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Optimization Techniques MCQ Part-1

1. Operations Research approach is _______.

[A] multi-disciplinary

[B] scientific

[C] intuitive

[D] collect essential data

2. A feasible solution to a linear programming problem _____.

[A] must satisfy all the constraints of the problem simultaneously

[B] need not satisfy all of the constraints, only some of them

[C] must be a corner point of the feasible region.

[D] must optimize the value of the objective function

3. If an artificial variable is present in the basic variable column of

optimal simplex table, then the solution is___________.

[A] alternative

[B] bounded

[C] no solution

[D] infeasible

4. In the optimal simplex table, Zj-Cj=0 value indicates


[A] alternative solution

[B] bounded solution

[C] infeasible solution

[D] unbounded solution

5. Principle of complementary slackness states that____________.

[A] primal slack * dual main =0.

[B] primal main + dual slack=0

[C] primal main + dual surplus=0

[D] dual slack * primal main not equal to zero

6. The initial solution of a transportation problem can be obtained

by applying any known method. How-ever, the only condition is

[A] the solution be optimal

[B] the rim conditions are satisfied

[C] the solution not be degenerate

[D] the few allocations become negative

7. The calculations of opportunity cost in the MODI method is

analogous to a_____.

[A] Zj-Cj value for non-basic variable column in the simplex


[B] value of a variable in XB-column of the simplex method.

[C] variable in the B-column in the simplex method.

[D] Zj-Cj value for basic variable column in the simplex method.
8. For a salesman who has to visit n cities, following are the ways of
his tour plan___.

[A] n!

[B] n

[C] (n+a)!

[D] (n-a)!

9. Simplex method was designed by ___________.

[A] Dantzig

[B] A.Charnes

[C] Lemke

[D] Hungarian

10. Dual Simplex Method was introduced by _______.

[A] Dantzig

[B] A.Charnes

[C] Lemke

[D] Hungarian

11. The cell with allocation can be called____

[A] Cell

[B] Empty cell

[C] Basic cell

[D] Non-basic cell

12. The cell without allocation is called_________.

[A] Basic cell

[B] Non-basic cell

[C] Empty cell

[D] Basic solution

13. The problem of replacement is felt when job performing units


[A] suddenly and gradually

[B] gradually

[C] suddenly

[D] neither gradually nor suddenly

14. Least Cost Method is also known as__________.

[A] North West Corner Method

[B] Matrix Minima Method

[C] Row Minima method

[D] Coloumn Minima method

15. A activity in a network diagram is said to be __________ if the

delay in its start will further delay the project completion time.

[A] forward pass

[B] backward pass

[C] critical

[D] non critical

16. The activity which can be delayed without affecting the
execution of the immediate succeeding activity is determined

[A] total float

[B] free float

[C] independent float

[D] variance of each float

17. In a transportation problem the number of origins must be

_______the number of destinations.

[A] less than or equal to

[B] greater than or equal to

[C] equal to

[D] less than

18. The calling population is considered to be infinite when


[A] all customers arrive at once

[B] capacity of the system is infinite

[C] service rate is faster than arrival rate

[D] arrivals are independent of each other

19. The minimum number of lines covering all zeros in a reduced
cost matrix of order n can be _____.

[A] at the most n

[B] at the least n

[C] n-1

[D] n+1

20. The Hungarian method was designed by __________.

[A] Dantzig

[B] A.Charnes

[C] Lemke

[D] Khun and Flood

21. A________can have more than one critical path.

[A] network

[B] customer

[C] server

[D] assignment problem

22. Game theory was first coined by ______.

[A] A.Charnes

[B] Khun and Flood

[C] Hungarian

[D] Von Neuman

23. _____________is used to reduce the game.

[A] Transportation Problem

[B] Assignment Problem

[C] Dual simplex method

[D] Graphical Method

24. _____is a mathematical technique used to solve the problem of

allocating limited resource among the competing activities

[A] Linear Programming problem

[B] Assignment Problem

[C] Replacement Problem

[D] Non linear Programming Problem

25. Traveling salesman problem will have a total of _____different


[A] n!

[B] n-1

[C] (n-a)!.

[D] n

26. If there exists a saddle point for a given problem it, implies that
the players are using ______strategies.

[A] Pure

[B] Mixed

[C] Optimal

[D] Pure and Mixed

27. FCFS refers to _______in queueing theory.

[A] First Come First Serve

[B] Last In First Out

[C] Service In Random Order

[D] Fastest Server Rule

28. SIRO refers to _______in queueing theory.

[A] First In First Out

[B] Last In First Out

[C] Service In Random Order

[D] Fastest Server Rule

29. If a customers decides not to enter the queue since it is too

long is called_________.

[A] balking

[B] reneging

[C] jockeying

[D] queue

30. When there are two or more parallel queues and customer
move from one queue to another queue it is called___________

[A] balking

[B] reneging

[C] jockeying

[D] system capacity

31. If the operating characteristic vary within time is called_____.

[A] balking

[B] reneging

[C] transient state

[D] steady state

32. The __________ time for an activity can be reduced by using

increased resources.

[A] normal

[B] optimistic

[C] pessimistic

[D] most likely

33. Graphical method of linear programming is useful when the

number of decision variable are _______

[A] 2

[B] 3

[C] 4

[D] 1

34. The activity cost corresponding to the crash time is called the

[A] critical time

[B] normal time

[C] cost slope

[D] crash cost

35. In the network, only one activity may connect any _______

[A] 1

[B] 2

[C] 3

[D] 4

36. If the constraint of an LPP has an in equation of less than or

equal to type, the variables to be added are __________.

[A] slack

[B] surplus

[C] artificial

[D] decision

37. A feasible solution of an LPP that optimizes then the objective

function is called _________

[A] basic feasible solution

[B] optimum solution

[C] feasible solution

[D] solution

38. The cost of a slack variable is _________.

[A] 0

[B] 1

[C] 2

[D] -1
39. The cost of a surplus variable is _________

[A] 0

[B] 1

[C] 2

[D] -1

40. In an LPP functions to be maximized or minimized are called


[A] constraints

[B] objective function

[C] basic solution

[D] feasible solution

41. LPP that can be solved by graphical method has______.

[A] linear constraints

[B] quadratic constraints

[C] non linear constraints

[D] bi-quadratic constraints

42. If the primal problem has n constraints and m variables then

the number of constraints in the dual problem is __________.

[A] mn

[B] m+n

[C] m-n

[D] m/n
43. The area bounded by all the given constraints is called

[A] feasible region

[B] basic solution

[C] non feasible region

[D] optimum basic feasible solution

44. The non basic variables are called ___________.

[A] shadow cost

[B] opportunity cost

[C] slack variable

[D] surplus variable

45. If the given Linear Programming Problem is in its standard form

then primal-dual pair is _______

[A] symmetric

[B] unsymmetric

[C] slack

[D] square

46. The dual of the dual is ____________.

[A] dual-primal

[B] primal-dual

[C] dual

[D] primal
47. All the basis for a transportation problem is ____________.

[A] square

[B] rectangle

[C] triangle

[D] polygon

48. Solution of a Linear Programming Problem when permitted to

be infinitely large is called _______

[A] unbounded

[B] bounded

[C] optimum solution

[D] no solution

49. When the total demand is not equal to supply then it is said to
be __________.

[A] balanced

[B] unbalanced

[C] maximization

[D] minimization

50. In the transportation table, empty cells will be called


[A] occupied

[B] unoccupied

[C] basic

[D] non-basic
51. Closed loops may be ____________ in shape

[A] square

[B] square

[C] triangle

[D] diagonal

52. For finding an optimum solution in transportation problem

____________ method is used.


[B] Hungarian

[C] Graphical

[D] simplex

53. The assignment algorithm was developed by ____________.





54. An assignment problem is a particular case of ____________.

[A] linear programming problem

[B] transportation problem

[C] replacement problem

[D] network problme

55. The coefficient of slack\surplus variables in the objective
function are always assumed to be ______.

[A] 0

[B] 1

[C] M

[D] -M

56. If there is no non-negative replacement ratio in a sllution which

is sought to be improved, then the solution is ________.

[A] bounded

[B] unbounded

[C] basic solution

[D] non-basic solution

57. The process that performs the services to the customer is

known as ___________.

[A] queue

[B] service channel

[C] customers

[D] server

59. If the kth constraint of the primal problem is equality, then the
corresponding dual variable yk is _______.

(a) unrestricted in sign

(b) restricted in sign

(c) nothing can be said

(d) none of the above.

60. The method used to solve LPP without artificial variables is
called the _ ____ method.

(a) Simplex method

(b) Dual Simplex method

(c) artificial variable method.

(d) none of the above

61. An assignment problem represents a transportation problem

with all demands and supplies equal to _________.

(a) 1

(b)greater than 1

(c) some values greater than 1

(d)all of the above.

62. Degeneracy in a m X n transportation problem occurs when the

number of occupied cells is less than ______.

(a) m+n

(b) m+n+1

(c) m+n-1

(d) m—n+1
63.The formula for free float is ________.

(a) Total float – slack of tail event

(b) Total float – LFT of head event

(c) Total float – EFT of head event

(d) Total float – Slack of head event.

64. If all paths of a network are critical paths then the project
duration cannot be reduced further.

(a) true

(b) false

(c) nothing can be said

(d) none of the above

65. In pure integer programming problems, the optimum values

are ______

(a) all values are integers

(b) All values are either zero or one

(c) Some are non integer values

(d) all are not integers.

66. In mixed integer programming problems, the optimum values
are ______

(a) all values are integers

(b) All values are either zero or one

(c) Some are non integer values

(d) all are not integers.

67. Geometrically the branching process in branch and bound


(a) eliminates that portion of the non-feasible region.

(b) does not eliminate that portion of the feasible region that
contains no feasible Integer solution.

(c) eliminate that portion of the feasible region that contains no

feasible integer solution.

(d) none of the above

68. Economic order quantity results in

(a) Reduced stock outs

(b) equalization of carrying cost and procurement cost

(c) favourable procurement price

(d) none of the above.

69. Minimum inventory equals

(a) EOQ

(b) Reorder level

(c) Safety stock

(d)Excess stock

70. (M/M/1) model is known as

(a) Poisson model

(b) Birth death model

(c) Exponential model

(d) multiserver model.

71. The time interval between consecutive arrivals generally

follows ___ distribution.

(a) Normal distribution

(b) Poisson distribution

(c) Exponential Distribution

(d)Rectangular distribution

72. The non basic variables are called ___________.

A. shadow cost

B. opportunity cost

C. slack variable

D. surplus variable
73. The method used to solve Linear Programming Problem
without use of the artificial variable is called __________.

A. Simplex Method

B. Big-M Method

C. Dual Simplex Method

D. Graphical Mehtod

74. All the basis for a transportation problem is ____________.

A. square

B. rectangle

C. triangle

D. polygon

75. The solution to a transportation problem with m-sources and n-

destinations is feasible if the numbers of allocations are

A. m+n

B. mn

C. m-n

D. m+n-1

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