Business Data + Graphs and Tables

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Lesson Objectives
At the end of this lesson, the students should be able to:
1. explain the importance of business data;
2. prepare a simple frequency distribution table;
3. prepare a relative frequency distribution table;
4. prepare a grouped frequency distribution table;
5. compute for range and interval;
6. construct a frequency polygon;
7. prepare a histogram; and
8. interpret the data contained in the tables/histogram.
Lesson Objectives
At the end of this lesson, the students should be able to:
1. identify the essential parts of a table;
2. draw a table to present data;
3. describe the essential parts of a graph;
4. describe the different kinds of graphs for data
5. give a set of business data and identify the graph or chart
to be used; and
6. draw the graph or chart for a given set of business data.
Frequency Distribution
Consider this data set showing the retirement age of 12 people,
in whole years: 55, 56, 57, 57, 58, 58, 60, 60, 62, 65, 65, 65
Age (X) Tally Freq (f)
55 | 1
56 | 1
57 || 2
58 || 2
60 || 2
62 | 1
65 ||| 3
Total 12
Frequency Distribution
70 70 77 70 77 79 79 73 73 87 79 80 72 83 89 78 91 81 88 84
71 72 71 78 78 94 81 81 79 80 72 83 89 78 91 81 88 84 83 72
80 72 83 89 78 91 81 88 84 83 70 81 75 76 90 80 94 94 73 88

Score Freq
1. Determine the range 70-74 13
Range = Xh − Xl = 94 − 67 = 27 75-79 13
2. Decide the size of interval 80-84 19
27 ÷ 10 = 2.7 or 3 too small 85-89 8
27 ÷ 5 = 5.4 or 5 90-94 7
Total 60
Relative Frequency Distribution

Score Freq Percent

70-74 13 21.67%
75-79 13 21.67%
80-84 19 31.67%
85-89 8 13.33%
90-94 7 11.67%
Total 60 100%
Frequency Polygon / Line Graph

Making a frequency polygon

1. Plot the scores on the x-axis
2. Plot the frequency (or percent)
on the y-axis
3. Connect the points plotted by a
straight line
Frequency Polygon / Line Graph

Comparing graphs
Score Freq
70-74 12
75-79 11
80-84 15
85-89 9
90-94 8
Total 55

Age Freq
65 3
62 1
60 2
58 2
57 2
56 1
55 1
Total 12
Types of Charts / Graphs

Line chart/graph
shows information that is connected

Weeks of the Month 1 2 3 4

Number of Topics Learned 2 5 8 10
Types of Charts / Graphs

Bar chart/graph
shows data in terms of rectangles

Movie Genre Number of Teenagers

Comedy 8
Action 10
Romance 12
Drama 2
Sci-fi 8
Types of Charts / Graphs
Pie chart/circle graph
used to compare parts of the whole
Parts of a Table
1. The Title
2. The Box Head
(column captions)
3. The Stub
(row captions)
4. The Body
5. Prefatory Notes
6. Footnotes
7. Source Notes
Parts of a Chart / Graph

Line Graph
1. Title
2. Label
3. Scale
4. Points
5. Line
Parts of a Chart / Graph

Circle Graph
1. Title
2. Key
3. Circle
Parts of a Chart / Graph

1. Title
2. Scale
3. Labels
4. Bar
1. Given the following data make a relative frequency
distribution table, frequency polygon, and histogram.
77 75 76 74 73 76 71 77
70 72 75 75 73 73 71 73
2. Given the data, construct a pie chart with proper label.
Favorite Subject Students
Math 10
Science 9
English 10
Filipino 2

Freq Percent

70 1 6.26% 3
71 2 12.5% 2
72 1 6.26%
73 4 25%
74 1 6.26% 0
75 3 18.75% 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77
76 2 12.5% 5
77 2 12.5% 4
Total 16 100%
70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77
Favorite Subjects


32% Math
32% Science

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