E F A B C: D. Being Ignored by Waiters and Shop Assistants

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Gebze Technical University

Department of Foreign Languages A

2023-24 Academic Year, Spring
Total Score


A. Note Taking: “What annoys the speakers?”

Using your notes, match the speakers 1–5 with answers a) – f) .There is ONE EXTRA answer you do
not need. (5x2=10p)

1. Speaker 1: __ E_ a. the sight of people’s unhygienic habits in public

2. Speaker 2: F b. the gap between the rich and the poor

c. the damage caused to the environment by excessive waste
3. Speaker 3: A
d. being ignored by waiters and shop assistants
4. Speaker 4: B e. trying to get through to customer services assistants on the phone
5. Speaker 5: C f. being disturbed by the use of mobile phones on public transport

B. While Listening:

Listen to a program about traffic psychology. Decide if the statements are TRUE or FALSE.

1. True/ False: Most traffic accidents are caused by bad weather and bad roads.
2. True/ False: According to research, only bad drivers make mistakes due to psychological errors.
3. True/ False: People make more mistakes when they believe they’re very good at something.
4. True/ False: Most drivers don’t realize how much they’re missing of what’s happening around them.
5. True/ False: Most drivers blame themselves when they make a driving error.

Listening Total


A. Complete the conversation with “must be -can’t be- might be”. (4x1=4p)
A: Did you hear that noise downstairs?
B: Yeah, I did. It (1) ______must be because of the wind. It's been pretty strong lately.
A: I don't think so. It (2) ____ can't be the wind. I checked the windows earlier, and they're all closed.
B: Hmm, then it (3) ______ might be the cat knocking things over. Probably, she is looking for us.
A: That's possible. Or, she (4) ____ might be playing with something again. Let's go check it out.

B. Fill in the gaps with “active” or “passive” forms of the words given in the parentheses. Correct
tense matters!” (10x1=10p)
Ever since Dr. Sylvia Earle (1) _________was knocked________ (knock) over by a wave as a young child,
she has been fascinated by the ocean. She (2) _______has conducted__________ (conduct) more than
a hundred ocean expeditions and spent more than 7000 hours underwater. Her research
(3) ________is guided____ (guide) by her commitment to preserving ecosystems and developing new
technologies for exploring the sea.
People sometimes ask Earle, “Why is the ocean so important?” She explains, “The natural cycles that balance
Earth’s water, air, and climate (4) _____are regulated__________ (regulate) by the ocean.” She also notes
our dependence on the ocean’s food chain, from the biggest fish to the tiniest organisms. If just one link in
the chain is removed, it will affect the whole system. For example, if the plants that feed the small fish
(5) ______are destroyed___________ (destroy), the small fish will die. Then, the larger fish that depend
on the small fish will disappear as well.
In the past, people behaved as though the ocean couldn’t (6) _____be harmed_____ (harm). However, now,
the ocean (7) ______is being damaged_________ (damage) at a rapid rate, and it is clear that humans are
responsible. More trash and chemicals (8) ____are being thrown___________ (throw) into the water. This
damages ecosystems, such as coral reefs, and all the life that they support. People are also overfishing. In
fact, most of the fish species (9) ____have been killed_________ (kill) for food so far. Earle firmly believes
that the ocean must (10) ____be protected_____ (protect) from further harm. She urges people around the
world to help support what she calls “the blue heart” of the planet.

C. Rewrite the sentences by using the words/phrases/structures given in brackets so they have a
similar meaning to the previous sentence. Pay attention to punctuation. (7x1=7p)

1. Jason, who has lived in Florida for 10 years, has experienced several hurricanes. (reduction)
Jason, having lived in Florida for 10 years, has experienced several hurricanes.
2. It will be difficult for her to understand the basics of the profession if she doesn’t attend lectures. (unless)
It will be difficult for her to understand the basics of the profession unless she attends lectures.
(Unless she attends lectures, it will be difficult for her to understand the basics of the profession)
3. The museum has just been opened to the public. It was built last year. (relative clause)
The museum which was built last year has just been opened to the public.
4. I wasn’t invited to the party, so I didn’t buy a present for him. (conditional)
If I had been invited to the party, I would have bought a present for him.
5. He asked his sister, “Did you eat the cake after school?” (reported question)
He asked his sister if/whether she had eaten the cake after school.
6. Eusébio was the first footballer who won the Golden Boot. (reduction)
Eusébio was the first footballer to win the Golden Boot.
7. Because of global warming, there are very few pandas living in the wild now. (many)
Because of global warming, there are not many pandas living in the wild now.

D. Fill in the gaps with “infinitive” or “gerund” forms of the verbs given in the parentheses. (4x1=4p)
When it was time to write my essay, I knew it meant (1) ____ spending ___ (spend) more time researching
and planning. However, in my hurry to find information, I forgot (2) ____to arrange__ (arrange) out my ideas
properly, which led to a messy first draft. With no other choice but to fix it, I stopped (3) to gather (gather)
my thoughts and made a clear plan. After that, I tried (4) ___ to improve _____ (improve) my arguments
and made sure my writing was clear, but I still found some parts incoherent. UOE Total
A. Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the words given in brackets. (5x1=5p)
1. Previous job experience is a necessary qualification that most of the companies ask for. (qualify)
2. The failure of the project is due to the lack of resources. (fail)
3. You have to be patient and keep studying till achieving your goals for your future career. (patience)
4. There is no use complaining all the time. Remember those less fortunate than yourselves. (fortune)
5. If you need further explanation about the speaking tasks, it is better to ask your class teacher. (explain)

B. Complete the sentences with a word from the box below. There are TWO EXTRAS. (10x1= 10p)
prospect – revolutionary – efficient – inspired – adversity – confront
demanding – inclined – estimate – signify – exception – assured
1. We estimate the cost of building a tree house to be 10 thousand dollars.
2. Some tribes use special facial markings to signify status.
3. Nursing is an emotionally and physically demanding job.
4. She is a good worker, but inclined to be a bit distracted by external factors.
5. Each candidate must answer all the questions without exception.
6. It is apparent that genetic engineering will have revolutionary consequences for humanity.
7. We should learn how to confront hard times instead of avoiding their reality.
8. There is little prospect that the two countries would reach an agreement anytime soon.
9. Because of the five-year drought, the farmer experienced a long period of adversity.
10. In the past, the miners’ equipment was not as efficient at finding gold as today's machinery.
C. Write the correct word next to the definition provided. Each hyphen counts as a letter. (5x1=5p)

1. an article which gives an opinion about a film. review

2. a film which continues the story of a previous film. sequel
3. a type of a school where students both study and sleep. boarding
4. a room or a space just below the roof of a building. attic
5. a piece of electronic equipment that connects computer networks to each router
other, and sends information between networks.
Vocabulary Total



A. Read the Text I “Customer Behavior” and choose the correct answer. (4x1=4p)

1. According to one study, when men saw prices 3. When remembering prices …
written in red … a. women pay more attention than men.
a. they were not sure about the quality of the product. b. men and women are equally good.
b. the colour used made no difference to them. c. men have better memories than women.
c. they thought they were getting a bargain.
4. According to experts, what kind of sales staff
2. The same study showed that women … do customers prefer?
a. cannot shop as quickly as men. a. ones who look happy and friendly
b. do not trust adverts as easily as men. b. ones who enjoy chatting to customers
c. are not as careful shoppers as men. c. ones who understand their customers’

B. Read Text I again. Decide if the sentences are TRUE or FALSE. If there is no information about
the statement, choose NOT GIVEN. (6x1=6p)

1. True/ False/Not Given: Most people have been unhappy with a shop assistant at some point.
2. True/ False/Not Given: It’s a good idea for sales assistants to respond to the customer’s mood.
3. True/ False/Not Given: Angry customers don’t want to spend too long shopping.
4. True/ False/Not Given: Shop owners’ moods can change as much as their customers’ moods.
5. True/ False/Not Given: Most shoppers have decided what they will buy before entering a shop.
6. True/ False/Not Given: Shop sales usually increase when the weather is bad.

A. Read Text II “A World without Water” and match gaps 1–5 in the text with a)–g) below. There is
ONE EXTRA sentence you do not need. (5x2=10p)

a) The pond is contaminated by human and animal waste as well as pollution

1. ……D….
b) She is a young woman with tremendous energy and spirit, and is now working with
2. ……F…. other Board Guard residents
c) We must start to use water more efficiently and prevent water-waste in the home
3. ……E….
d) Every fifteen seconds, a child in the developing world dies from water-related

4. ……A…. disease
e) Because it is usually very crowded, she needs to leave home early in the morning
5. ……B… f) She works as a housemaid and her husband is a gardener

Reading Total

Customer Behavior

If you have ever been shopping and thought you were getting a bargain simply because the price
appeared in red, or have left a shop because the sales assistant talked too much, you’re not alone. In fact,
your actions are quite typical, according to experts on customer behavior.
When it comes to shopping, experts explain that women think about everything much more carefully
than men. A recent study showed that when men saw an advertisement with the prices written in red, they
believed the shop was offering greater price savings than those printed in black. They felt very positive about
buying the product as well.
In contrast, red didn’t have the same effect on female shoppers. It actually made them suspicious.
Experts explain that if women see an advert in red, they question what’s happening and think they have to
be extra careful. ‘Am I being tricked?’ they will ask themselves. Women also seem to have a much better
memory than men when it comes to the prices in adverts. This could be because men don’t think so hard
about adverts or because they just aren’t that interested.
In a separate study, it was found that customers seem to prefer sales people who can correctly read
moods. This is news for managers who believe that sales will increase if shop assistants are always happy
and friendly to customers. Researchers believe that the findings suggest that customers don’t always want
sales staff to be extremely happy and chatty. Instead, we prefer staff who understand body language.
The key to a successful sale, then, is reading the customer’s mood and matching that mood. The experts
explain that it isn’t advisable to match the mood of a customer who’s angry; a customer who is in a hurry or
in a bad mood would rather deal with a sales person who understands them, can serve them quickly or just
leave them alone – and not try to get them to chat about their family.
There are of course some factors, which are outside the control of shop owners – like the weather,
which can really change people’s moods. Experts are confident that good weather means good news for
shop owners. As much as 60–80% of customer decisions are made while people are actually in a shop,
rather than before or after their visit. And as more people are out and about during nice weather, there is a
higher chance they are shopping and therefore more opportunity for shops to make a sale. Rain and snow
have the opposite effect, as people prefer to stay at home.


A World without Water

American actor Matt Damon is world famous for his box-office hits such as the Jason Bourne films.
He is also a well-known humanitarian. In 2009, he co-founded water.org, a non-profit organisation that
provides the developing world with access to safe water and health care services. Its aim is to assist the 2.5
billion people worldwide that lack health care services, and 890 million people without safe water. Matt
explained: ‘(1) . After visiting project sites in Africa and Asia, I’ve seen the problem and the impact of
safe water.’ Moina is just one of the thousands of people that water.org has been helping.
Twenty-two-year-old Moina lives in Board Guard slum in Dhaka, Bangladesh, with her husband and
eight-month-old daughter, and four million other people. (2) . Because the neighbourhood they live in
has no access to safe water, Moina has to get her family’s drinking water from a public source about a mile
away. (3) . It’s not unusual for the water to run out before everyone in the queue has been able to fill
their pots. She collects water twice a day and each trip takes her from one to two hours. Moina uses a nearby
pond for all other daily water needs, like bathing and washing clothes. (4) . There are no sanitary toilets
in Board Guard, only ‘hanging latrines’, which are basically sheets of cloth hung on bamboo poles for privacy.
Moina and her family have suffered from water-related illnesses such as diarrhoea as well as various
skin diseases. (5) . They have formed a community-based organisation and applied for a small loan to
build a water well and latrine through water.org. Moina’s dream is to have clean water right by her home.

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