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7 @) Fedeaaae ps such as ecrealay eng and Pe arin (8) AT ' vm before and after plant 1) Intereropping oa f ng ade Sane (@) Animal impr a wer] rnimal that show Sreatest ina on su se cae ean (©) Animal improy (©) Out-breeding the sign that deals with food we eat and how the body uses it gq (a) Food Technology (b) Food Science (c) Nutrition (4) Maiq ____s physiologica and py {0 meet immediate energy needs, hologic state that result from insufficient (a) Hunger (b) Nutrient imbalance (c) Over Nut (@) Under Nutrition sicines ,(b) Tag " x wich inetude the f is the expulsion of burnt gases and unused f (@) Hand sok n stroke (&) Power stroke (©) F (@) Minerals ney is caused by lack of odine (b) Vitamin (& Nowition intake _oceurs when pro (peers). OL es ® erations include these excePt 2 Riese nse |) Tad eens® fa, bande @ Aol breeding, raising and caring fo ding (b) Animal husbandry (©) Fee tock production scess of planting of two oF MOTE CTOPS ‘en the sense land Wat te BES 1 apg OE (b) Mono culture (©) Mixed cr plan a) Inter cropping to the desire of 1 special tools used by the extension workers {0 appeal _are teh ct method, (b) Individual conta (4) Method demonstr rmers to change Extension teaching sup contact method methods ation Gre 81 srily by production or purchagayial (@) Hunger nal ability or development caused 6 falnutri ; (c) Hunger (d) Food (d) All of the above These can be defined as the appli production pro (a) Farm level processing are tilalge methods - (b) 2 ©3 w are machines designed to carry implements direly ‘coupled to them by Tink (© Large tractors (6) Bulldozer (a) Tracto’ (b) Plough the following except stance (c) Burning (a) Planting depth rations may inch (b) Planting di Plantin, (a) Date of planting ral farming systems are and tion arable farming oral farming Major Agricultur (a) Farming ope (b) Arable farming, past (©) Production of food, provision of ra mal ‘and mixed farming terial and provision of income cation of scientific and engineering principle to agricultural sing and storage? (b) Farm mechanization (d) Pests and disease control c) Storage 83 ion and 4. Economic status deals with pro on Horticulture deals w = Fu Arable ropa STOPS 6 Og ic engineering in terms of Carbon cycle, arid children d affection. ¢ of the following, iage d. Love c. Aunty d ie family institution Where descent is traced through the Patr, Lineage dF “ai descent Ric 4 organic materials ine terials including crop residoe oe Taungy® farming Organic farming eerste nd in the trop animals fou preventing their rearing are c. Sheep 1S the manufacture of ms of the peo le employed Snail farming b. Fish farming a. Drying a CropE 5. A fundamental activity in traditional and modem food Pro sing practi a. fermentation b. Glycolysis c. Storage |S ol deforestation in Nigeria? Gedu rcak trons widely used to SE c. loko Which one of these fi teak b. Gmelina e-contralled rooms, mat a. Mushrooms sn in compost in the dark and 0 cli ¢, Tomato b. Mellon tivated-———-are usually STOW inger full sale or semi-scale omadist. g. Foreign ‘Traditional -and is either ry is equally ¢ stock indust b. International he live: local 87 cessing of agricultural crop iS. i storage an Entomology aring of fish. ¢, nationals d. All of the abo b, Extensive c. dwellers d for......dwe ulture provide high protein food c. Rural 4. None b. River % of b. 70 h for human consumption ce. 16 99. Fin ray... most vital identifying characteristics a Shape b. Colour 100. Surface of fish scale is always fought a Citenoid b. Triangular ¢. Circular 401. Theres but certain taits are used for culture selection. a. fine b. § Tasty c. Attractive 12, Sky pond is fed by, & Spring b. Rain ©. Welt Rive & Diversification ¢ Liquidation basic 10 managements agnicul™! al 4 marke Cooperative Review g. Finance \ to production, consumption 3 Rejuvenation 4. None the use of cities Union 4. Commission None. Option. Pleasant, ¢. Unskilled d. Skilled. ion is lack of programmed a ning b c. Structure d. None. 130. Among extension tea is grouped. 2 contacts b. Leader c. Union 4. Society 131. Farm and home 4 demonstration b. Training © Motes &: Nea rare types of pastoral arm Ranching 1s, mixed and lay 4. Nomadic ley and arable wing are the examples 6f Arable farming ‘Cereals, mitk Chicken, fh. nilk, egg b. Cereals legum: nimal production on the Samefarmarea. Mixed farming 4. Randing farming, + the integration of both crops anc farming b. Ley farming .er in search of food By the farmers is called. mal from ori6 place to a! Nomadic farming b. Randing farmi Movement of anil Mixed farmin, a. Pastoral. d is the production of food crops for man's use ixed farm b. Ley farming . Arable farming can also be called.....--? » Mono cropping b. Continuous cropping c. Shifting cultivation Crop rotation. rop type on the same piece of land from year to year is called, ¢. Double culture 142, Growing of the same ¢ a. Shifting cultivation b. Monoculture d. Miou and shifting cultivation 143. helps in restoring soil fertility | monocropping ». Shifting cultivation c. Continuous cropping d. Sole cropping improve the soil helps and encqurages the use of fertilizer or 1" organic manure to fertility a. Shifting cultivation b. Continuous cropping d. Crop rotation. ¢. Mioucropping 91 Diesel d. Petrol engine. b. Tractor ¢. D lation of the soil for any purpose ee ee 4. Totalizing to how many groups 154. I ick can be called. Captures b. Domesticated animals d. Wild animals 153. Animal species must meet........Criteria's in order to be considered for domestication - ied cane de 156. Non ruminant animals can also be called 4 monogastic chewing ¢ Omasun d. Abomasun 57. Animals whose bodies are Covered with feathers skin and scales are of which Specie, a ay 5 avian specie b, Mammalian Specie © Mono gastric d. Ruminant, Is on the t h is the cc E asis of Spe tobe consider for domesticeo 6 — g. Herbivores cc. Camivores and. mammalian es are pb. Ruminiant an a. Mammalian and avian. c. E=GtP a. ER=Grt Diseases can be spread by the following excep ieks, fice and fi without which an animal r b. Protein . the following except . Tobace 4. Hides and sig, Nigeria's exports agricultur Cocoa ®. Tu orticulture deals essentially with the following crops except a Fruits b. Vegetables c. Ommamental fl ers. d. Cottor “= Livestock production before the British colonial administration in Nigeria was dor dic pastoralisn b ms d breeding and genetics ©. cattle f production West African i ¢ for try panosomiasis research (WAITR) was established in. b. 1967 o, 1977 d. 1947 a 9, Raw materials supplied by agriculture to most industry include 4a. lettuce b. Cabbage palm oil 4. eggs 180. The link between mers and researches is . 4 government b. Chiefs and rulers c. policy d. Extension officers arvation,a specific vitarn ead starvation ist ially leading o wid povertyline 8 Low food intake b complex portant en the metabolism of in the body Carbo c. Protein 4. Mineral sa o a St produce can be classified into, 4. 6 8 4 ‘ service's function include onment ed to describe land with tree canopy or cover of more than......of an area, aD c. 30% d. 40% oducts include all t one & wood >. Chemic ¢. animals 4. Herbal environmental factor at affect livestock industry except b Feeding Housing d. Medication’ A piece of land could be turned into reasons except i Population, pri b. land ind d. forestry 1% i restation is the destruction of fore ts wh yb ‘a t 98 a d. a d. m 239 a and tenure system comment eran of el Provision of employmen ccign exchange €. Pro vision of good: sming system in which shallow rooted Tops are planted after sitivation b. Crop rotation fc. Bush fallowin Pastoral farming does not have access to itis known as by non individual Rotational vidual Rent citherby conserving) orseplenishing itisknown The act of ‘maintain fertility ofthe land Land conservation b. Soil conservation c. Liming, tillage c. Cover cropping, isa biennial crop Grountant,. SO 2° Pepper Cowpea b. Carrot © aa Examples of audio visual suppo a. fly charts provides the 66. Print techniques method of extension ee a \nere and when only b. What What and how only Stumping b. Harvesting c Jand clearing e. Plotting he agent cont the above in extension “Overhead projectors readers with the dwhy only ¢. who and when omly All of the above Television c. Leaflets d. Stickers hese is n per ally carried out on the farm. f these planting operation ust o jot a pre planti 271. The set of agrochemicals used in controlling weeds on the from are called 4 Herbicides b. Killux c. Nematicide 4 Lime ©. One touch 272, All of these are examples of fertilizers except. a Urea b Single super phosphate d. Muriate of potash ¢. Limestone The branch of agriculture that deals with c. NPK. seneral principles and production of eropis kn as, 4 Apiculture b. Agronomy c. Croppin 4. Silviculture Hydroponics sabe 274. The removal of excess seedlings from stands of i al plants on the farm 4 Supplying b. Tillage c ae 4 Clearing e Uprooting er \\ a |s7 |o | no | {88 |c jim |e \ ] Jc | 205 IE 228 | A 251 | 274 ES \ r | 1 183 | A | 206 je 229 | C 252 | | \ { | \ 184] 6 | 207 [e& ]20]c | 25s | on } ok | | ae 104

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