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Title: Evolution of Parliamentary Governance in India


India, the world's largest democracy, has a parliamentary system of governance that

plays a pivotal role in shaping the nation's political landscape. The Indian Parliament, a

bicameral legislature, consists of the Lok Sabha (House of the People) and the Rajya

Sabha (Council of States). This case study explores the evolution, structure, functions,

and significance of the Indian Parliament.

Historical Context:

The roots of India's parliamentary system can be traced back to its colonial past. The

Government of India Act 1919 and later the Government of India Act 1935 laid the

foundation for a parliamentary-style government. However, it was the adoption of the

Constitution of India in 1950 that formalized the structure and functions of the


Structure of Indian Parliament:

1. Lok Sabha (House of the People): Members of the Lok Sabha are directly
elected by the people of India. The Lok Sabha is the lower house, representing
the voice of the citizens in the legislative process. The leader of the majority party
in the Lok Sabha usually becomes the Prime Minister.
2. Rajya Sabha (Council of States): Members of the Rajya Sabha are not directly
elected by the public but are chosen by the elected members of the State
Legislative Assemblies. This house represents the states and union territories of
India. It provides a forum for revising and improving legislation initiated by the
Lok Sabha.

Functions of the Indian Parliament:

1. Legislation: The primary function of the Parliament is to enact laws. Bills can be
introduced in either house, and they undergo a rigorous process of discussion,
scrutiny, and voting before becoming law.
2. Representation: Members of Parliament (MPs) represent the diverse interests
and concerns of the people. They engage in debates, question government
policies, and contribute to the decision-making process.
3. Oversight: Parliament plays a crucial role in overseeing the functioning of the
executive branch. Through question sessions, parliamentary committees, and
debates, MPs hold the government accountable for its actions.
4. Financial Control: The Parliament has the authority to approve government
expenditures and financial policies. The annual budget is presented, discussed,
and approved by the Parliament.

Significance and Challenges:

The Indian Parliament symbolizes the democratic ideals upon which the nation was

founded. It serves as a platform for diverse voices, fostering debate and discussion on

crucial issues. However, challenges such as disruptions, legislative gridlock, and issues

of representation continue to be areas of concern.


The Indian Parliament has evolved as a cornerstone of the nation's democratic

governance, adapting to the changing needs of a diverse and dynamic society. Its role

in legislation, representation, oversight, and financial control underscores its

significance in shaping the destiny of the world's largest democracy.

1. How did the historical context, specifically the Government of India Act 1919 and
1935, contribute to the development of India's parliamentary system?
2. What is the significance of having a bicameral legislature with the Lok Sabha and
Rajya Sabha, and how do these houses differ in terms of representation and
3. How is the leader of the majority party in the Lok Sabha connected to the
formation of the government, and what role does this individual play in the
parliamentary system?
4. What are the primary functions of the Indian Parliament, and how do these
functions contribute to the democratic governance of the country?
5. In what ways does the Parliament act as a forum for oversight, holding the
government accountable for its actions? Provide examples from the case study.
6. Discuss the challenges mentioned in the case study, such as disruptions,
legislative gridlock, and issues of representation. How do these challenges
impact the effective functioning of the Indian Parliament?

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