E - Module of Grade-6. Separation of Substances

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GRADE :VI (2022-2023)

Separation of substances– E module

Day 1
Separation of substances
Objective: To Know about the importance of separation.
Starter activity- Match the following
Separation Process Purpose of separation Use of separated components

1. Peeling of fruit a. To remove non-useful i. We use both components

2. Separating tea leaves b. To remove harmful ii. We throw away peels
3. Separating stones from c. To obtain useful iii. We throw away impurities
pulses components
4.Churning of milk d. To obtain useful edible iv. We throw away solid
part components.

Separation- It is the process of removal of substances from a mixture of two or more

 Separation of stone from rice.
 Separation of salt from sea water.
 Separation of petrol from petroleum (Crude oil)
Pure substances and mixtures
Some common types of mixtures and their examples
Type of mixture Example

Solid and solid Husk and rice

Sold and liquid Sugar and milk

Liquid and liquid Water and milk

Liquid and gas Oxygen I in water

Gas and gas Air

Reason for separating mixtures into their components.

1. To remove undesirable components

2. To remove harmful Components.

3. To obtain pure sample of a substance

4. To obtain useful components.

Video link- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpWFUqPPtWE

Recap Questions:
1. Why do we call sea water a mixture?
2. Give two examples of homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures.
3. Why do we need to separate different components of a mixture?
GRADE :VI (2022-2023)

Day 2
Objective: a. To analyze various methods of separation.

The various components of a mixture have different physical properties. This diference in the
physical properties of components is used to separate them from mixtures.
Methods of separation of mixtures
Semi -automated process with human help


Activity: Prepare a mixture of wheat grain, dry straw and leaves. Place the mixture in a flat
steel plate and switch on the fan. What do you observe?
Combined Harvester
Combine Harvester means farming is done by use of the machine. This machine harvests
threshes and winnows in a single operation.

Video link for reference :

Physical and chemical properties - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5L2NOMEWT0
Threshing- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKdW2PPFUI4
Winnowing - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_AxxyAKTZ-g

Recap Questions :
1. Is it possible to separate small stones from wheat by the process of winnowing? Why?
2. Give an example of solid -solid mixture.
GRADE :VI (2022-2023)


Objective- 1. To analyze various methods of separation.

Starter Activity- You are given with a mixture of wheat grains and small pieces of stones. How
can you separate the mixture?

Eg: Separation of grass from mint leaves.

Activity : Take a mixture of wheat flour, some dry pulses and few pebbles. Take a sieve and put
the mixture in it . Sieve the mixture. What can you observe?
Repeat the same activity with a mixture of wheat flour and common salt. Will you able to
separate the mixture? Why?
Sieving is possible only when the size of one kind of particle is bigger than the size of holes,
wheaeas the size of other particles is smaller the the size of holes in the sieve.

Sieves of different sizes of holes are used for separating different substances.
Eg :1. The wheat flour which we bring from a flour mill is sieved by using a sieve having very
small holes.The sieving of flour is done to remove the coarse particle of flour(called wheat bran)
from it so as to obtain fine flour for making chapattis.
2. Separation of fine sand for mixing in cement is obtained by the method of sieving. The coarse
sand having larger particles and pebbles in it is put on a sieve consisting of a big iron mesh held
in slanting position. The fine sand particles passes through the mesh and collect on the ground.
3. In cashewnut factory, cashewnuts of different sizes are separated by sieving.
4. Separating pearls of different size.
The method of separating conctituents of a mixture using a magnet is called magnetic separation.
This method is used to separate the mixtures containing a magnetic substance.
Eg: Big machines like cranes are used to separate magnetic substance from junk yard.

Video links - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGtV6ZDipEI

Recap questions:
1.How will you remove impurities from a sample of pulses or rice before cooking?
2. Differentiate between winnowing and sieving.
3. Can you guess which method should be used to separate the following substances
a. Stones from grains
b. Mixture of pebbles and stones
c. Mixture od dry sand with saw dust
d. Mixture of tea and tea leaves


GRADE :VI (2022-2023)


Objective- To analyze the process of separation of solid components from solid-liquid mixture.

Separating solids that do not dissolve in liquid-Sedimentation and decantation.

Starter Activity:

Put some mud in a glass of water. Let it stand undisturbed for some time. What do you observe?

This method is based on the principle of different densities of two components of a mixture.
Sedimentation – The process of settling down of heavier insoluble particles at the bottom of a
liquid is called sedimentation.
Sediments- The solid matter which settles down at the bottom of a liquid is called a sediment.
Supernatent liquid- The liquid above the sediment is known as supernatent liquid.
The pouring out of a liquid from a vessel with the help of a glass rod without disturbing the
sediment is called decantation.

Decantation in daily life

Separation of immiscible liquids- Mixture of water and oil.

Loading is the process in which alum particles are deposited on suspended clay particles of
muddy water to make them heavy and settle down rapidly.

Loading is done by using a piece of alum.

Filter paper is used for filtration. Filter paper is a round piece of spherical paper which has
millions of tiny holes in it. The liquid can pass through the tiny holes of filter paper, but solid
particles being large, cannot pass through the tiny holes of the filter paper. The solid which
remains on the filter paper is called residue. The liquid which passes through the filter paper is
called filtrate.

Preparation of filter paper cone

The process of removing insoluble solid from a liquid by using a filter paper is known as

Examples: Separation of chalk and water

 In daily life a wire-mesh, a piece of cotton, a piece of muslin cloth, strainer or a layer
of sand can be used as filters.
 The size of holes of the filter to be used depend on the size of the solid particles to be
separated from the liquid.
 Tea leaves from tea can be separated by using a tea strainer.
 Fresh juice also separated by using a strainer.
 When milk is cooled after boiling, a layer of cream from milk can be separated
through a piece of cloth.
 In homes, drinking water is filtered by using water filters, which remove bacteria
from it.
 At water treatment works the river water is filtered by using sand filters.
 In cities, gutter water is filtered through big metallic filters to separate solid material
present in it so as to avoid choking of underground drains.

Video links –
Sedimentation and decantation- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2lBicRjfss
Loading- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcE6d4DrdOc
Filtration - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jW2QBZnP7Tw
Recap Questions
1.Which method of separation could be better than sedimentation or decantation? Give a reason
for your answer?
2. What is loading? Give one example of loading from our daily life.
GRADE :VI (2022-2023)

Day 5:
Objective: To analyze the process of separation of solid components from solid-liquid

Starter activity: Take a small amount of water. Dissolve salt in it. Keep the solution outside
for some time. What do you observe?


The use of process of evaporation for separating a mixture based on the fact that liquids vaporize
easily whereas solids do not vaporize easily. Evaporation of a liquid at room temperature is low.
It can be made quicker by heating the solution.

When we heat a solution of salt in a china dish, the water present in salt solution will form water
vapor and escape into atmosphere and salt is left behind in the china dish as a white solid.
In this method we get only the dissolved substance (salt). We cannot recover water through this

The process of evaporation is used to on a large scale to obtain common salt from sea-water.
Video link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9l0s5zVibo


Eg: Separation of camphor and sand mixture.

Video link- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqRx3tydnxc
Evaporation and condensation

Video link- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hp8H54gMK6Q

In this method, we can recover both water and salt from salt solution. It is the process of heating
water to form water vapor (Evaporation) and then cooling the hot water vapor to get back the
liquid water(Condensation).
Separation of salt -water mixture into salt and water by distillation depends on the fact that water
is a volatile liquid which forms vapors on heating but salt is a non-volatile solid does not form
vapor on heating.

Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUabxsvfuPk


GRADE :VI (2022-2023)

Day 6:

 To analyse different types of mixtures and their separation.

Starter activity
Identify the picture and write down its use?

Centrifugation: It is the process of separating components of different densities in a

solution.Milk is churned to obtain cream from it as cream is lighter than milk.
Suspended particles in any liquid can be separated by a rapid rotation in a machine
called centrifuge.
Activity-Take a beaker with 10ml of water.Add one teaspoon of salt and stirr it. With a glass
rod. What can you observe? Again add one tea spoon of salt. We can see undissolved salt at the
bottom of the beaker.This means that no more salt can be dissolved in that water. Such a
solution is called saturated solution.

Saturated solution: A solution in which no more substance can be dissolved at that temperature
is called a saturated solution.
Solubility:- The maximum amount of a substance which can be dissolved in 100grams of water
at a given temperature is known as solubility of that substance in water (at that temperature)
Solubility of different substance in water is different.
Substance Solubility in water (at 20 degree celsius)

Copper sulphate 21g

Potassium nitrate 32g

Sodium chloride 36g

Sugar 204g

Effect of heating and cooling on a saturated solution

 On heating, solubilty of a saturated solution increases and more of salt can be
dissolved in it.
 On cooling, solubility decreases and some of the dissolved substance will separate
out in the form of solid crystals

Here is an experiment to understand crystallization clearly:
Step 1: Take 50 ml water in a beaker
Step 2: Add sugar in it and stir it
Step 3: Now heat the solution
Step 4: Repeat the process continuously
Step 5: After some time there will be a point at which no more sugar can be dissolved in water. This stage is the
saturation point, and the solution is referred to as a saturated solution
Step 6: Now filter the sugar with the help of a filter paper
Step 7: Collect the filtrate in a glass bowl and cool it
Step 8: We will observe that some fine crystals are formed in the bowl
Step 9: The process of filtration can separate these crystals. The liquid left after the removal of crystals is known
as mother liquor
Crystallisation is used to obtain pure salt from an impure salt.

Video link for reference : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAU-gptAFe0

Recap Questions:
1. Lemonade is prepared by mixing sugar and lemon juice in water. You wish to add ice to cool
it. Should you add ice to the lemonade before or after dissolving sugar in water? In which case it
would be possible to dissolve more sugar?
2. Saturated copper sulphate solution is prepared at 80 degree celsius. It is allowed to cool for
one hour. State your observations.
GRADE :VI (2022-2023)

Day 7 :
Objective: To analyse different types of mixtures and their separation.

Starter Activity: Take two glasses, half fill each with water. In one glass put a few drops of
ink and a few drops of oil in the other beaker. Shake them gently. Which of the two are
immiscible liquid?
Separation of liquid-liquid mixtures (Immiscible liquids)

A separating funnel can be used to separate the components of the

mixture of immiscible liquids.
Let us try to separate kerosene oil from water using a separating
Pour the mixture of kerosene oil and water in a separating funnel.
Let it stand undisturbed for some time so that separate layers of oil
and water are formed. Open the stopcock of the separating funnel and
pour out the lower layer of water carefully. Now close the stopcock of
the separating funnel as the oil reaches the stop-cock.
Video link for reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6Dl3uZJ5-Y
Fractional Distillation- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYMWUz7TC3A
Recap Questions:
1. How will you separate a mixture of sand and salt?
2.Is it possible to separate sugar mixed with wheat flour? If yes, how will you do it?
3. How will you separate a mixture of Iron filings, chalk powder and common salt?

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