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Form No:

L3/ HRD/ FORM/ 021

Link3 Technologies Limited Version: A
Effective date: 23-12-2019
Exit Interview Form

Employee Name: ________________________________________

To make Link3 an even better place to work, we are conducting exit interviews to help us understand
why people leave. Information you give me will be added to other exit interview information – your
specific responses will not be shared with anyone in the Market. However, if any legal issues (e.g.,
sexual harassment, discrimination, theft or wage/hour issues) come up during our conversation, I will
have to share it with the company so that appropriate action can be taken.

1. What was the one major reason behind your decision to leave Link3 (please give examples)?

As you know, many things may influence a decision to leave. How much did the following influence your

Did not Slight Moderate Strong

influence influence influence influence
2. Poor treatment by your manager? 1 2 3 4
3. Not receiving feedback about performance? 1 2 3 4
4. The amount of recognition received? 1 2 3 4
5. Amount of pay? 1 2 3 4
6. Not enough career opportunities? 1 2 3 4
7. Communication within the organization? 1 2 3 4
8. Pressures from your job (stress)? 1 2 3 4
9. Work hours and schedule? 1 2 3 4
10. Lack of training? 1 2 3 4
11. Working conditions (not clean, safe)? 1 2 3 4
12. Not feeling like you were part of the team? 1 2 3 4
13. Job insecurity? 1 2 3 4
14. Not enough Retirement plans? 1 2 3 4

15. What type of industry will you be working in now:

1) ISP (5) Manufacturing Industry
2) Telecom Organization (6) Migration to other countries
3) Foreign Org/Mission (7) Other:
4) Government Org

16. What type of position will you take in this company:

Exit Interview 4/17/2024 Page 1 of 2

Form No:
L3/ HRD/ FORM/ 021
Link3 Technologies Limited Version: A
Effective date: 23-12-2019
Exit Interview Form

1) Management position similar to my old one (4) Non-management position

2) Lower level management position (5) Not currently employed
3) Higher level management position

17. In terms of compensation, will you make:

1) Much more than you did at Link3. (3) The same
2) A little more (4) Less than you were making at Link3

18. What one thing could we have done to retain you as an employee?

Thank you for your time in helping me with this survey. Good luck in your new position.

Employee Signature:

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