Splbe-Ale 2024 Week 2

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1. It was the first law passed by the national assembly in 1921 where the maestros de obra or the master builders
are required to register as architects.
a. Engineers and Architect’s Law Act No. 2986
b. Engineers and Architect’s Law Act No. 2896
c. Engineers and Architect’s Law Act No. 9286
d. Engineers and Architect’s Law Act No. 8296

2. The architect of a housing project was given Php 300,000.00 for the first unit he designed using the old SPP as
reference for professional fees. How much will he receive for the tenth housing unit to be constructed?
a. Php 60,000.00 c. Php 180,000.00
b. Php 120,000.00 d. Php 240,000.00

3. Within how many months shall be the release of Retention from date of Final Payment?
a. 2 c. 4
b. 3 d. 6

4. In a PERT CPM, _____________ is a starting node to two or more activities.

a. Concurrent node c. Simultaneous node
b. Merge Node d. Burst Node

5. Which of the following situation would trigger the owner to suspend work?
a. Bankruptcy- declared by BIR
b. Insubordination
c. Non-Payment of contractors debt/ non superintendence of contractor
d. All of the above

6. Architectural programming is one of the architect’s services that falls under:

a. Pre-Design c. Design-Build
b. Design d. Specialized Services

7. The value of extra work or change in construction plans by the owner.

a. Unit prices provided credit does not exceed 10 percent of original contract
b. Actual direct cost plus 15 percent for profit, overhead and tax
c. Value included in contingencies
d. Estimate and acceptance in lump sum

8. It refers to contracts or arrangements involving the transfer of systematic knowledge for the manufacture of a
a. Technology transfer c. Contract documents
b. Transfer of Record d. Technical Transfer

9. The ___________ shall submit ______________ copies of shop drawings for the architect’s approval.
a. Engineer/ 5 c. Project Representative / 5
b. Sub-contractor / 4 d. Contractor / 2

10. After ___________ substantial completion of contract work, the architect shall inspect the project and issue
certificate of completion after certification, the contractor will finish outstanding work during period of making
good of all known defect of 60 days.
a. 90% c. 98%
b. 95% d. 100%

11. When the owner hires an Architect of a firm to coordinate the whole range of Comprehensive Architectural
Services, it shall constitute?
a. Design-Build c. Project Management
b. Labor Supervision d. Construction Service

12. The approved form of security furnished by the Contractor as a guarantee of good faith on the part of the
contractor to execute the work in accordance with terms of the Contract.
a. Guarantee Bond c. Performance Bond
b. Surety Bond d. Payment Bond

13. Which of the following describes a bid bulletin?

a. Instruction on bid preparation and contract award.
b. Additional information issued prior to bidding date.
c. Procedural/ administrative aspects of contract.
d. Type and trade names of materials.

14. Within how many days from the date a change is ordered shall any claim for adjustment involving questions of
facts be asserted?
a. 5 c. 15
b. 10 d. 30

15. Which of the following does not constitute the post-construction services of the architect?
a. Post-construction evaluation c. Building/ equipment maintenance
b. Building/ ground administration d. Real property evaluation

16. As per old SPP, the minimum basic fee of parking structure with a project construction cost of 50 million and less
a. 6% c. 8%
b. 7% d. 10%

17. A statement from the Architect confirming the amount of money due the contractor for work accomplished is a:
a. Certificate of Completion c. Certificate of Approval
b. Certificate of Payment d. Billing Statement

18. In a typical Owner-Architect Agreement, who is responsible for payment of surveys, soil explorations, and
laboratory fees?
a. Contractor c. Architect
b. Structural Engineer d. Owner

19. As per old SPP, the minimum fee per appearance of an architect when rendering services as an expert witness
shall be:
a. Php 200.00 c. Php 750.00
b. Php 500.00 d. Php 1,000.00

20. As per old SPP, the minimum basic fee for laboratories with Project Construction Cost of P50 million and less is:
a. 6% c. 8%
b. 7% d. 10%

21. As per old SPP, the minimum basic fee for supermarkets with a project construction cost of P50 Million and less
a. 6% c. 8%
b. 7% d. 10%

22. As per old SPP, the minimum basic fee for retail stores with project construction cost of P50 Million and less is:
a. 6% c. 8%
b. 7% d. 10%

23. Additional information on contract documents issued to bidders before date of bidding is:
a. Supplementary Documents c. Instruction to Bidders
b. Bid Bulletin d. Addendum

24. As per old SPP, the fee for the Architect for Design-Build Services by Administration aside from his fee for the
regular design services is:
a. 6% c. 8%
b. 7% d. 10%

25. As per old SPP, the minimum basic fee of publishing plants with a project construction cost of P50 Million and
less is:
a. 6% c. 8%
b. 7% d. 10%

26. Additional information which may be used as an addition or amendment to the provisions of the standard
specifications are:
a. Supplementary specifications c. Bid bulletin
b. Special provisions d. Auxiliary Information

27. As per old SPP, compensation for services should be increased to a total of how many percent of the basic fee
for alterations of existing structures belonging to groups 1 to 5?
a. 50% c. 150%
b. 100% d. 200%

28. In repetitive construction of building, what percent of the basic minimum fee is charged on succeeding
structures after the third structure based on the old SPP?
a. 20% c. 40%
b. 30% d. 60%

29. Which of the following describes the lump sum or fixed fee method?
a. Related to size and type of project.
b. Applies generally to government projects.
c. Applicable only to pre-design services.
d. Most commonly used in ASEAN.

30. You were commissioned to do a Master Plan. What should you do first?
a. Study the existing laws c. Coordinate with the local government for tracing of history
b. Survey the location d. Direct all Department heads

31. What architectural services involves total planning that encompasses social, physical and environmental
a. Physical planning c. Comprehensive Architectural Services
b. Comprehensive Planning d. Environmental Planning

32. It is the most common method of compensation which is also fair to both client and architect.
a. Multiple of Direct Personnel Expense
b. Professional Fee plus Expenses
c. Percentage Fee Method
d. Lump Sum

33. Mr. Juan Zubiri commissioned you for a restaurant project last year. Due to the success of the restaurant, he
wants you to do a 2nd restaurant using the same design. What would be your fee based on the old SPP?
a. 60% of Basic Fee c. 30% of Basic Fee
b. 80% of Basic Fee d. 40% of Basic Fee

34. An architect was commissioned for a project amounting to P3,500,000.00 including 12% VAT. How much would
it be without VAT?
a. P3,080,000.00 c. P2,870,000.00
b. 3,208,833.33 d. P3,125,000.00

35. For the above, how much would be his tax (Withholding Tax) to the government?
a. P308,000.00 c. P287,000.00
b. P320,833.33 d. P312,500.00

36. If the owner continuously order changes to the design, what methods of compensation should be used?
a. Lump Sum c. Percentage Fee and Cost Method
b. MDPE and Percentage Fee d. Per Diem and MDPE

37. If an architect performs full time supervision, what is his professional fee based on the old SPP?
a. 1 – 1.5% c. 2 – 3%
b. 2 – 2.5% d. 3 - 3.5%

38. Which among the following should the architect’s fee not be based?
a. Client’s profile directory c. Contractor’s fee
b. Project Construction Cost d. Labor Cost

39. A client wanted your services for his new house with a total project cost of Three Million (3,000,000.00) pesos.
Will the percentage of your fee change if the client decides to postpone the project for the following year?
a. Yes, because the cost will increase.
b. Yes, because it will lengthen your responsibility.
c. Both a and b
d. No, it will be the same.

40. An architect makes a miniature model of the project for his own design study. Who should pay for it?
a. PM c. Architect
b. Owner d. Contractor

41. You have been chosen as architect of a complex project for a big corporation, during the design client (CEO of
the Corp.) cannot comprehend the design. A model was being made by the architect to better present the
concept clearly, to whom can the architect charge the fabrication of the model?
a. The corporation should shoulder the cost of the model to be paid after contract document phase.
b. The CEO should be responsible to the cost of the model because he is the one requesting the fabrication of
c. The cost of the model is incorporated into the PF of the Architect.
d. The contractor should be the one to pay for the cost of the model after the contract document phase.

42. Who determines time and cost for the project?

a. Project Manager c. Owner
b. Construction Manager d. Architect

43. Who gives the directive to start the project?

a. Project Manager c. Owner
b. Construction Manager d. Architect

44. Who is responsible for the additional full-time supervisor in the project?
a. Project Manager c. Owner
b. Construction Manager d. Architect

45. Who is responsible for the soil investigation of the project?

a. Contractor c. Owner
b. Structural Engineer d. Architect

46. As per 2010 SPP, how many sets of plans are to be given/ submitted to the owner?
a. 5 c. 7
b. 6 d. 8

47. What is the difference between RA 545 and RA 9266 in terms of architectural practice?
a. Two-years diversified experience c. Corporate practice
b. Structural Conceptualization d. Authorship of documents

48. Plans, models and perspectives are?

a. Instruments of practice c. Contract documents
b. Presentation documents d. Project requirements

49. What do you call Working Drawings, Specifications, Estimates and General Conditions?
a. Construction drawings c. Project Manual
b. Contract Documents d. Project Requirements

50. An architect refuses to give the original plan to the Owner. Why?
a. The Owner is entitled only to the blueprint.
b. The Architect’s work is covered by intellectual property rights/ law.
c. In order to prevent the Owner from making duplicates and/ or constructing without his knowledge.
d. All of the above.

51. You had a residential project for a client. The construction did not push through because unfortunately the
Client died. The brother of the Client who had a similar lot at the same subdivision decided to use the same
plans for the construction of his house. What will you do?
a. Forgive and Forget c. File a case with the PRC
b. Inform the Mayor d. File a case in court

52. Before submitting sketches to a client, what must the architect first do?
a. Sign a service agreement c. Discuss board for presentation
b. Bill for downpayment d. Prepare the probable construction cost

53. A person found preparing architectural plans without the necessary license is guilty of what?
a. Misdemeanor c. Malpractice
b. Illegal practice d. Misrepresentation

54. What offense is committed when an architect is found using the seal of another architect?
a. Misdemeanor c. Malpractice
b. Illegal practice d. Misrepresentation

55. The PRC will not issue the Certificate of Registration to a successful examinee if he commits one of the
a. Sign his signature in a project that he didn’t design.
b. Fraudulent act
c. Unethical practice by competing with other architect.
d. Immoral Act

56. Two best friends decided to form an architectural company one year after becoming licensed and registered
architects. They decided to ask their other friend who is a licensed interior designer to form part of their
company. How much should each of the two architects contribute equally to the company stocks?
a. 50% c. 33.33%
b. 37.5% d. 25%

57. A Japanese student studying architecture in the Philippines would like to undertake the architectural board
exam. In what condition is he allowed to take the exam?
a. He cannot take the exam since he is not a Filipino citizen.
b. He should at least stayed for ten years in the Philippines.
c. His high school curriculum should be compared/ checked to see if his education abroad is similar to that of
the Philippines.
d. Reciprocity

58. Aside from the people and country, who does the architect give supreme oath to?
a. Client c. God
b. Contractors d. Colleagues

59. Allan, a 5th year architecture student is commissioned by Mr. and Mrs. ABC to design a house. Allan had the
plans signed by his professor, Architect Santos. Who is unethical?
a. Architect Santos c. Mr. and Mrs. ABC
b. Allan d. Architect Santos and Allan

60. A recent graduate of a BS in Architecture course is asked and contracted by his aunt who financed his studies to
design a 2 storey residence for her. After the graduate finished preparing all the architectural plans, he asked his
former professor to sign and seal it. The professor agrees to do it for a sum of Php 6,000.00. Is there anything
wrong with this practice?
a. No, since the professor agreed anyway.
b. Yes, because he is not yet capable of preparing plans.
c. No, since he is only returning the favor.
d. Yes, because the preparation was not supervised by the professor.

61. What is the foremost role of an architect with regards to his client?
a. Employee c. Adviser
b. Mediator d. Design Consultant

62. When is the time when the Owner can get replacement for his Architect?
a. Immediately without notifying the first architect.
b. Immediately after terminating the services of the first architect.
c. Within 15 days after terminating the services of the first architect.
d. After terminating the services of the first architect and paying all obligations.

63. A very discreet client has you chosen as the architect of his new project. Midway through the design phase,
another architect has claimed that he was the rightful designer of the project and he was being consulted by the
clients long before your agreement with the said client has taken place. Knowing about the discreet nature of
the client, what should you do to settle this dispute?
a. Suspend the project immediately and let the owner settle his matter with the former architect.
b. Continue the project; ignore the other architect without giving another thought.
c. Continue the project but help the owner in settlement with the third party.
d. Suspend the project and help the owner settle with the third party first.

64. Under what plan will you find the sprinkler, smoke proof, etc.?
a. Fire Safety Plan c. Mechanical Plan
b. Fire Protection Plan d. Sanitary Plan

65. The owner likes a particular bidder. The bidder is delayed and fails to beat the deadline. What factors can be
considered so that he can still join the bid?
a. Reschedule bidding c. Continue bidding but declare no winner
b. Declare failure of bidding d. Nothing

66. If the owner wants to change the estimated cost after awarding to a winning bidder due to economic basis,
what should he do?
a. Change architect c. Change order
b. Revise scope of contract d. Organize another bidding

67. When should a Building Operations Manual (BOM) be submitted to the Owner by the Contractor?
a. 30 days after issuance of Certificate of Occupancy.
b. As soon as the owner asks for it and all billings paid.
c. As soon as the building is finished and ready for occupancy.
d. Before final payment is made.

68. In what instance do several architects submit design proposals at the same time?
a. Referral c. Comparative Selection
b. Direct Hiring d. Design Competition

69. Stage in Comparative Selection where Architects and/ or PRC-registered Architectural Firms (AFs) submit
information regarding their qualification and expertise.
a. Pre-qualification c. Verification
b. Negotiation d. Evaluation and Ranking

70. In Comparative Selection, the Client issues an invitation which includes the _________ for the project which is
based on the Design Brief prepared by another Architect.
a. Organizational Structure c. Terms of Reference
b. Architectural Program d. Tender Documents

71. These preliminary studies involve the procurement, analysis and use of secondary information gathered for the
project to aid the Client in early decision-making.
a. Feasibility Studies c. Architectural Research
b. Pre-feasibility Studies d. Architectural Programming

72. The technique is applied in the cost management process to minimize the negative effect of simplified
operations associated with many cost-reduction programs. The goal is to achieve an unimpaired program at
minimum cost.
a. Construction Management c. PERT-CPM
b. Project Management d. Value Management

73. Under this services, the Architect states the project terms of reference (ToR) including the concept, objectives
and other necessary requirements to bid out architectural services (whether public or private).
a. Design Brief Preparation c. Architectural Programming
b. Promotional Services d. Space Management Studies

74. For Pre-Design Services, the Architect can render services in any of the following ways:
i. As an individual architect
ii. Architect’s own staff
iii. Sub-contracting
iv. By Association, consultation or networking
a. i, ii and iii c. ii, iii and iv
b. i, ii and iv d. i, iii and iv

75. The multiplier for Multiple of Direct Personnel Expenses ranges from 1.5 to 2.5 depending on the following;
i. Office set-up and overhead
ii. Experience of the architect
iii. Complexity of the project
iv. Professional status of the architect
a. i, ii and iii c. ii, iii and iv
b. i, ii and iv d. i, iii and iv

76. For these particular activities, the Architect as agent of the Owner may be paid on a per diem and honorarium
basis plus out-of-pocket expenses such as but not limited to travel, accommodations, and subsistence.
i. Attending project-related meetings, conferences or trips
ii. Long-distance phone calls, internet connections and communications
iii. Conducting ocular inspection of possible project sites
iv. Conferring with others regarding prospective investments or ventures and the like
a. i, ii and iii c. ii, iii and iv
b. i, ii and iv d. i, iii and iv

77. A foreign architect practicing architecture in the Philippines for projects on Philippine soil must first secure a
_________________ and a work permit from the Department of Labor and Employment (DoLE) and must work
in collaboration with a local counterpart Architect who is a Registered and Licensed Architect (RLA) under
Philippine law.
a. Foreigner’s Professional Liability Insurance c. Foreign practice permit
b. Temporary / Special permit d. Foreign Professional permit

78. Under Project Definition Phase, the Architect:

i. Consults with the Owner to ascertain the conceptual framework and related requirements of the
project, and confirms such requirements with him
ii. Gathers relevant information and data leading to the definition of the requirements of the project,
including the scope of the Architect’s services.
iii. Reviews and refines the owner’s space requirements and translates them into an architectural
iv. Prepares an initial statement of probable construction cost
a. i, ii and iii c. ii, iii and iv
b. i, ii and iv d. i, ii, iii and iv

79. For competitive bids/ procurements, the Architect furnishes complete sets of the Bid Documents for purposes
of bidding in as many sets as may be required to conduct a successful bidding. What happens to the documents
once the bidding is completed?
a. Retained by the bidders since they have paid the cost for these.
b. Returned to the Architect since they are the intellectual property of the Architect.
c. Retained by the bidders for future reference.
d. Returned to the Client since they are the property of the Client.

80. The Certificate constitute a certification to the Client that the work has progressed to the state indicated and
that to his best knowledge, the quality of work performed by the Contractor is in accordance with the Contract
a. Certificate of Completion c. Certificate of Acceptance
b. Certificate of Payment d. Certificate of Work Progress

81. Under Regular Design Services, reimbursable expenses include transportation, housing and living allowance of
Consultant, transportation, per diem, housing and living allowance of local consultants and technical staff if
assigned to places over ______ km. from area of operation of the Architect.
a. 50 c. 150
b. 100 d. 200

82. This method of compensation is frequently used where there is continuing relationship involving a series of
Projects. It establishes a fixed sum over and above the reimbursement for the Architect’s technical time and
a. Discounted rate c. Lump Sum or Fixed Fee
b. Professional Fee + expenses d. Per Diem

83. The Owner shall pay for the design and consulting services on the following specialty systems which may be
required for the project except:
a. Acoustic c. Electronic
b. Communication d. Mechanical

84. A per diem plus traveling and living expenses shall be chargeable to the Owner whenever the Architect or his
duly authorized representative is required to perform services at a locality beyond______ kilometers (air,
straight line or radial distance) from his established office as it appears in the Architect’s letterhead.
a. 50 c. 150
b. 100 d. 200

85. When the Owner fails to implement the plans and documents for construction as prepared by the Architect, the
Architect is entitled to receive as compensation the sum corresponding to _____ of the Architect’s fee.
a. 85% c. 95%
b. 90% d. 65%

86. If portions of the building/s are erected at different periods of time, thus increasing the construction period and
Architect’s burden of services, charges pertaining to services rendered during the Construction Phase shall be
adjusted proportionately. When the suspension of construction exceeds a period of _____ months, the fee for
the remaining works shall be doubled.
a. 3 c. 9
b. 6 d. 10

87. The cost of materials used and the labor for their installation are part of the Project Construction Cost. If these
items are furnished by the Owner below its market cost, how will the cost of material and labor be computed?
a. Based on acquisition cost c. Based on estimate of Architect
b. Based on current fair market value d. Based on Contractor’s bid

88. Refers to the orderly arrangement within a piece of land or property on which vertical structures such as
buildings, monuments and the like, as well as horizontal developments such as rights-of-way (ROWs), open
spaces and activity spaces are to be proposed.
a. Urban Design c. Physical Planning
b. Urban Planning d. Site Development Planning

89. The Architect in this area of practice recommends the systematic process of ensuring that a building structure’s
array of systems is planned, designed, installed and tested to perform according to the design intent and the
building’s operational needs.
a. Building Environment Certification c. Building Systems Design
b. Building Testing and Commissioning d. Forensic Architecture

90. What is the minimum basic fee if an architect is commissioned to design a School not exceeding P50 million?
a. 6% c. 8%
b. 7% d. 10%

91. An electric conductor consisting of a group of smaller-diameter conductor strands twisted together is called:
a. Cable wire c. Fiber Optic
b. None of these d. Electric wire

92. The unit of luminous intensity, and also formerly accepted unit as the candela is known as:
a. None of these c. Luminosity
b. Brightness d. International Candle

93. Proportions of duct or section for air-conditioning.

a. H= ½ W c. L=W
b. Aspect ratio d. Free blow

94. A branch circuit consisting of two or more ungrounded conductors having a potential difference between them,
and a grounded conductor having equal potential difference between it and each ungrounded conductor of the
circuit and which is connected to the neutral (grounded) conductor of the system?
a. Appliance branch circuit c. Individual branch circuit
b. Multi-wire branch circuit d. General purpose branch circuit

95. The minimum width of door in hospital is:

a. 1.00m c. 0.80m
b. 0.90m d. 1.20m

96. Solid organic matter denser than water that settle at the bottom of the septic tank.
a. Sludge c. Floc
b. Scum d. Effluent

97. The equivalent of one fixture unit (f.u.)

a. 2.8 liters per minute c. 7.5 liters per minute
b. 0.75 liters per minute d. 7.5 gallons per minute

98. The component of a refrigeration system in which the refrigerant absorbs heat from a cooling medium and
changes from a liquid to a gas.
a. Compression c. Condenser
b. Evaporation d. Refrigerant

99. A device for maintaining or increasing the amount of water vapor in the air of a room.
a. Thermometer c. Humidifier
b. Damper d. Chiller

100. What is the unit of frequency equal to one cycle per second?
a. Hertz c. Watt
b. Decibel d. Sabin

101. Minimum diameter size of a trap and trap arm of a bathtub

a. 25mm c. 50mm
b. 38mm d. 63mm

102. Choose which cycle of a Fan Coil unit operates:

a. Cool air is drawn from the chiller by ducts and forced draft to the exchanger ducts by air handling for
b. Chilled water is drawn from the chiller by pipes and pumped to the finned cooling coils of the fan coil unit,
where air is passed by force for conditioning.
c. Cool air is drawn from the chiller by ducts and force draft to the finned cooling coils of the fan coil unit,
where air is passed by force for conditioning.
d. Cool refrigerant liquid is drawn from the expansion valve and pumped to the finned cooling coils of the fan
coil unit, where air is passed by force for conditioning.

103. Type of bacteria in the septic tank that relies on oxygen to survive.
a. Aerobic c. Scum
b. Anaerobic d. Effluent

104. A fire sprinkler alarm panel which shows a coded message on a board.
a. CCTV c. Annunciator
b. Monitor d. Digital panel

105. A sound that has been reflected with a sufficient time delay.
a. Environmental noise c. Impact noise
b. Direct sound d. Echo

106. Standard frequency of power supplied by the local power utility company like Meralco.
a. 25 cycles c. 40 cycles
b. 60 cycles d. 50 cycles

107. An arrangement of venting so installed that one pipe serves two traps.
a. Unit vent c. Common vent
b. Dual vent d. All of the above

108. The underground position of service conductors extending from a main power line or transformer to a
a. Direct burial cables c. Service lateral
b. Underground service conductor d. Service drop

109. The SI unit of illumination equal to one lumen per square meter.
a. Lux c. Candela
b. Footcandle d. Candlepower

110. The maximum slope for shower receptor floors

a. 1% c. 3%
b. 2% d. 4%



An influential political family has decided to develop its three-hectare property located along the shoreline of Laiya-
Aplaya, San Juan Batangas into a prime water sports venue. Project development requires a clubhouse, tropically-
themed studio-type cabanas for room accommodations, a dining hall cum events venue, individual activity stations
for: jet ski, scuba diving, kayaking, boating, extreme sports, and nature tripping. Corresponding toilets, shower
rooms, administration and support areas as well as the corresponding back-of-the-house spaces are n order.


The site is a beach-front locality with a 500.00m wide frontage facing west, which is situated on a cove. Situated on
generally flat terrain, it is bound on the east by a minor road of 14.00m RROW. On tide changes, shoreline on the
beach front has a variance of +/- 100.00m from the buffer zone.


- To plan/ design an environmentally sensitive pedestrianized resort community with hotel amenities,
compliant with applicable government codes.
- To plan/ design according to sustainable tropical design principles and practices.

111. If the roofing material for the structures are to be made of dried leaves, what type of hazard is the structure
classified as per RA9514?
a. Low hazard c. moderately low hazard
b. Moderately high hazard d. high hazard

112. What type of occupancy does the project fall under the NBCP?
a. Group A c. Group B
b. Group J d. Group E-1

113. What is the minimum number of exits a free-standing studio type cabana should have per NBCP?
a. 1 c. 3
b. 2 d. 4

114. Given the project details and the number of sports and recreational facilities offered by the resort, this
project qualifies to be what type of resort under DOT classification?
a. Class A c. Class AA
b. Class AAA d. Special interest

115. What should be the minimum width of an accessible parking slot in this resort?
a. 2.50m c. 5.50m
b. 2.75m d. 3.70m

116. How high should the handrail be if it is to be installed in an accessible water closet in the resort lobby
a. 0.70m c. 0.90m
b. 1.10m d. 0.80m

117. What type of material installation should be avoided along the beachfront?
a. Dried leaves c. Brick Veneer
b. Aluminum panels d. Bare concrete

118. What would be the best finish for the toilet and bath?
a. Unglazed tiles c. Granite finish
b. Marble finish d. Pebble washout

119. What type of paint should be used in the T & B?

a. Flat c. Textured
b. Enamel d. Polyurethane

120. What new breakthrough material may be used as an alternative to concrete pavement to ensure
groundwater absorption?
a. Permeable concrete c. Cobblestone
b. Asphalt d. Stamped concrete

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