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At the end of teaching on Planning , the students will gain the in-depth knowledge regarding planning and appreciate their importance in
nursing by applying the knowledge in day to day life .


At the end of teaching planning, the student will able To,

1. Introduction of planning
2. Explain the meaning of planning
3. Definition of planning
4. enlist the characteristics of Planning
5. list out the futures of Planning
6. list down objectives of planning
7. enumerate principle of planning.
8. Enlist component of planning
9. explain method of planning
10. discuss Steps of planning
11. Discuss the advantages of planning
12. Enlist the disadvantages of planning.
13. Explain the types of planning.
Sr. Specific
Time Content Learning A.V. Aids Evaluation
No. Objectives
1. INTRODUCTION: - Teacher PPT Student
5 Intrudes the introducing getting the
Mins Planning Planning is very important in modern hectic life. There is the topic knowledge
hardly any field of life which does not require planning. planning

Planning is the first function of management. All other

management function organizing, staffing, directing and

controlling depend on planning. The responsibility for overall

planning is vested in the top-level authority. It is from this listen the
authority that the whole chair of administrative responsibility steps.

Whether the authority is a government, public or private agency, its

primary objective is to meet the health needs of the community and

requires planning. In the process of planning, all the relevant

aspects have to be investigated; and prominent among these aspects

is the nursing service.

Sr. Specific
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No. Objectives
2 2 mins Explain the Meaning of Planning Teacher PPT Student able
meaning of explaining
Planning in its broadest sense, means systematic preparation the talking the
planning. the
for action. Planning is the conscious determination of a further meaning meaning and
course of action to achieve the desired result. defining the
the topics
3.. 5 mins Define the
planning (a) Haynes and Prassic
: Planning is that function of manager in which he decides in
advance what he will do. It is a decision-making process of a Student
special kind; its essence is futurity.
meaning of
(b) L.A. Allen:
Planning is a trap laid down to capture the future. planning
(c) Theo Haimann:
Planning is informed anticipation of future.
Sr. Specific
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No. Objectives
4. 5 mins Enlist the Characteristics of good planning Teacher FLIP Student able
characteristics enlisting the to say the
characteristic CARD characteristics
 It should be based on a clearly defined objective. of the of planning
 It should be simple, if it is complex it will lead to
misdirected effort and unnecessary expenditure.
 Planning is the foundation of the management.
 Planning is continuous, it is a never-ending activity of a
Student note
down the
 Planning is written in specific terms. characteristics
 Planning holds out some hope for improved capital
allocation decisions.
 Planning is a substitute for the direct control of the
demonetarisation crisis.
 Plans are formulated in a precise way and expressed in
realistic terms.
 To ensured consistency and unity of action, it is
necessary to have unified focus in planning operations.
 Planning activity is not the exclusive prerogative of top
 It should provide for a proper analysis and classification
of actions.
 It should be flexible : In nursing, perhaps more than in
any other field of work. Flexibility is essential and the
plan must be capable of adoption to meet emergencies or
changing situation.
 It should use available resources to the utmost: This
emphasizes the principles of reality.
 A defined hierarchy is essential for a good planning.

Sr. Specific
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No. Objectives
5. 5 Mins List out the Features of Planning Teachers P Student able
fetchers of list out the A to say the
RC. Davis has described six features of a good plan:
planning. features of M features of
 Plan should have specific objective. planning P planning
 It should have sound rationale behind it.
 Planning should be made according to need of future. E
 It should be flexible.
 It should be stabilising. Student
listen care
 It should be universal, simple & less expensive.
Objectives are framed to achieve the success of
organization. Planning is not possible in the absence of objectives.
Following are the objectives for administrative planning
 To bring about a unity in the working of organization.
 To achieve co-ordination in power & efforts of
employees working in organization.
 To direct human power towards collective interest.
To curtail the cost/expenses of organization. To bring about a
certainty in functions by formulating plans.
Sr. Specific
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No. Objectives
6. 5 Mins List down Elements of Planning: Teachers Student able
objectives of explain the to say the
planning. element of elements of
Planning consists of several individual plans or components and planning planning
parts; that bound together in a constant structure of operations. The
complete and thorough planning must provide the following

1. Objectives: These are the ends towards which the activities of

the enterprise are aimed. Planning has no meaning if it is not writing the
related to certain objectives. The objective should be set very
carefully. A good manager must determine:
(a) Overall and departmental objectives.
(b) Short term and long term objectives.
(c) Economic and social objectives; so as to make planning
Sr. Specific
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No. Objectives
2. Policies:
A policy is devised to guide the organizational members to deal
with a particular situation in a particular manner. Policies are
general statement or understandings. Policies are generally those
theoretical statements which guide the manager for achievement of
objectives. According to R.C. Davis; policies are source of mutual
cooperation, co-ordination, self-motivation and future planning. A
policy has certain
(a) policy is an expression of intentions of top management.
(b) policy is seated
(c) policy is long standing
(d) policy is developed with the active participation of top
(e) policy is in writing.
Sr. Specific
Time Content Learning A.V. Aids Evaluation
No. Objectives
3. Procedures:
A procedure is a systematic way of handling regular events.
A procedure is a guide to rational rather than to thinking. They help
the management by system of well-conceived procedures, effective
delegation and decentralization of authority without loss of control
and co-ordination.

4. Purpose:
The purpose highlights the nature of planning. It shows what
is the future plan and its outcome.

5. Projects:
A project may be defined as a complex cluster of related
activities with a definite objective and a definite completion time
Sr. Specific
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No. Objectives
6. Administrative Rules and Regulations:
Every organization attempts to operate in an orderly way by
laying down certain rules. Rules are the simplest and the most
specific type of standing plans. They are used for guiding what
may or may not be done. A rule demands a specific action. It is
more rigid than a policy.

These are plans made in the light of plan of the competitors. The
purpose of strategies is to determine and communicate through a
system of major objectives and policies. They evaluate its
appropriateness and requires certain criteria. These are (i) Internal
consistency (ii) Consistency with environment (iii)
Appropriateness in the light of available resources (iv) acceptable
degree of risk (v) appropriate time horizon (vi) workability.
Sr. Specific
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No. Objectives
8. Budget:
Budget is prepared in every organization. It is predestination
of income, expenditure and material resources.

9. Schedule:
Time schedule should not be ignored in organization. It
affects all the management functions.

10. Standards:
The standards are required to control the scheme such as
time standard, expenditure standard etc.

r. Specific
Time Content Learning A.V. Aids Evaluation
No. Objectives
7. 5 Enumerates Principles of Planning Teacher F Student able
Mins principle of enumerating L to talk the
planning. the A principles of
1. Protection: Protection of the patient from infection is good for principles S planning
of the H
patient care and is the basis for hospital planning.
planning C
2. Separation: Separation of dissimilar activities is another A
principle of planning.
3. Control: Is the third planning principle.
4. Circulation: Short traffic routes as much as is feasible. 5. The
listen care
plan must be a sound one. fully the
6. It should be objective.
7. Plans should be subjected to regular appraisal and review. 8.
Plan should fit into the situation.
9. Planning measures firm's market share.
10. Plan should always include a specification, agreed on in
advance for abandoning the plan.
11. It must develop an effective organization.

According to J.C. Danier, following are the principles of planning:

1. Planning should be based on facts.
2. It should be made with suitable extension.
3. It should be made by suitable person.
4. It should be made for a particular time frame in future.
5. It should have standards to control the scheme.
6. It should be practical not idealistic.
7. It should be flexible.
8. It should take alternative functional aspects.
9. The impact of main & subsidiary decisions should be judged
while planning.
10. The planners should see whether the decisions about the
implementation of plans have been issued or not.

Sr. Specific
Time Content Learning A.V. Aids Evaluation
No. Objectives
8. 5 Mins Enlist Planning components Teachers Ppt Student able
components enlist the to say about
1. Selecting the architect and consultant:
of planning. component the planning
To plan anything with competence requires the study and of planning component
extensive experience. For planning, we should study the subject.
2. The comprehensive approach:
The comprehensive approach to administrative planning is
greatly needed, yet seldom practiced. This is in part due to lack of
knowledge of this branch of planning.
writing the
Methods of Expressing Plans
Plans may be expressed in 3 ways.
 A plan: Such as taking the blood pressure of a patient.
 A declarative plan specifies only a desired outcome:
Outcome and action for those executing and responsible
for choosing the sequence of actions necessary to achieve
Other plans may be expressed in Narrative form: Such as a
description of a person policy. Generally, a plan is expressed in
terms of quantitative variables.
Sr. Specific
Time Content Learning A.V. Aids Evaluation
No. Objectives
10. 5 Mins Discuss the Important steps in Planning Teachers PPT Student get
steps of discuss the adequate
The technique of planning may be outlines to indicate a step.
planning steps of the knowledge
It is approach to the adoption of a comprehensive plan ready for planning regarding the
steps of the
(a) Determination of objectives: Major objectives are broken
into departmental, sectional and individual objectives.
(b) Establishment of Planning premises: Planning premises Student
listen the
supply pertinent facts and information relating to the future
care fully
and as such they are vital to the success of planning.
(c) Selection of operative plan from alternatives: In other
words the techniques of decision making are applied to
choose the proposed course of action from several
alternatives. If alternatives are not developed planning
becomes a straight jacket pattern of activity and poses much
of its beneficial results.
Sr. Specific
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No. Objectives

(d) Preparation of Derivative plans: The breakdown of the

primary plan of action into departmental and sectional plans
gives a realistic picture of the course of things to come in
(e) Timing and sequence of operations: It gives practical shape
and concrete form to the programme.
(f) Securing participation: For the execution of the programme,
the subordinate’s participation is necessary.
Sr. Specific
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No. Objectives
Koontz and O Donnel have described six steps of planning as
given below :

(a) Establishing objectives:

(b) Premising and forecasting
(c) Determining alternative courses
(d) Evaluating alternative courses
(e) Selecting a course
(f) Formulating a derivative plan Thus we can say, planning
(a) Determination of objectives.
(b) Finding out various alternatives on the basis of
(c) Evaluating all alternatives.
(d) Selecting best course of action.
(e) Implementing and follow up of planning.
Sr. Specific
Time Content Learning A.V. Aids Evaluation
No. Objectives
11. 5 Mins Discuss the Teachers PPT Student know
Advantages discuss the the
of planning. advantage advantages of
of the the planning
1) Purposeful and orderly activities: All efforts are pointed
towards desired results and an effective sequence of efforts
is accomplished; unproductive work is minimized.
2) Visualize future change: Planning helps to visualize future
possibilities and to appraise new key future fields for
writing the
possible participation. notes
3) Removal of doubt: Answers permit a planner to see
through a complexity of variables that affect what action
one decides to take.
4) Provision of basis for control: The standards of planning
make sure that the planning is bringing about the results as
earlier sought.
5) Encouragement to achievement: The act of putting thoughts
down on papers and evolving a plan provides the planner
with guidance and a drive to achieve.
6) Planning provides direction: It provides direction and a
sense of purpose for the organization.
7) Planning provides a unifying framework: It forces people to
continually address their efforts to the most important work,
rather than the least important.
8) Planning is economical: Effective plans co-ordinate
organizational work and eliminate unproductive effort.
9) Planning helps management to adopt and adjust to changing
environments: Planning helps managers anticipate problems
before they arise and deal with them before they turn into
10) Planning enhances the behaviour climate.
(i) Planning provides a basis for team work.
(ii) Planning educates the people
(iii) Planning orients, the people.
11) Planning facilitate control: Planning and control functions
are in separable. There is nothing to control without
planning and without proper control planning process.
12) Visualization to entirety: The overall comprehension is
valuable. It enables the manager to gain a fuller
understanding of each activity.
13) Balancing of utilisation of facilities: Many managers point
out that planning provides for a greater utilization of
available facilities of an enterprise.
14) Helping management status : Proper planning helps a
manager to provide confident and effective leadership.

Sr. Specific
Time Content Learning A.V. Aids Evaluation
No. Objectives
12. 5 Enlist the DISADVANTAGES OF PLANNING Teachers PPT Student know
Mins disadvantages enlisting the the
of planning. disadvantages disadvantages
1. Limitations of accurate information: The of the of planning
usefulness of a plan is affected by both Current and
the subsequent correctness of the premises used.
2. Addition in costs: Some argue that the cost of
planning work adds cost to actual one.
Student listen
3. Limitation in achievement bypsychological carefully
barriers: A prevalent barrier is that people have
more regard for the present than the future.
4. Restraints on initiative: Some feel that planning
forces managers into a rigid mode of executing their
5. Delayed actions: Emergencies and sudden uprisings
of unusual situations demand on the spot decisions.
6. Overdoing tendencies: Some critics state that those
performing planning tend to overdo their
Sr. Specific
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No. Objectives
13. 5 Mins Explain the Teachers PPT Student able
types of explaining to say the
Planning. the types types of the
Since planning is a technique common to all varieties of of planning planning
human activity it is some what misleading to distinguish between
types of it. No matter to what field of activity it applies its essence.
It gathers all the relevant data related to the task in hand as far as
possible and then to chalk out a systematic programme for listen
accomplishing it.
1. Physical Planning: It aims at guiding and controlling the
development of cities in orderly fashion instead of leading
them to grow in a haphazard manner. Eg: Streety layout,
transportation systems of the city, location of public
buildings, water supply, lighting and drainage etc.
2. Economic and Social Planning: Economic planning
involves advance determination by state agencies of the
needs of the country for the more essential economic goods
and services, over a given period, arranging them into a
scheme of priorities and controlling both production and
consumption with a view to their fulfilment with that
3. Administrative Planning: Administrative planning is a
phase of management and involves drawing up a
programme of operations in advance and the provision of
the requisite organisation, personnel, material and
procedure for carrying it out. Administrative planning
embraces problems of organization, budgeting, personal
procedure, in fact all the phases of the 'POSDCORB"
activities. It includes:
 goals
 single use plans
 standing plans
4. Comprehensive planning: It connects planning for the
totality of the economy. It takes into account the aggregate
targets to be reached by the economy as a whole. is now
5. Partial Planning: To many under developed countries, the
economy between the public sector and the private sector.
In this context, partial planning could be identified as the
planning of the public sector.
6. Imperative planning: An imperative plan not only covers
every branch of activity but embraces many aspects of
economic life including volume of output, prices,
employment. It is controlled by the financial organisations
and above all by the political authority.

7. Indicative planning: It gives for greater scope to the

freedom in the economic system as compared with
imperative planning.

8. Planning by compulsion: It includes whole battery of

physical controls like allocation of raw material to various
production unit in industry and agriculture and licenses for
setting up industries.

9. Totalitarian and Democratic Planning: Totalitarian

planning is described as one where the almighty state or the
planning authority imposes a pervading discipline of
planning. On the other hand, democratic planning is
described as a planning process in which people participate
in both formulation and implementation of plans.
10. Sectoral and Spatial Planning: Traditionally, plans are
broken into sectors/primary, secondary and territory.
Primary sector covers activities like forestry, fishery and
mining. Secondary sector covers commerce, trade, transport
etc. Spatial planning is helpful in geographical dispersal of
the efforts and fruits of planning in a scientific manner.

11. Rolling plan: The concept of rolling plan evolved a five-

year plan which is rolled on from year to year. At the end of
the first year’s operation, it is further revised and
interrelated with one more year,

Sr. Specific
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No. Objectives
Summaries Summery: - Teacher
the topic summaries
the topic
I would like to summaries my topic e.i. Planning in that first we
seen the introduction of planning, in introduction we seen the
planning is the systematic arrangement of things. then we seen the
meaning of planning in that we see the systematic approaches of
the problems means planning. The we seen the definition of the
planning that we see the two different definitions of the planning,
then we seen the characteristic of the planning in that we seen the
many different characteristics of planning, then we see the features
of the planning in we seen the different features of the planning.
Then we seen the objectives of the planning, then we seen the
principles of planning in that we seen the different principle of
planning, then we seen the components of planning, then methods
of expression of planning, then we seen the Steps of planning in
that we seen the six steps of planning, next we seen the advantages
and disadvantages of planning and lastly, we seen the types of

Sr. Specific
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No. Objectives
Concluding Conclusion :- Teacher
the topic concluding
I would like to conclude my topic e.i. planning in that all
the topic
knowledge regarding is very useful in the day to day life as well as
clinical practice and teaching practice we all using this knowledge
for achieving specific goal in that using knowledge in step wise
manner to achieve the goal

Sr. Specific
Time Content Learning A.V. Aids Evaluation
No. Objectives
Bibliography :-
1) A Comprehensive Text book on Nursing Management ,
Deepak K. , Sarath Chandran . C., Edition Second, Publish
2) Essential of Nursing Management in Service and
Education, Shabnam Masih, Edition Second, Publish By
Lotus Publication.
3) Text Book of Nursing Education, Shebeer P. Basheer
Edition First, Publish By EMMESS.
5) https:/

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