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Task 1 : Look at the table, read the sentences and then match the adverbs with the correct

percentage :

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat The weather in winter in…………
December January February
Ifran -2°C -3°C 5°C
Kamal Casabl- 10°C 12°C 14°C
Said Absent Absent Present Present Absent Absent

1. Maria always does her homework

2. Sara often plays tennis 5. It is never hot in Ifran in winter.
3. Kamal and Moura sometimes go to the cinema. 6. The weather is rarely hot in Casablanca in winter.
4. Said is usually absent from school.

0% 15% 30% 55% 70% 100%

Never ……………. …………….. often ……………… ………………

Task 2: Put the sentences in task one in the correct table:

Subject Adverb Verb Subject Verb Adverb

Maria always does Her homework It is never sunny in Ifran in winter

Task 3: Look at the table and write sentences about Rosa:

Rosa always Usually Often Sometimes never 1……………………………………………………………………..
1.drink coffee ●●●○ 2……………………………………………………………………..
2. cook dinner ●●○○ 3………………………………………………………………………
3. be late for school ○○○○ 4………………………………………………………………………
4. write letters ●○○○
5. revise her lessons ●●●●

Task 4: First complete this chart about you, then work in pairs, complete your friend’s section.
How often do Me
you……? always Usually Often Sometimes rarely never football
2. do homework
3. go to the cinema
4. cook

How often do My friend

you……? always Usually Often Sometimes rarely never football
2. do homework
3. go to the cinema
4. cook
Task 1 : Look at the table, read the sentences and then match the adverbs with the correct percentage :

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat The weather in winter in…………
December January February
Ifran -2°C -3°C 5°C
Kamal Casabl- 10°C 12°C 14°C
Said Absent Absent Present Present Absent Absent

1. Maria always does her homework

2. Sara often plays tennis 5. It is never hot in Ifran in winter.
3. Kamal and Moura sometimes go to the cinema. 6. The weather is rarely hot in Casablanca in winter.
4. Said is usually absent from school.

0% 15% 30% 55% 70% 100%

Never ……………. …………….. often ……………… ………………

Task 2: Put the sentences in task one in the correct table:

Subject Adverb Verb Subject Verb Adverb

Maria always does Her homework It is never sunny in Ifran in winter

Task 3: Look at the table and write sentences about Rosa:

Rosa always Usually Often Sometimes never 1……………………………………………………………………..
1.drink coffee ●●●○ 2……………………………………………………………………..
2. cook dinner ●●○○ 3………………………………………………………………………
3. be late for school ○○○○ 4………………………………………………………………………
4. write letters ●○○○
5. revise her lessons ●●●●

Task 4: First complete this chart about you, then work in pairs, complete your friend’s section.
How often do Me
you……? always Usually Often Sometimes rarely never football
2. do homework
3. go to the cinema
4. cook

How often do My friend

you……? always Usually Often Sometimes rarely never football
2. do homework
3. go to the cinema
4. cook

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