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Thanks for the explanation leo, youre doing so well and know I want to

continoue about the topic how to build and maintain a good

realtionship with supplier.
The third point is Decision synchronization
By taking joint together decisions between companies and suppliers, it
can be reduce conflicts in supply chain relationships.
Jadi, dengan mengambil keputusan bersama antara perusahaan dan
supplier maka itu bisa menjaga hubungan dan terhindar dari konflik
dengan supplier, contohnya ketika perusahaan x membuat regulasi
tentang supplier harus a, b, dan c tapi tidak memperhitungkan
bagaimana dampak dari pihak suppliernya maka itu akan
mengecewakan supplier.
The fourth point is Evaluation of Supplier
as we know the evaluation is for measuring and monitoring supplier
performance results. The results of the supplier performance
evaluation can be used as a basis for allocating orders in the future.
Jadi, evaluasi itu penting untuk mengukur dan memonitoring sejauh
mana performa dari supplier, apakah stagnan atau kearah yang menuju
positif, itu ditentukan dari bagaimana supplier itu sendiri, ketika sudah
mendapat evaluasi nya baru berkomunikasi dengan supplier kembali
agar solusi akan masalah itu terselesaikan dengan baik.

So that’s all the 4 activities for build and maintain good relationship
with supplier. And for the conclusion is
The supplier is can be simple explain like the person and how to keep
they are stay with us, and in relationship the most important is
communication like how to bad and good suggestion how suppose to
be in a future. And for the other implementions is the 4 activites what
have we explain about. So yeah if we running the activites in a good
way so yeah ofc the relationship will keep on positive way.
Jadi, kesimpulanya ketika menjalankan 4 aktivitas tadi dengan baik
maka hasil hubungan pun akan baik juga.

So that’s all from us, thank for your attention and thank for listened us.

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