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Good English - Better Chance

F -K E Y A2




2 UNIT 1: Sports 51-58
UNIT 2: Clothes and Accessories 59-66

UNIT 1 68-75
UNIT 2 76-83

UNIT 1 85-88
UNIT 2 89-92









A. Write am, is, or are in the blank space in each sentence and then change these
sentences into question.
1. He ……is………a good student.
 Is he a good student?
2. They ……..old friends.
3. I …… a student.
4. John …….absent from class today.
5. We …..both students.
6. Henry and John ……brothers.
7. The weather today ……good.
8. The policeman on the corner …….busy with the traffic.
9. Today ………….Sunday.
10. Mr John ………… a lawyer.
B. Write am, is, or are in the blank space in each sentence.
1 Mr. Wilson is talking to visitors right now.
2 I am sitting at my desk right at this moment.
3 Miss Peters .......... helping me with a report now.
4 We.............working on the report right now.
5 I .............looking around the office at this moment.
6 The people...........listening to Mr. Wilson carefully.

7 He............. telling the people about our methods.
8 Someone.......... talking to Miss Stewart right now.
9 She............ talking and writing at the same time.
10 Everyone .. ...... working very hard right now.
11 Some people......... studying important papers now.
12 Smith and Green ........ collecting information now.
13 The men........... fixing the floor in the hall right now.
14 They ........... also making much noise at this moment.


Use the simple present tense of each verb. Write the verb in the blank space.
1. I work in the main office. (work)
2. Mr. Wilson works very hard. (work)
3. Almost everyone.......................... very hard. (work)
4. We………………………… from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.(work)
5. Mr. Wilson ........................... a private office.(has)
6. I…………………….my own secretary. (have)
7. Miss Peters ……………………. letters for me.(write))
8. I……………………….reports for Mr. Wilson. (write)
9. Mr. Wilson ........................... the reports.(study)
10. I ……………………. The information carefully. (study)
11. My secretary …………………….. all of the mail.(read)
12. I…………………….. only the important letters.(read)
13. Smith and Green ............................ information..(collect
14. Miss Peters............................. information too.(collect)


Change the word I to he or she. Notice the examples.
1 I go to the office every day.  He goes to the office every day.
2 I write many letters every day.  She writes many letters every day.
3 I read all of the important letters.…………………………………………
4 I study the reports very carefully. ………………………………………..

5 I have a private secretary too. ………………………………………….
6 I usually work in the main office. ………………………………………….
7 I meet all of the important visitors. ……………………………………
8 I get the information from Miss Peters.……………………………………
9 I always give the reports to Mr. Wilson.……………………………………
10 I answer all of the important letters.……………………………………….
11 I send letters to many other companies.……………………………………
12 I talk to Smith and Brown every day.………………………………………


Write do or does in the blank space in each sentence.
1. Do the students study hard every day?
2. Does Mr. Brown go to his office every day?
3 ........... ….. you want cream and sugar in your coffee?
4 ............….. the children go to bed very early?
5 ........... …. that girl come from South America?
6 ........... ….. you know that Italian student?
7 ........... …. Miss Stewart prefer coffee or tea?
8 …............ your English lessons seem very difficult?
9 ............. …. you have a good English dictionary?
10 ………………. Mr. Moore teach English or history?
11 ………………….. the Johnsons watch television every night?
12 ............ . Johnson and Wilson work in the same office?
13 ............. you write reports for your boss every day?
14 ............ . those two women understand that lesson?


Write don't or doesn't in the blank space in each sentence.
1 We .................. listen to the radio every night.
2 Mr. Johnson................ have a private office.
3 The boys................. study at the library every day.

4 These exercises............... seem very difficult.
5 It.................... rain very much in June and July.
6 The men ................. always eat at that cafeteria.
7 I ................... eat at that cafeteria every day.
8 Miss Peters ............ write reports for her boss.
9 The Wilsons ............... watch television every night.
10 Smith and Green .............. teach English at this school.
11 That tall man................. work for this company.
12 The people ................ speak English very well.
13 Mrs. Moore ............... go to the store every day.
14 Miss Graniero enjoy that history class.

Put each frequency word in the correct position in the following sentence. Study the
first four examples carefully.
1. That man is late. [always]
That man is always late.
2. Is it cold in the winter? [usually]
Is it usually cold in the winter?
3. He returns before 2:30. [seldom]
 He seldom returns before 2:30.
4. I have seen that statue. [never]
I have never seen that statue.
5. William and Richard work very hard.[usually]
6. The children are very active after meals.[often]
7. The food at that restaurant is good.[seldom]
8. Are Mr. and Mrs. Harvey at home in the evening?[usually]
9. Do you study your English lessons at night?[always]

10. Dorothy and I watch television during the afternoon.[never]
11. Why doesn't that student write his lessons carefully?[ever]
12. Mr. Wilson has time to see visitors in the morning.[rarely]
13. Don’t you keep your important papers in that drawer ?[usually]
14. Have you listened to that radio program?[ever]
15. The director is in his office between 2:00 and 4:00 p.m.[always]
16. Is there someone here before 9:30 a.m. ?[usually]
17. We have been to the Museum of Modern Art.[never]
18. Why do you study your lessons with Richard and Fred?[always]
19. Does the foreman eat lunch with the other workers?[ever]
20. Are your English assignments difficult ?[usually]
21. That store receives complaints from its customers.[seldom]
22. Does that fellow do his share of the work?[always]
23. Mr. Johnson dictates reports to his secretary.[often]
24. That store closes before 5:30 or 6:00 p.m.[never]
25. Are you ready for breakfast by eight o'clock?.[usually]

26. Why don't you speak English with your friends?.[ever]
27. My former secretary did her work very promptly.[often]
28. Miss Stewart is sick or absent from work.[seldom]
29. Mr. Fox smokes cigars in the office during the day.[never]
30. We learn many new words in our English class.[usually]


Substitute a possessive pronoun for the words in parentheses in each sentence Notice
the first two examples.
Some possessive pronouns you need to remember: mine, yours, his, hers, ours,theirs

1. That book is (my book). That book is mine

2. Those are (her pictures). Those are hers.
3. All of these magazines are (his magazines).
4. Those cigarettes on the table are (my cigarettes)
5. Are all of these papers (your papers) ?
6. That newspaper on the desk is (her newspaper)
7. That big white house on the corner is (their house)
8. Is this your purse or (Miss Brown's purse)?
9. Are those my overshoes or (his overshoes) ?

10. Are these two books (your books) or (my books)?
11. Edward's new suit and (my new suit) are very similar.
12. Their house and (our house) are both on the same block
13. That red car in front of (your car) is (my brother's car).
14. Is this English book (your book) or (his sister's book)?


Write the correct possessive form of each word in parentheses.
1 (Helen) hat is pretty.  Helen's hat is pretty.
2 The (boys) books are here.  The boys' books are here.
3 (Frank) English isn't very good.
4 That (girl) summer suit is beautiful.
5 The (girls) new apartment is lovely.
6 Mr. (Brown) son knows Bill and Tom well.
7 That (man) brother works for the Ajax Company.
8 Those (men) coats are in the other closet.
9 The (student) books are on his desk.
10 The (students) papers are in that drawer.

11 ('Tom) (friend) sister lives in San Francisco.
12 (Fred) (parents) house is at the end of the next block.


Insert a or an if necessary.
1. It is …….lovely day.
2. It is ……old university.
3. He is …..unusual man.
4. It is ….exception to the rule.
5. It is …. Long trip, but it is …..easy trip.
6. It is …… large library.
7. This is …. Orange.
8. He is … honest man.
9. It is …hour til lunch.
10. It is … one-story building.

Change the underlined noun(s) into plural. Make any changes in the sentence if
1. The clock is on the wall.

2. The pencil is on the desk.

3. The glass is in the kitchen.
4. It is a new dish.

5. The bus is at the corner.
6. The salesman is in the office.
7. The child is in the garden.
8. The watch is new.
9. The knife is next to the plate.
10. The church is near here.
11. The woman is ill.
12. The boy does the work well.
13. The class begins at nine o’clock.
14. The bus stops at the next corner.
15. Helen’s new dress is very pretty.


LESSON 1-1 (New words)

I. New words

- pool (n) /puːl/ : hồ bơi

- balcony (n) /ˈbælkəni/ : ban công
- garage (n) /ɡəˈrɑːʒ/ : nhà để xe
- yard (n) /jɑːrd/ : sân vườn
- gym (n /dʒɪm/ : phòng tập thể dục
- apartment (n) /əˈpɑːrtmənt/ : căn hộ

II. Write the suitable word for each picture

1 2 3

1._________ 2._________

4 5 6

4._________ 5._________ 6._________

III. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each sentence.
1. My house has a small __________.
A. yard B. class C. school D. apartment
2. She goes to the _________ once a day.
A. book B. gym C. pen D. ruler
3. My father usually parks the car in the __________.
A. balcony B. garage C. gym D apartment
4. I live in an ___________.
A. house B apartment C. yard D. garage
5. Does the hotel have a ________?
A. apartment B. pool C. class D. book
6. The boy lives in a ______________.
A. apartment B. balcony C. school D. house
7. My car is in the __________ now.
A. gym B. balcony C. garage D. kitchen
8. He wants to be stronger, so he goes to the _________ every day.
A. balcony B. gym C. apartment D. garage

9. They play soccer in the ____________.
A. garage B. yard C. balcony D. pool
10.Alice swims in the ___________ every morning.
A. yard B. pool C. house D. balcony


LESSON 1-2 (Grammar)

I. Grammar : Present Simple : Thì hiện tại đơn

1. To be: am / is / are
- I am = I’m
- we , you, they We are students. (be)
tên người (2) are Lan and Hoa are students. (be)
danh từ số nhiều (có s) My sisters are students. (be)

- He, she , it He is a student. (be)

Tên người (1)  is Lan is a student. (be)
Danh từ số ít (o s) My sister is a student. (be)

2. Động từ thường : (V)

*Câu Khăng định :
- I , we , you , they I go to school every day. (go)
tên 2 người + V nguyên mẫu Ba and Nam play soccer. (play)
danh từ số nhiều (có s) do My sisters get up at 5.00. (get)

- he, she , it He goes to school . (go)

tên 1 người + V-s / V-es (o,x,ch,sh) Ba plays soccer. (play)
danh từ số ít (o s) does My sister gets up at 5.00. (get)

*Câu phủ định : *Câu hỏi :

1. They don’t live in a house. (not live) 1. Do you live in a house?
2. She doesn’t live in a house. (live) 2. Does she live in a house?

3. To have : have / has

- I , we , you , they he, she, it

tên người (2) + have tên người + has
danh từ số nhiều (có s) danh từ số ít (o s)

II. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs.
1. Minh _________ in a house. (live)
2. His house ______ a yard. (have)
3. _______ his sister _______ in a house? (live)
4. They ________ many books. (have)
5. ______you _________ in an apartment? (live)
6. ________ your apartment ________ a gym? (have)
7. My brother __________ in an apartment ? (not live)
8. We __________ fine. (be)
9. He __________ a sister. (not have)
10. Her house __________ small. (be)


LESSON 1-3 (Pronunciation)

I. Find the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in
1. A. pools B. apartments C. desks D. lamps
2. A. likes B. lives C. goes D. does
3. A. subjects B. schools C. bags D. rulers
4. A. nine B. five C. Friday D. city
5. A. cake B. yard C. late D. game
II. Find the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress.
1. A. balcony B.apartment C. exercise D. basketball
2. A. children B. speaker C. picture D. hotel
3. A. weather B. picnic C. balloon D. money
4. A. sister B. brother C. tonight D. doctor
5. A. begin B. garden C. lemon D. paper

III. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in the following passage.
Alex (1)_________ in a house in the countryside . He lives with his mom, dad (2)
_________ brother. There are (3)_______ rooms in his house. It has a big (4)_________.
He often plays soccer with his brother in the yard in the afternoon. His house also
(5)________ a garage. His father’s car parks there.
1. A. live B. lives C. living D. to live
2. A. and B. or C. but D. so
3. A. a B. an C. one D. four
4. A. yard B. balcony C. apartment D. gym
5. A. have B. has C. is D. are
IV. Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means almost
the same as the
sentence printed before it.
1. There are four bedrooms in my house.
My house__________________________________________
2. There is a gym in his house.
His house__________________________________________
3. Is there a television in your room?
4. The gym is big.
It’s a______________________________________________
5. The yard is small.
It’s a______________________________________________

LESSON 2-1 (New words)

I. New words
- laundry (n) /ˈlɔːndri/ : công việc giặt ủi
do the laundry (v) : làm công việc giặt ủi
- bed (n) /bed/ : cái giường
make the bed (v) /meɪk/ : dọn giường
- dish (n) /dɪʃ/ : chén đĩa
do the dishes (v) : rửa chén đĩa
- do the shopping (v) /ˈʃɑːpɪŋ/ : đi mua sắm
- kitchen (n) /ˈkɪtʃɪn/ : nhà bếp
- clean (v) /kliːn/ : lau chùi
clean the kitchen (v) : lau chùi nhà bếp
- meal (n) /miːl/ : bữa ăn
 breakfast (n) /ˈbrekfəst/ : bữa ăn sáng
 lunch (n) /lʌntʃ/ : bữa ăn trưa
 dinner (n) /ˈdɪnər/ : bữa ăn tối
make dinner (v) /meɪk/ : nấu bữa ăn tối, làm bữa ăn tối
- college student (n) /ˈkɑːlɪdʒ/ /ˈstuːdnt/ : sinh viên đại học
- chef (n) /ʃef/ : đầu bếp

II. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each sentence.
1. Ken often helps his mom ________ the housework.
A. make B. do C. clean D. get
2. He cleans the __________.
A. kitchen B. lunch C. dinner D. breakfast
3. He _________ the bed.
A. make B. makes C. do D. does
4. He does the ___________.
A. bed B. kitchen C. laundry D. dinner
5. His mom ________ the shopping every day.
A. do B. make C. does D. makes
6. She does the __________.
A. dishes B. lunch C. bed D. kitchen

7. His father is a _________in a restaurant.
A. teacher B. chef C. student D. doctor
8. His mother is a ________ in a school.
A. chef B. doctor C. teacher D. worker
9. _________ does the shopping? – Ken’s mom.
A. What B. Who C. Where D. When
10. Ken’s sister _________ do anything.
A. isn’t B. doesn’t C. don’t D. aren’t

LESSON 2-2 (Grammar)
I. Grammar
* Present Simple : Thì hiện tại đơn (Xem lại lí thuyết Lesson 1-2)
1. What housework __________ you ___________? (do)
2. I ___________ dinner. (make)
3. Who _______ the kitchen? (clean)
4. My mom __________ the shopping. (do)
5. My dad _________ breakfast. (make)
6. Who _________ the dishes? (do)
7. They _____________ the bathroom. (clean)
8. My sister __________ the kitchen. (not clean)
9. What housework__________your sister _________? (do)
10. Who __________ the laundry? (do)

II. Possessive’s : Sở hữu cách

- Ken’s dad
- Lan’s house

III. Read the following passage. Decide if the statements from 1 to 4 are True or
False and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for the questions 5 and 6.

Tom’s family lives in a house in the city. It’s beautiful with a big yard. His family often
has outdoor breakfasts. Tom and his sister help his mom and dad do the housework. He
makes the bed , his sister cleans the bathroom . His mom does the shopping , makes
meals and cleans the kitchen and his dad does the laundry after work.
1. Tom’s family lives in an apartment. ________
2. There are four people in his family. ________
3. His house has a big yard. ________
4. His sister doesn’t do the housework. ________
5. Who cleans the kitchen? - __________
A. Tom’s dad B. Tom’s mom C. mom’s Tom D. Dad Tom
6. ____________ does the laundry.
A. Tom’s dad B. Tom C. Tom’s sister D. Tom’s mom

LESSON 2-3 (Pronunciation)
I. Find the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in
1. A. loves B. lives C. does D. makes
2. A. dishes B. places C. houses D. dates
3. A. gets B. cleans C. asks D. points
4. A. dish B. live C. idea D. shopping
5. A. think B. dinner C. write D. family

II. Find the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress.
1. A. housework B. laundry C. kitchen D. hotel
2. A. family B. apartment C. grandmother D. anything
3. A. restaurant B. grandfather C. breakfast D. computer
4. A. museum B. factory C. stadium D. college
5. A. teacher B. student C. dinner D. today

III. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in the following passage.
Ken does the (1)__________ every day. He cleans the kitchen and does the dishes. His
mom (2)_______ the shopping. She is a teacher (3)________ a school. His sister is a
college student. She doesn’t do anything! She doesn’t make her bed or clean her room.
His dad cleans her room after work. He’s a (4)_________ in a restaurant so he makes
dinner. He does the (5)________ and cleans the bathroom, too.
1. A. housework B. picnic C. movie D. bed
2. A. do B. does C. make D. makes
3. A. on B. in C. at D. with
4. A. chef B. student C. doctor D. farmer
5. A. soccer B. laundry C. cake D. lunch

IV. Rearrange the groups of words in a correct order to make complete sentences.
1. does the most / his family / Ken / housework in /.//
2. doesn’t make / or clean / She / her bed / her room /.//
3. a chef in / so he / He is / a restaurant / makes dinner /.//
He is__________________________________
4. the laundry / the bathroom / He does / and cleans /.//
He does_______________________________
5. does the shopping/ after work/ My mom/ and makes dinner /.//
My mom______________________________

I. New words
- south (n) /saʊθ/ : phía Nam
- north (n) /nɔːrθ/ : phía Bắc
- east (n) /iːst/ : phía Đông
- west (n) /west/ : phía Tây
- center (n) /ˈsentər/ : trung tâm
- village (n) /ˈvɪlɪdʒ/ : làng
- building (n) /ˈbɪldɪŋ/ : tòa nhà
- town (n) /taʊn/ : thị trấn
- hometown (n) /ˈhəʊmtaʊn/ : quê nhà
- island (n) /ˈaɪlənd/ : hòn đảo
- famous (a) /ˈfeɪməs/ : nổi tiếng
- floating market (n) /ˈfləʊtɪŋ/ /ˈmɑːrkɪt/: chợ nổi
- grow (v) /ɡrəʊ/ : trồng
- different (a) /ˈdɪfrənt/ : khác nhau
- important (a) /ɪmˈpɔːrtnt/ : quan trọng
- business (n) /ˈbɪznəs/ : việc buôn bán, thương mại
- transportation (n) /ˌtrænspərˈteɪʃn/ : sự vận chuyển
- region (n) /ˈriːdʒən/ : vùng, miền
- population (n) /ˌpɑːpjuˈleɪʃn/ : dân số
- souvenir (n) /ˌsuːvəˈnɪr/ : quà lưu niệm
- tourist (n) /ˈtʊrɪst/ : du khách
- brightly (adv) /ˈbraɪtli/ : sáng chói

II. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each sentence.
1. A __________ is in the countryside and usually has a few houses.
A. city B. village C. building D. center
2. She lives in a village on Burano __________.
A. house B. Island C. town D. city
3. Vancouver is famous ___________ its big buildings and beautiful parks.
A. in B. on C. for D. at
4. Cần Thơ is a city in the ________ of Vietnam.
A. north B. south C. center D. east
5. _________ grow rice, vegetables, and different fruits.
A. Teachers B. Farmers C. Doctors D. chefs

6. “_____________” – “ It’s hot.”
A. What’s the weather like? C. What do you like?
C. What’s it? D. What does it look like?
7. Colmar is in the east of ___________.
A. England B. France C. Vietnam D. America
8. The ___________ in Cần Thơ is about 1.2 million people.
A. transportation B. population C. region D. business
9. There __________ many painted houses.
A. is B. are C. have D. has
10. Many people like to see __________ markets and beautiful rivers in Cân Thơ.
A. floating B. cleaning C. making D. doing

1. buildbuilding 6. 11. shopshopping
2. usualusually transporttransportation 12. study student
3. famefamous 7. bright brightly 13. househousework
4. beautybeautiful 8. tour tourist 14. teachteacher
5. farmfarmer 9. paint painted 15. mother grandmother
10. importance 16. fathergrandfather
Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence.
1. A city has many __________ , schools, and hospitals. (build)
2. A village is in the countryside and _________ has a few houses. (usual)
3. Clovelly is _________ for old houses and fishing. (fame)
4. The rivers are ___________. (beauty)
5. Cần Thơ is an important center for business and __________.(transport)
6. Burano is famous for its __________ painted houses. (bright)
7. There are many ___________ houses on Burano Island. (paint)
8. Happiness is more ____________ than money. (importance)
9. A lot of __________ come here to take photos. (tour)
10. My father is a _____________. (farm)
II. Read the following passage. Decide if the statements from 1 to 4 are True or
False and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for the questions 5 and 6.

My name is Luca. I live in a(n) (1)________village on Burano Island. It’s in the north of
Italy, about nine kilometers from Venice. You have to take a ferry to get here. It isn’t a
big village, fewer than three thousand people (2)________ here. Burano is famous for its
brightly (3)________ houses. My house is bright yellow. A lot of tourists come here to
take (4)______ and buy souvenirs. Here we have warm summers and very (5)_______
winters. I love my village. It’s the best place in the world.
1. A. small B. exciting C. important D. floating
2. A. get B. live C. make D. take
3. A. painted B. clean C. shopping D. big
4. A. rivers B. fruits C. photos D. yards
5. A. hot B. warm C. cold D. cool
III. Read the following passage. Decide if the statements from 1 to 4 are True or
False and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for the questions 5 and 6.
Cần Thơ is a city in the south of Vietnam. It is in the Mekong Delta, on the Hâu River.
Many people live in Cần Thơ. It is a big city. Lots of people visit it to see its floating
markets and beautiful rivers. The weather is hot. It is very good for growing food.
Farmers grow rice, vegetables, and different fruits. It is an improtant center for business
and transportation
1. Cần Thơ is in the north of Vietnam. ________
2. A few people live in Cần Thơ. ________
3. Cần Thơ is a big city. ________
4. Cần Thơ is famous for its floating markets and beautiful rivers.
5. What’s the weather like in Cân Thơ?
A. It’s cold. B. It’s cool. C. It’s warm. D. It’s hot.
6. What do the farmers grow?
A. Rice B. Vegetables C. Fruits D. A, B and C

LESSON 1-1 (New words)
I. New words
- (school) subject (n) /skuːl ˈsʌbdʒekt/ : môn học

 math = mathematics (n) /ˌmæθəˈmætɪks/ : toán
 literature (n) /ˈlɪtrətʃər/ : ngữ văn
 history (n) /ˈhɪstri/ : lịch sử
 geography (n) /dʒiˈɒɡrəfi/ : địa lý
 physics (n) /ˈfɪzɪks/ : vật lý
 biology (n) /baɪˈɒlədʒi/ : sinh học
 science (n) /ˈsaɪəns/ : khoa học
 music (n) /ˈmjuːzɪk/ : âm nhạc
 art (n) /ɑːrt/ : mỹ thuật
 P.E = physical education (n) /ˌfɪzɪkl edʒuˈkeɪʃn/ : thể dục
 I.T = Information Technology (n) /ˌɪnfəˌmeɪʃn tekˈnɒlədʒi/ : tin học
- sport (n) /spɔːrt/ : môn thể thao
 soccer (n) /ˈsɒkə(r)/ : bóng đá
 tennis (n) /ˈtenɪs/ : quần vợt
II. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each sentence.
1. Sandra’s _______ subject is English.
A. like B. favorite C. school D. likes
2. I like _______ because I like reading stories.
A. math B. geography C. literature D. physics
3. Lily wants to learn about plants and animals. She likes _______.
A. biology B. physics C. art D. P.E
4. Jimmy likes computers, so he likes _______.
A. I.T B. P.E C. history D. math
5. His favorite subject is _______. He likes learning about mountains and rivers.
A. literature B. I.T C. physics D. geography
6. What _______ do you like? – I like math and English.
A. sports B. subjects C. books D. music
7. They don’t like running and playing sports. They don’t like _______.
A. math B. literature C. P.E D. art
8. We like English, physics _______ biology.
A. to B. or C. and D. so
9. _______ does she like? – She likes math and history.
A. What’s B. What subject C. What subjects D. What
10. What’s Hung’s favorite _______? – He likes soccer.
A. sport B. subject C. art D. teacher

LESSON 1-2 (Grammar)
I. Grammar:
1. Like (thích)
(+) I / You / We / They / Danh từ số nhiều + like …
He / She / It / Tên / Danh từ số ít + likes…
(-) I / You / We / They / Danh từ số nhiều + don’t like…
He I/ like
She /English.
It / Tên She likes
/ Danh từ math.
số ít + doesn’t like…
We don’t like biology.
(?) Do / Does + S + like…..?
He doesn’t like physics.
Do youS +like
do /history?
-Yes,SI +dodon’t
/ No,/ Idoesn’t.

2. “and”, “or”: dùng để liệt kê

“and” (và) dùng trong câu khẳng định, “or” (hoặc) dùng trong câu phủ định.
Ex: I like physics and biology
Jimmy doesn’t like art or music.

3. Possessive pronouns: (Đại từ sở hữu)

_Chúng ta dùng đại từ sở hữu thay thế cho “tính từ sở hữu + danh từ” để không lặp lại
danh từ đó nữa.

Personal pronoun Possesive adjective Possessive pronoun

(Đại từ nhân xưng) (Tính từ sở hữu) (Đại từ sở hữu)
I My Mine
You Your Yours
We Our Ours
They Their Theirs

He His His
She Her Hers
It Its Its

Ex: My house is big. Her house is small.

 My house is big. Hers is small.
Ex: What’s your name? My name is Jenny.
 What’s your name? Mine is Jenny.
4. Hỏi môn học yêu thích (có thể trả lời nhiều môn):
What subjects + do / does + S + like? do + you / they / we

 S + like(s) + môn học does + he / she / tên

Ex: What subjects do you like?  I like English and literature.

What subjects does Sarah like?  Sarah / She likes history, music and P.E.

5. Hỏi môn học yêu thích nhất: (chỉ 1 môn)

What subject + do / does + S + like best?

 S + like(s) + 1 môn học + best

Ex: What subject does Mary like best?

 She likes Literature best.

What’s + your / his / her / tên’s + favorite subject?

 My / His / Her / Tên’s + favorite subject + is + 1 môn học

 Mine / His / Hers / Tên’s + is + 1 môn học

Ex: What’s your favorite subject?
My favorite subject is English.
Mine is English.

II. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each sentence.
1. Sandra’s _______ subject is English.
A. like B. favorite C. school D. likes
2. What _______ do you like? – I like math and English.
A. sports B. subjects C. books D. music
3. Mary _______ chocolate ice cream.
A. like B. doesn’t like C. don’t like D. not like
4. _______ favorite sport is tennis.
A. My B. I C. Mine D. I’s
5. We like English, physics _______ biology.
A. to B. or C. and D. so
6. _______ you like literature?
A. Are B. Do C. Does D. What
7. Do you like English?- _______.
A. Yes, you do B. No, I don’t C. Yes, you don’t D. No, I do
8. I don’t like Math _______ Science.
A. with B. or C. and D. so
9. What subjects _______ Mary like? – She _______ music.
A. do-like B. does-like C. do-likes D. does-likes
10. Does your sister like sport? – _______.
A. Yes, he does B. No, she does C. Yes, she does D. No, he does

III. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words.
1. His ______________________ subject is literature. (favor)
2. What’s Phong’s favorite subject? – ______________________ is English. (he)
3. My favorite sport is soccer. What’s ______________________? (you)
4. I found a red pen. Is it ______________________? (she)

5. English is ______________________ favorite subject. (we)
6. Mike and Billy see two new hats on ______________________ table. (they)
7. Our _____________________ teacher is very nice. (historic)
8. Jimmy’s house is red. ______________________ is blue. (I)
9. Her favorite subject is ___________________technology. ( Inform )
10.I like _________________Education . ( Physics )

LESSON 1-3 (Pronunciation)
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others
or the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress.
1. A. biology B. music C. physics D. history
2. A. likes B. reads C. finds D. learns
3. A. sports B. schools C. bags D. rulers
4. A. information B. geography C. mathematics D. education
5. A. history B. literature C. science D. biology
II. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage:
I learn many (1) _______ at school. I like English, biology and geography. I don’t
like math (2) _______ physics. I like (3) _______ about plants and animals so my
favorite subject is (4) _______. I also love (5) _______. Every day, I (6) _______ soccer
or badminton with my friends in the school yard.
1. A. classes B. subjects C. sports D. teachers
2. A. and B. with C. or D. to
3. A. learning B. to learn C. learn D. to learning
4. A. geography B. biology C. literature D. English
5. A. sports B. art C. subjects D. physics
6. A. do B. does C. play D. plays

III. Rearrange the sentences:

1. like / Jay / doesn’t / science. / math or

2. subjects / What / do you / I like / like? / music.
3. like / and geography. / Sandra / history / and Tim
4. playing / like / basketball? / Do you / soccer or
5. favorite / is / Ken’s / sport / football.

IV. Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means almost
the same as the sentence printed before it.
1. I like biology best.
 My favorite _________________________________________________ .
2. She likes tennis best.
 Her _______________________________________________________ .
3. Our favorite sport is soccer.
 We ________________________________________________________.
4. His favorite subject is math.
 He_________________________________________________________.
5. What subject do they like best?
 What is_____________________________________________________ .
6. What is Joe’s favorite subject?
 What subject________________________________________________ .
7. What sport does Bao like best?
 What’s_____________________________________________________ .
8. What’s your favorite subject?
 What
subject___________________________________________________________ .

I. Find the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation.
1. A. schools B. towns C. hospitals D. parks
2. A. countryside B. village C. river D. dish

II. Find the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress.
3. A. balcony B. apartment C. business D. restaurant
4. A. kitchen B. dinner C. shopping D. museum
III. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each sentence.
5. Can you please help me ___________? The clothes are dirty.
A. do the laundry B. clean the bathroom C. make dinner D. do the dishes
6. A _________ has many big buildings, schools, and hospitals.
A. countryside B. city C. village D. island
7. My mother usually ___________ the dishes.
A. do B. does C. makes D. makes
8. His dad is a _________ ina restaurant.
A. teacher B. chef C. student D. farmer
9. Cần Thơ is in the Mekong Delta, ____ the Hậu River.
A. in B. on C. to D. with
10. Burano Island is in the south of ___________.
A. Vietnam B. Italy C. England D. France
11. _______ your apartment _______ a yard?
A. Do - have B. Does-have C. Do-has D. Does-has
12. “_____________” - “She does the dishes.”
A. What housework does your sister do? B. Where does she live?
C. What does she like? D. Where is her
hometown ?
13. Cần Thơ is famous for __________ and beautiful rivers.
A. painted houses B. floating markets C. tall buildings D. old museums
14. Tom __________ in the morning.
A. makes dinner B. makes breakfast C. do the shopping D. do the dishes
IV. Read the signs and choose the best answer.
15. What is it? A. A pool
B. A yard
C. A balcony
D. A garage

16. What does the sign A. Turn left
say? B. Turn right
C. No left turn
D. No right turn

V. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in the following passage.
John lives in a (17) ______ with his parents and his sister, Lisa. His father is a doctor. He
works in a big (18) _____. His mother is a teacher. She teaches in a primary school in the
(19) _____ of the city. His sister is a college student. John and Lisa usually help their
parents do the (20) ____ after school. Lisa makes (21) ______ and cleans the kitchen.
John does the laundry and (22) _____ the bathroom.
17. A. house B. garage C. dish D. bed
18. A. museum B. hospital C. restaurant D. pool
19. A. town B. village C. center D. kitchen
20. A. breakfast B. park C. business D. housework
21. A. dinner B. shopping C. living-room D. balcony
22. A. makes B. cleans C. does D. grows
VI. Read the following passage. Decide if the statements from 23 to 26 are True or
False and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for the questions 27 and 28.
Burano is an island in the north of Italy, about 7 km from Venice. You can take a 40-
minute waterbus ride from Venice. It is famous for its colorful houses. You can take great
photos wherever you are on the island. Burano is also famous for its seafood. A lot of
restaurants serve great, fresh seafood at cheap prices. Burano is very quiet and peaceful.
About three thousand people live here.
It is better to visit Burano in summer because it is very cold in winter.
23. Burano is a city in the north of Italy. ________
24. Colorful houses are famous in Burano. ________
25. You mustn’t take photos when you are on the isand. ________
26. Burano is very quiet and peaceful. ________
27. How long does it take to go to Burano island from Venice by waterbus?
A. 20 minutes B. 40 minutes C. 10 minutes D. 30 minutes
28. What’s the weather like in winter in Burano?
A. warm B. hot C. cold D. cool
VII. Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence.
29. These houses are very _____________. (beauty)
30. Luca smiles ______________. (bright)
31. __________ grow rice in Cần Thơ . (farm)

32. Ho Chi Minh city is an imptotant center for business and _________. (transport)
33. Sơn Tùng is a ____________ singer. (fame)
34. We don’t have money to ___________ a house. (building)
VIII. Rearrange the groups of words in a correct order to make complete sentences.
35. goes to / twice a week / My mother / the gym / .//
My mother_________________________________________________
36. is very cold / and warm / New York City/ in the winter/ in the summer /.//
New York City______________________________________________
IX. Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means almost the
same as the sentence printed before it.
37. What’s the weather like in Vancouver?
38. There is a gym in my apartment.
My apartment___________________________________
39. The village is big.
It’s a _________________________________________
40. There are three rooms in her house.
Her house______________________________________


LESSON 2-1 (New words)
I. New words
act v /ækt/ diễn xuất
actor n /ˈæktə/ diễn viên nam
actress n /ˈæktrɪs/ diễn viên nữ
drama n /ˈdrɑːmə/ kịch
drama club n /ˈdrɑːmə klʌb/ câu lạc bộ kịch
art club n /ɑːt klʌb/ câu lạc bộ mĩ thuật
book club n /bʊk klʌb/ câu lạc bộ đọc sách
science club n /ˈsaɪəns klʌb/ CLB khoa học
dance club n /dɑːns klʌb/ CLB múa
indoor activities n /ˈɪndɔːr ækˈtɪvɪtiz/ các hoạt động trong nhà
/ du: thực hiện các hđ trong
do indoor activities v ˈɪndɔːr ækˈtɪvɪtiz /
outdoor activities n /ˈaʊtdɔːr ækˈtɪvɪtiz/ các hoạt động ngoài trời
/ du: thực hiện các hđ ngoài
do outdoor activities v ˈaʊtdɔːr ækˈtɪvɪtiz /
sign up v /saɪn ʌp/ đăng ký
arts and crafts n / ɑːts ænd krɑːfts / thủ công mỹ nghệ
do arts and crafts v /duː ɑːts ænd krɑːfts/ làm thủ công
notice board n /ˈnəʊtɪs bɔːd/ bảng thông báo

II. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each sentence.

1. Jane likes acting. She joined the ________ at school.
A. dance club B. sign up C. drama club D. drama
2. Some students love doing __________because they can make pretty things from paper.
A. art club B. activity C. actress D. arts and crafts
3. Volleyball and table tennis are ___________. We often play them in a sports center.
A. indoor activities B. book club C. notice board D. outdoor activities
4. I want to __________ for the Music club this year.
A. review B. write C. sign up D. do
5. He loves doing ________ like soccer and cycling in the summer.
A. art club B. outdoor activities C. homework D. indoor activities
6. If you like _________, the Dance Club meets at 6 p.m every Saturday.
A. reading B. acting C. drawing D. dancing
7. Many students like playing soccer and tennis. They ‘re ___________.
A. indoor activities B. outdoor activities C. book clubs D. science clubs
8. He likes acting. He wants to be a/an ________ in the future.
A. actress B. doctor C. teacher D. actor
9. We want to sign up __________ the Soccer Club this week.
A. on B. for C. of D. at
10. Doing _________________is her favorite activity.
A. sports B. arts and crafts C. ropes D. clubs

LESSON 2-2 (Grammar)

I. Grammar: Khi muốn diễn tả ai đó thích làm gì?

- Cấu trúc câu: “like + verb-ing”
Ex: - I like doing outdoor activities. - I like speaking English.
- Quy tắc thêm "ing” sau động từ:
Các quy tắc Ví dụ
Phần lớn các động từ ta chỉ cần thêm “ing”
Động từ kết thúc bởi “e”, ta bỏ “e” thêm “ing” have- having make- making

write - writing come- coming
Động từ kết thúc bởi “ee”, ta thêm “ing” mà see- seeing agree - agreeing
không bỏ “e”
Động từ kết thúc bởi “ie”, ta đổi “ie” thành “y” lie – lying die- dying
rồi thêm đuổi “ing”
Động từ kết thúc bởi 1 nguyên âm (u,e,o,a,i) + 1 run- running stop - stopping
phụ âm, ta gấp đôi phụ âm cuối rồi thêm –ing. get - getting travel - travelling

II. Complete the table below by adding “–ing” into the end of verbs:
V V-ing V V-ing
play (chơi) work (làm việc)
stand (đứng) ask (hỏi/ yêu cầu)
talk (nói) write (viết)
sit (ngồi) make (làm)
read (đọc) take (lấy)
speak (nói) use (dùng)
open (mở) put (đặt/để)
help (giúp đỡ) leave (rời khỏi)
run (chạy) draw (vẽ)
have (có) walk (đi bộ)
do (làm) move (di chuyển)
say (nói) come (đến)
go (đi) find (tìm thấy)
give (cho) sell (bán)
follow (theo dỏi) watch (xem)

III. Give the correct form of verbs.
1. Dogs ________________meat and bones. (like/eat)
2. My cat ________________on my bed. (like/sleep)
3. Monkeys ________________trees. (like/climb)
4. Rhinos ________________in the river. (like/swim)
5. The giraffe________________leaves. (like/eat)
6. Zebras ________________on the plains. (like/run)
7. A zebra ________________on the plains. (like/run)
8. Elephants ________________water. (like/drink)

LESSON 2-3 (Pronunciation)
I. Find the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in
1. A. magic B. acting C. fantasy D. island
2. A. novel B. soccer C. role D. comic
3. A. idea B. repeat C. please D. cream
4. A. role B. noticeboard C. show D. novel
5. A. novels B. subjects C. plays D. capitals

II. Find the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress.
1. A. audience B. adventure C. noticeboard D. mystery
2. A. secret B. scary C. event D. outdoor
3. A. biology B. history C. literature D. music
4. A. mystery B. novel C. capital D. activity
5. A. teacher B. student C. dinner D. today

III. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in the following passage.
My dream school
My dream school is a quiet school (1) __________ we have just two or three hours
a day, in the morning. Then, in the afternoon, we can do many (2) ____________ like
singing, dancing, playing soccer, basketball, rugby. We won’t have tests and marks,
either. The teachers will not (3) ______________ homework, so we can do whatever we
want after school. In my dream school, we can also choose the (4) ________________
we want, for example, you’re not going to learn mathematics or physics if you hate (5)
_______________. So it’s a free school where you can learn with calm and serenity and
you can make lots of friends during afternoon activities!
1. A. what B. where C. when D. how
2. A. subjects B. actions C. activities D. acts
3. A. give B. take C. do D. get
4. A. class B. classrooms C. classmates D. classes
5. A. it B. them C. her D. him
IV. Rearrange the groups of words in a correct order to make complete sentences.
1. Which/ club/ you/ want/ sign up/to/do/?//
2. /playing/ Do/ you/ like/ table tennis/?//
 _____________________________________________________________
3. There's/ science club/a./ Do/ you/ like/ science/?//
 _____________________________________________________________
4. /of / reading/ books/ What/ do/ kinds/ you/ like /?//
5. /is / favorite/ chess/ activity / indoor/ my/ Playing/.//
 _____________________________________________________________

I. New words
- magic (n) /saʊθ/ : phía Nam
- fantasy (n) /nɔːrθ/ : phía Bắc
- author (n) /iːst/ : phía Đông
- novel (n) /west/ : phía Tây
- mystery (n) /ˈsentər/ : trung tâm
- adventure (n) /ˈvɪlɪdʒ/ làng
- secret (n) /ˈbɪldɪŋ/ : tòa nhà
- be found out (n) /taʊn/ thị trấn
- scary (a) /ˈhəʊmtaʊn/ : quê nhà
- interesting (a) /ˈaɪlənd/ : hòn đảo
- book review (n)
show sb sth (v) /ˈfeɪməs/ : nổi tiếng
- peaceful (a) /ˈfləʊtɪŋ/ /ˈmɑːrkɪt/: chợ nổi
- cry (v) /ɡrəʊ/ : trồng
- sad (a) /ˈdɪfrənt/ : khác nhau
- boring (a) /ɪmˈpɔːrtnt/ : quan trọng
- funny (a) /ˈbɪznəs/ : việc buôn bán, thương mại
- exciting (a) /ˌtrænspərˈteɪʃn/ sự vận chuyển
II. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each sentence.
1. “ Why do you like this story?” – I think it’s funny and ----
A. boring B. sad C. exciting D. small
2. J.M. Barrie is the ---------of Peter Pan story .
A. actor B. player C. author D. singer
3. “ What kind of book is it? B: --------------
A. It’s a fantasy novel B. I like Harry Porter
C. That’s a good idea D. Here you are.
4. Harry Potter is a kind of __________ novel by J. K. Rowling, a British author.
A. adventure B. magic C. secret D. fantasy
5. Do you know any other books _________ Nguyễn Nhật Ánh?
A. of B. for C. by D. from
6. In -------books, people can use magic and animals can talk .
A. mystery B. fantasy C. novels D. drama
7. Do you read his book ---------? He says that it’s very exciting.
A. game B. lesson C. review D. unit
8. Does the man likes ------------? Yes. He likes going to live in many new and
different places.

A. mystery B. adventure C. fantasy D. novels
9. His adventure is very -----. I like it.
A. big B. interesting C. boring D. Scary
10.Conan found out some --------started to happen in the train.
A. adventures B. mysteries C. magic D. stories


1. magic ( n) magical (a) 6. peace (n) peaceful (a)
2. fantasy (n) fantastic (a) 7. bore (v)  boring(a)
3. novel(n) novelist (n)  bored(a)
4. mystery (n) mysterious 8. fun (n) funny (a)
(a) 9. excite (v)  exciting(a)
5. interesting(a)interested  excited(a)
(a)  excitement
interest (n ) (v) (n)

Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence.

1. The prince was turned by ------- into a frog. ( magical)

2. My favorite book is The Secret Garden. It’s a very …….story (interest)
3. Simon likes many subjects at school because they are really ….(excite)
4. It’s a ……..for children how animals can talk and people use magic. (mysterious)
5. Mary thinks these …….. are amazing and a bit scary (novelist)
6. Conan lived in a ………… of a little boy (fantastic)
7. Tuong and his neighbors in Nguyen Nhat Anh’s novel live in a ---village. ( peace)
8. Her children don’t want to see this cartoon again because it’s ------( bore)
9. Most my -- ……… reading adventure stories. (friendly)
10. Art and P . E are interesting and can be ---( funny)

II. Choose the, word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the
following passage:
At school, students learn many ( 1) and join in many activities.
In literature, students learn how to ( 2) book reviews with some tips. In science
subjects, students learn about plants, animals, chemicals ------ (3 ) physics. They

learns about past in (4) and numbers in math. The ( 5) and outdoor activities
help students relax and promote ( 6) abilities.
1. A. words B. games C. subjects D. stories
2. A. get B. write C. do D. make
3. A. or B. and C. but D. with
4. A. music B. art C.history D. P.E
5. A. indoor B. inside C. upstairs D. outside
6. A. his B. her C. theirs D. their
III. Read the following passage. Decide if the statements from 1 to 4 are True or
False and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for the questions 5 and 6.
My favorite book is Peter Pan. It is an funny fantasy novel. The author of the book is
J.M. Barrier. The book is about the boy living on a magic island called Neverland. He
meets Wendy and teaches her how to fly. I like the book because it shows us many
exciting details about the boy who doesn’t want to grow up. Peter Pan, Wendy and
her two younger brothers had a wonderful time with many interesting adventures. But
times passes and changes, Wendy and her brother say good bye to Peter Pan, they
miss their home and mom. They return to their house.
1. Peter Pan is by J.M. Barrie.
2. Peter Pan and his friends live in a magic city.
3. Wendy can’t fly before meeting Peter Pan.
4. They had wonderful time together.
5. What kind of Peter Pan is it?
A. It’s a comic B. It’s a fantasy novel
C. It is interesting . D. It’s exciting
6. Why do Wendy and her brothers leave Peter Pan?
A. Because they don’t like flying. B. Because they grow up
C. Because they are back to home. D. A, B and C

I. Find the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation.
1. A. biology B. geography C. chemistry D. try
2. A. novels B. subjects C. plays D. capitals

II. Find the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress.
3. A. fantasy B. history C. favorite D. adventure
4. A. novel B. decide C. author D. Science

III. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each sentence.
5. I like computers. That's why I like__________.
A. I.T B. P.E C. history D. physics
6. Why don’t you __________ for the Book Club? Reading books is good for you.
A. sign away B. sign off C. sign up D. sign from
7. He doesn’t like ______________ the housework.
A. does B. doing C. do D. to do
8. The __________ of the Yellow Flowers on the Green Grass is Nguyen Nhat Anh.
A. name B. actor C. student D. author
9. Why do you like this book? – I think it’s very ______________
A. boring B. dancing C. favorite D. exciting
10. Tuan likes acting. He wants to join in the _________ at school.
A. book club B. math C. arts and crafts D. drama club
11. This is a __________ between you and me. Don’t tell anyone about it.
A. secret B. wind C. fantasy D. adventure
12. I like Math and English . I don’t like Physics ___________ I.T..
A. or B. and C. but D. so
13. This _____________ novel is fun for children of all ages .
A. adventure B. magic C. secret D. fantasy
14. What’s your favorite ice cream ? __________ is chocolate .
A. Yours B. Me C. My D. Mine

IV. Read the signs and choose the best answer.

15. What subject is it? A. Music
B. Math
C. Art
D. History
16. What does the A. Sign of
picture mean?
B. Sign up
C. Sign off
D. Sign in

V. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in the following passage.
I really like art, English, (17)_________ literature. They're really interesting and
can be fun. I don't like math, geography, or science because they're (18)_________. My
favorite subject at school is (19)_________ because I like learning about stories of people
from different places and times.
My (20)_________ book is The Secret Garden. The author is Frances Hodgson Burnett.
The girl in the novel, Mary Lennox, goes to live at her uncle's house and discovers a
secret garden. She (21) _________ friends with Dickon and her cousin Colin Craven.
They often play together and take care of the garden. It's a very (22) _________ story and
I really love their friendship.
17. A. or B. and C. to D. from
18. A. boring B. favorite C. exciting D. actor
19. A. math B. physics C. P.E D. literature
20. A. favorite B. math C. history D. club
21. A. become B. becomes C. becoming become
22. A. novel B. book C. interesting D. author

VI. Read the following passage. Decide if the statements from 23 to 26 are True or
False and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for the questions 27 and 28.
We have lots of fun clubs at our school. If you like outdoor activities, the
Basketball Club meets at 3 p.m. Every Monday, with the Football Club at the same time
on Wednesdays. For indoor activities, the Dance Club starts next Tuesday. It is popular
so please sign up on the noticeboard. The Drama Club welcomes anyone who likes acting.
On Fridays, Our Arts and Crafts Club is for people who like making things. The cost is
$10 per term for materials.

23. We have lots of boring clubs at our school. ________
24. The Football club is on Sundays. ________
25. It is popular so please sign up on the noticeboard. ________
26. The Dance club starts next Tuesday ________
27. Which club needs money?
A. The football club B. The Dance club
C. The Arts and Crafts club D. A and D
28. Does Drama club welcome anyone who likes acting?
A. No, it doesn’t B. Yes, it does
C. Yes, it is D. No, it isn’t

VII. Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence.
29. My favorite sport is tennis . What’s ____________ ? ( you )
30. There’s a book club. Do you like ______________? ( read )
31. It is a ______________ village with green grass, trees and yellow flowers . ( peace )
32. Yellow Flowers on the Green Grass is an _____________ novel . ( interest )
33. He loves doing outdoor _______________ like football and cycling . ( activity )
34. Would you like to go to the _________ of our drama group this evening ? ( perform )

VIII. Rearrange the groups of words in a correct order to make complete sentences.
35. for ? / which club / to sign up / you want / do //
 Which club________________________________________________
36. is / favorite / activity. / my / outdoor / playing soccer //
 Playing soccer______________________________________________

IX. Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means almost the
same as the sentence printed before it.
37. What subject do you like ?
 What is _______________________________________
38. What is her favorite book ?
 What book_____________________________________
39. I like English best .
 My favorite ___________________________________
40. He likes Math and History .
 His favorite ___________________________________
ĐỀ KIỂM TRA GIỮA HK1 (NH: 2022 – 2023)

I.Find the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently. (0.5 pt)
1. A. sister B. his C. live D. idea
2. A. machine B. dinner C. fish D. singer
IIChoose the word having different stress pattern: (0.5pt)

3. A. literature B. biology C. activity D. geography

4. A. fantasy B. history C. favorite D. adventure
III.Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence: (2.5pts)
5. - Sarah: “Do you like reading?” - Adrian: “_________”

A. No, I don’t. B. Yes, I really like reading.

C. No, not really. D. All are correct

6. - Jamie: “Why don’t you sign up for it?” - Grace: “_________”

A. Yes, good idea. B. No, I don’t. C. Yes, I do. D. Yes, you do.

7. New York city is in the north ________the USA.

A. in B. on C. of D. at

8. There is a gym ________ my apartment.

A. in B. on C. of D. up

9. My house ________ a balcony.

A. have B. has C. to have D. having

10. My sister ________ the dishes.

A. doing B. does C. do D. done

11. We watch people ________ in movies, theater plays, and TV show.

A. art B. play C. sing D. draw

12. A ________is in the countryside and usually has a few houses.

A. city B. village C. town D. island

13. In ________story, lots of exciting things happen like going to a new place.

A. fantasy B. novel C. mystery D. adventure

14. ________ grow rice, vegetables, and different fruits.

A. Teachers B. Farmers C. Students D. Doctors

IV.Look at the signs. Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) for each sign: (0.5pt)

15. What does the sign mean?

A. Parking lot. B. You can’t park here.
C. You can park here. D. A and C are correct.
16. What does the sign mean?
A. No turn right B. No turn left
C. No entry D. No U-turn

V.Supply the correct tense of the verbs or form of the words in brackets (1.5 pt)

17. My brothers are in the ______________room . (live)

18. Ms Hiền is my _______________. (teach)
19. My village is very_______________. (beauty)
20. What’s your favourite subject? _________________ is art. (I)
21. I do the _____________ everyday. (house)
22. It is a ________________ village with green grass, trees, wind, and yellow flowers. (peace)
Passage 1: Complete the following passage with a suitable word, choose A, B, C or D. (1.5pts).
Cần Thơ is a (23)_________ in the south of Vietnam. It is in the Mekong Delta , (24)____________ the
Hậu River. Many people (25)____________ in Cần Thơ. It is a big city. Lots of people visit it to see its
(26)_____________ markets and beautiful rivers.The weather is hot. It is very good (27)________
growing food. Farmers grow rice, vegetables, and different fruits. It is an important center for
(28)_____________ and transportation. B.village D.cities B.on C.for
25.A.lives D.lived
26.A.float B.floats C.floated D.floating
27.A.for D.on
28.A.busy C.busier D.the busiest

Passage 2: Read the following passage. Decide if the statements are True or False (1.5pt).

My Favorite Novel
Thành Nguyễn, November 18

My favorite book is Yellow Flowers on the Green Grass. It’s an interesting novel. The author of the
book is Nguyễn Nhật Ánh. The book is about Thiều and the people around him. I like the book because
it shows us many beautiful things in Thiều’s village. It is a peaceful village with green grass, trees, wind,
and yellow flowers. Some parts of the story are very sad. I cried a lot when I thought Thiều’s brother,
Tường, cannot walk again. I really like this book. I think you should read it.
Decide True or False.
29. The writer thinks the book is interesting. __________
30. Thiều’s village is beautiful. __________
31. Some parts of the story are funny. __________
32. The writer likes this story. __________
33. Nguyễn Nhật Ánh is the _____________ of the book.
A. singer B. novel C. author D. student
34. The name of Thiều’s brother is___________________.
A. Tường B. Thiều C. Ánh D. Nhật
VII.Rearrange these words to make complete sentences. (0.5pt)
35. does the / in her family / most housework / Mai’s father /. /
 _____________________________________________________________________
36. visit Cần Thơ / floating markets / to see its / Lots of people /. /
 _____________________________________________________________________
VIII.Rewrite the following sentences, beginning with words given. (1.0pt)
37. I go shopping on Sunday.
I ___________________________________________________________________.
38. The novel is fantasy.
It’s a_________________________________________________________________.
39. My house has a big living room.
40. I like English.
 My favourite___________________________________________________________.

I.Pronunciation: ( 1pt)

A.Choose the words whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the
others in each group.
1.A.sister B. his C. police D. six
2.A. cake B. village C. make D. paper
B.Choose the word whose main stressed syllable is placed differently from that of the
other in each group.
3.A. drama B. baseball C. suggest D. subject
4.A. literature B. biology C. activity D. geography
II. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D ) that best fits the space in each sentence . (2.5pts)

5. My brother likes___________math and playing chess.

A.doing B. playing C. acting D. getting

6. I love to learn how light, heat and sound work so I like _________________

A.physics B. biology C. geography D. chemistry

7.The plates are dirty. I need to ________.

A. do the shopping B. do the dishes C. make the dishes D. do the laundry

8. There are two____________, and a couch in my living room.

A. lamp B. stool C. armchairs D. armchair

9.Why don’t you sign _______ a drama club?

A. in B. out C. up for D. for

10.Your desk is very dirty. ________ is clean and tidy.

A. My B. Me C. Desk D. Mine

11.I enjoy doing ________ because I can make pretty things from paper.

A. outdoor activities B. arts and crafts C. acting D. in the drama club

12. Can Tho is famous ________ its floating markets and beautiful rivers.

A. on B. for C. in D. with

13.What housework does she do? – She____________the laundry.

A.makes B. cleans C. clears D. does

14.I don’t like____________sports such as biking and running.

A.acting B. table tennis C. outdoor D. indoors

III. Read the signs and choose the best answer : ( 0.5pt )

15.This poster shows you how to :

A. use your hands in dancing.
B. fight with your hands.
C. wash your hands correctly.
D. draw a picture with your fingers.

16.This sign says

A. Do not take photos of kites
B. Do not fly kites
C. Do not draw kites
D. Do not look at kites

IV. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage.(1.5pts)

Cần Tho is a (1) _______ in the south of Vietnam. It (2) _______in the Mekong Delta, on the
Hậu River. Many people (3)_________ in Cần Tho. It is a big city. Lots of people visit it to see its
floating markets and (4) ________ rivers. The weather is hot. It is very good (5) ______ growing food.
Farmers (6 ) _______ rice, vegetables, and different fruits. It is an important center for business and

17. B. town C. countryside D. village

18. A. am B. are C. is D.all are correct

19. A. lives B. living C. to live D. live

20. A. big B. small C. long D. beautiful

21. A. at B. to C. for D. in

22. A.grow B. raises C. grows D. raise

V. Read the following passage. Decide if the statements from 23 to 26 are True or False and choose
the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for the questions 27 and 28 . (1.5pts)

My Favorite Novel

Thành Nguyễn, November 18

My favorite book is Yellow Flowers on the Green Grass (Tôi Thấy Hoa Vàng Trên Cỏ Xanh). It's an
interesting novel. The author of the book is Nguyễn Nhật Ánh. The book is about Thiều and the people
around him. I like the book because it shows us many beautiful things in Thiêu's village. It is a peaceful
village with green grass, trees, wind, and yellow flowers. Some parts of the story are very sad. I cried a
lot when I thought Thiều's brother, Tường, cannot walk again. I really like this book. I think you should
read it.

23. Yellow Flowers on the Green Grass is by Nguyễn Nhật Ánh.

24. The story is about three girls as they grow up.

25. Some parts of the story are sad.

26. The writer likes this story.

27. In the story, Tường lives in a _________.

A. big city B. small village C. peaceful village D. small city

28. The writer thinks the book is _________ .

A.boring B. interesting C. happy D. sad

VI. Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence : ( 1.5pts)

29.There is a ______________________rice paddy near my house. (beauty)

30.We live in a ______________________village. (peace)

31. My sister is a __________________. (teach)

32.Her mother does the __________________ every day. (house)

33. Monica and Jim do the __________________ after work. (dish)

34. My favorite sport is soccer. What’s ______________________? (you)

VII. Rearrange the groups of words in a correct order to make complete sentences. ( 0.5pt) your / What housework / members do? / family

 What housework __________________________? / and geography. / Sandra / history / and Tim

 Sandra __________________________________

VII.Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means almost the same as the
sentence printed before it. (1 pt)

37. There are twenty seven people in my class.

 My class ___________________________________________________

38. I like biology best.

 My favorite _________________________________________________

39. The school is big.

 It’s a ________________________________________________________

40.Lan shops every day.

 Lan goes _______________________________________________________

I. Find the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently. (0.5 pt)
1. A. bus B. fun C. sunny D. busy
2. A. machine B. dinner C. fish D. singer
II. Choose the word having different stress pattern: (0.5pt)
3. A. novel B. decide C. author D. science
4. A. drama B. baseball C. suggest D. subject
III. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence: (2.5pts)
5. Jane likes acting. She joined the_________________ at school

A.drama club B. book club club D. art and craft club

6. I ____________ the kitchen everyday.

A.make B. do C. clean D. sign up

7. This city is famous beautiful houses and museums.

A.of B. for C. in D. all are correct

8. What is your subject at school?

A.interest B. favorite C. liking D. favorites

9. Nguyễn Nhật Ánh is the ____________of several story books for teenagers such as Yellow Flowers
on the Green Grass. B. character C. author D. maker

10. I______________playing badminton in my free time.

A.want B. would like C. want to D. like

11. Our school has three sports clubs this year: swimming, volleyball,_____________soccer.

A.and B. or C. but D. both A and B are correct

12. I live in the countryside. My__________ is small.It only has a few houses and one store. B. village C. garage D. pool

13. - What is your favorite subject?

- _________ is biology.

A.My B. Mine C. You D.Yours

14. This is a ____________ between you and me. Don’t tell anyone about it.

A.secret B. mystery C. fantasy D. adventure

IV. Look at the signs. Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) for each sign: (0.5pt)
15. What does the sign mean?
A. One way traffic B. Two ways traffic
C. No crossing D. No entering.
16. What does the sign mean?
A. Restaurant B. You can eat and drink.
C. Don’t eat and drink. D. A & B are correct
V. Supply the correct tense of the verbs or form of the words in brackets (1.5 pt)
17. My mother usually does the most ____________________ in my family (house)

18. Mrs. Jessica teaches children at school. She is a good ________________(teach)

19. My apartment has a _______________room, a bathroom and two bedrooms (live)

20. Is that blue bag yours, Mike? – No, it isn’t. __________ is brown. (I)

21. I live in an __________________ ( apart)

22. My village is ________________ ( beauty)
VI. Reading:

Passage 1: Complete the following passage with a suitable word, choose A, B, C or D. (1.5pts).
Cần Thơ is a city in the (23 )______ of Vietnam.It is in the Mekong Delta, (24)______ the Hậu
River. Many people live in Cần Thơ.It is a big city. Lost of people visit it to see its floating
(25)________ and beautiful rivers.The weather is (26)________.It is very good for growing food.
Farmers (27)_______ rice, vegetables, and (28)______ fruits. It is an important center for business, and
23. A. north B. west C. south D. east
24. A. in B. on C. to D. for
25. A. pool B. apartment C. balcony D. market
26. A. hot B. fantasy C. mystery D. interesting
27. A. grows B. grow C. growing D. to grow
28. A. differ B. different C. difference D. differently
Passage 2: Read the following passage. Decide if the statements are True or False (1.5pt).
My Favorite Novel
Thành Nguyễn, November 18

My favorite book is Yellow Flowers on the Green Grass. It’s an interesting novel. The author of the
book is Nguyễn Nhật Ánh. The book is about Thiều and the people around him. I like the book because
it shows us many beautiful things in Thiều’s village. It is a peaceful village with green grass, trees, wind,
and yellow flowers. Some parts of the story are very sad. I cried a lot when I thought Thiều’s brother,
Tường, cannot walk again. I really like this book. I think you should read it.

Decide True or False.

29. Yellow Flowers on the Green Grass is by Nguyễn Nhật Ánh. ___________
30. In the story, Tường lives in the city. ___________
31. Some parts of the story are fun ___________
32. Thành likes this story ___________
33. Thiều’s village is ___________________
A. peace B. peaceful C. peacefully D. unpeaceful
34. There are trees, grass, wind and ____________ flowers in the village
A. pink B. green C. yellow D. red
VII. Rearrange these words to make complete sentences. (0.5pt)
35. doing/ I / activities/ basketball/ love/ like/ outdoor/.
 _____________________________________________________________________

36. Which club/ sign up/ do you / for/ want to/?

 _____________________________________________________________________

VIII. Rewrite the following sentences, beginning with words given. (1.0pt)
37. There are four people in his family.
 His family ________________________________________________________________.
38. Ken likes geography best.
 Ken’s _________________________________________________________________.

39. This house is big.

 It is __________________________________________________________________.

40. Lan swims everyday.

 Lan goes ___________________________________________________________.


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