BRP Job Satisfaction

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Under Guidance of: Submitted by:


Institute of Management, Commerce& Economics Roll No.-202210702010086

SRMU, Lucknow.

I take this opportunity to express my profound gratitude and deep regards to my

guide DR. KANUPRIYA DUBEY for her exemplary guidance, monitoring and
constant encouragement throughout the course of this project. The blessings,
help and guidance given by him time to time shall carry me a long way in the
journey of life on which I am about to embark.

Finally, I am thankful to almighty, my parents, brothers, sisters and friends for

their consistent encouragement without which this project would have not been


Roll No.-202210702010086

I_____________________________________ Roll No __________________of, a fulltime

bonafide student of first year of Master of Business Administration (MBA) of Shri
Ramswaroop Memorial University. I hereby certify that research work done by me and the
report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the programme is an original
work of mine carried out under the guidance of the
facultymentor_______________________________________________________and is not
based or reproduced from any existing work of any other person or on any earlier work
undertaken at any other time or for any other purpose, and has not been submitted anywhere
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(Student's Signature)



This is to certify that the project entitled “JOB SATISFACTION OF EMPLOYEE IN


submitted by ABHISHEK VARUN [Univ. Roll No. 202210702010086] and in the partial
fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the DEGREE OF MASTER OF BUSINESS
of my knowledge it is a record of student’s own work carried under our supervision and
guidance. The project report embodies result of original work and the study carried out by the
student and the contents do not form the basis for the award of any other degree to the
candidate or to anybody else.






Introduction to HRM

Introduction to job satisfaction

Company profile









To get aware about the recruitment selection process followed in “SAHARA INDIA
PARIWAR”. In this boomed economy what all policies are been followed to recruit efficient
employees with change in culture and its effect in profitability.

Through this research project I tried to find out the scope of “EMERGNING


To analyze which of the latest trends is being practiced in “SAHARA INDIA PARIWAR”.
Which will help in identifying the employee’s turnover and retention.

Job satisfaction in regards to one's feeling or state of mind regarding nature of their work. Job
can be influenced by variety of factors like quality of one's relationship with their supervisor,
quality of physical environment in which they work, degree of fulfillment in their work, etc.

Positive attitude towards job are equivalent to job satisfaction where as negative attitude
towards job has been defined variously from time to time. In short job satisfaction is a
person's attitude towards job.

Job satisfaction is an attitude which results from balancing & summation of many specific
likes and dislikes experienced in connection with the job- their evaluation may rest largely
upon one's success or failure in the achievement of personal objective and upon perceived
combination of the job and combination towards these ends.

According to pestonejee, Job satisfaction can be taken as a summation of employee's feelings

in four important areas. These are:

1. Job-nature of work (dull, dangerous, interesting), hours of work, fellow workers,

opportunities on the job for promotion and advancement (prospects), overtime regulations,
interest in work, physical environment, and machines and tools.

2. Management- supervisory treatment, participation, rewards and punishments, praises and

blames, leaves policy and favoritism.

3. Social relations- friends and associates, neighbors, attitudes towards people in community,
participation in social activity socialibility and caste barrier.
4. Personal adjustment-health and emotionality- Job satisfaction is an important indicator of
how employees feel about their job and a predictor of work behavior such as organizational
citizenship, Absenteeism, Turnover.

Job satisfaction benefits the organization includes reduction in complaints and grievances,
absenteeism, turnover, and termination; as well as improved punctuality and worker morale.
Job satisfaction is also linked with a healthier work force and has been found to be a good
indicator of longevity.

Job satisfaction is not synonyms with organizational morale, which the possessions of feeling
have being accepted by and belonging to a group of employees through adherence to
common goals and confidence in desirability of these goals.

Morale is the by-product of the group, while job satisfaction is more an individual state of



Edwin Flippo defies HRM as "planning, organizing, directing, controlling of procurement,

development, compensation, integration, maintenance and separation of human resources to
the end that individual, organizational and social objectives are achieved."

Features of HRM or characteristics or nature

 HRM involves management functions like planning, organizing, directing and

 It involves procurement, development, maintenance of human resource.
 It helps to achieve individual, organizational and social objectives.
 HRM is a mighty disciplinary subject. It includes the study of management
psychology communication, economics and sociology.
 It involves team spirit and team work.

Evolution of HRM

The evolution of HRM can be traced back to Kautilya Artha Shastra where he recommends
that government must take active interest in public and private enterprise. He says that
government must provide a proper procedure for regulating employee and employee relation

In the medieval times there were examples of kings like Allaudin Khilji who regulated the
market and charged fixed prices and provided fixed salaries to their people. This was done to
fight inflation and provide a decent standard of living
During the pre independence period of 1920 the trade union emerged. Many authors who
have given the history of HRM say that HRM started because of trade union and the First
World War.

The Royal commission in 1931 recommended the appointment of a labour welfare officer to
look into the grievances of workers. The factory act of 1942 made it compulsory to appoint a
labour welfare officer if the factory had 500 or more than 500 workers.

The international institute of personnel management and national institute of labour

management were set up to look into problems faced by workers to provide solutions to them.
The Second World War created awareness regarding workers rights and 1940's to 1960's saw
the introduction of new technology to help workers.

The 1960's extended the scope of human resource beyond welfare. Now it was a combination
of welfare, industrial relation, administration together it was called personnel management.

With the second 5 year plan, heavy industries started and professional management became
important. In the 70's the focus was on efficiency of labour wile in the 80's the focus was on
new technology, making it necessary for new rules and regulations. In the 90's the emphasis
was on human values and development of people and with liberalization and changing type of
working people became more and more important there by leading to HRM which is an
advancement of personnel management.

Scope of HRM/functions of HRM

The scope of HRM refers to all the activities that come under the banner of HRM. These
activities are as follow.

1. Human resources planning :-

Human resource planning or HRP refers to a process by which the company to identify the
number of jobs vacant, whether the company has excess staff or shortage of staff and to deal
with this excess or shortage.

2. Job analysis design :-

Another important area of HRM is job analysis. Job analysis gives a detailed explanation
about each and every job in the company. Based on this job analysis the company prepares

3. Recruitment and selection :-

Based on information collected from job analysis the company prepares advertisements and
publishes them in the news papers. This is recruitment. A number of applications are received
after the advertisement is published, interviews are conducted and the right employee is
selected thus recruitment and selection are yet another important area of HRM.

4. Orientation and induction :-

Once the employees have been selected an induction or orientation program is conducted.
This is another important area of HRM. The employees are informed about the background of
the company, explain about the organizational culture and values and work ethics and
introduce to the other employees.

5. Training and development :-

Every employee goes under training program which helps him to put up a better performance
on the job. Training program is also conducted for existing staff that have a lot of experience.
This is called refresher training. Training and development is one area were the company
spends a huge amount.

6. Performance appraisal :-

Once the employee has put in around 1 year of service, performance appraisal is conducted
that is the HR department checks the performance of the employee. Based on these appraisal
future promotions, incentives, increments in salary are decided.

7. Compensation planning and remuneration :-

There are various rules regarding compensation and other benefits. It is the job of the HR
department to look into remuneration and compensation planning.

8. Motivation, welfare, health and safety:-

Motivation becomes important to sustain the number of employees in the company. It is the
job of the HR department to look into the different methods of motivation. Apart from this
certain health and safety regulations have to be followed for the benefits of the employees.
This is also handled by the HR department.

9. Industrial relations :-
Another important area of HRM is maintaining co-ordinal relations with the union members.
This will help the organization to prevent strikes lockouts and ensure smooth working in the

Challenges before the HR manager/before modern personnel management

Personnel management which is know as human resource management has adapted itself to
the changing work environment, however these changes are still taking place and will
continue in the future therefore the challenges before the HR manager are

1. Retention of the employees :-

One of the most important challenge the HR manager faces is retention of labour force. Many
companies have a very high rate of labour turnover therefore HR manager are required to
take some action to reduce the turnover

2. Multicultural work force :-

With the number of multi cultural companies are increasing operations in different nations.
The work force consists of people from different cultures. Dealing with each of the needs
which are different the challenge before the HR manager is integration of multicultural labour
work force.

3. Women in the work force :-

The number of women who have joined the work force has drastically increased over a few
years. Women employees face totally different problems. They also have responsibility
towards the family. The organization needs to consider this aspect also. The challenge before
the HR manager lies in creating gender sensitivity and in providing a good working
environment to the women employees.
4. Handicapped employees :-

This section of the population normally faces a lot of problems on the job, very few
organization have jobs and facilities specially designed for handicapped workers. Therefore
the challenge before the HR manager lies in creating atmosphere suitable for such employees
and encouraging them to work better.

5. Retrenchment for employees :-

In many places companies have reduced the work force due to changing economic situations,
labourers or workers who are displaced face sever problems. It also leads to a negative
atmosphere and attitude among the employees. There is fear and increasing resentment
against the management. The challenge before the HR manager lies in implementing the
retrenchment policy without hurting the sentiments of the workers, without antagonizing the
labour union and by creating positive attitude in the existing employees.

6. Change in demand of government :-

Most of the time government rules keep changing. While a lot of freedom is given to
companies some strict rules and regulations have also been passed. The government has also
undertaken the disinvestment in certain companies due to which there is fear among the
employees regarding their job. The challenge before the HR manager lies in convincing
employees that their interest will not be sacrificed.

7. Initiating the process of change :-

Changing the method of working, changing the attitude of people and changing the
perception and values of organization have become necessary today. Although the company
may want to change it is actually very difficult to make the workers accept the change. The
challenge before the HR manager is to make people accept change.

Significance/importance/need of HRM
HRM becomes significant for business organization due to the following reasons.

1. Objective:-

HRM helps a company to achieve its objective from time to time by creating a positive
attitude among workers. Reducing wastage and making maximum use of resources etc.

2. Facilitates professional growth :-

Due to proper HR policies employees are trained well and this makes them ready for future
promotions. Their talent can be utilized

not only in the company in which they are currently working but also in other companies
which the employees may join in the future.

3. Better relations between union and management :-

Healthy HRM practices can help the organization to maintain co-ordinal relationship with the
unions. Union members start realizing that the company is also interested in the workers and
will not go against them therefore chances of going on strike are greatly reduced.

4. Helps an individual to work in a team/group :-

Effective HR practices teach individuals team work and adjustment. The individuals are now
very comfortable while working in team thus team work improves.

5. Identifies person for the future :-

Since employees are constantly trained, they are ready to meet the job requirements. The
company is also able to identify potential employees who can be promoted in the future for
the top level jobs. Thus one of the advantages of HRM is preparing people for the future.

6. Allocating the jobs to the right person :-

If proper recruitment and selection methods are followed, the company will be able to select
the right people for the right job. When this happens the number of people leaving the job
will reduce as the will be satisfied with their job leading to decrease in labour turnover.


Different authors give various definitions of job satisfaction. Some of them are taken from
the book of D.M. Pestonjee "Motivation and Job Satisfaction" which are given below:

Job satisfaction is defined as a pleasurable, emotional, state resulting from appraisal of one's
job. An effective reaction to one's job.


Job satisfaction is general attitude, which is the result of many specific attitudes in three areas

 Specific job factors.

 Individual characteristics.
 Group relationship outside the job

Blum and Naylor

Job satisfaction is defined, as it is result of various attitudes the person hold towards the job,
towards the related factors and towards the life in general.


Job satisfaction is defined as "any contribution, psychological, physical, and environmental

circumstances that cause a person truthfully say, 'I am satisfied with my job."

Job satisfaction is defined, as employee's judgment of how well his job on a whole is
satisfying his various needs.
Mr. Smith

Job satisfaction is defined as a pleasurable or positive state of mind resulting from appraisal
of one's job or job experiences.



The term job satisfaction was brought to lime light by hoppock (1935). He revived 35 studies
on job satisfaction conducted prior to 1933 and observes that Job satisfaction is combination
of psychological, physiological and environmental circumstances. That causes a person to
say. "I m satisfied with my job". Such a description indicate the variety of variables that
influence the satisfaction of the individual but tell us nothing about the nature of Job

Job satisfaction has been most aptly defined by pestonjee (1973) as a job, management,
personal adjustment & social requirement. Morse (1953) considers Job satisfaction as
dependent upon job content, identification with the co., financial & job status & priding
group cohesiveness

One of the biggest preludes to the study of job satisfaction was the Hawthorne study. These
studies (1924-1933), primarily credited to Elton Mayo of the Harvard Business School,
sought to find the effects of various conditions (most notably illumination) on workers'
These studies ultimately showed that novel changes in work conditions temporarily increase
productivity (called the Hawthorne Effect). It was later found that this increase resulted, not
from the new conditions, but from the knowledge of being observed.

This finding provided strong evidence that people work for purposes other than pay, which
paved the way for researchers to investigate other factors in job satisfaction.

Scientific management (aka Taylorism) also had a significant impact on the study of job
satisfaction. Frederick Winslow Taylor's 1911 book, Principles of Scientific Management,
argued that there was a single best way to perform any given work task. This book
contributed to a change in industrial production philosophies, causing a shift from skilled
labor and piecework towards the more modern approach of assembly lines and hourly wages.

The initial use of scientific management by industries greatly increased productivity because
workers were forced to work at a faster pace. However, workers became exhausted and
dissatisfied, thus leaving researchers with new questions to answer regarding job satisfaction.

It should also be noted that the work of W.L. Bryan, Walter Dill Scott, and Hugo Munsterberg
set the tone for Taylor's work.

Some argue that Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, a motivation theory, laid the foundation
for job satisfaction theory. This theory explains that people seek to satisfy five specific needs
in life physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, self-esteem needs, and self-
actualization. This model served as a good basis from which early researchers could develop
job satisfaction theories.


 Job satisfaction is an important indicator of how employees feel about their job and a
predictor of work behavior such as organizational, citizenship, Absenteeism,
 Job satisfaction can partially mediate the relationship of personality variables and
deviant work behavior.
 Common research finding is that job satisfaction is correlated with life style.
 This correlation is reciprocal meaning the people who are satisfied with the life tends
to be satisfied with their jobs and the people who are satisfied their jobs tends to
satisfied with their life.
 This is vital piece of information that is job satisfaction and job performance is
directly related to one another. Thus it can be said that, "A happy worker is a
productive worker."
 It gives clear evidence that dissatisfied employees skip work more often and more like
to resign and satisfied worker likely to work longer with the organization.


Job satisfaction and occupational success are major factors in personal satisfaction, self-
respect, self-esteem, and self-development. To the worker, job satisfaction brings a
pleasurable emotional state that can often leads to a positive work attitude. A satisfied worker
is more likely to be creative, flexible, innovative, and loyal.

For the organization, job satisfaction of its workers means a work force that is motivated and
committed to high quality performance. Increased productivity- the quantity and quality of
output per hour worked- seems to be a byproduct of improved quality of working life. It is
important to note that the literature on the relationship between job satisfaction and
productivity is neither conclusive nor consistent.
However, studies dating back to Herzberg's (1957) have shown at least low correlation
between high morale and high productivity and it does seem logical that more satisfied
workers will tend to add more value to an organization.

Unhappy employees, who are motivated by fear of loss of job, will not give 100 percent of
their effort for very long. Though fear is a powerful motivator, it is also a temporary one, and
also as soon as the threat is lifted performance will decline.

Job satisfaction benefits the organization includes reduction in complaints and grievances,
absenteeism, turnover, and termination; as well as improved punctuality and worker morale.
Job satisfaction is also linked with a healthier work force and has been found to be a good
indicator of longevity.

Although only little correlation has been found between job satisfaction and productivity,
Brown (1996) notes that some employers have found that satisfying or delighting employees
is a prerequisite to satisfying or delighting customers, thus protecting the "bottom line".


If job satisfaction is a worker benefit, surely the worker must be able to contribute to his or
her own satisfaction and well being on the job. The following suggestions can help a worker
find personal job satisfaction: Seek opportunities to demonstrate skills and talents. This often
leads to more challenging work and greater responsibilities, with attendant increases in pay
and other recognition.

Develop excellent communication skills. Employer's value and rewards excellent reading,
listening, writing and speaking skills. Know more. Acquire new job related knowledge that
helps you to perform tasks more efficiently and effectively. This will relive boredom and
often gets one noticed.
Demonstrate creativity and initiative. Qualities like these are valued by most organizations
and often results in recognition as well as in increased responsibilities and rewards.

Develop teamwork and people skills. A large part of job success is the ability to work well
with others to get the job done.

Accept the diversity in people. Accept people with their differences and their imperfections
and learn how to give and receive criticism constructively.

See the value in your work. Appreciating the significance of what one does can lead to
satisfaction with the work itself. This help to give meaning to one's existence, thus playing a
vital role in job satisfaction.

Learn to de-stress. Plan to avoid burn out by developing healthy stress management


Hoppock, the earliest investigator in this field, in 1935 suggested that there are six major
components of job satisfaction. These are as under:

 The way the individual reacts to unpleasant situations,

 The facility with which he adjusted himself with other person
 The relative status in the social and economic group with which he identifies himself
 The nature of work in relation to abilities, interest and preparation of worker
 Security
 Loyalty

Herberg, mausaer, Peterson and capwell in 1957 reviewed more than 150 studies and listed
various job factors of job satisfaction. These are briefly defined one by one as follows:
1. Intrinsic aspect of job

It includes all of the many aspects of the work, which would tend to be constant for the work
regardless of where the work was performed.

2. Supervision

This aspect of job satisfaction pertains to relationship of worker with his immediate superiors.
Supervision, as a factor, generally influences job satisfaction.

3. Working conditions

This includes those physical aspects of environment which are not necessary a part of the
work. Hours are included this factor because it is primarily a function of organization,
affecting the individuals comfort and convenience in much the same way as other physical
working conditions.

4. Wage and salaries

This factor includes all aspect of job involving present monitory remuneration for work done.

5. Opportunities for advancement

It includes all aspect of job which individual sees as potential sources of betterment of
economic position, organizational status or professional experience.

6. Security

It is defined to include that feature of job situation, which leads to assurance for continued
employment, either within the same company or within same type of work profession.

7. Company & management

It includes the aspect of worker's immediate situation, which is a function of organizational
administration and policy. It also involves the relationship of employee with all company
superiors above level of immediate supervision.

8. Social aspect of job

It includes relationship of worker with the employees specially those employees at same or
nearly same level within the organization.

9. Communication

It includes job situation, which involves spreading the information in any direction within the
organization. Terms such as information of employee's status, information on new
developments, information on company line of authority, suggestion system, etc, are used in
literature to represent this factor.

10. Benefits

It includes those special phases of company policy, which attempts to prepare the worker for
emergencies, illness, old age, also. Company allowances for holidays, leaves and vacations
are included within this factor.


Reasons why employees may not be completely satisfied with their jobs:

 Conflict between co-workers.

 Conflict between supervisors.
 Not being opportunity paid for what they do.
 Have little or no say in decision making that affect employees.
 Fear of loosing their job.


Absenteeism means it is a habitual pattern of absence from duty or obligation.If there will be
low job satisfaction among the employees the rate of absenteeism will definitely increase and
it also affects on productivity of organization.


In human resource refers to characteristics of a given company or industry relative to the rate
at which an employer gains and losses the staff.

If the employer is said to be have a high turnover of employees of that company have shorter
tenure than those of other companies.


As employees leaves organization due to lack of job satisfaction. Then Human resource
manager has to recruit new employees. So that the training expenditure will increases.


There are no. of factors that influence job satisfaction. For example, one recent study even
found that if college students majors coinsided with their job, this relationship will predicted
subsequent job satisfaction. However, the main influences can be summerised along with the
dimentions identified above.

The work itself

The concept of work itself is a major source of satisfaction. For example, research related to
the job charactoristics approach to job design, shows that feedback from job itself and
autonomy are two of the major job related motivational factors. Some of the most important
ingridents of a satisfying job uncovered by survey include intersting and challenging work,
work that is not boring, and the job that provides status.


Wages and salaries are recognised to be a significant, but complex, multidimentional factor in
job satisfaction. Money not only helps people attain their basic needs butevel need
satisfaction. Employees often see pay as a reflection of how managemnet view their
conrtibution to the organization. Fringe benefits are also important. If the employees are
allowed some flexibility in choosing the type of benefits they prefer within a total package,
called a flexible benefit plan, there is a significant increase in both benefit satisfaction and
overall job satisfaction.


Promotional opportunities are seem to be have avarying effect on job satisfaction. This is
because of promotion take number of different forms.


Many managers subscribe to the belief that a satisfied worker is necessarily good worker. In
other words, if management could keep the entire worker's happy", good performance would
automatically fallow. There are two propositions concerning the satisfaction performance
relation ship. The first proposition, which is based on traditional view, is that satisfaction is
the effect rather than the cause of performance. This proposition says that efforts in a job
leads to rewards, which results in a certain level of satisfaction in another proposition, both
satisfaction and performance are considered to be functions of rewards.
Various research studies indicate that to a certain extent job satisfaction affects employee turn
over, and consequently organization can gain from lower turn over in terms of lower hiring
and training costs. Also research has shown an inverse relation between job satisfaction and
absenteeism. When job satisfaction is high there would be low absenteeism, but when job
satisfaction is low, it is more likely to lead a high absenteeism.

What job satisfaction people need?

Each employee wants:

• Recognition as an individual
• Meaningful task
• An opportunity to do something worthwhile.
• Job security for himself and his family
• Good wages
• Adequate benefits
• Opportunity to advance
• No arbitrary action- a voice a matters affecting him
• Satisfactory working conditions
• Competence leadership- bosses whom he can admire and respect as persons and as

However, the two concepts are interrelated in that job satisfaction can contribute to morale
and morale can contribute to job satisfaction.

It must be remembered that satisfaction and motivation are not synonyms. Motivation is a
drive to perform, where as satisfaction reflects the individual's attitude towards the situation.
The factors that determine whether individual is adequately satisfied with the job differs from
those that determine whether he or she is motivated. the level of job satisfaction is largely
determined by the comfits offered by the environment and the situation. Motivation, on the
other hand is largely determine by value of reward and their dependence on performance. The
result of high job satisfaction is increased commitment to the organization, which may or
may not result in better performance.

A wide range of factors affects an individual's level of satisfaction. While organizational

rewards can and do have an impact, job satisfaction is primarily determine by factors that are
usually not directly controlled by the organization. a high level of job satisfaction lead to
organizational commitment, while a low level, or dissatisfaction, result in a behavior
detrimental to the organization. For example, employee who like their jobs, supervisors, and
the factors related to the job will probably be loyal and devoted. People will work harder and
derive satisfaction if they are given the freedom to make their own decisions.


There are various methods and theories of measuring job satisfaction level of employees in
the orgnization given by different authers.

List of all the theorise and methods measuring job satisfaction level is given below:


• Affect theory(Edwin A. Locke 1976)

• Dispositional Theory(Timothy A. Judge 1988)
• Two-Factor Herzberg's) Theory (Motivator-Hygiene Theory) (Frederick
• Job Characteristics Model (Hackman & Oldham)
• Rating scale
• Personal interviews
• action tendencies
• Job enlargement
• Job rotation
• Change of pace
• Scheduled rest periods

Edwin A. Locke's Range of Affect Theory (1976) is arguably the most famous job satisfaction
model. The main premise of this theory is that satisfaction is determined by a discrepancy
between what one wants in a job and what one has in a job. Further, the theory states that how
much one values a given facet of work (e.g. the degree of autonomy in a position) moderates
how satisfied/dissatisfied one becomes when expectations are/aren't met. When a person
values a particular facet of a job, his satisfaction is more greatly impacted both positively
(when expectations are met) and negatively (when expectations are not met), compared to
one who doesn't value that facet. To illustrate, if Employee A values autonomy in the
workplace and Employee B is indifferent about autonomy, then Employee A would be more
satisfied in a position that offers a high degree of autonomy and less satisfied in a position
with little or no autonomy compared to Employee B. This theory also states that too much of
a particular facet will produce stronger feelings of dissatisfaction the more a worker values
that facet.


Another well-known job satisfaction theory is the Dispositional Theory it is a very general
theory that suggests that people have innate dispositions that cause them to have tendencies
toward a certain level of satisfaction, regardless of one's job. This approach became a notable
explanation of job satisfaction in light of evidence that job satisfaction tends to be stable over
time and across careers and jobs. Research also indicates that identical twins have similar
levels of job satisfaction.

A significant model that narrowed the scope of the Dispositional Theory was the Core Self-
evaluations Model, proposed by Timothy A. Judge in 1998. Judge argued that there are four
Core Self-evaluations that determine one's disposition towards job satisfaction: self-esteem,
general self-efficacy, locus of control, and neuroticism. This model states that higher levels of
self- esteem (the value one places on his self) and general self-efficacy (the belief in one's
own competence) lead to higher work satisfaction. Having an internal locus of control
(believing one has control over her\his own life, as opposed to outside forces having control)
leads to higher job satisfaction. Finally, lower levels of neuroticism lead to higher job


Frederick Hertzberg's Two-factor theory (also known as Motivator Hygiene Theory) attempts
to explain satisfaction and motivation in the workplace. This theory states that satisfaction
and dissatisfaction are driven by different factors motivation and hygiene factors,
respectively. Motivating factors are those aspects of the job that make people want to
perform, and provide people with satisfaction. These motivating factors are considered to be
intrinsic to the job, or the work carried out. Motivating factors include aspects of the working
environment such as pay, company policies, supervisory practices, and other working

While Hertzberg's model has stimulated much research, researchers have been unable to
reliably empirically prove the model, with Hackman & Oldham suggesting that Hertzberg's
original formulation of the model may have been a methodological artifactFurthermore, the
theory does not consider individual differences, conversely predicting all employees will
react in an identical manner to changes in motivating/hygiene factors.. Finally, the model has
been criticised in that it does not specify how motivating/hygiene factors are to be measured]


Hackman & Oldham proposed the Job Characteristics Model, which is widely used as a
framework to study how particular job characteristics impact on job outcomes, including job
The model states that there are five core job characteristics (skill variety, task identity, task
significance, autonomy, and feedback) which impact three critical psychological states
(experienced meaningfulness, experienced responsibility for outcomes, and knowledge of the
actual results), in turn influencing work outcomes (job satisfaction, absenteeism, work
motivation, etc.).

The five core job characteristics can be combined to form a motivating

potential score (MPS) for a job, which can be used as an index of how likely a job is to affect
an employee's attitudes and behaviors. A meta-analysis of studies that assess the framework
of the model provides some support for the validity of the JCM.


In this method of measuring job satisfaction the comparision between various orgnizational
terms and conditions at managerial level and also the orgnization at a large.



1. Management has a clear path for employee's advancement

2. Decisions are made keeping in mind the good of the employees
3. Management is extremely fair in personal policies
4. Physical working conditions are supportive in attaining targets
5. I nnovativeness is encouraged to meet business problems.


1. I feel I can trust what my supervisor tells me

2. My supervisor treats me fairly and with respect
3. My supervisor handles my work-related issues satisfactorily
4. I get frequent appreciation of work done from supervisors
5. I get enough support from the supervisor
6. Individual initiative is encouraged


1. Overall I am satisfied with the company's compensation package

2. I am satisfied with the medical benefits
3. I am satisfied with the conveyance allowance
4. I am satisfied with the retirement benefits
5. I am satisfied with the reimbursement of the expenses as per the eligibility
6. I am satisfied with the holiday (vacation) eligibilities


1. Management decisions are Ad Hoc and lack professionalism (reverse scaled)

2. Rules and procedures are followed uncompromisingly
1. My job responsibilities are well defined and clear


1. I have adequate opportunities to learn and grow

2. I get opportunities to handle greater responsibilities
3. My skills and abilities are adequately used at work

From all above we can conclude level of job satisfaction of our employees.

It is one of the most common methods of measuring job satisfaction. The popular rating scale
used to measure Job satisfaction is to include: Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaires: It helps
to obtain a clear picture of pertinent satisfactions and dissatisfactions of employees.

Job Description Index: it measures Job satisfaction on the dimension identified by Smith,
Kendall, Hullin. Porter Need Identification Questionnaires: It is used only for management
personnel and revolves around the problems and challenges faced by managers.


Fredrick Hertz berg and his Associates popularized this method of measuring Job satisfaction.
It involves asking employees to described incidents on job when they were particularly
satisfied or dissatisfied. Then the incidents are analyzed in terms of their contents and
identifying those related aspects responsible for the positive and negative attitudes.


This method facilitates an in-depth exploration through interviewing of job attitudes. The
main advantage in this method is that additional information or clarifications can be obtained


By this method, Job satisfaction can be measured by asking questions and gathering
information on how they feel like behaving with respect to certain aspects of their jobs. This
method provides employees more opportunity to express their in-depth feeling.

In his study on American employees, hoppock identified six factors that contributed to job
satisfaction among them. These are as follows:

1. The way individual reacts to unpleasant situations.

1. 2The facilities with which he adjust himself to other persons.
2. His relative's status in the social & economic group with which he identifies himself.
3. The nature of work in relation to the abilities, interest & preparation of the workers.
4. Security.
5. Loyalty.

Because human resource manager often serve as intermediaries between employees &
management in conflct.they are concern with Job satisfaction or general job attitudes with the

Philip apple white has listed the five major components of Job satisfaction as

1. Attitude towards work group.

1. General working conditions.
2. Attitude towards company.
3. Monitory benefits &
4. Attitude towards supervision

Other components that should be added to this five are individual's state of mind about the
work itself and about the life in general the individual's health, age, level of aspiration. Social
status and political & social activities can all contribute to the Job satisfaction. A person's
attitude toward his or her job may be positive or negative.


The concept of job enlargement originated after World War II. It is simply the organizing of
the work so as to relate the contents of the job to the capacity, actual and potential, of
workers. Job enlargement is oblivious forerunner of the concept and philosophy of job
design. Stephan offers three basic assumptions behind the concept of job enlargement.

Output will increase if

1. Workers abilities are fully utilized.
2. Worker has more control over the work.
3. Workers interest in work and workplace is stimulated.

Job enlargement is a generic term that broadly means adding more and different tasks to a
specialized job. It may widen the number of task the employee must do that is, add variety.
When additional simple task are added to a job, the process is called horizontal job
enlargement. This also presumably adds interest to the work and reduces monotony and

To check harmful effects of specialization, the engineering factors involved in each individual
job must be carefully analyzed. Perhaps, the assembly lines can be shortened so that there
will be more lines and fewer workers on each line. Moreover, instead of assigning one man to
each job and then allowed to decide for himself how to organize the work. Such changes
permit more social contacts and greater control over the work process.


Job rotation involves periodic assignments of an employee to completely different sets of job
activities. One way to tackle work routine is to use the job rotation. When an activity is no
longer challenging, the employee is rotated to another job, at the same level that has similar
skill requirements. Many companies are seeking a solution to on-the-job boredom through
systematically moving workers from one job to another. This practice provides more varieties
and gives employees a chance to learn additional skills. The company also benefits since the
workers are qualified to perform a number of different jobs in the event of an emergency.

Anything that will give the worker a chance to change his pace when he wishes will lend
variety to his work. Further if workers are permitted to change their pace that would give
them a sense of accomplishment.


Extensive research on the impact of rest periods indicates that they may increase both morale
and productivity. Scheduled rest periods bring many advantages:

• They counteract physical fatigue

• They provide variety and relieve monotony
• They are something to look forward to getting a break gives a sense of achievement.
• They provide opportunities for social contacts.


Subrata Roy (10 June 1948 – 14 November 2023) was an Indian businessman who founded
the business conglomerate Sahara India Pariwar in 1978.

• Born 10 June 1948
Araria, Bihar, India
• Died 14 November 2023(aged 75)
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
• Education Mechanical engineering

• Alma mater Government Technical Institute, Gorakhpur

• Occupation Founder and Chairman of Sahara India pariwar
• Years active 1978-2023
• Spouse Swapna Roy
• Children 2
Sahara India Pariwar operated a vast number of businesses, such as Aamby Valley City,
Sahara Movie Studios, Air Sahara, Uttar Pradesh Wizards, and Filmy, among others.

Roy was named the tenth-most influential Indian businessmen in 2012 by India Today. In
2004, the Sahara group was termed by Time magazine as "the second largest employer in
India after Indian Railways". Sahara operates through more than 5,000 establishments across
India and has a workforce of around 1.2 million (field and office) under the Sahara India

Subrata Roy was born into a Bengali Hindu family in Araria[citation needed] on 10 June
1948 to Sudhir Chandra Roy and Chhabi Roy. His father and mother came from Dhaka,
Bikrampur, East Bengal (now Bangladesh) from a rich landlord family named Bhagyakul

Roy studied at Holy Child Institute in Kolkata and later studied mechanical engineering at
Government Technical Institute, Gorakhpur. Roy started his first business in Gorakhpur.


Sahara India Pariwar (pariwar being Hindi for "family") is an Indian conglomerate
headquartered in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India. The group operates business sectors such as
finance, infrastructure & housing, real estate, sports, power, manufacturing, media &
entertainment, health care, life insurance, educational institute, offline online education
(edunguru), retail, E-commerce (online/offline shopping), electrical vehicle (sahara evols),
hospital, artificial intelligence, hospitality, and co-operative society. The group has been a
major promoter of sports in India and was the title sponsor of the Indian national cricket
team, Indian national hockey team and Bangladesh national cricket team, Force India
Formula One team among many other sports.


 Type Private

 Industry Conglomerate

 Founded 1978; 45 years ago(Gorakhpur, India)

 Founder Subrata Roy

 Type Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India

 Industry Worldwide

 Products Financial services, Construction, Mass media and

entertainment, Real Estate, Sports, Power,
Manufacturing, Digital education, E-commerce
Electric vehicle, Hospital, Hospitality, Life insurance,
Artificial intelligence, Co-operative society, Retail, IT
and outsourcing.

 Number Of employees 12lakh (includes salaried employees, consultants, field

workers, agents & business associates)

Sahara India Pariwar was founded by Subrata Roy Sahara in 1978.In 2004, Sahara group was
termed by the Time magazine as ‘the second largest employer in India' after the Indian
Railways. The group operates more than 5,000 establishments across India with the employee
strength around 12 lakh (both field and office) under the Sahara India umbrella.

 Real estate

Sahara India Real Estate Company and the Sahara Housing Investment Corporation are
subsidiaries of the conglomerate. They buy and develop land for residential housing projects
across India. The company has its projects spread in almost all over India. Sahara has a
collaboration with Turner Construction, an American building company, in some of its

 Electric vehicles

Sahara India Pariwar announced the launch of Electric Vehicles under the brand name Sahara
Evols in June 2019.The product line of Sahara Evols initially consists of motorbikes,
scooters, e-rickshaws and 3-wheeler cargo vehicles, charging stations and EV batteries.
 Sports

Sahara owns several professional sports teams in India in a variety of sports. In badminton, it
owns the Awadhe Warriors of Lucknow, one of the eight teams in the Indian Badminton
League. It owned the Pune Warriors India, a franchise cricket team that played in the Indian
Premier League (IPL).

The company launched the Sahara Warriors Polo Team in 2012.From 2005 to 2014 Calcutta
Football League was sponsored by Sahara. In July 2012, Sahara India Pariwar picked up the
Lucknow franchise of the Hockey India League, the Uttar Pradesh Wizards. It was also the
sponsor of the Bangladesh Cricket Team from 2012 to 2015.

 Media and entertainment

1. The group owns the national Hindi news channel Jain TV.
2. The group owns Headend-in-the-sky Platform Jain hits.

 Hotels

Grosvenor House Hotel, 1920s postcard illustration

Sahara owned a controlling stake in New York's Plaza Hotel and Dream Downtown Hotel,
New York. Sahara sold the hotel to Katara Hospitality in July 2018.

In India, the group owns the "Sahara Star" hotel near Mumbai's Chhatrapati Shivaji
International Airport.

 Finance
Sahara has interests in insurance and asset management. Sahara India Life Insurance
Company Ltd.- has been granted licence by the insurance regulator – the IRDAI on 6
February 2004. With this approval, Sahara India Life Insurance Company Ltd. becomes the
first 100% wholly and purely Indian company, without any foreign collaboration to enter the
Indian Life insurance market. The launch is with an initial paid-up capital of ₹157 crores.
Sahara India Life Insurance Company Ltd. (SILICA) is a life insurance company in the
private sector, Sahara Asset Management Company Pvt. Ltd. manages 16 equity and debt
mutual funds. Sahara Banking & Financial Services Fund has been adjudged the Best
Performing Banking Sector Fund over a three-year performance by the international agency
"Lippers" in 2012.

 Retail

On 13 August 2012, Sahara India announced the opening of its retail FMCG business named
'Q shop' (Quality shop) with an initial investment of ₹3,000 crores. Sahara also announced
hiring 6,00,000 sales personnel and 3,000 customer care executives. At its launch, Subrata
Roy said that Sahara had been planning for this venture for the last two years and was
opening 'Q shops' in major cities across the country to provide adulteration-free consumer
merchandise including processed food and beverages to buyers. The group said it would set
up 305 warehouses in 285 cities in a phased manner.

Sahara India Pariwar , Sahara Q Shop entered into the Guinness World Records when it
opened 315 outlets in 10 states of India, just at one time on 1 April 2013.

 Health care

The group owns a hospital in Lucknow by the name Sahara Hospital. This hospital became
operational in February 2009 and is currently operating with approximately 350 beds,
including 120 bed Critical Care Infrastructure which is expandable to 554 beds.

 Information technology

Under the name "Sahara Next", the company offers information technology consulting
services in banking, finance, media and entertainment, chemicals, and CRM.
Subrata Roy has been planning to foray into online education in India, which is targeted at
small towns and villages. He has put in place a team that consists of members from top
universities and colleges across India and abroad. The route map of the program has been
prepared, and 14,000 hours of lectures have been prepared for this. The group also announced
on 1 July 2018, that it is entering into new businesses which are at different levels of
development, and will be launched one after another in the year.

 Former

The group owned an airline, Air Sahara, which it sold to Jet Airways in 2007.

In October 2011, Sahara purchased 42.5% of the Force India Formula One team.The team
finished as best 4th in the constructors championship in 2016 and 2017.

British driver Paul di Resta driving the Force India VJM05 carrying Sahara branding

The team went into administration in mid-2018 and was later sold and renamed Racing Point
Force India F1 Team.

The group runs a school in Pune, the International School Aamby – Aamby Valley.

At Sahara India Pariwar, you will get an opportunity to work with the best professionals to
develop business solutions that touch the lives of millions of people of our great nation.

We, at Sahara India Pariwar, value our employees as we strongly believe that they are the key
to our success. Talented individuals are granted freedom to explore and deliver innovative
business solutions. Join us in our endeavor of building an India full of energy and radiance.

Who We Are

Sahara India Pariwar, the World's Largest Family, is a major business conglomerate in India,
with operations and offices across India and other countries. We are into multiple sectors like
Financial Services & Life Insurance, Housing Finance, Infrastructure & Housing, Print and
Television News Media, Entertainment Channels, Healthcare, Education, Electric Vehicles,
Hospitality, Manufacturing, Sports and Information Technology including many other
Our Values

We Value Resolve, We Value our People, We Lead. “We need the dynamism which Aims to

Give Respect To definitely make others feel important and respected by giving sincere regard
to others' feelings, reasonable wishes & thoughts with an open and receptive mind and

Self-Respect To develop a sense of respect for oneself in others' mind, i.e. to generate
genuine & warm feelings for oneself among others on a continuous basis.

Collective Materialism Means to progress and prosper together for collective sharing and
caring and not individually or for a select group.

Religion There is a religion higher than religion itself - it is NATIONALITY. We may

practise our religion in the confines of our homes, but outside, we should be Indians and only
Indians. Nationality is thus above religion but HUMANKIND is above Nationality.

Absolute Honesty People generally manipulate and deceive for achieving their unreasonable
desires and greed if others do not or cannot see, hear or understand. But we firmly believe
that our mind inside knows the truth and we should be absolutely honest to our mind inside
and accordingly our actions, reactions, directions, decisions and all our expressions should be
present in all human dealings.

If you also strongly believe in 'Our Values' and have the determination, commitment and zeal
to work in a progressive organisation, kindly apply as per your experience.
Disclaimer: If there will be a job matching your profile, we will get back to you. The
applicants beware and ignore any and all kind of agents who fraudulently promise job
assurance/selection in Sahara India Pariwar in lieu of money. Sahara India Pariwar will not be
responsible for liability of any kind arising out of such fraudulent activity.


Since inception in 1978 till date, not a single rupee has been declared as dividend by the
group and nobody has ever had a share in the profits.
At the onset of the 25th year (1st Feb. 2002), 25% - 50% hike in Gross Salary for Sahara
employees finds a mention in the Limca Book of Records. Currently, members from all
cadres are receiving a higher remuneration compared to their counterparts in the Central
Government of India, along with contributory provident fund, gratuity, pension and other


Sahara Welfare Foundation (SWF)

An Emotional Commitment towards Society

• SWF is a non-profit company registered under section 25 of the Company

Act, 1956; (now section 8 in the amended Act, 2013) is engaged in making
constant endeavours for social upliftment and development.
• From 1997, welfare initiatives aimed at socially and economically
marginalized people & communities - irrespective of age, caste, class,
gender or race – for bringing about improvement in their overall standard
of living which eventually would lead to their dignified and respectful life.
• SWF, a self-financed entity, utilizes 25% of the total profit of Sahara India
Pariwar for social welfare and CSR initiative.

CSR and Social Welfare Initiatives undertaken by Sahara Welfare Foundation are as follows:

1. Relief and Rehabilitation

(A) Gujarat Earthquake Relief: Sahara Gram

• Emotionally adopted Bhimasar Chakasar village in Bhuj district in 2001

• Constructed 839 houses for earthquake victims

(B) Kargil Martyrs

• 272 families of Kargil Martyrs adopted to provide economic and emotional

& educational support.

(C) Mumbai Martyrs

• Financial assistance equivalent to 5 times of their last drawn salary,

provided to the 18 families of Mumbai Martyrs’ for 10 years.

(D) Rehabilitation Centres for Divyangs

• 2 centres established at Lucknow and Gorakhpur in Uttar Pradesh.

• Over 25,500 differently abled persons have benefited

(E) Latur Earthquake Relief – Sahara Wadi

• Earthquake resistant houses constructed for survivors of Latur Earthquake.

• Houses handed over to the residents of the village by the 'Ambassador of
Humanity' Nobel Laureate and Saint Mother Teresa.

(F) Flood and Draught Relief Operations

• Flood being the most rampant cause of many National Disasters, our
organisation has pro-actively responded providing necessary men and
material support.
• 1.5 million people benefited over the last 20 years.
(G) Uttarakhand Relief

• VEDAS, was the first corporate foundation team to intervene and provide
aid to the victims.
• Relief materials such as food packets, drinking water, temporary shelter,
blankets, sleeping bags and health beverages provided to over 25,000
• Medical relief to over 5000 victims provided by a fleet of 15 Mobile
Health Units.

(H) Dantewara Martyrs’ family assistance

• Financial assistance was given to the families of the brave CRPF Jawans
who lost their lives during the attack by the Naxalites in the forests of
Mukrana in Dantewada district of Chhattisgarh.

2. Education and Health

(A) Sakshar Bharat

• Quality education to underprivileged children and adults of urban slums,

with the purpose to improve their overall personality and make them aware
of Civic & Social issues
• Over 12,000 children benefitted so far.

(B) Scholarship

• Over 1,500 new scholarships given annually to needy talented students,

including scholarship initiatives for budding sportspersons.
(C) Jan Swasthya Project (Urban Slums)

• Health care to the urban slum dwellers and their families - successfully
converged with the national programs of the Government of India.
• 1.155 million people (approximately) benefitted so far.

(D) Pulse Polio

• Sahara Welfare Foundation has been participating in the Nation's Flagship

Program-Pulse Polio Immunization since 1997.
• Over 2 lakh children have been vaccinated in this program.

(E) NCC Scholarship

• For the first time in India, a private group has come forward with a
scholarship program to encourage young NCC cadets.
• To acknowledge and award young NCC cadets for their discipline and
sense of social service.
• Stipends and incentives to over 980 cadets

(F) Mobile Health Units

• Medical care extended to nearly 6.02 million patients with 33 Mobile

Health Units across 1,025 villages in 28 districts in 4 states. Now, 20
blocks in six districts of UP and Maharashtra are being covered. 12
villages/semi-urban area in each block is being covered.
• Includes disaster relief to 20,000 people and over 12,500 referrals to
Government Hospitals
(G) Behaviour Change Communication

• Medical Care & counselling extended to nearly 8,500 children.

3.Social Security Scheme

• Financial assistance to death victim’s immediate family who are above 18

years of age and listed in voter list of Lucknow, Gorakhpur & Pune.

4.(a) Promotion of Sports & Games and for the Underprivileged

 Promotion of Sports & Games through BCCI

 Common Wealth Games - Winners Award
 Promotion of Sports amongst disabled and rural youth

(b) Social Enterprise & Welfare

 Developing Self-Help Groups and R&D for Jute production

 Programs in Education, Health, Social & Cultural causes undertaken.

5. Civic Construction

 Massive construction activities undertaken in several cities that add to civic

 Construction, Renovation and Maintenance of Cremation grounds (Baikunth
Dham) at six places at Bhainsakund and Alam Bagh at Lucknow, Gorakhpur,
Ayodhya, Patna and Vidyanchal
 Bharat Ma Naman Sthal at Muzaffarpur in Bihar and Mount Abu in Rajasthan,
 Renovation of Memorials of Freedom Fighters such as Pundit Ram Prasad
Bismil, Shaheed Smark, Ghazipur, Shaheed Khudi Ram Bose Smark,
 Parks like Prerna Park,Sankalp Vatika and Sankalp Upvan at Lucknow as well
as Sankalp Udyan at Gorakhpur
 Village Arterial Roads and Crossings like Sankalp Sthal and J P Chowk at
Gorakhpur, Beria Chowk at Muzaffarpur, Sankalp Chowk at Hardoi also
 Drinking water and sanitation projects also undertaken at Lavkush locality of
Indira Nagar as well as East Bengal Refugee Society, Daliganj, Lucknow


• Village Esteem Development Adoption by Sahara (VEDAS), was a

flagship project of Sahara India Pariwar for Rural Development, adopting
target villages for overall development
• Initiatives includes Public/Primary Health Care Services, Joyful
Qualitative Education, Empowerment programs in Skill Development &
Agriculture, Providing Safe Drinking Water & maintenance of water
resources, Awareness on proper Sanitation & Personal Hygiene, Programs
on Safe Migration
• VEDAS Handshake with Ex-servicemen– another initiative with the
objective of providing them and their dependents meaningful employment
and empowering the disadvantaged.

7. Skill Development Initiatives (Empowerment)

• Until December 2018, centre was operated from Sahara Arts and
Management Academy premises. Now it is operational from Rudahi
village. It caters to the vocational skills of the youth residing in the nearby
semi-urban and rural areas. It was funded by the M/s Sahara India Life
Insurance Company Ltd from April 2016 to March 2018 as part of its CSR
program. Subsequently, it has continued the activities that were initiated
for Sahara India Life Insurance Company Ltd.
• Computer proficiency imparted to over 625 poor youth (male and female)
in Lucknow. The syllabus of this course is duly recognized by UPDESCO.
• 1175 adolescent girls and women have been trained in vocational skills
like sewing and embroidery as well as application of mehendi art and
paper bag making.
• Scholarship to the poor but meritorious girl students of the state of Uttar
Pradesh. Under this, 702 girls studying from Class VI to Class XII have
been covered and provided financial assistance of ?11,000 each to pursue
their studies.
• Over 500, 000 plant saplings distributed in different institutions of
Lucknow to promote the cause of forestation

Future Plan

Aside from the ongoing programs, the following schemes are also being envisaged for

• In collaboration with the Jan Shikshan Sansthan, Lucknow, skill

development programs in four trades- computer application, tailoring and
embroidery, beautician and processed food are to be implemented.
• Short duration environment sensitization and education program for
elementary school children in the selected schools of the Bakshi Ka Talab
block, Lucknow

8.Promotion of Family Values

Samuhik Vivah Samaroh

• The Samaroh witnessed 'Kanyadaan' to over 1,111 underprivileged girls of
the society for the last 11 year.

Besides the above, Social Welfare Foundation has also engaged in many other welfare and
CSR initiatives aimed at supporting communities in need.

• To find that whether the employees are satisfied or not.

• To analyse the company's working environment.
• To check the Degree of satisfaction of employees.
• To find that they are satisfied with their job profile or not.
• To find that employees are working with their full capabilities or not.


Research refers to a search for knowledge. It is a systematic method of collecting and

recording the facts in the form of numerical data relevant to the formulated problem and
arriving at certain conclusions over the problem based on collected data.

Thus formulation of the problem is the first and foremost step in the research process
followed by the collection, recording, tabulation and analysis and drawing the conclusions.
The problem formulation starts with defining the problem or number of problems in the
functional area. To detect the functional area and locate the exact problem is most important
part of any research as the whole research is based on the problem.

According to Clifford Woody research comprises defining and redefining problems,

formulating hypothesis or suggested solutions: collecting, organizing and evaluating data:
making deductions and reaching conclusions: and at last carefully testing the conclusions to
determine whether they fit the formulating hypothesis.

Research can be defined as "the manipulation of things, concepts or symbols for the purpose
of generalizing to extend, correct or verify knowledge, whether that knowledge aids in
construction of theory or in the practice of an art"

In short, the search for knowledge through objective and systematic method of finding
solution to a problem is research.

The questionnaire is considered as the most important thing in a survey operation. Hence it
should be carefully constructed. Structured questionnaire consist of only fixed alternative
questions. Such type of questionnaire is inexpensive to analysis and easy to administer. All
questions are closed ended.


It was divided into following parts:

Sampling universe

All the employees are the sampling universe for the research.

Sampling technique

Judgmental sampling

Sample was taken on judgmental basis. The advantage of sampling are that it is much less
costly, quicker and analysis will become easier. Sample size taken was 100 employees.


The research has been undertaken with following objectives.

 To study the level of job satisfaction among the employees of SAHARA INDIA
 To study the methods of measuring job satisfaction of SAHARA INDIA PARIWAR.

The task of data collection begins after the research problem has been defined and research
design chalked out. While deciding the method of data collection to be used for the study, the
researcher should keep in mind two types of data viz. Primary and secondary data.

Primary Data: -

The primary data are those, which are collected afresh and for the first time and thus happen
to be original in character. The primary data were collected through well-designed and
structured questionnaires based on the objectives.

Secondary Data:

The secondary data are those, which have already been collected by someone else and passed
through statistical process. The secondary data required of the research was collected through
various newspapers, and Internet etc.


The study was thoughtful for knowing the existing job satisfaction level of the employees of
SAHARA INDIA PARIWAAR for the study, the study was restricted to SAHARA INDIA

This graph shows that 60% of employees are strongly agree about the point , 15% of
employees are agree on the point, 15% are neither agree nor disagree,10% are disagree
and rest 0% of employees are strongly disagree.
This graph shows that 85% of employees are strongly agree about the point , 10% of
employees are agree on the point, 5% are neither agree nor disagree,0% are disagree
and rest 0% of employees are strongly disagree.
This graph shows that 0% of employees are strongly agree about the point, 20% of
employees are agree on the point, 15% are neither agree nor disagree,15% are disagree
and rest 50% of employees are strongly disagree.
This graph shows that 50% of employees are strongly agree about the point , 30% of
employees are agree on the point, 20% are neither agree nor disagree,0% are disagree
and rest 0% of employees are strongly disagree.
This graph shows that 0% of employees are strongly agree about the point ,0% of
employees are agree on the point, 20% are neither agree nor disagree,60% are disagree
and rest 20% of employees are strongly disagree.
This graph shows that 10% of employees are strongly agree about the point , 30% of
employees are agree on the point, 60% are neither agree nor disagree,0% are disagree
and rest 0% of employees are strongly disagree.
This graph shows that 0% of employees are strongly agree about the point ,0% of
employees are agree on the point, 10% are neither agree nor disagree,55% are disagree
and rest 35% of employees are strongly disagree.
This graph shows that 75% of employees are strongly agree about the point , 10% of
employees are agree on the point, 10% are neither agree nor disagree,5% are disagree
and rest 0% of employees are strongly disagree.
This graph shows that 40% of employees are strongly agree about the point , 35% of
employees are agree on the point, 25% are neither agree nor disagree,0% are disagree
and rest 0% of employees are strongly disagree.
This graph shows that 0% of employees are strongly agree about the point , 40% of
employees are agree on the point, 20% are neither agree nor disagree,40% are disagree
and rest 0% of employees are strongly disagree.

• Employees are not completely satisfied with their job although their salary is good
• Employees are not getting value to their work.
• Most of employees think that they are not on their actual path.
• Most of the employees think that the organization haven't fulfill their promises, what
they do in beginning especially regarding Promotion.
• There is negatively comparison between peers especially regarding targets.

They often feel overworked.


However I shall try my best in collecting the relevant information for my research report, yet
there are always some problems faced by the researcher. The prime difficulties which I face
in collection of information are discussed below :-

1. Short time period: The time period for carrying out the research was short as a result
of which many facts have been left unexplored.
2. Lack of resources: Lack of time and other resources as it was not possible to conduct
survey at large level.
3. Small no. of respondents: Only 20 employees have been chosen which is a small
number, to represent whole of the population.
4. Unwillingness of respondents: While collection of the data many consumers were
unwilling to fill the questionnaire. Respondents were having a feeling of wastage of
time for them.
5. Small area for research: The area for study was Kaithal, which is quite a small area
to judge job satisfaction level.

To increase the job satisfaction level of the employees the company should concentrate
mainly on the incentive and reward structure rather than the motivational session.

• Ideal employees should concentrate on their job.

• Educational qualification can be the factor of not an effective job.
• Company should give promotion to those employees who deserves.

Books: -

 Hitt, Miller, Colella “Organizational Behavior A Strategic Approach”, Wiley Student’s


 Luthans Fred “Organizational Behavior”, McGraw Hill 7th Edition.

 Newstrom John W., Davis Keith, “Organizational Behavior Human Resource At

Work”, 9th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Edition.
 Pestonjee D. M. “Motivation and Job Satisfaction”, 1st Edition. Macmillan India
 Kothari C.R., Research Methodology, New Delhi; New Age International
Publication, second edition.



1. I have been passed up at least once for a promotion in the past few years.
• Strongly Agree
• Agree
• Neither Agree nor Disagree
• Disagree
• Strongly Disagree

2. I spend parts of my day daydreaming about a better job.
• Strongly Agree
• Agree
• Neither Agree nor Disagree
• Disagree
• Strongly Disagree

3. I find much of my job repetitive and boring.

• Strongly Agree
• Agree
• Neither Agree nor Disagree
• Disagree
• Strongly Disagree

4. I am mentally and/or physically exhausted at the end of a day at work.

• Strongly Agree
• Agree
• Neither Agree nor Disagree
• Disagree
• Strongly Disagree

5. I feel that my job has little impact on the success of the company.
• Strongly Agree
• Agree
• Neither Agree nor Disagree
• Disagree
• Strongly Disagree
6. I have an increasingly bad attitude toward my job, boss, and employer .
• Strongly Agree
• Agree
• Neither Agree nor Disagree
• Disagree
• Strongly Disagree

7. I am no longer given the resources I need to successfully do my job.

• Strongly Agree
• Agree
• Neither Agree nor Disagree
• Disagree
• Strongly Disagree

8. I am not being used to my full capabilities.

• Strongly Agree
• Agree
• Neither Agree nor Disagree
• Disagree
• Strongly Disagree

9. I have received no better than "fair" evaluations recently.

• Strongly Agree
• Agree
• Neither Agree nor Disagree
• Disagree
• Strongly Disagree

10. I feel as though my boss and employer have let me down.

• Strongly Agree
• Agree
• Neither Agree nor Disagree
• Disagree

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