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Land Use Policy 101 (2021) 105214

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Novel trends in SNS customers in food and beverage patronage: An

empirical study of metropolitan cities in South Korea
Daehwan Kim a, b, Ducksu Seo c, Youngsang Kwon a, d, *
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Siheung Smart City Support Center, Advanced Institute of Convergence Technology, Seoul National University, Suwon, Republic of Korea
Department of Spatial Environment System Engineering, Handong Global University, Pohang, Republic of Korea
Smart City Research Center, Advanced Institute of Convergence Technology, Seoul National University, Suwon, Republic of Korea


Keywords: Driven by the development of information and communications technology as well as the spread of social
Social network service networking services (SNS), access to spatial information has changed the way people select sites or areas. This
Social network data study determines whether new urban place selection—that is, the selection of places in a way that differs from
Food and beverage retail
the classic locational principle of land use—occurs via SNS by examining changes in the location of Food and
Place selection
Locational characteristics
Beverage(F&B) retail facilities patronized by citizens daily. More specifically, this study employs spatial and
quantitative analyses to investigate location selection of F&B customers, which respond most sensitively to place
selection, in six metropolitan cities in South Korea. The results show phenomena indicating that the place se­
lection pattern via SNS was different spatially and quantitatively from that via the established retail location
principle. The location of F&B retail facilities most commonly selected via SNS is largely shaped by small-scale
and hierarchically lower roads near existing commercial area and is unaffected by land price and distance from
public transportation. These findings sufficiently contradict the general location principle in terms of the location
characteristics of F&B retail facilities. As such, this study reveals a novel behavior pattern regarding place se­
lection based on SNS. F&B retail facilities should be prepared to adapt to changing consumer behavior. More­
over, this fact indicates that the consideration of gradual changes in the selection of urban project sites,
development of land use plans, and calculation of rent for retail is needed in light of advancements in SNS.

1. Introduction street centrality (Hillier, 1999; Rui and Ban, 2014; Kang, 2015; Liu et al.,
Importance of the topic. 2015).
The success of retail, especially retail facilities, is largely determined Urban spatial scholars have increasingly focused on the emergence of
by a retailer’s location (Scarborough and Zimmerer, 2000; Cheng et al., social media or social networking services (SNS) in conducting spatial
2007; Roig-Tierno et al., 2013). This location principle is based on analyses. As SNS convey explicit and implicit information about people’s
geographical theories such as central place theory, the spatial interac­ everyday lives (Boyd and Ellison, 2007; Akhtar, 2014; Garcia-Cuerva
tion model, and land value theory (Dawson, 2013), verified with et al., 2016; Persia and D’Auria, 2017), several studies have analyzed the
abundant research based on retail locations, especially concerning retail information inherent in social network data (Mora et al., 2015; Wood
facilities. Accordingly, urban spatial research has advanced a traditional et al., 2016; Bekele et al., 2017; Liu et al., 2017; Mora et al., 2017a,b;
location principle regarding the location and distribution of retail fa­
Backgorund Wegmann and Jiao, 2017; Liu et al., 2019). In particular, spatial big data
cilities, which are influenced by road width (Rui et al., 2016), trans­ provided by information and communications technology (ICT),
portation infrastructure (Erbıyık et al., 2012; Nilsson and Smirnov, including SNS, enable users and researchers to extract new information
2016), public transportation services (Castillo-Manzano and and identify novel phenomena occurring within a given city (Batty,
López-Valpuesta, 2009; Cervero and Kang., 2011, road accessibility (i.e., 2013; Mora et al., 2017a,b; Lim et al., 2018; Ma et al., 2020), making it
street networks; Hillier, 1996; Porta et al., 2012; Liu et al., 2015), and easier to determine users’ place selection as well as a city’s spatial

* Corresponding author at: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering, Seoul National University, 1 Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu,
Seoul, 08826, Republic of Korea.
E-mail addresses: (D. Kim), (D. Seo), (Y. Kwon).
Received 22 April 2020; Received in revised form 18 November 2020; Accepted 27 November 2020
Available online 6 December 2020
0264-8377/© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
D. Kim et al. Land Use Policy 101 (2021) 105214
limitations, Gaps
patterns (Ku, 2016; Alvarez et al., 2017; Hamstead et al., 2018). Extant However, much of the existing research is limited by the fact that
research also indicates that advances in ICT work influence place se­ these spatial analyses have failed to specifically determine the mean­
lection and spatial structure. Consequently, the urban planning para­ ingful phenomena of urban space beyond macroscopically deriving the
digm is undergoing gradual reform (Marsal-Llacuna and Fabregat-Gesa, frequency or density of social network data itself on SNS platforms.
2016; Scuotto et al., 2016; Bresciani et al., 2018; Mueller et al., 2018) Moreover, some studies on spatial characteristics have only analyzed
characterized by discussions regarding the need to supplement tradi­ specific factors of SNS data—that is, spaces with high data frequency­
tional urban planning techniques with innovative tools based on new
Solution —and failed to identify or investigate practical characteristics that may
forms of information, including SNS data (Mora et al., 2018; Osman, prove useful in urban planning and design policy.
Aim of the study
In light of such remarkable expanding online social networks, this 2.2. Locational characteristics of retail facilities
study considers whether the selection of retail facilities via SNS—that is,
via users—has shown locational patterns that differ from that based on Location has been regarded as the most important element of retail
traditional location principles. As a result of ICT development, people facilities (Taneja, 1999) since Huff’s seminal study in the mid-twentieth
have greater freedom in selecting places, as they have more information century (Huff, 1963; Ghosh and McLafferty, 1987; Berman and Evans,
and will be aware of more choice options in terms of facility location. To 2001; Huff, 2003; Zentes et al., 2011). Several scholars have used
this end, this study analyzes the location characteristics of F&B retail Geographic Information Systems (GIS; Weibull, 1976; Joseph and Phil­
facilities selected via SNS in six metropolitan cities in South Korea and lips, 1984; Luo and Wang, 2003; Wang, 2012) and network science
compares these characteristics to those of current F&B retail facilities in
Method (Hillier and Hanson, 1984; Barabási, 2002; Batty, 2008) to develop
these cities. The study employs Nearest Neighbor Hierarchical Clus­ methodology and criteria for location and spatial network analysis. In
tering (NNHC) analysis for spatial analysis, as well as correlation and particular, studies grounded in space syntax theory assume that only the
regression analyses for quantitative examination. Further, it seeks to physical urban grid is considered to determine ‘street centrality’ through
verify the emergence of a new pattern of place selection based on social the mathematically calculated figures of integration, connection, and
network data. In doing so, the study shows that SNS data sufficiently control and that, in fact, major facilities such as retail facilities are
reflect the act of people’s place selection, as well as the development of
results located on high-centrality streets. In addition, these studies have
ICT affecting people’s poi(point of interest) in terms of F&B retail considered ways in which ‘street centrality’ is related to socioeconomic
facilities. dynamics and structures (Hillier et al., 1993).
Various indicators representing street centrality are closely related to
2. Related research trends land use in cities and the location patterns of retail facilities(Li and Cai,
2004; Porta et al., 2005, 2009; Wang et al., 2009; Wang, 2012), with
2.1. Spatial analysis using social network data certain indicators exerting a greater effect on location (Chai et al., 2007;
Qi et al., 2008; Zhang et al., 2013; Wang et al., 2014). Researchers often
Recent studies analyzing citizen behaviors and spatial characteristics subdivide indicators identifying the location of retail facilities in order
based on social network data have used various SNS platforms as data to assess whether the physical and regional accessibility of facilities and
sources. Twitter is most commonly used in such analyses due to the their locations serve central functions (Lee and Jung, 2014; Park et al.,
massive amounts of data created by users on a daily basis (Mora et al., 2015).
2018). Several studies have examined the spatial distribution of Twitter Importantly, recent studies have highlighted exceptional cases in
messages (Li et al., 2013; Park and Kang, 2014; Shin, 2014; Ku, 2015; which the characteristics of retail facilities and the streets on which they
Hong, 2015a), determining the spatial distribution characteristics of the are located do not represent centrality. For instance, Jin et al. (2012)
data themselves by mining and preprocessing Twitter data with location observed low street centrality within the context of new coffee shops
information. Going a step further, beyond simply identifying the dis­ located on the inner part of the block away from the main road. Others
tribution of data, some scholars have analyzed city boundaries (Yin have documented the absence of a relationship between the rent for
et al., 2017), outdoor activities (Tse et al., 2018), and population some retail facilities, and public transportation accessibility (Cao,
mobility patterns (Aguilera, 2018) based on location data embedded in 2019). Such research indicates the possibility that retail facilities can be
Twitter. Others have analyzed the primary emotions and opinions of located in places with low street centrality.
residents in certain cities based on user posts (Xu et al., 2013; Resch
et al., 2015, 2016; Li et al., 2017). 3. Research framework
Scholars have used location-based photo sharing platforms like
Flickr, Foursquare, and Panoramio in an attempt to address issues of 3.1. Scope of analysis
representativeness and location sparsity in social network data such as
Twitter data (Liu et al., 2014; Mislove et al., 2018). Several such studies The ultimate hypothesis of this study is as follows: popular F&B retail
have examined the density and distribution of uploaded image data on facilities selected by SNS users will show place selection(patronage)
these platforms (Hong, 2015b, 2016; Ku, 2016), while others have patterns that are different from those based on the traditional location
identified the distribution of preferred spaces based on data frequency principles of F&B retail facilities(near large scale and busy streets, easy-
(Cho and Sung, 2012; Encalada et al., 2017; Martí et al., 2017; Peng and to-access areas, etc.). Accordingly, this study analyzes the characteristics
Huang, 2017). Researchers have also assessed temporal and spatial of food and beverage(F&B) retail facilities, which accounts for the
changes in data density by visualizing data of certain web portals and largest proportion of social network data among commercial-related
SNS platforms (Wu et al., 2017; Zeng et al., 2017). functions, reflecting the public’s tendency to select places (Han, 2015;
Additionally, several studies have established the applicability of Ku, 2016). It has also been demonstrated that the situation is changing,
social network data to the field of spatial information by collecting and with F&B retail facility location increasingly influenced by active con­
refining massive sets of social network big data and using them in sumer choice (Shon and Park, 2013). In particular, due to the charac­
various types of spatial analysis. This research indicates that the teristics of land use in South Korea, F&B retail facilities can be freely
development of SNS has altered citizen participation, transforming cit­ located regardless of how the land is used, making it easy to examine the
izens from observers to active participants (Goldsmith and Crawford, differences in location characteristics.
2014; Oliveira and Campolargo, 2015; Zeile et al., 2015). Such research In South Korea, a city with a population of more than 1 million is
reaffirms the notion that SNS data can be used as a new tool in the referred to as ‘Gwangyeok-Si’ under ‘the Local Autonomy Act.’
emerging smart cities (Marsal-Llacuna et al., 2011; De Oliveira, 2016). Currently, six ‘Gwangyeok-Si’ (Gwangju, Daegu, Daejeon, Busan, Ulsan,

D. Kim et al. Land Use Policy 101 (2021) 105214

and Incheon) exist in South Korea (Fig. 1), and these cities have a clear Table 1
distinction between old and new areas; they have sufficient population Research Dataset.
size and serve as the central cities in major geopolitical areas. In order to Data Source Function
derive general characteristics of location of F&B retail facilities, the
SNS F&B retail facilities SNS crawling
study identified all six cities above as the spatial scope and called them a General F&B retail
Open local data
‘Metropolitan City.’ facilities
Base data
This study’s temporal scope is the month of June 2019, which was Bus stop Open API data
the most recent time in which data could be obtained. Urban center (old/new
Obtained by researcher
urban center)
3.2. Study variables and social network data F&B retail density CrimeStat analysis
Officially assessed land
Obtained by researcher on
This study uses retail density as a response variable when examining price
integrated maps platform
Adjacent road width Independent
the locational characteristics of regions with high densities of retail fa­
Distance from bus stop variables
cilities. Four explanatory variables derived from existing studies are Distance from urban GIS analysis
used to measure the street centrality of the facilities’ locations: 1) offi­ center
cially assessed land price (economic characteristic), 2) adjacent road
width (physical characteristic), 3) distance from urban center (accessi­
bility characteristic), and 4) distance from bus stop (accessibility char­ tied F&B retail facilities. Furthermore, the final dataset was constructed
acteristic; Hillier, 1999; Castillo-Manzano and López-Valpuesta, 2009; by excluding missing values and franchises from the obtained data. In
Porta et al., 2009; Jin et al., 2012; Lee and Jung, 2014; Wang et al., the case of ’franchise’, the independent model for location determina­
2014; Liu et al., 2015; Han, 2015; Rui et al., 2016). tion based on the ‘multi-objective approach model’ has been discussed
This study extracted social network data from ‘Dining Code,’ a South in the past to satisfy the conflicting interests of franchisor and franchisee
Korean application, in order to determine the F&B retail facilities’ se­ (Current and Storbeck, 1994; Pelegrín et al., 2012; Suárez-Vega et al.,
lection trends of actual users. Based on big data analysis, the application 2012). In addition, franchises have proven to have their own location
provides objective ranking by combining opinions and scores of all distribution characteristics in South Korea (Youn and Lee, 2016).
users, information search engines, and independent data mining. Therefore, due to the characteristics of its location based on its own
Therefore, each F&B retail facility has a ranking that combines the strategy, unlike general retail facilities, franchises are excluded from
number of searches, reviews, blog uploads, etc. of SNS users, and the SNS F&B retail facilities to ensure analytical precision. Accordingly, the
F&B retail facilities in the top rankings can be interpreted as having a dataset comprised 213 places in Busan, 204 places in Gwangju, 191
higher level of selection by users on SNS. Additionally, as we can see on places in Daegu, 164 places in Daejeon, 193 places in Incheon and 204
the Dining Code website (, the places in Ulsan.
application’s number of users has been rapidly increasing, having grown For data on general F&B retail facilities, all existing facilities were
from 1 million in August 2016 to 1.8 million in February 2018, and it identified by using ‘open local data’ from each metropolitan city. Sub­
ranked first in South Korea’s F&B search application market in 2018. sequently, this study randomly extracted the same number of facilities as
Therefore, Dining Code data are preferred over other SNS platforms, that of extracted SNS F&B retail facilities in each metropolitan city, with
such as Twitter and Flickr, which do not specialize in F&B retail facilities the final dataset excluding missing values and franchises. Thus, the final
and thus cannot convey the extent to which the stores are selected via dataset comprised 187 places in Busan, 196 places in Gwangju, 192
SNS. Accordingly, this study bases its analysis on Dining Code ranking. places in Daegu, 190 places in Daejeon, 188 stores in Incheon and 189
Table 1 displays the dataset used for analysis. Information related to stores in Ulsan.
SNS F&B retail facilities were obtained by crawling data, such as the ‘Bus stop’ data were collected using an open application program­
names and addresses of ’about the top 200 F&B retail facilities’ in each ming interface (API). ‘Urban center’ data, representing old and new
metropolitan city, using Dining Code ranking. When extracting the top urban centers, were obtained through the geo-coding of the coordinates
F&B retail facilities on SNS, the number of facilities is different for each of the relevant points with reference to previous studies.
city because, in the case of a tie for 200th place, the list includes all the Data related to the ‘F&B retail density’ refer to the frequency for each

Fig. 1. The location and geographical status of six metropolitan cities in Korea.

D. Kim et al. Land Use Policy 101 (2021) 105214

individual F&B retail facility through ‘fuzzy mode’ analysis, which is a whether a significant regression equation for ‘retail density’ can be
typical method of point location analysis (Bailey and Gatrell, 1995). derived when controlling for the locational variables; if significant
First, regarding the dataset for the calculation of density for SNS F&B regression occurs, it allows a comparison of how independent variables
retail facilities, all data were previously crawled. In the case of general that affect ’retail density’ are different between general F&B and SNS
F&B retail facilities, all data on open local data sourcs were geocoded to F&B retail facilities.
make point shape files with coordinates. Then, according to the number
of F&B retail facilities (frequency) within the radius (typically using 100 4. Results
m) by each F&B retail point, retail density for each F&B retail facility
was specified. Therefore, it is a continuous variable of the ratio scale. 4.1. NNHC analysis
CrimeStat (NIJ, version 3.3) was used for the analysis for each of the six
metropolitan cities. NNHC analysis results demonstrate that, there are remarkably more
Data reflecting ‘officially assessed land price’ and ‘adjacent road cases in which general F&B clusters and SNS F&B clusters do not
width’ were obtained from an integrated maps platform, while ‘distance intersect or in which the SNS F&B cluster is formed near the general F&B
from bus stop’ and ‘distance from urban center’ data were derived from retail cluster and partially intersects it (Fig. 2). To quantify and compare
GIS analysis. For ‘distance from bus stop’, the nearest bus stop for each the spatial distribution characteristics of clusters, this study obtained the
retail facility was pre-extracted using the GIS ‘near’ tool, and distance differences in the proportion of the two F&B groups(general and SNS)
from the nearest bus stop was measured for each facility. For ‘distance included in each land use area (Table 2). All values represent the dif­
from urban center’, the central point of the downtown district of each ferences between the proportion of the two F&B retail groups.
city (typically the city hall or the midpoint of the central street) was The results show that ‘the difference in the proportion of F&B in
geocoded, and the distance of each F&B retail facility from that point commercial-residential areas’ is positive in all six metropolitan cities
was calculated. All distance variables were calculated via network (Ulsan, +24.7 %; Daegu, +24.1 %; Daejeon, +16.7 %; Incheon, +6.7 %;
analysis using ArcGIS (ESRI, version 10.5). Busan, +3.6 %; Gwangju, +0.8 %), while ‘the difference in the pro­
portion of F&B in residential areas’ is consistently negative (Daegu,
3.3. Method of analysis –31.4 %; Daejeon, –27.0 %; Incheon, –11 %; Gwangju, –8.9 %; Busan,
–7.5 %; Incheon, –1.7 %). Therefore, we can understand that clusters of
This study compares general F&B and SNS F&B retail facilities, with general F&B retail facilities are more commonly located in commercial
a focus on how the location characteristics of dense areas of the latter are areas in accordance with the traditional location principle, whereas
differentiated from those of the former following the traditional location those of SNS F&B retail facilities are frequently located in what would
principle. First, this study spatially identifies the difference in the dis­ traditionally have been non-commercial areas (lower-rent or less
tribution of F&B retail facilities selected via SNS and general F&B retail desirable locations) within or on the fringes of established retail districts
facilities by using NNHC analysis. NNHC analysis is a quantitative or in areas on smaller, quieter, less trafficked streets, but streets that are
clustering technique that consecutively forms clusters of the closest still quite close to concentrations of traditional retail facilities.
points by calculating the spatial distance among point features (Bailey
and Gatrell, 1995; Kang, 2009). This study employs NNHC analysis to 4.2. Correlation analysis
determine clusters with a high density of F&B retail facilities. The
datasets of SNS F&B and general F&B retail facilities used in the NNHC The results of the correlation analysis show that in all metropolitan
analysis are the same as those of the fuzzy mode performed to derive the cities, locational characteristics that are correlated with the density of
dependent variable (retail density). NNHC to extract the clusters was SNS F&B retail facilities are markedly different from those of general
performed by using CrimeStat (NIJ, version 3.3). Using this method, this F&B retail facilities (Table 3).
study also analyzes the proportion of F&B retail facilities by land use First, the ‘retail density’ of general F&B retail facilities is signifi­
through four land use functions (commercial, mixed-use commercial-­ cantly positively correlated with ‘officially assessed land price’. In other
residential, residential, other areas), going beyond the identification of words, in accordance with the traditional location principle, general
the location of clusters to determine the general distribution patterns of F&B retail facilities tend to form clusters in places that perform central
clusters as well. economic functions (i.e., commercial areas with high land prices and
After verifying the spatial differences in F&B clusters, this study development potential; Porta et al., 2009; Wang et al., 2014; Park et al.,
conducted correlation and regression analyses to compare the retail 2015). Conversely, the correlation of ‘officially assessed land price’ with
facilities’ locational characteristics. Correlation and regression analysis ‘retail density’ is not statistically significant for SNS F&B retail facilities,
were performed for each of the six metropolitan cities, and the unit of all and the direction of correlation is inconsistent across cities. For example,
samples used in the analysis was individual F&B retail facility. ‘officially assessed land price’ is negatively correlated with ‘retail den­
Accordingly, data corresponding to the retail density and independent sity’ in Gwangju. This difference indicates that, unlike the general
variables for each F&B retail facility were collected and measured. location, F&B retail facilities selected via SNS form clusters regardless of
Correlation analysis was used to individually determine the corre­ economic characteristics.
lation between retail density and the four locational variables. The re­ Furthermore, location of SNS F&B retail is unique in terms of
sults of the correlation analysis were interpreted using Pearson’s ‘adjacent road width’, which is a physical characteristic. While retail
correlation coefficients for ‘officially assessed land price’, ‘distance from facilities’ location with high density was negatively correlated with
bus stop’ and ‘distance from urban center’, which are measurement ‘adjacent road width’ in the case of general F&B, a significantly positive
variables. However, as the assumption of bivariate normal distribution correlation was derived for SNS F&B retail facilities. In terms of road
may not be appropriate for ‘adjacent road width’, the results of that characteristics, general F&B retail facilities reflect the conventional
variable were verified using Spearman’s rank correlation coefficients by trend of forming clusters on main roads with high street centrality (Lee
changing to a smaller value if the road is wide and has high vehicle and Jung, 2014), while F&B retail facilities selected via SNS tend to
accessibility (more than 70 m = 1, 50 m~70 m = 2, … 8 m~10 m = 11, cluster on side streets or small roads on the inner part of the block with
less than 8 m = 12). low street centrality.
This study conducts regression analysis by considering all locational Regarding ‘distance from bus stop’, which is an accessibility char­
variables as independent variables in order to determine the significance acteristic, general F&B clusters are negatively correlated with accessi­
and explanatory power of the regression equation for ‘retail density’, as bility to bus stops. The results show that, in accordance with the
well as the influential factors. Regression analysis is used to verify traditional location principle, general F&B retail facilities are clustered

D. Kim et al. Land Use Policy 101 (2021) 105214

Fig. 2. NNHC analysis results.

Table 2
Differences in the proportion of two F&B groups(general and SNS) by land use.
Differences = General F&B(%) – SNS F&B(%) Busan Gwangju Daegu Daejeon Incheon Ulsan

Difference in the proportion in commercial areas − 1.4% − 3.0% + 2.2 % + 8.0 % + 2.5 % − 16.4%
Difference in the proportion in commercial-residential areas + 3.6 % + 0.8 % + 24.1 % + 16.7 % + 6.7 % + 24.7 %
Difference in the proportion in residential areas − 7.5% − 8.9% − 31.4% − 27.0% − 11.0% − 1.7%
Difference in the proportion in other areas + 5.7 % + 11.1 % + 5.1 % + 2.5 % + 1.7 % +6.6 %

in areas with high public transportation accessibility. However, the negatively correlated with ‘retail density’, with SNS F&B retail facilities
density of F&B retail facilities selected via SNS is not correlated with the showing a relatively weaker correlation. These findings imply that F&B
distance from a bus stop or public transportation accessibility. retail facilities selected via SNS are also impacted by the principle of
Significantly, the only characteristic shared by both general and SNS central location hierarchy due to the nature of their identity as retail.
F&B retail facilities is ‘distance from urban center’. Both groups are

D. Kim et al. Land Use Policy 101 (2021) 105214

Table 3
Correlation Analysis Results.
Busan Gwangju Daegu

General (n = 187) SNS (n = 213) General (n = 196) SNS (n = 204) General (n = 192) SNS (n = 191)

LAND PRICE +0.448***(0.000) +0.074 (0.283) +0.449*** (0.000) − 0.031 (0.664) +0.449*** (0.000) +0.100 (0.169)
ADJACENT ROAD WIDTH − 0.329*** (0.000) +0.137** (0.045) − 0.281***(0.000) +0.193*** (0.006) − 0.323*** (0.000) +0.144** (0.047)
BUS DIST − 0.175*** (0.004) +0.030 (0.660) − 0.313*** (0.000) +0.050 (0.474) − 0.298*** (0.000) +0.047 (0.520)
CENTER DIST − 0.267*** (0.000) − 0.136** (0.048) − 0.190** (0.008) − 0.189*** (0.007) − 0.218*** (0.002) − 0.193*** (0.007)
Daejeon Incheon Ulsan
General (n = 190) SNS (n = 164) General (n = 188) SNS (n = 193) General (n = 189) SNS (n = 204)
LAND PRICE +0.393*** (0.000) +0.056 (0.476) +0.543*** (0.000) +0.029 (0.691) +0.455*** (0.000) +0.059 (0.402)
ADJACENT ROAD WIDTH − 0.408*** (0.000) +0.247*** (0.001) − 0.453*** (0.000) +0.167** (0.020) − 0.408*** (0.000) +0.165** (0.019)
BUS DIST − 0.247*** (0.001) − 0.119 (0.128) − 0.226*** (0.002) +0.046 (0.524) − 0.284*** (0.000) +0.112 (0.112)
CENTER DIST − 0.315***(0.000) − 0.315*** (0.000) − 0.253*** (0.000) − 0.175** (0.015) − 0.363*** (0.000) − 0.151** (0.031)

***α < 0.01; **α < 0.05;*α < 0.1.

Response variable = Retail density.

4.3. Regression analysis 5. Conclusions and discussions

Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) values—which identify correlations This study illuminates the interactions between ICT and urban space
between predictor variables in regression analysis—ranged from 1.032 by analyzing urban information derived from SNS data. In doing so, this
to 2.260, indicating that there is no multicollinearity among these var­ study reveals a novel behavior pattern based on the recognition that,
iables for all metropolitan cities. The regression models for general F&B while cities were once managed by traditional urban planning tools, the
retail facilities are significant at p = 0.01 for all metropolitan cities, with development of ICT has introduced successive changes to the urban
approximately 0.3 explanatory power (R2), while those for SNS F&B mechanism (Mora et al., 2018; Osman, 2019). This change may be re­
retail facilities are significant at p = 0.1 for all metropolitan cities, with flected in big data produced by SNS, which have become a part of the
approximately 0.1 explanatory power (R2). Table 4 presents the everyday lives of many people today (Akhtar, 2014; Garcia-Cuerva
regression analysis results. et al., 2016; Persia and D’Auria, 2017). Furthermore, it prompts the
For traditional F&B retail facilities in all metropolitan cities, there is question of the extent to which this change in the location characteristics
a significant positive regression coefficient for ‘officially assessed land of retail facilities selected by SNS users has occurred in accordance with
price’ and a significant negative regression coefficient for ‘adjacent the traditional location principle of retail facilities. Addressing this
road’. Additionally, there is a significantly negative regression coeffi­ question in regard to F&B retail facilities, which are the most actively
cient for ‘distance from bus stop’ except for Daejeon and Incheon, and accessed by SNS users, this study analyzed and compared the location
for ‘distance from urban center’ except for Gwangju, Daegu, and characteristics of SNS and general F&B.
Incheon. Through NNHC, correlation, and regression analysis, this study
Meanwhile, two regression models for F&B retail facilities frequently established that the location characteristics of dense spots of F&B retail
selected via SNS are significant at p = 0.1 (Busan and Daegu), while the facilities selected via SNS are markedly different from those of general
other four are significant at p = 0.01. Additionally, the explanatory F&B, both spatially and quantitatively. NNHC analysis revealed a spatial
power of the four significant regression models was approximately 0.1, difference in SNS F&B retail facilities in terms of spatial distribution and
exhibiting remarkably lower explanatory power compared to general cluster patterns. Using ‘retail density’ as the response variable, corre­
F&B retail facilities. Among the statistically significant independent lation analysis demonstrated that the density of general F&B retail fa­
variables in the regression models, ‘adjacent road width’ is positively cilities is associated with economic, physical, and accessibility
correlated with ‘retail density’ except for Daegu, and ‘distance from characteristics reflecting the traditional location principle (Porta et al.,
urban center’ has a significant negative regression coefficient except for 2009; Park et al., 2015; Lee and Jung, 2014; Wang et al., 2014).
Busan. ‘Officially assessed land price’ and ‘distance from bus stop’ show Simultaneously, the density of F&B retail facilities selected via SNS is
statistically insignificant regression coefficients in all regression equa­ affected by urban center accessibility, as is the case with that of general
tions except for Ulsan. F&B. However, in terms of physical characteristics, SNS F&B retail fa­
In sum, significant regression equations explaining ‘retail density’ in cilities tend to be located on narrow roads (i.e., side streets that lack
all cities have adequate explanatory power for general F&B retail fa­ vehicle accessibility; Jacobs, 1961). Significantly, these facilities are
cilities, with ‘officially assessed land price’ having significant positive flexibly located and are not affected by economic and accessibility
impact on ‘F&B retail density’, and ‘adjacent road width’, ‘distance from characteristics. The significance and explanatory power of the regres­
bus stop’, and ‘distance from urban center’ had significant negative sion equations and the identification of statistically significant regres­
regression coefficients in most cities. In contrast, for SNS F&B retail sion coefficients adds credibility to the correlation analysis results of this
facilities, all regression models have low explanatory power compared study, which were consistently found for all six of the analyzed metro­
to general F&B retail. For most cities, ‘adjacent road width’ and ‘distance politan areas.
from urban center’ were positively and negatively correlated with ‘retail This study affirms that big data from SNS sufficiently reflect user
density’, respectively, with the remaining independent variables found behavior in terms of the choice of urban space and that place selection
to have almost no significant effect. Therefore, the explanatory power of trends are changing due to or driven by SNS advancement. This change
the regression models is remarkably lower in the context of SNS F&B is reflected by the fact that the spatial selection behavior trends and
than in that of general F&B, with positive regression coefficients for locational characteristics of F&B retail facilities in SNS differ from what
‘adjacent road width’ variable and no influence of ‘officially assessed the traditional principle dictates, indicating that a new patronage
land price’ and ‘distance from bus stop’ variables. These findings indi­ pattern is occurring(Jin et al., 2012; Cao, 2019) within the context of the
cate that, in accordance with the results of correlation analysis, F&B selection of F&B retail facilities. Ultimately, this proves the hypothesis
retail facilities selected via SNS tend to possess locational characteristics that this study had.
distinct from those of general retail facilities. In this way, this study is different and meaningful in that it uses SNS
data and deals in detail with the unusual patronage trend and location

D. Kim et al. Land Use Policy 101 (2021) 105214

Table 4
Multiple Regression Analysis Results.
Busan General (N = 187) SNS (N = 213)
R 0.262 0.039

F(p-value) 16.163 (0.000*) 2.079 (0.085*)

B β t p-value VIF B β t p-value VIF

(Constant) 18743.932 – 6.985 0.000 – 78.206 – 4.079 0.000* –
LAND PRICE 0.001 0.334 4.646 0.000* 1.276 7.838E-007 0.058 0.811 0.418 1.105
ADJACENT ROAD WIDTH − 609.750 − 0.168 − 2.392 0.018* 1.220 2.979 0.127 1.833 0.068* 1.037
BUS DIST − 6.565 − 0.112 − 1.725 0.086* 1.036 0.027 0.039 0.559 0.577 1.055
CENTER DIST − 0.251 − 0.134 − 2.003 0.047* 1.102 − 0.002 − 0.115 − 1.597 0.112 1.112
Gwangju General (N = 196) SNS (N = 204)
R2 0.260 0.086
F(p-value) 16.568 (0.000*) 4.682 (0.001*)
B β t p-value VIF B β t p-value VIF
(Constant) 9301.111 – 5.396 0.000* – 85.138 – 4.323 0.000* –
LAND PRICE 0.002 0.318 4.324 0.000* 1.384 − 2.099E-006 − 0.047 − 0.638 0.524 1.171
ADJACENT ROAD WIDTH − 264.562 − 0.144 − 2.012 0.046* 1.302 4.526 0.210 3.002 0.003* 1.068
BUS DIST − 10.605 − 0.177 − 2.669 0.008* 1.127 − 0.000 − 0.000 0.004 0.997 1.033
CENTER DIST − 0.163 − 0.078 − 1.173 0.242 1.130 − 0.007 − 0.217 − 3.013 0.003* 1.129
Daegu General (N = 192) SNS (N = 191)
R2 0.256 0.042
F(p-value) 16.057 (0.000*) 2.019 (0.093*)
B β t p-value VIF B β t p-value VIF
(Constant) 13099.035 – 5.912 0.000* – 99.467 – 4.227 0.000* –
LAND PRICE 0.002 0.294 3.991 0.000* 1.395 9.397E-007 0.039 0.510 0.611 1.143
ADJACENT ROAD WIDTH − 363.674 − 0.136 − 1.900 0.059* 1.294 0.128 0.006 0.053 0.957 2.260
BUS DIST − 6.223 − 0.170 − 2.544 0.012* 1.119 0.047 0.054 0.725 0.470 1.065
CENTER DIST − 0.099 − 0.067 − 1.002 0.318 1.133 − 0.004 − 0.178 − 1.651 0.100* 2.250
Daejeon General (N = 189) SNS (N = 164)
R2 0.231 0.142
F(p-value) 13.860 (0.000*) 6.578 (0.000*)
B β t p-value VIF B β t p-value VIF
(Constant) 10583.597 – 5.882 0.000* – 60.190 – 3.297 0.001*
LAND PRICE 0.001 0.239 3.111 0.002* 1.414 4.651E-007 0.011 0.147 0.883 1.067
ADJACENT ROAD WIDTH − 361.117 − 0.173 − 2.215 0.028* 1474 4.027 0.197 2.654 0.009* 1.021
BUS DIST − 5.444 − 0.102 − 1.422 0.157 1.240 − 0.035 − 0.067 − 0.902 0.368 1.037
CENTER DIST − 0.286 − 0.156 − 2.190 0.030* 1.225 − 0.006 − 0.288 − 3.777 0.000* 1.074
Incheon General (N = 188) SNS (N = 193)
R2 0.329 0.072
F(p-value) 22.473 (0.000*) 3.636 (0.007*)
B β t p-value VIF B β t p-value VIF
(Constant) 7645.291 – 4.458 0.000* – 73.913 – 4.441 0.000* –
LAND PRICE 0.002 0.426 5.835 0.000* 1.455 1.980E-007 0.007 0.087 0.931 1.144
ADJACENT ROAD WIDTH − 250.456 − 0.131 − 1.780 0.077* 1.475 3.392 0.196 2.741 0.007* 1.032
BUS DIST − 5.920 − 0.085 − 1.340 0.182 1.094 0.036 0.050 0.684 0.495 1.095
CENTER DIST − 0.114 − 0.102 − 1.612 0.109 1.092 − 0.002 − 0.209 − 2.849 0.005* 1.086
Ulsan General (N = 189) SNS (N = 204)
R2 0.293 0.083
F(p-value) 19.076 (0.000*) 4.489 (0.002*)
B β t p-value VIF B β t p-value VIF
(Constant) 8683.498 – 6.740 0.000* – 57.814 – 3.398 0.001* –
LAND PRICE 0.001 0.267 3.394 0.001* 1614 6.235E-007 0.039 0.549 0.583 1.080
ADJACENT ROAD WIDTH − 250.283 − 0.162 − 2.141 0.034* 1.498 4.628 0.189 2.738 0.007* 1.033
BUS DIST − 8.114 − 0.157 − 2.405 0.017* 1.116 0.107 0.133 1.862 0.064* 1.104
CENTER DIST − 0.100 − 0.170 − 2.447 0.015* 1.263 − 0.002 − 0.187 − 2.581 0.011* 1.141

Response variable = Retail density.

α < 0.1.

characteristics of users based on that data. However, we would like to drawn up in depth, the corresponding urban planning measures and
discuss some parts that should be handled in the future as follow-up measures can be prepared.
studies in this regard. Second, in addition to SNS users, a patronage on the F&B retail fa­
First, the specific and direct cause factors of the change in the F&B cility of other consumer groups could be considered. In this study, the
retail facility patronage identified by this study must be considered. As general F&B retail sector was defined as a control group of SNS users
discussed in the preceding studies, the fact that the F&B retail facility who selected SNS F&B retail facilities. In other words, the entire general
reflects people’s patronage trends well (Han, 2015; Ku, 2016) and that F&B retail sector, which is generally chosen by the public without
there is a change in the characteristics of those trends (Son & Park, relying on SNS (or regardless of SNS), is regarded as a general patronage
2013) has been fully addressed in this study. However, consideration of and compared with the results of SNS users. However, if surveys or
the details that actually affected the patronage is still unknown. Various additional data acquisition is possible, a fine-quality study could be
causes come to mind, such as changes in trends of preferred space, produced through subdivisions of groups. For example, the difference in
changes in perception of F&B, economic factors such as prices, and the the patronage by age within SNS users, it is expected that we will be able
atmosphere of the area where F&B is located. Only when the parameters to produce more productive results following the results of this study.
hidden from the patronage change caused by the ripple effect of SNS are Lastly, researchers must continue exploring the applicability of

consideration, limitations
D. Kim et al. Land Use Policy 101 (2021) 105214

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