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Key performance indicators (KPIs) are the elements of your organization’s plan that express what

outcomes you are seeking and how you will measure their success.

Finance KPIs and metrics

Gross Profit Margin: How much revenue you have left after COGS?

Operating Profit Margin: How is your EBIT developing over time?

Operating Expense Ratio: How do you optimize your operating expenses?

Fixed Operating Expenses: What are the fixed costs of your operations?

Variable Operating Expenses: What are the highest variable costs?

Operating Expenses Development: How are your operating costs developing?

Net Profit Margin: How well your company increases its net profit?

Working Capital: Is your company in stable financial health?

Current Ratio: Can you pay your short-term obligations?

Quick Ratio / Acid Test: Is your company’s liquidity healthy?

Berry Ratio: Are you losing money or generating profit?

Cash Conversion Cycle: How fast can you convert resources into cash?

Accounts Payable Turnover: Are you paying expenses at a reasonable speed?

Accounts Receivable Turnover: How quickly do you collect payments?

Vendor Payment Error Rate: Are you processing your invoices productively?

Budget Variance: Is your budgeting accurate and realistic?

Actual vs Forecast Expenses: Are you meeting your expected costs?

Actual vs Forecast Income: Are you reaching your expected revenue?

Return on Assets: Do you utilize your company’s assets efficiently?

Return on Equity: How much profit do you generate for shareholders?

Economic Value Added: Do you generate true economic profit?

Employee Satisfaction: Will your team recommend you as a workplace?

Payroll Headcount Ratio: How do you utilize your labor force?

Sales KPIs and metrics

Sales Growth: Is your business growing steadily?

Sales Target: Are you on track regarding the sales targets?

Customer Acquisition Cost: How much does a new customer cost?

Average Revenue per Unit: What is your average revenue per user?

Customer Lifetime Value: How much do you expect to earn per customer?

Customer Churn Rate: How many customers do you lose?

Average Sales Cycle Length: How do you shorten your sales cycle?

Lead-to-Opportunity Ratio: How about your lead quality?

Opportunity-to-Win Ratio: How many qualified leads result in closing a deal?

Lead Conversion Ratio: Is your conversion ratio stable?

Number of Sales Opportunities: What is your potential purchase volume?

Sales Opportunity Score: Do you prioritize your sales opportunities?

Average Purchase Value: Is your average purchase value sustainable?

Sales Volume by Country: Which are your target countries?

Revenue & Profit per Product: Which are your most profitable products?

Revenue per Sales Rep: How much revenue do your sales rep bring?

Profit Margin per Sales Rep: Is your sales team profitable as expected?

NPS per Sales Rep: Are sales reps offering a good service?

Upsell & Cross-Sell Rates: How do you increase your revenue and ROI?

Incremental Sales by Campaign: Which campaign brings you the best results?
Human resource KPIs and metrics

Absenteeism Rate: Evaluate the engagement of your employees

Overtime Hours: Monitor your employees' workload in detail

Training Costs: Analyze the investments in your employees

Salary Cost By Department: Breakdown your total salary costs

Salary Cost Development By Department: See department salary-revenue ratios

Salary Cost Development By Country: Analyze salary-revenue ratios per country

Employee Productivity: Track the overall effectiveness of your workforce

Talent Satisfaction: Ensure your employees are satisfied in the long run

Manager Feedback Score: See if employees are satisfied with their managers

Cost per Hire: Analyze what it takes to find the perfect fit

Recruiting Conversion Rate: Find the best recruitment method

Time to Fill: Monitor how long you need to find a new employee

Headcount Development: Monitor vacancies and new hires

Average Job Tenure: Analyze how long employees stay in the company

Talent Rating: Assess the quality of your employees

Employee Turnover Rate: See how your retention efforts work

Talent Turnover Rate: Evaluate how many talents you continually change

Turnover Rate By Group: Monitor if your diversity groups are satisfied

Dismissal Rate: Find out if you’re recruiting the right employees

Female to Male Ratio: Understand the gender diversity in your company

Gender Diversity by Role: Track gender share in managerial positions

Gender Ratio By Department: Track gender share across departments

Ethnicity Diversity: Discover how diverse your departments are

Recruitment Breakdown By Ethnicity: Ensure a diverse recruitment process

Part-Time Employees: Watch the evolution of part-time workers over time

Average Time Stay: See how long your employees stay in your company

Marketing KPIs and metrics

Cost per Acquisition: Are your customer acquisition costs viable?

Cost per Lead: How much should you spend per lead?

Sales Target & Growth: Is your sales growing and reaching its targets?

Average Order Value: What is the average shopping cart value?

ROI: How efficiently are you spending your marketing dollars?

Customer Lifetime Value: Are new customers profitable in the long-run?

Website-Traffic-to-Lead Ratio: How does your website convert?

Lead-to-MQL Ratio: How does the marketing qualify your generated leads?

MQL-to-SQL Ratio: Which requirements has the sales team for your leads?

Goal Conversion Rate: How well are you hitting your business objectives?

Average Time to Conversion: How fast your visitors convert?

Landing Page Conversion Rate: What pages and content are performing best?

Cost per Click: Are you getting the most bang for your buck?

Bounce Rate: Do your visitors find what they are looking for?

Engagement Rate: How well do users respond to your content?

Click Through Rate: Are your ads and content resulting in attention?
Customer service KPIs and metrics

Average Response Time: Measure the time your customers are on hold

First Call Resolution: Avoid customers calling back for the same issue

Average Resolution Time: Monitor the time it takes to solve an issue

Cost Per Resolution: Track the costs of solving issues

Customer Churn: Ensure your customers keep doing business with you

Top Support Agents: Find out who is your star agent in the team

Number of Issues: Monitor the number and nature of issues over time

Total & Solved Tickets By Channel: Keep track of ticket’s status

Abandon Rate: Learn how many customers leave without a solution

Customer Satisfaction: Get insights on what your clients' think about you

Net Promoter Score: Evaluate the power of your referrals

Customer Effort Score: Get valuable feedback on the customer experience

Customer Retention: Evaluate how many customers are coming back

Net Retention Rate: Calculate how much business growth you generate

Service Level: See if you deliver the services as you committed to

Support Costs vs Revenue: Monitor support costs in percentage of revenue

Revenue Churn: Track how much revenue you’ve lost from existing customers

MRR Growth Rate: Keep an eye on your recurring revenue at all times
Procurement KPIs and metrics

Compliance Rate: Understand if suppliers fulfill your requirements

Number of Suppliers: Track your level of dependency towards your suppliers

Purchase Order Cycle Time: Know who to address your urgent orders to

Purchase Price Variance: Track standard vs actual purchasing price

Purchase Order Coverage: Monitor if invoices match to purchase orders

Supplier Quality Rating: Analyze the quality of your suppliers

Supplier Availability: Measure suppliers’ capacity to respond to demand

Supplier Defect Rate: Evaluate your suppliers’ individual quality

Vendor Rejection Rate & Costs: Examine your quality management strategies

Lead Time: Understand the total time to fulfill an order

Emergency Purchase Ratio: Track the number of your emergency purchases

Purchases In Time & Budget: Monitor purchasing time & budget

Cost of Purchase Order: Control the internal costs incurred by each purchase

Procurement Cost Reduction: Streamline the tangible costs savings

Procurement Cost Avoidance: Avoid potential extra costs in the future

Maverick Spend: Monitor your non-contracted spending

Spend Under Management: Track and optimize your expenditures

Procurement ROI: Determine the profitability of investments

IT KPIs and metrics

Total vs. Open Tickets: Do you measure the ticket churn over time?

Projects Delivered on Budget: Can you keep your budget within limits?

Average Handle Time: How do you keep your tasks under control?

New Developed Features: How many features do you continually develop?

Number of Critical Bugs: How many bugs do you regularly encounter?

Server Downtime: Do you know why and when downtime happens?

Backup Frequency: How frequently do you back up your data?

Cyber Security Rating: How is your overall security strategy?

Amount Of Intrusion Attempts: What frequency & type of threats do you face?

Mean Time To Detect: How long it takes you to detect an attack threat?

Mean Time to Repair: How efficiently you deal with unexpected events?

Phishing Test Success Rate: Are your employees aware of potential threats?

Unsolved Tickets per Employee: Do you monitor employee’s effectiveness?

Reopened Tickets: Are you handling your tickets efficiently?

IT Support Employees per End Users: Do you have enough IT support?

Accuracy of Estimates: Do you estimate your team’s time correctly?

IT ROI: How profitable are your investments?

IT Costs Break Down: Are you able to identify your costs’ breakdown?

IT Costs vs. Revenue: Do you compare your IT expenses to your revenue?

Team Attrition Rate: Do you manage to keep talented employees?

Healthcare KPIs and metrics

Average Hospital Stay: Evaluate the amount of time patients are staying

Bed Occupancy Rate: Monitor the availability of hospital beds

Medical Equipment Utilization: Track the utilization of your equipment

Patient Drug Cost Per Stay: Improve cost management of medications

Treatment Costs: Calculate how much a patient costs to your facility

Operating Cash Flow: Monitor the financial health of your facility

Net Profit Margin: Ensure your facility remains profitable

Patient Room Turnover Rate: Balance the turnover with speed and quality

Patient Follow-up Rate: Measure the care for your patients over time

Hospital Readmission Rates: Track how many patients are coming back

Patient Wait Time: Monitor waiting times to increase patient satisfaction

Patient Satisfaction: Analyze patient satisfaction in detail

Claims Denial Rate: Ensure medical costs are covered

Treatment Error Rate: Make sure you provide the right treatment

Patient Mortality Rate: Prevent patient mortality under your care

Staff-to-Patient Ratio: Ensure you have enough staff to care for patients

Canceled/missed appointments: Keep track of patients’ appointments

Patient Safety: Prevent incidents happening in your facility

ER Wait Time: Identify rush hours in your emergency room

Costs by Payer: Understand the type of health insurance of your patients

Logistics KPIs and metrics

Shipping Time: Spot potential issues in your order fulfillment process

Order Accuracy: Monitor the degree of incidents

Picking Accuracy: How many orders are picked without errors?

Delivery Time: Track your average delivery time in detail

Pick & Pack Cycle Time: Track the time it takes to pick and pack your orders

Order Cycle Time: Monitor the time it takes to ship an order

Equipment Utilization Rate: Is your equipment enough for your workforce?

Trailer Utilization Rate: Monitor the percentage of trailer space being utilized

Transportation Costs: Analyze all costs from the order placement to delivery

Dwell Time: Reduce the time drivers are waiting to drop off or pick up orders

Inventory Carrying Costs: Track all related costs of storing unsold inventory

Warehousing Costs: Optimize the expenses of your warehouse

Pick & Pack Costs: Monitor all costs related to your pick & pack process

Operating Ratio: Track the profitability of your operations

Use of Packing Material: Optimize your materials usage

Number of Shipments: Understand how many orders are shipped

Inventory Accuracy: Avoid problems because of inaccurate inventory

Inventory Turnover: Track how many times your entire inventory is sold

Inventory to Sales Ratio: Identify a potential overstock

Manufacturing KPIs and metrics

Production Volume: Track the quantities that you are able to produce

Production Downtime: Analyze and optimize your maintenance

Production Costs: Monitor the costs implied in the production

Overall Operations Effectiveness (OOE): Evaluate your operational efficiency

Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE): Assess the scheduled efficiency

Total Effective Equipment Performance (TEEP): Track overall effectiveness

Capacity Utilization: Maximize the use of your capacities

Throughput: Measure your production capabilities

First Pass Yield: Monitor your production quality

Scrap Rate: Track the amount of failed units

Defect Density: Track the damaged items right away

Rate of Return: Measure how many items are sent back

On-time Delivery: Ensure your products are delivered on time

Right First Time: Understand the performance of your production process

Asset Turnover: Acknowledge your assets in relation to your revenue

Unit Costs: Track and optimize your units costs over time

Return on Assets: See how profitable your business is relative to its assets

Maintenance Costs: Evaluate your equipment costs in the long run

Revenue Per Employee: Measure the success of your workforce

Retail KPIs and metrics

Website Traffic/Foot Traffic: Evaluate your marketing and ads’ efforts

Average Transaction Size: Analyze the purchasing behavior of customers

Average Units per Customer: Get insights on customer behavior trends

Total Volume of Sales: Track your sales numbers over time

Sell-through Rate: Compare the inventory received and sold

Back Order Rate: Measure the ability to fulfill customer orders

Rate of Return: Evaluate the number of orders returned to you

Customer Retention: Learn how to keep customers in the long run

Retail Conversion Rate: Improve your retail conversions

Total Orders: See the evolution of orders placement

Total Sales by Region: Evaluate how much you sell and where

Order Status: Track and analyze your orders in real-time

Perfect Order Rate: See how many orders are delivered without incidents

Return Reason: Get insights on why customers return their orders

GMROI: Track the relation between investments and returns

Monthly Revenue Per Employee: Evaluate the value of your employees

FMCG KPIs and metrics

Out of Stock Rate: Measure your ability to meet customer demand

Delivered On-Time & In-Full: Monitor the delivery performance

Average Time To Sell: Track how long you need to sell your products

Sold Products Within Freshness Date: Take care of expiration dates

Cash-to-Cash Cycle Time: Analyze your cash cycle time in detail

Supply Chain Costs: Understand supply chain costs by category

Supply Chain Costs vs Sales: Compare your supply chain costs against sales

Carrying Cost of Inventory: Assess the costs your inventory holds

On-Shelf Availability: Measure the impact on your sales

Margin by Product Category: Identify your most profitable products

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