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Design of mechanical lawn mower machine

Progress report 1
Mohammed yesuf nsr/1759/12

A lawn mower (also named as mower, grass cutter or lawnmower) is a machine utilizing one or
more revolving blades to cut a grass surface to an even height. The height of the cut grass may
be fixed by the design of the mower, but generally is adjustable by the operator, typically by a
single master lever, or by a lever or nut and bolt on each of the machine's wheels. The blades
may be powered by manual force, with wheels mechanically connected to the cutting blades so
that when the mower is pushed forward, the blades spin, or the machine may have a battery-
powered or plug-in electric motor.

The most common self-contained power source for lawn mowers is a small (typically one
cylinder) internal combustion engine. Smaller mowers often lack any form of propulsion,
requiring human power to move over a surface; "walk-behind" mowers are self-propelled,
requiring a human only to walk behind and guide them. Larger lawn mowers are usually either
self-propelled "walk-behind" types, or more often, are "ride-on" mowers, equipped so the
operator can ride on the mower and control it. A robotic lawn mower is designed to operate
either entirely on its own, or less commonly by an operator by remote control. In the past and
even until now, cutting of grasses in the schools, sports tracks, fields, industries, hotels, public
center, etc. Was done with a cutlass. Although this method is manual cutting but it have a lot of
benefits. Also accuracy in cutting level was observed using the manual cutting method. This
work deals with the cutting of verdant (shrubs, grass, flowers, leaves of trees) and also with the
design of the machine, its efficiency, rigidity, mode of operation and the selection of materials.
The design gives a greater degree of flexible mobility and interchangeability. The aim of this
work includes, but not limited to the following term. Example to reduce cost of cutting and also
to beautify the environment.

The presence of this grass machine can help ease the burden of humans .So we are planning
and decide to create a more effective and efficient Mechanical Lawn Mower for use in the
appropriate place. This Mechanical Lawn Mower comes with a blade that can cut the grass
evenly. Nor does it use any fuel to turn it on. So in this way it can save costs. Next, we also
planning to upgrade this Mechanical Lawn Mower in a safety way. So were going to come up
with a portable lawn mower that can be folded and stored in an existing bag. With this
innovation, it not only makes it easier for users to store it but it also guarantees a user safety.

Generally, grasses have the ability to grow in various conditions which makes them a major
concern especially in residential areas and external environment generally . Prior before now,
manual cutting methods were employed in the cutting of grasses in schools, sports tracks, fields
e.t.c. This strategy for manual cutting is tedious due to human effort requirement in the cutting
process. Additionally, for the purpose of aesthetics, the maintaining of regular cutting level has
proven difficult when utilizing the manual cutting method .

Similarly, the use of manual cutting method is associated with a high cost of execution, this is
because the cost of employing humans to cut grass covering a given area is usually more than
the cost of using a lawn mower . Besides, environmental mindfulness on utilization of grass
cutting machines (noise, oil pollution, etc.) the lawn mower has gotten an extraordinary
enthusiasm among buyers. Subsequently, people are scanning for approaches to lessen these
environmental factors and contamination . It was this technological and innovative era that
propelled the invention of lawn mower also known as lawn mower. A lawn mower is a machine
utilized for cutting grass or lawn (any area of tough grass which are usually cut like a private
garden or open park) .

A wide range of lawn mowers exists and have been made each fit to a specific purpose . The
choice of design of lawn mower and user preference depends on several factors. Such factors
could be the cost of purchase of the mower, the cost of maintenance, the ease of use, the
efficiency, and sometimes the kind of work to be done with it. Every user has preferences and
these preferences are what sponsors their decision on which kind of mower to use.
Sophisticated lawn mowers, especially the electrical and internal combustion engine powered
mower tend to pose threats to the lives of the users

1.2 problem statement

The lawn machine we use today is an automatic lawn mower that makes it easy for
humans. But there are still some disadvantages to the lawn. Some of the auto lawn
mowers that use the motor will cause difficulty in starting the engine. It also takes a long
time to turn on or start. So this problem will be affect to lawn mower user to use it
because it will waste time. We have planning to create a lawn mower that only uses
gear. The gear acts as a force to rotate the blade while pushing the lawn.

Besides, the problem we have when using the lawn is the lawn mower we use today
will produce noise. This is a little bit interfere with other people's hearing. It can also be
categorized as sound pollution. So by using a mechanical lawn mower it will not produce
noise that will disturb the hearing of others. In addition, air pollution problems will also
occur if we use a lawn mower that uses the engine. So we can solve this problem with a
mechanical lawn mower that only uses the gear to rotate the blade.
Then, another problem is the lawn mowers nowadays mostly use fuel. A costs for
having a lawn mower using fuel is a bit expensive compared to ordinary lawn mowers.
So, here we can reduce the cost because the mechanical lawn mower does not use any
fuel and it can save your money. This is because, not everyone is able to have a lawn
mower using the engine. This is one of the factors we want to create a mechanical lawn
mower to help less fortune

1.3 objectives
1.3.1 general objective
the general objective is designing mechanical lowen mowe(grass cutter)
1.3.2 specfic objective
 To design the grass cutter that can start without using any kind of fuel. So the cost of
the consumption of this grass cutter is cheaper
 To design blade
 To design frame
 To design and fabricate the lawn mower which is feasible in size
 To design and fabricate the lawn mower which is cost effective.
 To design and fabricate the lawn mower which operates around acute areas.
 To design and fabricate the lawn mower which is light in weight.

2 Literature review

Literature means research articles that are referred to understand and study the research
issues. The literature review is used to provide contextual studies by looking at the research
that has been conducted in the field of research and not just summarizing the research
conducted by other researchers. In addition, through the study of the literature the researcher
can also identify the weaknesses and strengths of the resulting project. Therefore, the literature
review is important as it can be used from several aspects as a guide and reference for the
researcher in completing this study. The contents of this chapter may contain a brief
introduction to the subject of the study, concept or article related to, previous studies related
to the field of study and summary of this chapter. The general topic of the issue or area of
interest needs to be identified and then provide the appropriate context for the literature

In the year 1830, the first Lawn Mower was invented by the English engineer Edward Budding.
He first thought of the idea after he saw a machine in a local cloth mill. Budding realized how
the same mechanism that was being used to trim cloth to give it a smooth finish after weaving
could be used for cutting grass as well. Early 1900s Steam Lawn Mowers which used light
weight petrol engine or steam power units appeared on the scene in the 1890s. While steam
mowers worked great, by the early 1900s, the petrol powered lawn mowers won over the
market. But now, our project will make a best lawn mower which is more to easy use a
housewife to do house chorus. This chapter contains the different types of materials to meet
the necessary features of this project. As stated this project needs to meet the objective
features in order to solve the problem. It will also state the materials selected for the project.
Each material we choose is the best and meets the requirements.


There are basically two different lawn mower types:

1 reel mowers and

2 rotary mowers.

Reel mowers make precise clean cuts on grass blades using the scissor-like action of a cylinder
of rotating blades. They may have 2-6 of these rolling blades which are usually turned by the
axle of the mower’s wheels. Available as tow behind attachments for lawn tractors, gas or
electric powdered or manual push models, reel mowers are generally less noisy and create less
pollution than rotary mowers. Reel mowers can also cut grass to short heights better than
rotary mowers. However, reel mower blades can be difficult to sharpen and maintain. A Rotary
mowers usually have one blade which rotates very fast.

Rotary Mower is a mower in which the blade spins horizontally (east to west) and uses a
sucking and tearing action to cut the blades of grass. The design is simple and adapts very well
to small engines. Rotary mowers can cut a wide variety of grass conditions. There are usually
powered by gas engines or electric engines and the most common mowers used by home

2.1 Scope of the project

i. Lawn mowers are only suitable for home area which has 20x13 square fit.

ii. This mechanical lawn mower is suitable used by housewives to do house chores.

iii. This Lawn Mower also can used by gardener which have a small garden at house.

iv. We also used high quality stainless steel blade to ensure every cuts neat and evenly


Every innovation we create must have its own approach and benefits, so my idea of creating a
mechanical lawn mower is a good idea. It also can help the underprivileged because the price
are affordable and also give benefits to consumer. With this portable Mechanical Lawn Mower,
it can ease the consumer to bring it everywhere. It can prevent us from injured because its
safety. This is because this mechanical lawn mower is stored in an existing bag.A lawn mower is a
machine used to cut grass on lawns and gardens. It typically consists of a rotating blade that cuts the
grass to a desired height. Lawn mowers can be powered by electricity, gasoline, or manual labor. They
are essential tools for maintaining a neat and tidy lawn.

If you're a homeowner who likes to spend your time in the garden, you'll know how much effort it can
take to get yo.

Click the links below to find out more about a particular type of lawn mower:

1Rotary Lawn Mowers

2Reel Lawn Mowers

3Hover Lawn Mowers

4Cordless Lawn Mowers

5Electric Lawn Mowers

6Petrol Lawn Mowers

For anyone who knows anything about gardening or lawn care, you'll know that the right lawn mower
can make all the difference when it comes to getting the grass of your dreams. Lawn & Weed Expert are
here to help with our definitive guide on the different types of lawn mower, so you can decide for
yourself which is best suited for you, helping you to achieve the grass you've always wanted.

1. Rotary Lawn Mowers

These types of lawn mowers are the most popular forms of lawn mower on the market. They're made
up of a single cutting blade that rotates horizontally under the mower at high speeds. The blade spins in
almost a propeller-like fashion, cutting the grass as it makes contact.

For many, the rotary lawn mower is the most versatile type of lawn mower out there, offering great
performance on most surfaces. Rotary mowers are more powerful than cylinder lawn mowers and work
well for mowing longer and coarser types of grass.

These are available in various styles such as electric, petrol engine and cordless rechargeable, offering a
nice variety depending on your personal preference. However, they do have parts that can become bent
or damaged, so it is vital to look after your rotary mower and keep it well maintained.

2. Reel Lawn Mowers

Reel lawn mowers, also known as cylinder lawn mowers, have cylindrical blade units at the front of the
mower. These blades rotate vertically and cut against a fixed blade that is mounted at the bottom of the
cutting unit. Often, reel lawn mowers can have multiple blades attached, sometimes three or more!

These types of lawn mowers are an ideal choice for flat lawns that you'd like to keep short. A word of
advice, try to stay clear of using reel mowers on rough surfaces as the blades are designed to cut
through smoother, softer blades of grass.
3. Hover Lawn Mowers

These types of lawn mowers are similar to rotary mowers but hover above the ground rather than
moving along the surface. This makes them a perfect choice when looking to mow uneven surfaces as
well as being easier to manoeuvre, thanks to the reduced contact with the ground.

Generally, hover lawn mowers are an excellent choice for unusually-shaped lawns, due to their high-
performance levels on awkward corners or uneven patches of grass. This provides the user with greater
control over the niggly edges of your lawn. Despite this, they are not the best to use on large lawns. If
you have a large lawn, then it may be worth spending the extra cash and purchasing a larger, more
powerful mower.

Hover lawn mowers also come in various forms, usually electric-powered, and are cheaper than many
other types of mowers but they are not the most powerful available, especially for larger lawns.3.
Cordless Lawn Mowers

A cordless lawn mower is an excellent choice for any homeowner that is prepared to part ways with a
bit more cash for added convenience. These type of mowers are a great hassle-free option that provides
all of the benefits of electric lawn mowers without the tangling of any cables that could limit your
mowing range.

This type of lawn mower is perfect for those with larger lawns. Most of the modern cordless mowers are
powered using lithium-ion batteries, which last longer than older-style nickel-cadmium batteries. This
comes at a significant cost, however.
4. Electric Lawn Mowers

The majority of modern home lawn mowers are powered using the electric mains through a regular
power socket and are often the best choice if you have a small to medium-sized lawn. They are usually
small enough to make storage easy as well as being cheap, lightweight and easy-to-use.

More often than not, electric lawn mowers can cost around £100-200, making them reasonably-priced
for most homeowners. However, despite all of these great benefits, the one thing you will need to be
mindful of when using an electric lawn mower is you will be limited by the length of the power cable,
which means you will have to purchase a mower with a cable long enough to mow your entire garden
from wherever it is plugged in!
5. Petrol Lawn Mowers

The final type of lawn mower is a petrol lawn mower, perfect for those of you with larger lawns. These
mowers are great for trimming the entirety of a large grass area where a mains electric cable would be
unable to reach.They are, however, more expensive and larger than their electric counterparts but do
cut grass at a faster rate due to being more powerful. The only downside to petrol lawn mowers is that
they are a lot like cars, in that their engines cause more pollution than electric mowers and need to be
maintained regularly. This includes servicing as well and checking and topping up oil levels.

Coustomer need identification

1 Consider Budget (cost)

2 Inspect the Weight of the Riding Lawn Mower.

3 Explore Mower's Transmission Type.

3 Consider Size of the Lawn mower

4 time

Gas powerd lawn Manual lawn Electrical lawn

mower mwoer mower

Selection Weight Rating Weghted Rating Weighted Rating Weighted

criteria score score score

Ease of 5% 2 0.1 4 0.2 3 0.15


Ease of 15% 3 0.45 4 0.6 3 0.45


Ease of 10%
Cost 25%

Durability 15%

Ease of 20%

Portablity 10%

Total score

Rank 3 1 2

Continoue? No Yes No

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