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Analysis of Zoom




Analysis of Zoom


The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the education sector and forced academic institutions

to look for alternative ways of ensuring that learning continued. Institutions resorted to online

learning facilitated by the use of Zoom, an interactive platform that allows virtual interaction.

Zoom-based distance learning is the new norm and stakeholders in the education industry have

adjusted accordingly. The relevance of this analysis is caused by the increasing tendency to

implement virtual learning in the modern educational process. The key goal here is to evaluate

the application of Zoom in distance learning and its advantages and disadvantages.

Keywords: Zoom; Distance learning; Educational process; Synchronous learning; Virtual


Literature Review

Introduction and Background

The digitization process is common in many human endeavors such as work and

education. Reference [1] shows that digitization has opened a new frontier in the education

sector with the introduction of distance learning capabilities. Distance learning can also be

described as e-learning, digital learning, virtual, and online learning. It is an approach to

education that is based on the use of and reliance on electronic tools as well as media via the use

of the internet and relevant network technologies. The key components that are crucial to digital

learning are the technological infrastructure, digital learning platform, digital learning content,

and participants [1]. The availability of these components makes the virtual learning process

seamless and eliminates the complexity of learning. One of the key tools that have made online

learning possible is Zoom.


Zoom promotes synchronous learning in which the instructor and the students communicate at

the same time regardless of factors such as time zone differences [1]. Synchronous learning

relies on real-time communication through the internet. It is ideal in learning since it ensures

convenience and flexibility in the learning process.

The current challenges facing the traditional education system include high tuition costs,

budget cutbacks, and course shortages. Reference [2] is based on the argument that the

popularity of distance learning has fueled its popularity and expansion. Initially, people were

skeptical about distance learning. The COVID-19 crisis has forced the education sector to adapt

to the new normal by providing education online. Online learning can be effective and

convenient since the only key requirements that are necessary for the learning to take place

include a laptop and a good internet connection [2]. The key benefit of distance learning is the

availability of content from any remote location. As long as the internet connection is good, the

students can learn from anywhere. Online lessons can be offered through two main approaches

namely pre-recorded video lessons and webinars [2]. The pre-recorded video lessons are also

known as asynchronous approaches to digital learning, while webinars are synchronous


The key difference is that in the asynchronous method students interact with the content

without the help of the teacher, but in the synchronous approach, the interaction with the teacher

happens in real-time. Either of these approaches is applicable with Zoom since the teacher can

opt to share pre-recorded content or engage with the students in real-time [2]. The approaches

illustrate the flexibility of distance learning. In the process of adapting to distance learning, most

of the learning takes place independently, especially since the students have to understand that

access to technology is one of the best resources that can facilitate learning.

Notably, the flexibility offered by the online learning approach can be detrimental to the

learning process. The process must be governed by certain core principles to ensure its

practicality and effectiveness. Reference [3] explains that effective online learning and teaching

require the presence of carefully designed classrooms to promote student engagement with peers,

content, and faculty. Online learning is becoming more popular, and it is the role of the

stakeholders involved to play an active role in ensuring that those experiences are fulfilling for

students and institutions alike [4]. The core principles of online learning that should be

considered include faculty-student communication and collaboration, prompt feedback, peer

communication and collaboration, appropriate task timing, high-performance expectations,

active learning strategies, and respect for diversity in learning approaches [3]. The key objective

is to ensure that the design of the online learning classrooms and strategies does not impede

learning and the learning process at large. The instructors have to be organized and

communicative, while the classrooms should be solidly designed to facilitate learning and




The key purpose of online learning is to provide educational content in a manner that is

effective and convenient for the students. The study here is aimed at evaluating the effectiveness

of online learning. The study was also aimed at investigating the relationship between distance

learning and learning outcomes. The study involved 150 students from three local institutions

that have been using distance learning as the main approach to teaching and learning since the

outbreak of the pandemic. Classes were conducted and monitored using Zoom. The students

were surveyed to ascertain the features of Zoom that facilitated learning and to determine the

pros and cons of using Zoom in the education sector.

Notably, some of the learners were older students. The older students were included in the study

to evaluate the efficacy of Zoom in teaching older students.

Analysis of Results

The results indicated that Zoom can be an effective tool for learning. The popularity of

the media has grown due to the challenges of mobility posed by the pandemic, but schools can

implement both the traditional and digital learning strategies even post-COVID-19. About 90%

of the students expressed satisfaction with the flexibility and convenience of using Zoom for

distance learning. About 18% of the respondents argued that discipline was a key concern and

emphasized the importance of developing a strict plan. Up to 72% of the older learners

experienced some challenges in getting to grips with the software and its usability. Overall, the

study results indicate that a Zoom is an effective tool for online learning.

Discussion and Conclusion

The Zoom application is a universal solution to audio and video communication and

digital information exchange. Some of the key advantages of Zoom in online learning include the

fact that it provides a stable connection which does not require a high volume of internet traffic

[5]. Zoom is not a heavy application, and it takes up minimal Random Access Memory (RAM)

on the digital device. Zoom also offers numerous options for screen sharing, which implies the

students can have access to these features to enhance collaboration in synchronous learning [5].

It is also possible for the teacher to separate the students into mini-groups during online

classroom sessions, which enhances the learning process. More importantly, the broadcast can be

recorded for future reference, which implies that learning does not end when the Zoom session

ends [6]. Students can review the content later and conduct further research.

Distance learning offers a high level of flexibility and convenience that is not available in

traditional learning. Distance learning allows students to learn from home, which eliminates the

challenges of commuting from home to school [7]. However, distance learning can also be

challenging for older students who are not well-acquainted with technologies such as Zoom [6].

From this point of view, it is possible to argue that Zoom enhances the technical skills of


Some of the key disadvantages of Zoom include the fact that a free conference lasts only

40 minutes. However, academic institutions have the resources to pay for premium access. It is

also possible for users’ personal data to leak, which highlights the privacy and security concerns

associated with the use of Zoom for distance learning [8]. Users also have to save an ID or a link

to access the webinar. Notably, as well, Zoom can pose technical challenges for older students. It

is also difficult to replicate the traditional classroom experience via Zoom. It can be challenging

to study practical courses such as medicine via Zoom. Overall, Zoom is ideal for distance

learning, but it has numerous shortcomings.

The increase in the popularity of distance learning implies that teaching-learning

strategies have to be carefully designed to ensure students get access to high-quality learning

experiences. The key to successful online learning is holding students to high-performance

standards, academic integrity, and professional conduct on the part of the instructors and faculty

[3]. The role of the instructor cannot be perceived as too static or one-dimensional.

The faculty is responsible for preparing and following dynamic plans to ensure the successful

delivery of instruction online [3]. Faculty-student communication should be emphasized.

Distance learning requires strategies and perspectives that are different from those applied in the

traditional classroom.

The analysis of Zoom illustrates that it is the ideal alternative to traditional learning. The

use of the platform helps students develop competencies across different subjects and topics.

Zoom offers unrivaled flexibility and convenience, but it has numerous shortcomings as well. It

is crucial to maintain student-student communication, faculty-student communication, and

content engagement in distance learning. The instructors have to be energetic, communicative,

and consistent, while the students should be open to learning via Zoom. The Zoom experience

provides active and quality learning experiences via student, faculty, and content engagement.


[1] N, Guzel R., and L. Garaeva. M. “Zoom-based Distance Learning of English as a Foreign

Language." (2020).

[2] M, Djalilova Khurshida. "Advantages and disadvantages of distance learning." Science and

Education Today 7 (54) (2020).

[3] T, Cynthia Janet. "The seven principles of online learning: Feedback from faculty and alumni

on its importance for teaching and learning." Research in Learning Technology 28


[4] Tsarapkina, J. M., A. V. Anisimova, S. G. Grigoriev, A. A. Alekhina, and A. G. Mironov.

"Application of Zoom and Mirapolis Virtual Room in the context of distance learning for

students." In Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 1691, no. 1, p. 012094. IOP

Publishing, 2020.

[5] I, Maidul, D. Kim, and M. Kwon. "A Comparison of Two Forms of Instruction: Pre-

Recorded Video Lectures vs. Live ZOOM Lectures for Education in the Business

Management Field." Sustainability 12, no. 19 (2020): 8149.

[6] P, Minh, K. Singh, and I. Jahnke. "Socio-technical-pedagogical usability of online courses for

older adult learners." Interactive Learning Environments (2021): 1-17.

[7] B, Mohamed, and D. Ahmed. "Implications of Zoom and Similar Apps on ‘Flip-class’

Outcome in the New Normal." International Journal of Learning and Development 10,

no. 3 (2020): 1-11.

[8] K, Mohsin, A. Aljohani, and E. Alanazi. "IoT meets COVID-19: Status, Challenges, and

Opportunities." arXiv preprint arXiv: 2007.12268 (2020).

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