastal counties’ gap regarding adolescents and
young people’s access to quality SRH information and youth-friendly SRH services at the health facility and
community levels. Adolescent pregnancy is a major concern in Kenya, and the coastal counties that make
up the JKP (Kilifi, Kwale, Lamu, Mombasa, Taita Taveta, and Tana River) have especially high rates as
compared to the rest of the country. Tana River has the highest rate of adolescent pregnancy (28.2%) as
compared to the national average (18.1%). The coastal counties have higher rates of unmet need for
contraception for all women of reproductive age (58% compared to 43.9% nationally), and adolescents’
knowledge of contraception is reported to be much lower in the coastal counties compared to the
national average. Thus, it is envisioned that the development of a regional AYSRHR strategy and
complementary county-level implementation plans would help to drive coordinated action to address
these issues in the counties.

The technical assistance for this request will be provided by the Aga Khan University and the Elizabeth
Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation, who were selected from among the AYSRHR TA Coordination
Mechanism’s partner organizations based on their expertise, relationship with the JKP, availability, and
presence in the country/region, through the process outlined in the mechanism’s Standard Operating
Procedures. The JKP will support them to carry out the technical assistance by organizing meetings with
the county stakeholders, facilitating data collection and document retrieval, providing quality assurance,
and ensuring the meaningful engagement of young people in the counties.

2. Activities:

Task 1: Facilitation of youth engagement in the technical assistance process, leveraging the existing JKP
Innovation Lab.
Task 2: Organization of an inception meeting to bring the county stakeholders and technical assistance
team together to discuss and agree on the objectives of the technical assistance, the process that will be
used, and the expectations of all relevant stakeholders, and to seek their inputs on key issues for the
initial phases of data collection.

Task 3: Support to collect documents/information from counties for the desk review and
stakeholder/resource mapping through liaising with the county stakeholders.

Task 4: Organization of site visits (facilities and communities) for the Aga Khan University and the
Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation teams, as one component of the data collection process that
will feed into the development of the regional strategy on AYSRHR.

3. Deliverables:

Deliverable 1: A report of what was done to ensure meaningful youth engagement in the technical
assistance, including the Innovation Lab preparatory workshop.
Deliverable 2: An agenda, list of participants, and report of the inception meeting, including consensus on
timelines, data/documents to be synthesized by counties and process for data collection (including site
Deliverable 3: A compilation of relevant documents/information from the counties, including a strategy
for updating the repository as possible/necessary.
Deliverable 4: Successful organization of county site visits to facilities and communities.

4. Time and personnel

The activities are expected to be completed by 1 July 2021 barring any unforeseen circumstances.

5. Payment

The sum of USD 24,882-00 calculated based on the budget below will be paid according to the following
payment schedule:
20% upon signature of contract
40% upon submission of deliverables 1, 3, and 4
40% upon submission of deliverable 2

Item/category # of Daily # of Subtotals Comments/

units rate days (USD) Remarks
Ongoing JKP Innovation 14 100 1 1400 Brief on
Facilitation of youth Lab youth Pax. expectations
engagement preparatory for WHO/JKP
workshop TA mechanism
Per diem 14 68 1 952 JIL Youths
Conference & 12 50 1 600 JIL/County
Meal Youths De
Phase 1 Transport 50 100 1 5000
Accommodation 40 80 1 3200
Organization of inception Conference 50 50 1 2500
meeting and reviewing of facilities
draft tools Per diem 40 88 1 3520 Includes 1 meal
Conference, one-night out excluding
(JKP=4; 6 counties Health, consultants
Youth/Gender, SWGS=24) + Printing 100
15 county youths HR to review 2 400 1 800
draft tools
Add facilitators (6
consultants) for conference
Other key stakeholders=5
Phase 2 Visit 6 counties 1 168 6 1008 1 day per
Support to collect county =6 days
documents/information Transport 1 100 5 500 Less 1 county
from counties for the desk of residence
review and Transport 1 40 1 40 County of
stakeholder/resource residence
Phase 3 Per diem all 4 168 6 4032 2=JKP reps +
Organization of site visits counties (Sub 2=Youths +
Regions) Consultants =
Pool transport
from Mombasa

*Consultants to
budget for
their own
transport to
Air Ticket (Lamu) 4 70 2 560 Mombasa -
Transportation 1 150 1 150 Hiring pool van
(Taita-Taveta) for county
movement (6
Transportation 1 100 1 100
Transportation 1 150 1 150
Transportation 1 100 1 100
Transportation 1 100 1 100
Transportation 1 70 1 70
Total (USD) 24,882

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