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Incorporating a knowledge perspective into security risk assessments

Piya Shedden Rens Scheepers Wally Smith Atif Ahmad
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Piya Shedden Rens Scheepers Wally Smith Atif Ahmad, (2011),"Incorporating a knowledge perspective into
security risk assessments", VINE, Vol. 41 Iss 2 pp. 152 - 166
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41,2 Incorporating a knowledge
perspective into security risk
Piya Shedden, Rens Scheepers, Wally Smith and Atif Ahmad
Department of Information Systems,
University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia

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Purpose – Many methodologies exist to assess the security risks associated with unauthorized
leakage, modification and interruption of information used by organisations. This paper argues that
these methodologies have a traditional orientation towards the identification and assessment of
technical information assets. This obscures key risks associated with the cultivation and deployment
of organisational knowledge. The purpose of this paper is to explore how security risk assessment
methods can more effectively identify and treat the knowledge associated with business processes.
Design/methodology/approach – The argument was developed through an illustrative case study
in which a well-documented traditional methodology is applied to a complex data backup process.
Follow-up interviews were conducted with the organisation’s security managers to explore the results
of the assessment and the nature of knowledge “assets” within a business process.
Findings – It was discovered that the backup process depended, in subtle and often informal ways,
on tacit knowledge to sustain operational complexity, handle exceptions and make frequent
interventions. Although typical information security methodologies identify people as critical assets,
this study suggests a new approach might draw on more detailed accounts of individual knowledge,
collective knowledge and their relationship to organisational processes.
Originality/value – Drawing on the knowledge management literature, the paper suggests
mechanisms to incorporate these knowledge-based considerations into the scope of information
security risk methodologies. A knowledge protection model is presented as a result of this research.
This model outlines ways in which organisations can effectively identify and treat risks around
process knowledge critical to the business.
Keywords Data security, Risk management, Information systems, Risk assessment
Paper type Case study

Information security is of paramount importance to organisations. Information security
risk assessments (ISRAs) enable organisations to identify their key information assets
and risks in order to develop effective and economically-viable control strategies
(Baskerville, 1991; Roper, 1999; Peltier, 2001; den Braber et al., 2007). Various popular
ISRA methodologies are used in industry, including Operationally Critical Threat
and Vulnerability Evaluation (OCTAVE), CRAMM (Central Computing and
Telecommunications Agency – CCTA) Risk Analysis and Management Method),
NIST SP800-30 and the AS/NZS 4360 standard (Stoneburner et al., 2002; Yazar, 2002;
VINE: The journal of information and Alberts and Dorofee, 2004; AS/NZS, 2004). These ISRA methodologies ensure that critical
knowledge management systems assets are identified through a rigorous process involving various stakeholders, including
Vol. 41 No. 2, 2011
pp. 152-166 senior management, operational managers and technical staff (Alberts and Dorofee, 2004).
q Emerald Group Publishing Limited This facilitates protective action for valuable or critical assets whilst also ensuring that
DOI 10.1108/03055721111134790 resources are not wasted on protecting lesser risks or unimportant assets (Visintine, 2003).
Significantly, these risk assessments tend to be asset-focussed in that they are based on Security risk
identifying information as objects of value that are threatened, have vulnerabilities and assessments
require protection (Shedden et al., 2006).
Distinct from the discourse on information security, the literature on knowledge
management has emphasised the strategic value of tacit and explicit organisational
knowledge. Organisational knowledge is seen as having an inherent competitive and
commercial value; any loss or degradation of knowledge will adversely affect a company’s 153
ability to operate in a normal manner (Davenport and Prusak, 1998; Hansen et al., 1999;
Alavi and Leidner, 2001). Further, such losses can harm employee morale, customer
confidence or have a direct impact on competitive performance. Some commentators have
suggested that the protection of knowledge has not received adequate attention in the
organisational security arena, despite its criticality (Bloodgood and Salisbury, 2001;
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Maynard and Ruighaver, 2003; Gold et al., 2001; Holsapple and Jones, 2005).
This paper will argue the need to move beyond the current asset focus within security
through an exploration of knowledge security (Shedden et al., 2009). The next section
of this paper reviews current ISRAs and explains their focus on information assets.
Following this, there is an exploration of the crucial but overlooked role of knowledge
which, as noted by Davenport and Prusak (1998), is “baked into” organisational
processes. The connection between risk and knowledge through an illustrative case
study is established, whereby we apply a typical ISRA methodology – OCTAVE-S – to
a core organisational process. Finally, we discuss the deficiencies of security risk
assessment in OCTAVE-S in terms of process knowledge and consider how a knowledge
perspective could be incorporated in security risk assessments in general.

ISRA: the asset focus

An ISRA is a systematic method by which organisations can identify and protect
information assets to achieve a desired level of security (Lichtenstein, 1996; Blakely et al.,
2002). Risks to assets are identified in terms of confidentiality, integrity and availability.
The criticality of each risk is rated according to potential impact and likelihood of
occurrence. Risks to organisational assets are collated and then prioritised on the basis of
criticality for further action (Roper, 1999; Alberts and Dorofee, 2004). An inadequate risk
assessment process, or the absence of one, can lead to severely adverse consequences for
organisations, such as a loss in reputation, legal issues or direct financial impact.
There are a number of popular ISRA methodologies in global use in industry across
Europe, the USA and Australasia including FRAP, CRAMM, COBRA, OCTAVE,
OCTAVE-S and CORAS (Peltier, 2001; Yazar, 2002; Alberts and Dorofee, 2004;
den Braber et al., 2007; Dhillon, 2007). Although they differ in their make-up, order and
depth of activities, they generally follow a three-stage pattern: context establishment,
risk identification, and risk analysis (Whitman and Mattord, 2005; Shedden et al., 2006;
Dhillon, 2007).
“Context establishment” considers the organisation’s industry, structure, current
security status, overall goals and long-term strategy. This stage allows for the scoping and
focus of the rest of the risk assessment process for maximum effectiveness and to ensure
that any risks inherent in the organisation’s industry or line of business are identified.
Activities that define the evaluation criteria for the assessment (e.g. what constitutes
a “high” impact to “reputation”?) are also performed during this stage (Alberts and
Dorofee, 2004).
VINE “Risk identification” concerns the systematic discovery and selection of the
41,2 organisation’s most critical information assets and then the identification of the threats
and vulnerabilities of each of these assets. Information assets are typically defined as the
IT resources of infrastructure or information that are of value to the organisation,
including: data, hardware, systems and applications (Visintine, 2003; Alberts et al., 2003;
AS/NZS, 2004). A threat is defined as a category of events which may present some form
154 of danger to the critical information asset (Whitman and Mattord, 2005). Vulnerabilities
are those security “holes” or weaknesses inherent in the system that may present an
avenue of attack against the information asset (Otwell and Aldridge, 1988).
“Risk analysis” concerns the determination of probability (chance of the threat event
occurring) and impact (the cost of compromising the asset). The integration of the
probability and impact will present the level of risk. Risks are then prioritised to allow
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assessors to determine whether each risk should be avoided, mitigated, transferred or

accepted (Whitman and Mattord, 2005). Analysis and assessment of impact and probability
can be performed through either quantitative or qualitative means, offering a range of
metrics derived from mathematical equations and statistical modelling or qualitative
indicators such as interviews and documentation (Alberts and Dorofee, 2004; Roper, 1999).
At the heart of all ISRA methods is the risk identification stage with its focus on
those assets that may experience threats or vulnerabilities and that might ultimately
suffer loss or damage. This is the nature of risk identification: asset identification it
underpins the security risk assessment as a whole as the unit of analysis for security
risk assessment methods. It must also be stressed that there is a focus in current ISRA
methods on technical assets, e.g. hardware and software (Salmela, 2008) rather than the
richer organisational elements of information systems that include people, knowledge
and practice (Dhillon and Backhouse, 2001).

Organisational knowledge and knowledge protection

Organisational knowledge has long been recognised as a resource of strategic significance
(Davenport and Prusak, 1998) and the importance of knowledge management is now well
established (Hansen et al., 1999; Zack, 1999). Here, we will examine some of its aspects that
are pertinent to conceptualising knowledge protection. First, we draw on Davenport and
Prusak’s widely cited definition of knowledge as “a fluid mix of framed experience”
that “often becomes embedded not only in documents or repositories, but also in
organisational routines, practices and norms” (Davenport and Prusak, 1998).
Behind this view is Polanyi’s (1962) distinction between explicit knowledge (that
which can be articulated and encoded) and tacit knowledge (that which remains in the
“minds of knowers”). Building on this distinction in his well-known SECI model, Nonaka
(1994) describes four processes through which organisational knowledge is created
via conversions between tacit and explicit knowledge: socialisation, externalisation,
combination and internalisation. Socialisation is the process of sharing tacit knowledge
(e.g. via means apprenticeships). Externalisation involves the articulation of tacit
knowledge into explicit knowledge (this corresponds to what some sources term
codification). Combination is the process of converting explicit knowledge into sets
of more complex explicit knowledge. Lastly, internalisation involves the process of
converting explicit knowledge back into tacit knowledge.
While some have argued that knowledge is inherently personal and
contextually-bound, others have explored the idea of knowledge as distributed
phenomenon beyond the single individual human mind. In this regard, knowledge and Security risk
knowing are seen as attributes of groups of individuals. The notion of communities of assessments
practice (Brown and Duguid, 1991) builds on the idea of knowledge as an attribute of a
collective. Indeed, the theory of distributed cognition proposes that knowledge extends
beyond the mind of an individual and includes interactions between people, material and
environmental resources (Hutchins, 1991; Hollan et al., 2000). In this regard, individuals
transfer some of the cognitive load onto the resources and environment, embedding 155
information and knowledge in artefacts (e.g. displays, notice boards, documents).
Despite the wide recognition of the value of knowledge to organisations, research into
knowledge protection has been described as “thin” (Gold et al., 2001). A possible reason
for this is an inherent conflict between the premises of knowledge sharing (typically
assumed in the knowledge management literature) and those of knowledge protection.
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On the one hand, knowledge sharing is viewed as a valuable activity that gives
individuals access to knowledge that will assists in completing tasks (Alavi and Leidner,
1999; Fischer and Ostwald, 2001). On the other hand, from an information security
standpoint, such sharing activities bring new risks of knowledge falling into the “wrong
minds” and providing a means to inflict harm on the organisation or on its customers
and partners (Whitman and Mattord, 2005).
Some commentators have explored the possibility that current knowledge management
philosophies are inherently insecure. The need for a supportive “knowledge control”
process has been outlined – ensuring that required knowledge processors and resources
are available in sufficient quality and quantity, subject to security requirements (Holsapple
and Jones, 2005). However, there are few suggestions in the literature as to how this could
be accomplished. One of the few proposals, for example, is “data sanitisation” of codified
knowledge (Oliveira and Zaiane, 2003). Holsapple and Jones (2005) also argue that using
security risk management standards may be an option and that access controls and
monitoring facilities should also be provided. This would aim to limit availability of the
knowledge and increase confidentiality from a security perspective. Bloodgood and
Salisbury (2001) further discuss the merits of limiting access to knowledge and ensuring
that there is no single point of failure (e.g. no single employee knows all).
Gold et al. (2001) have broadly suggested several means to protect knowledge, including
asset-based ISRAs. However, asset-based risk assessment methods typically deal only with
explicit knowledge (i.e. that which can be codified or articulated in documents, databases,
etc.). Yet, as argued above, not all knowledge can be rendered explicit, nor can explicit
records of knowledge often be understood and applied without related tacit knowledge.
Indeed, it has been argued that the two forms of knowledge are “mutually constituted”
(Tsoukas, 2004) and explicit encodings must be actively re-contextualised on application.
In summary, it appears that is not sufficient to augment current ISRA methodologies
merely by including the identification of “knowledge assets” in the form of databases,
or even key people (Shedden et al., 2009). Indeed, a complex organisational process tends
to rely on both explicit and tacit knowledge of various individuals and networks of
experts. Therefore, understanding the full spectrum of risks associated with a particular
process extends considerably beyond individuals and information assets alone. This
line of thought suggests that if we wish to consider knowledge as a possible source
of risk, the asset-based risk identification approach is likely to be insufficient
(Shedden et al., 2009).
VINE Issues in asset identification: an illustrative case study
41,2 In this section, we present a brief case study that illustrates the limitations of current
ISRA methodologies that result from neglecting the knowledge aspects of processes
and their relationship with possible risks.

Research methodology
156 Our approach was first to apply a traditional ISRA methodology to identify critical
information assets in a knowledge-intensive work process involving IT. Importantly,
we then went beyond the traditional method – through the use of narrative and a
qualitative analysis based on holistic interviews – to probe the role of critical process
knowledge that was not explicitly addressed by the methodology. The use of an
exploratory case study is appropriate in this under-researched area (Eisenhardt, 1989;
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Benbasat et al., 1987; Yin, 2003) and its small size is sufficient to illustrate the knowledge
gap in current ISRA methodologies without attempting to fully chart that gap.
A company, SoftCo (a pseudonym), was selected for study on the basis that it:
. had a need for ISRA because security was of significant concern to its managers;
presented a sufficiently complex yet understandable process for analysis.

OCTAVE-S was selected as an ISRA methodology for study. Developed by Carnegie

Mellon University and applied throughout industry, OCTAVE-S is a variant of the
OCTAVE method, geared specifically for small-medium enterprises. Consistent with
our review of such methodologies, the OCTAVE-S risk assessment model flows through
the three phases of context establishment, risk identification and risk analysis of the
desired risk treatment plans (Alberts et al., 2003). OCTAVE, applied notably in the
healthcare industry and the US military (West et al., 2002), is representative of ISRAs
used by industry more generally.
Data were collected from the security managers of the organisation using a workshop
approach consistent with the OCTAVE-S methodology. The participants for these
workshops were the security managers for the firm, described here as the “Security
Head” and the “Co-Security Manager”. The security head is a team leader of the
managed services division which maintains the infrastructure and environment.
He holds in-depth knowledge of SoftCo’s systems, security awareness and culture of the
organisation. The co-security manager is a systems administrator and supports the
security head. These participants were selected due to their involvement in the area of
study and because they provided different levels of domain knowledge and input based
on the requirements of the OCTAVE-S methodology. For the purposes of this study,
we focused upon a core business process for the assessment. The backup process was
selected as it is common in organisations and is an extremely important security
process designed to ensure that losses of data and hardware can be recovered (Stair
and Reynolds, 1999). The workshops consisted of the participants answering structured
questions and filling forms as per the OCTAVE-S method. Interviews were recorded
and transcribed. A follow-up interview with the participants was conducted after the
OCTAVE-S results were analysed in order to further explore points of interest
and participant knowledge. This interview involved specific questioning and probing
around the information assets discovered through OCTAVE-S and the knowledge
requirements of the process.
The SoftCo case study: the backup process Security risk
SoftCo is an Australian software house and service provider employing 60 people. assessments
It provides business-to-business “middleware” services for large manufacturing and
retail firms. These firms integrate their back-end systems with SoftCo’s so that customer
orders and invoices to suppliers are routed through SoftCo’s “production environment”
where they are translated into formats readable by the relevant other party’s systems.
Of particular importance are SoftCo’s large set of “translation maps” that perform the 157
conversions of various document formats between customer and supplier organisations.
These “irreplaceable” translation maps are the core of SoftCo’s business.
SoftCo’s vital backup processes store copies of both customer data and the translation
maps. Every document that has ever passed through SoftCo is preserved. The backup is
largely automated through scripts that push data from the live production environment
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to an off-site backup server. The security head creates workable versions of these scripts
initially; but, significantly, they must be continually “tweaked” thereafter, meaning
polished and refined for efficiency and effectiveness. The backed-up data (including
historical backups going back to the founding of SoftCo) is of high ongoing value given
that problems occur that require data restoration weekly.

Asset identification using OCTAVE-S

The OCTAVE-S assessment identified five critical information infrastructure assets for
SoftCo’s backup process, including three data assets, a personnel asset and an application
asset. The results of the asset identification process are summarised in Table I.
These assets satisfy the OCTAVE-S requirements for asset identification and critical
asset selection, and are a common series of results from typical asset identification

Case study results: critical process knowledge identification

The OCTAVE-S asset identification process suffered from the problem examined
previously in that it did not identify a crucial area of vulnerability, which is knowledge

category Asset identified Description

Data Production data The data that passes through the live production environment,
including scripts, spreadsheets and directory structures. This is
the data to be backed up
Backup files – The backed-up translation maps (text-based scripts that
translation maps “translate” the contents of invoices and order forms into a format
readable by the customer organisation’s partner company)
Stored off-site at a remotely-managed data center
Backup files – live The backup files of the data that flows through the production
data environment. Includes order forms, invoices, SQL database back
ups, scripts and e-mails. Stored off-site at a remotely-managed
data center
People Security head and The information security managers of the organisation. If they
co-security manager are not on-hand, the back up process will fail
Applications Backup scripts The backup scripts are proprietary software that points the data Table I.
from the live production environment to the backup storage Critical asset
locations identification results
VINE about the backup process. Though questions were asked by the method on what
41,2 knowledge a person might have (“what special skills or knowledge are provided by this
person?”), it serves as a justification for the person to be considered a critical asset. The
knowledge itself is not the target of an asset identification process nor does it surface any
information about what those people know. For SoftCo, the security managers were
identified as being information assets whose availability needed to be preserved.
158 However, after analysis of the workshop transcriptions and follow-up interviews,
a deeper understanding of the backup process and its key assets emerged related
specifically to the key knowledge required in order to keep the process operational.
It became apparent that while OCTAVE-S did identify the higher level information
assets critical to the ongoing operations of the backup process, it did not identify process
knowledge. Key individuals were identified and described by the methodology, but not
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the richness and variety of their knowledge, including that which is tacit and explicit,
and also the security managers’ network of knowledge. If this knowledge was lost or not
on hand for application, the process would fail with the potential for a “catastrophic”
(as reported by the participants) failure of the backup process.

Key individuals
OCTAVE-S identified key personnel as part of its information asset identification process.
As has been described, the security managers (who we refer to as their job titles: security
head and co-security manager) are responsible for the monitoring and maintenance of
the backup process to ensure its continued operation. Despite extensive automation of
the process through the backup scripts, the security managers’ interventions were
still required. The security head outlined that their maintenance of the process was
Specifically, the application of OCTAVE-S enabled the risk-evaluation team to
identify that the security managers were essential for the process. Otherwise, the backup
process itself would fail. Again, reported by the security head:
If we weren’t here, the backups would continue to function and everything would continue to
work – if nothing stopped – it would run for about three weeks, and then stop because the
server we back up to fails. It will get full. So there’s some things where we actually manually
go in and delete because you’re not prepared to trust another process to automatically delete
OCTAVE-S identified that in order for the backup process to remain in operation,
the availability of the security managers would need to be preserved. The security
managers would need to be in contact with and remain in control of the process through
monitoring its functions, which they currently do through the use of e-mail and mobile
phone alerts. Additionally, they have enacted an informal mechanism of staggering
leave and absences.

Distributed knowledge (held collectively)

However, OCTAVE-S did not consider that knowledge is not only held independently
but shared between a work team following the theory of distributed cognition. The
security managers do not work as individuals with this process: rather, they exist in a
partnership, sharing knowledge and expertise. For example, when we asked about their
documentation practices, the security head responded:
Yeah, very little documentation – I set up a lot of it, [the Co-Security Manager] maintains it Security risk
and sets up stuff now. I trained [the Co-Security Manager] into it and he’s worked it out and so
it’s pretty much the result of both of our thinking. assessments
This actually states that they have applied mutual thought, knowledge and expertise to
the process. While either manager independently is important for the backup
process, the current methods and operations are a product of both of their minds.
Therefore, their distributed knowledge is just as important as the individually-held 159
knowledge of each manager.

Individually-held tacit knowledge

As individuals, the security managers have knowledge that is very difficult to articulate.
They have built the process and its components through incremental customisation of
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the backup scripts over the course of many years. When discussing the nature of the
backup process itself, the security head outlined that while it would be possible to
document some elements of the process, it would not be possible to capture everything
due to its “messy” complexity:
Either one of us is critical. But if both of us weren’t here, it would be difficult for someone else
to come in and work out what we’re doing, because it’s so scripted and script-based and this
process interacts with that process, so it’s almost like spaghetti, to a degree. I mean it’s very
robust spaghetti, but if you had to flow-chart it all out, it would be a very messy flowchart.
This is further reinforced by the co-security manager’s comments on their attempts at
documentation and capturing their knowledge in codified form. When discussing how
much could actually be clearly articulated into procedures, the co-security manager
explained that documentation could cover the general perspective, as he explained:
You still need to apply a level of understanding of the environment to understand how it
works before; documentation will only tell you, like [. . .] There’s only so much you can do,
maybe 70 per cent of it but then you need the experience outside of it to understand how it
The additional 30 per cent comes from their own experience and would be difficult
to articulate. Though this is a routine process, the participants surprisingly reported
that the ad hoc nature of this process’ development and the organic organisational
environment it resided in left a number of tacit subtleties that would be difficult to
articulate clearly or describe.
Therefore, there exists a great deal of tacit knowledge within the backup process that
relates to an understanding of its complexities and how it actually operates. OCTAVE-S
does not capture this tacit component. Consequently, methods to increase availability of
this knowledge (to prevent process failure) are not suggested by the methodology either.

Individually-held explicit knowledge

Despite the tacit nature of much of the critical process knowledge, the security managers
also expressed their desire to attempt codification of explicit knowledge and the
importance of doing so. For example, the security head discussed the explicit knowledge
of the backup process held by members of the organisation that have left:
[. . .] so very little of it was ever written down, [because] there was no need to formalise it
because you knew what everybody was doing anyway. Then someone would leave
VINE and they’d take all that, what should have been written down and documented away with them.
Less of a problem now because documentation actually takes place because the lines of
41,2 communications are poorer, so it has to be documented for people to know what’s going on,
if you get what I mean [. . .]
As the security head explained, individuals retain key explicit knowledge. This explicit
knowledge can and should be codified to ensure the ongoing availability of critical
160 process knowledge and subsequently the operation of the backup process.
SoftCo’s backup system is complex, built upon backup scripts that have been
extensively altered and customised over a long period. While OCTAVE-S identified the
security managers as critical information assets, it is actually their knowledge and
their network of knowledge that should be considered key. While the managers hold
individual knowledge, they actually operate within a network, where various aspects
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of the backup process are, as stated by security head, “a product of both our thinking”.
However, their individual knowledge is also of critical importance, including that
knowledge which is tacit and difficult to qualify and explain (“it would be a very messy
flowchart”) and that knowledge which is explicit and can be codified (“it has to be
documented for people to know what’s going on”).

Using the SoftCo case as illustration, we now return to the central issue of the
limits of traditional ISRAs like OCTAVE-S and consider the possible contribution of a
knowledge management perspective. According to the analysis of the backup process
produced by OCTAVE-S (Table I), the risks facing SoftCo can be neatly partitioned into
the threats and vulnerabilities associated with five separable assets: data (production,
translation maps, and live); people (security head and co-security manager); applications
(backup scripts). If any one of these assets is lost or damaged, the organisation will suffer
and the total risk becomes the summation of the risks across the five categories. In this
view, the role of knowledge is recognised only indirectly through the identification of
“key individuals” as assets that might suffer loss.
In contrast, a knowledge management perspective offers a very different view. First,
a risk analysis might identify the various types of knowledge on which the process
depends. Second, and following on, it is important then to distinguish between
explicit and tacit knowledge because they present different kinds of risk, one being
documentable while the other is not. Third, it is also productive to recognise the way that
these tacit and explicit forms of knowledge are “mutually constituted”, one depending
on the other for its meaning and value. Fourth, attention must be given to the way
knowledge is embedded in practices; so it might not be observable or transferable away
from the relevant task. And fifth, attention must also be paid to the distributed nature
of knowledge, or the way it is typically co-produced and co-utilised by a collective.
Following these insights, a knowledge management perspective exposes the way that
the different asset categories produced by OCTAVE-S are not separable but instead are
deeply intertwined in the way they contribute to ongoing work and present risks.
An overall observation in our case study, and consistent with the knowledge
management perspective, was that knowledge only emerged as a key area of
vulnerability when focusing on an organisational process (Shedden et al., 2009). Without
a process viewpoint, asset-focused ISRAs naturally downplay the subtlety and value
of each individual’s knowledge. Neglect of the role of knowledge seems to be right
at the heart of the way ISRAs construct the world and then observe it. Although Security risk
Australian security risk management guidelines and handbooks do suggest that assessments
knowledge should be identified as an extension of a “staff” or “people” asset category,
this view is not uniform across ISRA methods or organisational implementations of
these methods (AS/NZS, 2004; Shedden, 2005; DSD, 2007). In particular, tacit knowledge,
which is impossible to articulate or codify but which inherently forms part of successful
execution is only likely to emerge from a process perspective in the analysis. 161
Moving beyond the identification of key people and traditional information security
risk mitigation (the asset-based approach), an augmented methodology should identify
critical knowledge that is pertinent to typically core or at least critical organisational
processes (Shedden et al., 2009). In this regard, tacit and explicit individual knowledge
and distributed knowledge that is pertinent to the process should be identified. In the
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case study, the two managers could be considered as a small community of practice.
As with asset-based approaches, risk mitigation strategies for critical knowledge should
form part of a knowledge-sensitive risk assessment. This would include strategies such
as socialisation and internalisation (Nonaka, 1994), which is the basis by which a degree
of tacit knowledge could be shared. For example, having an apprentice “shadowing” the
key managers could be one strategy to spread the intimate knowledge they possess of
the backup process to more people. Explicit knowledge relating to the process should
also be considered. In this regard, strategies such as documentation and systemisation
could be appropriate mitigation mechanisms to codify and combine explicit knowledge
about the process. This would make it easier for a newcomer to gain insight about the
backup process. Indeed, documentation of the backup process, at least those aspects
which could be articulated explicitly, should be available from a quality assurance and
general risk management perspective.
It should, however, be recognised that tacit and explicit knowledge are not easily
separated (Polanyi, 1967; Tsoukas, 1996). To codify the knowledge of the backup
process into procedures or documents would lead to a “very messy flowchart”. Given the
managers tacit knowledge, an outsider to this process would still find it difficult to know
when and why to follow said procedures and when interventions in the automated
process would be necessary. This underpins the need for a holistic knowledge
perspective as part of an overall ISRA.
A combined information security and knowledge perspective would identify that
knowledge of SoftCo’s backup process (and the organisation’s systems and security) is
concentrated into only two minds (i.e. too few people know too much). Few asset-based
ISRA methodologies would identify this as a key vulnerability. If either of these
employees grew disgruntled with their organisation, retired or resigned, this would
amount to a major threat for SoftCo’s systems and processes generally, including the
backup process. A combined perspective on this problem would facilitate action to
control this risk. This may include tradeoffs between increasing the availability of
knowledge (through knowledge sharing and externalisation, on a “need-to-know” basis)
cognisant of the risk of confidentiality breaches.
A practical example to establish the need for this model can be seen in the shift
in the nature of the Australian electrical industry. Electrical power networks underpin
modern society’s integrated and interdependent infrastructure and have therefore been
identified as critical infrastructure by most western nations. Much has been said regarding
the vulnerability of power networks to cyber terrorism as they are typically controlled
VINE by supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) computing systems. Although it is
41,2 quite possible that a computer virus may attack SCADA networks and subsequently
cause a power outage, manual “backup” control of power machines can always restore
services. In the past, the SEC employed a small team of electrical inspectors across
Australia that maintained power networks. These inspectors, by virtue of their intimate
and long-standing association with the power systems and their knowledge of the
162 vulnerabilities in the design of the system and its various safeguards, acted as a
countermeasure to security threats (accidental and malicious) and the consistent operation
of the system. Their small number and the tacit nature of the knowledge also made the
spread of this knowledge less likely. Although the electrical inspectors were unlikely to
have military style “clearances”, their small number and mutual associations kept critical
knowledge in-house. However, upon the privatisation of the electrical industry in
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Australia, the power infrastructure was divided and sold. Electrical inspectors came under
the employ of different companies. This prevented electrical inspectors from sharing
knowledge of potential security threats and countermeasures of the system as a whole.
Electrical inspectors with holistic knowledge of the old system are being replaced by
newcomers with little or none of the invaluable “bigger picture”.
As a practical example, the adoption of a knowledge-based approach as seen in
Figure 1 would have beneficial properties when running security risk assessments of
critical infrastructure. Such assessments are run frequently given the highly important
nature and national security impacts of utilities and services bound by the
“critical infrastructure” term. However, given the intense level of in-house knowledge
and difficulties in current methods providing information and knowledge sharing
infrastructures (NARUC, 2007), an ISRA operated under Figure 1 would highlight and
preserve the intricate tacit knowledge to assist in the education of newcomers under the
new system.
In summary, we suggest that a knowledge perspective could, and should, be
incorporated into ISRAs. We believe the identification of core knowledge can occur
through a business process-based focus. As illustrated by our second analysis of the case
study, this can occur through conducting qualitative interviews with relevant staff
members in the context of key business processes. Tools such as business processes
mapping and rich process descriptions could further help to facilitate the identification

Address via traditional IS

Asset identification risk mitigation
Key individuals
(people) (e.g. availablity
Identify critical knowledge
(pertinent to
organisational processes) Distributed knowledge Address via socialisation
(held collectively) and internalization
Critical process
knowledge identification Individually held tacit
(held by individuals and knowledge
Figure 1. communities) Address via
Incorporating a externalization and
knowledge perspective Consider nature of Individually held explicit combination (codification/
in information-security individuals' and knowledge doumentation)
risk assessment communities' critical
of core knowledge and key knowledge workers. Such a more inclusive approach to Security risk
security risk assessment would thus help to identify what knowledge is drawn upon in assessments
the process and what knowledge needs to be protected to control operations.

ISRAs are important for organisations as they are the means by which critical 163
information assets are identified, their threats and vulnerabilities assessed and a level
of risk assigned and prioritised for future action. ISRA methodologies, however,
mostly adopt an asset-based focus. By means of an illustrative case study, we have
demonstrated the inherent limitations of a typical risk assessment methodology by
exploring what it misses: critical knowledge of staff in the context of a complex but
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important organisational process.

To address such shortcomings in ISRAs, we argue for a focus on organisational
processes and the inclusion of a knowledge perspective as a more encompassing
approach for organisations to assess their overall security risk. Existing methods
identify key individuals as “critical information assets”. However, we argue that the
individual’s knowledge is of critical importance, as well as that knowledge which is
distributed among a team or held collectively. We propose that protective techniques, for
example the codification of explicit knowledge, or purposeful knowledge-redundancy
and succession planning for tacit knowledge should be considered as part of the
remedial action to protect critical organisational knowledge in a systematic and
transparent manner.
We have illustrated that current ISRA methods do not identify security
risks associated with knowledge in organisations. This implies that the unauthorised
disclosure, modification and interruption or destruction of critical knowledge does not
figure in the practice of security risk assessments. Although this paper has focused
on availability of knowledge assets, further research must be conducted on the
confidentiality and integrity of knowledge in security risk assessment methodologies.

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About the authors

Piya Shedden is currently a PhD student in the Department of Information Systems, University of
Melbourne. His research interests include the study of information security risk management
methods and the exploration of holistic and social perspectives of security risk, incorporating
practice perspectives and knowledge security. Piya Shedden is currently employed as a research
assistant, involved in research projects that explore security research directions and effective
learning processes surrounding organisational incident response capabilities. Piya Shedden is
also an Analyst for Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu’s Security and Privacy service line. Piya Shedden is
the corresponding author and can be contacted at:
Rens Scheepers is an Associate Professor in Information Systems at the University of
Melbourne. His research focuses on the implementation of, and business value derived from,
complex information systems in organisations. His research includes studies on knowledge work,
knowledge strategies and supportive ICT infrastructure in Australian firms.
Wally Smith is a Senior Lecturer in Information Systems at the University of Melbourne. His
has carried out research into emergency management, and the social and persuasive aspects of
information technology. Recent publications report an investigation of mobile guides for historic
sites, the design of simulations for gardeners to manage water use, and the analysis of stage
conjuring as a source of insights into the design of smart homes.
Atif Ahmad is an Information Security Researcher, Lecturer and Independent Security
Consultant based at the Department of Information Systems, University of Melbourne. His research
interests are in asymmetric warfare and ISRAs especially where knowledge artifacts are concerned.
In previous years Atif Ahmad has worked as a consultant for Pinkerton and WorleyParsons
where he applied his expertise to internet corporations and critical infrastructure installations.

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