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Achieving Seamless Connectivity

in a Seemingly Disconnected World

A White Paper on the Future Architecture
of Workstation and Mobile Computing

by Stephen Popovich
Chief Operating Officer
Inside Out Networks

Austin, Texas

July 2001

Inside Out Networks July 2001

Page 1

An Inside Out Networks White Paper

Achieving Seamless Connectivity
in a Seemingly Disconnected World
by Stephen Popovich
Chief Operating Officer
Inside Out Networks

While much has been said about the difficulties of getting humans to fully communicate,
making similar connections between devices in the information world often takes this
challenge to new heights. In practice, the process of efficiently and effectively linking
computers and a multitude of other enterprise elements often is downright painful.

Fortunately, a prescription for this pain was recently developed, eliminating essentially
all the connectivity challenges presented by an almost endless array of information
appliances. The solution comes through the development and deployment of a wonder-
tool – the universal serial bus, or USB, connection standard. And the standard truly is
changing the face of the computing world.

Inside the Box: A History and other internal hardware, adding in the
new device or devices, and then
of Connections configuring the new setup to function
properly meant a daunting series of tasks.
In the early days of personal computing,
users largely only needed to connect a The net of this situation was that the true
printer, followed shortly thereafter by a power of the personal computer revolution
modem. However, it wasn’t long before was headed toward compromise. Some
innovators created a virtual cornucopia of users sacrificed productivity
devices that could be attached to a enhancements by simply avoiding
personal computer and soon after, additions or upgrades of equipment. Over
enterprise computing was born. time, a relatively limited number of IT
consumers were able to expand their
However, in these early days, much of the computing horizons by leveraging the
expansion of personal and enterprise growing Ethernet™ technology, although
computers was based on addition of cards this platform largely was constrained to
to an internal bus connector. While interconnecting computers and a limited
adding devices to the PC bus afforded the number of mainstream peripheral devices.
most direct – and therefore, fastest – Others were forced to invest heavily in
connection to the central processor, this information technology experts to manage
approach was not without its difficulties. the threat of what was inside the box.
Beyond nuances of hardware differences,
just the logistical considerations of
opening the computer, rearranging cables

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Achieving Seamless Connectivity in a Seemingly Disconnected World Page 2

Getting Outside the Box: implement complex networking software

and protocols.
A Star is Born
A particularly important performance
Fortunately, a consortium consisting of attribute in the enterprise world is
Compaq, Digital Equipment Corporation, dependability. Unlike simple consumer
IBM, Intel, Microsoft, NEC, and Northern applications, most enterprise environments
Telecom came together in the mid-1990s support mission-critical business
to discuss the form and function of the activities. As peripheral interfaces in the
personal computer and, specifically, the traditional in-computer bus and external
challenges of interconnecting peripheral parallel port environment became more
devices to PCs. While these discussions complex, machine reboots unfortunately
centered on device connectivity issues became a widespread practice for resetting
pertinent to the then-fledgling Computer devices.
Telephony Integration (CTI) industry, the
working group created a new standard of Fortunately, a significant aspect of the
device interface called the universal serial USB standard is a very high level of
bus (USB). compatibility, stability and performance.
The USB protocol enjoys a wide range of
As a result of the development of the USB operating system (OS) support, including
standard, the number of input-output ports industrial strength operating systems, such
available in the personal computing as Microsoft Windows NT 4.0™. This
architecture changed from what formerly support is either native to the OS, or
could be easily counted on two hands to provided through middleware that has
127 devices, providing dramatically faster stood the test of time and field
speeds and capabilities for scalability. applications. As computing continues to
Just as new technology and engineering expand even further into life-and-death
standards as far back as 100 years ago environments such as healthcare, utilities
created an explosion in the capabilities of and public safety applications, the high
early telephony, USB opened the door to degree of stability provided by USB-
vast new communications and computing connected devices will help ensure the
opportunities – information technology, as level of reliability that the public demands.
we know it, was finally was able to come
out of the box.
Conquering Upgrade Hell
USB Goes to Work As computing moves from centralized
facilities to decentralized desktops,
While consumers often see USB as a changes in our nation’s communications
means of connecting the latest game infrastructure and the aging of legacy
controller to their PC, this standard hardware are forcing businesses and
actually has created vast opportunities in industries to upgrade field computing
the business environment. USB in the equipment. These modifications range
enterprise allows information technology from straightforward revisions to clerical
professionals to quickly and effectively or administrative PC-based workstations,
integrate a wide range of devices without to complex conversions of highly
the limitations inherent when using specialized, industrial-strength machines
traditional serial or parallel interface on the production line. In many situations,
devices, and without the need to the changes required are reasonably

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Achieving Seamless Connectivity in a Seemingly Disconnected World Page 3

superficial, requiring replacement of a hardware and software. Historically,

single peripheral device, such as a printer, changes in any network element within
modem or scanner. However, other cases most enterprise environments – either
require more extensive modifications. hardware or software – almost certainly
required a technical support professional
In the past, the technical jungle of to make an on-site visit to implement the
connection standards and protocols made upgrade.
any significant upgrading of PC-based
facilities a relatively complex and costly
proposition. These inherent limitations USB: Value-adding simplicity,
not only discouraged adoption of newly
available technology into existing PC
cost savings and flexibility
installations, but also stunted the growth
potential of the entire PC platform. Some
The financial impact of this technical
forgiveness is in order, since peripheral
support alone can be dramatic. For
interface standards were created by
example, a retailer with a thousand
contemporaries of those who saw no
locations, each having four computers or
future need for an operating system to
workstations requiring a relatively simple
address more than 64k of random access
change, could easily accrue a $300,000
memory (RAM).
line item expense just for initial
integration1. This cost does not take into
The arrival of USB, however, has created
account lost productivity of staff or lost
previously unattainable benefits in two
business during the down time for these
major areas. These are increased
machines, due to the application-specific
simplicity and cost savings in maintaining
variability associated with each unique
and/or expanding PC-based facilities, and
installation. A company can do a lot with
increased availability of flexible, almost
nearly a third of a million dollars… when
limitless connectivity between computers
it is not spent on redundant hardware and
and peripherals – both in traditional and
application upgrades.
emerging mobile applications.
Substitution of USB-equipped devices into
USB: Increasing the computing environment can
Interconnected dramatically improve economics
associated with significant system
Productivity and changes. In situations where existing
Reducing Costs computers already are USB-equipped,
movement to USB peripherals can simply
Employing USB devices in a network mean plugging in the new device or
environment can provide substantial devices and allowing the operating system
operational and financial benefits, which to handshake with the new tools. In
impacts both short-term and total cost of situations where USB capabilities do not
ownership (TCO) statistics. Contrary to presently exist, addition of a USB
popular opinion, the price of hardware interface card and, in some instances, a
generally is not the true cost issue.
Rather, the expense and complication of 1
upgrading PC-based computing equipment Presumes a conservative average of one-half
hour of labor per machine at an hourly labor cost
and capabilities comes from the amount of of $100, plus one hour total travel time for each
support required to integrate new and old location.

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USB hub, will create the same flexible reducing the cost of the computer at the
platform from which nearly limitless center of these devices, TCO for the entire
expansion can occur. system can be more readily managed. The
expanded capabilities of computers that
Beyond retrofitting legacy personal use USB technology can result in a host of
computers to provide greater flexibility other financial savings as well.
and improved operating economics, the
USB standard has led to development of a
Reducing the cost of buying and
next generation PC, often referred to as the
EZ-PC. In its purest iteration, the EZ-PC upgrading computers reduces
is a totally legacy-free computer, having system TCO
no traditional serial, parallel or bus
connections for printers, a keyboard,
mouse or modem. Instead, these machines
supply a number of USB ports for a
USB and Retailers – Less
typical array of peripheral devices. Users Space, Less Cost, More
requiring a more extensive series of Services
connections readily can use a product such
as an Edgeport hub, produced by Austin-
A major, franchised provider of postal and
based Inside Out Networks, to achieve all
small office services and supplies had a
the interface capabilities required in any
big challenge. Many of the capabilities
given environment.
offered by the operation’s coast-to-coast
locations are based on services from major
Some hybrid machines are being produced
postal and shipping companies, including
in which a conventional serial port is
the U.S. Postal Service, Federal Express
provided for use in rare situations where a
and United Parcel Service. Beyond the
traditional serial device must be attached
specialty equipment needed to support
directly to the PC, rather than through an
these firms, these stores also use point-of-
external USB interface. In addition to
sale credit card terminals, fax transmission
exclusive or near exclusive use of USB
and reception terminals, and a host of
ports for interconnection, EZ-PCs do not
Web-based or -enabled capabilities.
include PCI expansion capabilities, relying
instead on a robust and ever increasing list
As the franchiser and various service
of USB-focused hardware solutions to
providers have enhanced the suite of
replace internal, add-on circuit boards. A
services available at the franchised outlets,
number of major manufacturers are either
demand for peripheral interconnections
producing or preparing to produce USB-
has grown exponentially. For some
based, EZ-PC machines.
franchisees, the solution to limited PC
connection ports had been to add PCs to
Beyond physical and flexibility
support the growing number of scales,
advantages, USB-based computers offer
specialized printers, scanners, modems
purchasers and users additional economic
and other devices being added to their
advantage. Eliminating a variety of
stores. However, with a typical thousand
different internal and external ports, and
square feet of space or less, including
reducing the unit’s overall size lowers the
private mailboxes and retail floor space,
manufacturing cost of a PC. As peripheral
adding full PC facilities for each new
devices become more sophisticated, the
offering ultimately proves to be
expense of these devices will increase. By
impractical. Yet, ongoing relationships

Inside Out Networks July 2001

Achieving Seamless Connectivity in a Seemingly Disconnected World Page 5

with shipping companies, the desire to can be made without a technician visit. As
offer the broadest range of services and a result, the time to implement new or
the need to capitalize on new, technology- enhanced services is reduced, and the
driven revenue sources called for a better labor cost associated with implementation
solution. is nearly eliminated. For this franchised
business services provider, technology no
Through the use of USB hubs, even a longer is a limitation to offering the latest
single personal computer can access the in customer services.
wide variety of tools and devices needed
to support the most advanced customer Bridging Legacy and PC
needs in any of the company’s stores.
Perhaps the greatest value in the system’s
move to USB has been reduction in costs A leading provider of retail and point-of-
to add, delete or change technology-based sale (POS) systems has used USB
services. Because USB devices virtually technology extensively in the company’s
eliminate the old world headaches of program of upgrading customer POS
configuring ports, addressing interrupts facilities. A number of this company’s
and dealing with port conflicts, most large clients have extensive in-store and
changes in PC-based store support systems headquarters installations that are heavily
based on legacy applications.

Figure 1: Typical USB Usage Graphic: Inside Out Networks

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Achieving Seamless Connectivity in a Seemingly Disconnected World Page 6

While these systems may still be highly connectivity system, itself. Major big-box
functional, many are tightly written around retailers that want to stage tent sales in
conventional PC port architectures. As the store parking lots can use USB technology
demand for additional in-store peripherals to interface cash registers, credit card
– from credit card readers and printers to verification units and transaction printers.
signature scanners and produce scales – Through the use of a single wired or
has multiplied, so has the exhaustion of wireless link, these facilities can be linked
connection ports and device conflicts. back to the store’s central information
collection and processing hub.
The ability to move from a half-dozen or
so connected devices per computer to as Convenience store operators, saddled with
many as 127 such devices ensures a small size requirements and inability to
practically limitless supply of peripheral reconfigure store wiring, welcome the
connections. And best of all, the legacy flexibility and speed in adding devices,
systems readily recognize the USB-based such as a money order printer or point-of-
devices without extensive reprogramming purchase display device. In most
or addition of complicated device drivers instances, the serial wireless LAN
that add cost and complexity to provides a more practical solution than
conversions. traditional wide-area wireless platforms.

These legacy situations are not limited to In a similar fashion, mall retailers can
POS settings. As companies increasingly readily set up remote kiosks to sell
automate production and assembly lines, products or serve up information to
the call for a single PC to control customers, using a single connection back
numerous devices across a manufacturing to existing store information systems.
process becomes even more compelling. Even large, traditional retailers with
With very low limits to the number of extensive legacy transaction systems
devices that could be connected in the benefit from conversion to USB-based
past, process engineers have had to resort systems, gaining the ability to easily
to the clustering of numerous machines replace defective peripheral devices and
through the use of relatively expensive and expand capabilities to reflect seasonal
complex local area network (LAN) demands and opportunities. USB
devices. Today, within a few parameters, facilitates both anytime, stand-alone
a single computer would have the mobile computing and wirelessly
processing power and the port density to connected applications that previously
integrate dozens of devices into a single were impractical or completely
controlling computer. unavailable.

USB Facilitates Cutting

Building Non-Traditional the Computing Cord
Business Opportunities
in Traditional Settings Despite the growth potential of traditional
desktop applications associated with
typical desktop hardware, the most
The number of retail applications that can
benefit from USB technology is almost as dynamic area of computing today is in the
mobile and wireless arenas. As has been
limitless as the capabilities of the

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Achieving Seamless Connectivity in a Seemingly Disconnected World Page 7

the case throughout much of the critical, since organizations and

advancement of communications individuals change vehicles far more often
technology in general, computing has than they change physical offices or
developed along the same path as simple residences. Conversely, personal wireless
voice communications. Whether the solutions require simple, size-conscious
application is simply moving fixed connections between small, highly robust
installation capabilities into a mobile devices.
environment, such as in-vehicle data
collection for later downloading, or a From the device interface perspective in
wirelessly connected system providing either fixed or traveling wireless
real-time, interactive information from a applications, USB exceeds all expectations
distant source, USB facilitates the newest of the mobile environment. Well-defined
chapter in information management. technical standards that allow for vast
freedom of application, small physical
Viewed from a basketball perspective, connector size and shared heritage with
USB technology is the starting center in traditional desktop peripherals make USB
the mobile/wireless world. Migration of the preferred choice among both
applications from a fixed environment, application developers and manufacturers
such as transaction management and of mobile and wireless devices.
inventory control, and creation of new
applications that are unique to the mobile The true power of USB in helping to
or wireless environment demand a create the most innovative mobile
common interconnected architecture for computing environments can be seen by
the different elements. In the case of examining a few current and emerging
vehicle-based systems, the ability to applications.
readily remove, reinstall and reconfigure is

Figure 2: Devices can be readily integrated into a system without regard for cabling
logistics through the use of wireless USB technology. Graphic: Inside Out Networks

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Making Streets Safer

Improving field efficiency translates to
For some time, law enforcement vehicles each officer covering more territory and
in numerous jurisdictions have capitalized handling more calls per shift, providing a
on mobile computing capabilities. means of responding to the seemingly
Whether the device merely has been a so- endless spread between expanded demand
called ruggedized laptop or a unit fully for officer services and an inelastic supply
customized for in-vehicle use, these of personnel and equipment to respond to
mobile computing devices historically these demands. It’s a general rule that
have been basic in application, with what improved application of technology also
arguably may be the least sophisticated enhances officer safety, critical at a time
peripheral connections – a mobile device when public safety officers seem to
with some form of stored information, or a increasingly find themselves in harm’s
mobile terminal and a modem connected way.
to the police radio.
The Truck of the Future
Consider, for a moment, the opportunities
to make the in-car mobile computer the
focal point for a range of expanded law Recently, an industry group known as the
enforcement tools. The dash-mounted Truck-PC Consortium began defining
camera could be linked to headquarters features of the next generation long haul
and even to the Internet to transmit a tractor-trailer combination. Led by
photograph of a wanted suspect and/or Freightliner, a leading tractor-trailer
vehicle. A bar-code scanner could speed manufacturer, the Consortium includes an
input and reduce errors when seeking integrated communications, computing,
histories of drivers with valid licenses. navigation, information and entertainment
Tickets could be produced with minimal platform in the planned vehicle. These
officer input, if a data input device, such tools collectively support the continuing
as a Palm-type unit, was integrated by trend of the trucking industry to move
wire or wireless technology with a radar or from being a simple “pick-it-up, get-it-
laser speed detector, Global Positioning there” commodity to a sophisticated
System (GPS) receiver (for accurate provider of material logistics.
position information), speed limit data
base (for the exact location provided by Built around the WindowsCE™ operating
the GPS), existing computerized driver system, the Truck-PC Consortium’s in-
history and a small transaction printer. truck technology system marries PC
And, most importantly, all of these capabilities with a DVD/CD-ROM device,
connections would be enabled using AM-FM-satellite radio receiver, wireless
connectivity technology that sets a new modem, email system and printer for
standard for reliability, virtually producing route information and hard
eliminating the need for device reboots or copy of other documents.

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Achieving Seamless Connectivity in a Seemingly Disconnected World Page 9

Figure 3: The Truck of the Future merges hardware and applications from traditional
and non-traditional settings into a single, USB-connected environment.
Graphic: Inside Out Networks

Whether a basic mobile platform or a full- Networks, is used to seamlessly

featured wireless environment, such a incorporate USB protocols into the OS.
system likely could not be developed if it
had to be built using a PC limited to Additionally, the basic USB protocol
traditional serial and parallel ports. By easily accommodates typical distances
employing USB technology, a wider range between interconnected devices. In cases
of devices can be readily integrated into a where an enterprise requires one or more
common computing platform. peripherals to be located beyond the range
of basic USB connectivity standards,
Supplying Connections in various technologies are available to
extend the users’ connectivity
a Wide Variety of System requirements over these longer distances.
As the name implies, Universal Serial Bus
The Future of Computing
technology integrates very well with all According to USB
major PC and enterprise operating
systems. In many instances, USB is a A generation or so ago, electricity was the
simple plug and play platform. In some rock-solid example of a universal service,
cases, middleware produced by leading with power available in nearly anywhere
USB companies, such as Inside Out one could imagine. More recently,

Inside Out Networks July 2001

Achieving Seamless Connectivity in a Seemingly Disconnected World Page 10

connection to the public switched 2.0 opens the door to the development of
telephone network has become nearly even faster external storage devices and
ubiquitous in homes and businesses, with other high-bandwidth applications. For
one or more jacks typically found in every example, traditional computer displays
room. As a result, modems, fax machines, have continued to utilize traditional 15-
remote control devices, alarm systems, pin, internal bus-based connections
answering machines, cordless phones, because the speed and complexity of
headsets and speakerphones abound on signals required this level of connectivity.
desks, walls, credenzas, counters and in With a higher speed USB capability,
countless other commercial and residential simple four-wire USB connections could
locations, largely because of a simple and make the interfacing of new displays with
flexible standard for connection of devices larger systems not only possible, but also
to the telephone network. highly practical. Clearly, USB 2.0 will
bring an added dimension to the
My Inside Out Networks colleagues and I movement of computing out of the box.
believe that the universal connectivity
offered by USB technology, while far
more technically advanced, will do for USB technology will do for
computing what the conversion to modular computing what modular
connection devices previously
accomplished for telephones and, much connections did for
further back, what the duplex outlet telecommunications
achieved for electricity. Whether that
translates to Internet appliances distributed
throughout home and work or an entirely
new, browser-enabled POS system that
plugs into data jacks as common in retail About the Author
stores as electrical outlets, you can safely
presume that USB will be a central feature Stephen Popovich is co-founder and chief
to the systems of the future. We believe operating officer of Austin-based Inside Out
the information industry is rallying around Networks, the leader in enterprise USB
USB as a primary connectivity platform – connectivity for the Point-of-Sale (POS),
the number of PCs we’ve seen shipped Mobile Computing, Remote Access and
with native USB connectivity has grown Industrial Control markets. An innovator in
from 0 to essentially 100 percent in four data communications, Popovich has held
years. numerous positions in sales, marketing and
operations. He attended El Camino College
and California State University.
However, what we see in today’s USB
world is not the end state of personal and
enterprise connectivity. The USB
Implementers Forum, the standards group
responsible for development of this
technology, is currently developing and
testing USB 2.0. This expanded protocol
will increase the speed of USB
connectivity from 12 megabit per second
transfer rates to as much as 480 megabits
per second. The enhanced speed of USB

Inside Out Networks July 2001

Get Out of the Box TodayTM
7004 Bee Caves Road, Building 3 Suite 200
Austin, Texas 78746
voice: (512) 306-0600
fax: (512) 306-0694

Inside Out Networks and the Inside Out Networks logo are service marks of Inside Out Networks, Inc.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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