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Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is the term used to describe a

programming approach based on objects and classes. The object-oriented
paradigm allows us to organise software as a collection of objects that consist of
both data and behaviour. This is in contrast to conventional functional
programming practice that only loosely connects data and behaviour.
Since the 1980s the word 'object' has appeared in relation to programming
languages, with almost all languages developed since 1990 having object-
oriented features. Some languages have even had object-oriented features retro-
fitted. It is widely accepted that object-oriented programming is the most
important and powerful way of creating software.
Benefits of C++ over C Language
The major difference being OOPS concept, C++ is an object oriented language
whereas C language is a procedural language. Apart form this there are many
other features of C++ which gives this language an upper hand on C laguage.
Following features of C++ makes it a stronger language than C,
1. There is Stronger Type Checking in C++.
2. All the OOPS features in C++ like Abstraction, Encapsulation,
Inheritance etc makes it more worthy and useful for programmers.
3. C++ supports and allows user defined operators (i.e Operator
Overloading) and function overloading is also supported in it.
4. Exception Handling is there in C++.
5. The Concept of Virtual functions and also Constructors and Destructors
for object
6. Inline Functions in C++ instead of Macros in C language. Inline functions
make complete function body act like Macro, safely.
7. Variables can be declared anywhere in the program in C++, but must be
declared before they are used
Features of C++
C++ is object oriented programming language and it is a very simple and
easy language, It is the enhanced form of C programming language. this
language have following features and here we discuss some important features
of C++.

Important Features of C++

 Simple
 Portability
 Powerful
 Platform dependent
 Object oriented oriented
 Case sensitive
 Compiler based
 Syntax based language
 Use of Pointers
Every C++ program can be written in simple English language so that it
is very easy to understand and developed by programmer.
Platform dependent
A language is said to be platform dependent whenever the program is
execute in the same operating system where that was developed and compiled
but not run and execute on other operating system. C++ is platform dependent

Note: .obj file of C++ program is platform dependent.

It is the concept of carrying the instruction from one system to another
system. In C++ Language .cpp file contain source code, we can edit also this
code. .exe file contain application, only we can execute this file. When we write
and compile any C++ program on window operating system that program easily
run on other window based system.
When we can copy .exe file to any other computer which contain window
operating system then it works properly, because the native code of application
an operating system is same.
C++ is a very powerful programming language, it have a wide verity of
data types, functions, control statements, decision making statements, etc.
Object oriented Programming language
This main advantage of C++ is, it is object oriented programming
language. It follow concept of oops like polymorphism, inheritance,
encapsulation, abstraction.
Case sensitive
C++ is a case sensitive programming language. In C++ programming
'break and BREAK' both are different.
If any language treats lower case latter separately and upper case latter
separately than they can be called as case sensitive programming language
[Example c, c++, java, .net are sensitive programming languages.] other wise it
is called as case insensitive programming language [Example HTML, SQL is
case insensitive programming languages].

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