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Truth and Reconciliation Inquiry Project

(DUE Monday, April 15th)
In this project, you will evaluate and judge Canada’s response to the legacies of
historical globalization (specifically imperialism and colonialism). The primary focus
will be Canada's Truth and Reconciliation Commission and its 94 calls to action.
Additionally, you will evaluate how Canada has responded to the Commission and its
report to judge Canada’s attempts to address historical globalization.

Prompt: You are a news journalist assigned to investigate the effectiveness of Canada’s
Truth and Reconciliation Commission and its 94 calls to action as of 2024. Your task is to
research how Canada has attempted to address the legacies of historical globalization and
where we are in terms of owning up to and addressing the legacies of imperialism and

Your research question is: To what extent is Canada addressing the legacies and
consequences of historical globalization (Colonial and Imperialist policies) upon
Indigenous peoples in Canada? Your response should also include at least two of
the legacies of historical globalization on Indigenous peoples.

Task 1: Investigating The TRC, The 94 Calls to Action, and Canada’s

To investigate and explore your question, use at least three of the provided sources
and one source of your own findings.

Calls to action. Indigenous Watchdog. (2023, July 12).

This source discussed where they believe the Federal Government is at in tackling
the TRC's 94 calls to action.

CBC News, Jewel, E., & Anandasangaree, G. (2023, December 21). Zero calls
to action completed in 2023: Truth and Reconciliation report | power &
politics. YouTube.
This source is a video of an interview-based discussion about the Federal
government's action towards The 94 Calls to Action, specifically in 2023 and going
forward. It has multiple perspectives: one from Eva Jewel, one of the researchers
for the Yellowhead Institute, and one from Gary Anandasangaree, Minister of
Crown-Indigenous relations.

Global News. (2023, December 22). Indigenous think-tank criticizes lack of

progress on reconciliation: Watch news videos online.

This source is a video of an interview-based discussion about the Federal

Government’s action towards The 94 Calls to Action. The interviewee is Carol
McBride, President of the Native Women’s Association of Canada. She provides
her perspective on Canada’s movement towards reconciliation.

Government of Canada; Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs

Canada. (2023, July 10). Delivering on truth and reconciliation commission
calls to action—government of Canada.

This source is a website for the Government of Canada. It discusses the various ways
the federal government is trying to address the 94 calls to action from the TRC and
Canada’s legacies of historical globalization.

Moran, R. (2020, October 5). Truth and Reconciliation Commission. The

Canadian Encyclopedia.

This source is written to provide a history and summary of the Truth and Reconciliation
Commission. It includes their challenges and an overview of TRC’s process.

Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. (2015). Truth and

Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to action. National Centre for
Truth and Reconciliation.

This PDF source provides The 94 Calls to Action from the Truth and Reconciliation
Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to action. The
Canadian Encyclopedia. (2022, March 23).

This source is a web version of the 94 Truth and Reconciliation Commission calls to
action. It may be useful if you prefer a reader.

Finding Your Source:

When looking for your source, you want to ensure it is relevant, accurate, and credible.
Here are a few tips to help you choose your source.
1. Relevant: Do a general Google search for your topic, such as Canada’s Truth
and Reconciliation Commission or Canada’s 94 Calls to Action. This will help you
find relevant sources for this topic, but you will have to read or listen to your
source to make sure.
2. Accurate: Make sure the source is accurate. Sources should refrain from making
sweeping generalizations, and basic facts should be correct.
3. Credible: Make sure your source is credible. Do a Google search of the author.
Credible sources will be written by people who have relevant experience in the
topic or who work for credible institutions or news organizations.

Multiple views on the subject will exist; this does not mean one is more credible than
another. Different sources will take different stances on this issue. Your job is to
investigate and make an argument about where you stand after learning about the

Source Title and Link:

Criteria Answer and Briefly Explain Your Thinking.

Is the source relevant to
the topic?

Is the source accurate?

Is the source credible?

Research Organizer:
Use the following organizer to help you complete your research and
organize your thoughts and evidence.

Guiding Questions:
1. Is Canada actually addressing the legacies of historical globalization?
2. How is Canada addressing the legacies of historical globalization?
3. Is Canada making meaningful changes to address the 94 Calls to
4. Are the 94 calls to action enough to reach reconciliation with the
Indigenous peoples?

Source citation Key Ideas and Evidence

(Author, Title, and
Task 2: Your Response to the Inquiry Question

To respond to the question: To what extent is Canada addressing the legacies and
consequences of historical globalization (Colonial and Imperialist policies) upon
Indigenous peoples in Canada? Your response should also include at least two of
the legacies of historical globalization on Indigenous peoples.
Please respond in one of the following ways. (If you have another idea, please feel free
to come and discuss it with your teacher.)

● A written response (Newspaper article or News report)

● A speech or ‘rant’ (Rick Mercer-style)
● A song, rap, ballad, or other lyrical style
● A poster, collage, or brochure
● A vlog-style video
● A podcast-style audio or video

Regardless of format, your project must answer the inquiry question: to what extent is
Canada addressing the legacies and consequences of historical globalization
(Colonial and Imperialist policies) upon Indigenous peoples in Canada? Your
response should also include at least two of the legacies of historical
globalization on Indigenous peoples.

Task 3: Submission and Assessment

Submit your project to the “Truth and Reconciliation Inquiry Project” Assignment on
Teams in digital format (valid filetypes only, please—.docx, .jpg, .mov, etc.; if you use a
website like Canva, Prezi, etc., please copy and paste a link into a Word document and
upload it, ensuring that the project is listed as ‘public’). If you created a physical project,
please also submit the physical version for assessment.

Truth and Reconciliation Inquiry Project Rubric

Your project submission will be graded using the following criteria:

Category Excellent (5) Proficient (4) Satisfactory (3) Limited (2) Insufficient (1)


Evaluate the The student’s The student’s The student’s The student’s The student’s
attempts to evaluation of the evaluation of evaluation of evaluation of evaluation of
address attempts to the attempts to the attempts to the attempts to the attempts to
imperialist address address address address address
and colonial imperialist and imperialist and imperialist and imperialist and imperialist and
policies in colonial policies colonial colonial colonial colonial
Canada. in Canada is policies in policies in policies in policies in
(2.11, 2.12, insightful and Canada is Canada is Canada is Canada is
2.13) well-thought- thoughtful. general. unspecific and unspecific and
out. lacks depth. lacks depth.

The position The student The student The student The student The student
of the uses evidence uses most uses evidence uses little uses no
student's thoughtfully to evidence generally to evidence to evidence to
response is support their thoughtfully to support their support their support their
grounded in argument and support their argument and argument and argument and
evidence and inform their argument and inform their inform their inform their
research. position. inform their position. position. position.
(S.1, S.7, S.9) position.

Student The student The student The student The student The student
effectively makes their makes their makes their makes an took no
communicate argument clear argument argument argument, but position and
s their and compelling. clear. reasonably it is vague or made no
position on clear. unclear. argument.
the issue.

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