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Mathematics 6 - 21st Century Skills Test

Problem Solving: Analyzing Outcome

1. Juan has $15.50. He spends $8.75 on a movie ticket and $3.25 on snacks. How much
money does he have left?
A) $4.50
B) $6.00
C) $7.25
D) $9.75

2. Maria has a collection of stamps. She adds 12 new stamps to her collection, which
previously had 48 stamps. How many stamps does she have now?
A) 50
B) 60
C) 64
D) 72

3. If a store sells 25 shirts in the morning and 35 shirts in the afternoon, how many shirts did
they sell in total?
A) 50
B) 55
C) 60
D) 70

4. A fruit vendor bought 3.5 kg of apples and 2.75 kg of oranges. How many kilograms of
fruit did the vendor buy in total?
A) 5.75 kg
B) 6.25 kg
C) 7.25 kg
D) 8.25 kg
Information Literacy: Ability to Manage Information

5. What is the sum of 3/4 and 2/3?

A) 5/7
B) 11/12
C) 7/12
D) 9/8

6. If you subtract 1/3 from 5/6, what is the difference?

A) 1/2
B) 1/3
C) 1/6
D) 2/3

7. What is the product of 2/5 and 3/8?

A) 1/10
B) 3/13
C) 6/40
D) 5/16

8. If you add 1/4 to 2/3, what is the sum?

A) 3/7
B) 5/6
C) 7/12
D) 9/12

Critical Thinking: Using Evidence to Formulate an Argument

9. If a book costs $12.50 and you buy 3 copies, how much will you pay in total?
A) $25.00
B) $35.50
C) $37.50
D) $42.00

10. A student buys 2 packs of pencils. Each pack contains 12 pencils. How many pencils does
the student have in total?
A) 22
B) 24
C) 26
D) 28

11. If a store sells 2.5 kg of rice for $6.50, how much would 4 kg of rice cost?
A) $10.40
B) $12.80
C) $14.00
D) $15.60

12. How much is the product of 3.25 and 4.5?

A) 12.25
B) 14.25
C) 16.25
D) 18.25

Answer Key:

1. C) $7.25
2. C) 64
3. D) 70
4. B) 6.25 kg
5. C) 7/12
6. C) 1/6
7. C) 6/40
8. B) 5/6
9. C) $37.50
10. B) 24
11. B) $12.80
12. C) 16.25

Problem Solving: Analyzing Outcome

13. Jose has 3.25 liters of orange juice. He pours out 0.75 liters to share with his friends. How
many liters of orange juice does he have left?
A) 2.00 liters
B) 2.25 liters
C) 2.50 liters
D) 2.75 liters

14. If a box contains 4.5 kg of rice and 2.75 kg are used, how many kilograms of rice are left
in the box?
A) 1.25 kg
B) 1.50 kg
C) 1.75 kg
D) 2.00 kg

15. If a toy costs ₱125.50 and a book costs ₱9.75, how much money will you have left from
₱500.00 after buying both items?
A) ₱364.25
B) ₱364.75
C) ₱365.25
D) ₱365.75

16. A basket contains 2.35 kg of apples and 1.75 kg of oranges. What is the total weight of
the basket with fruits?
A) 0.50 kg
B) 0.60 kg
C) 0.70 kg
D) 0.80 kg

Information Literacy: Ability to Manage Information

17. What is the sum of 3/4 and 2/5?

A) 1 1/4
B) 1 1/2
C) 1 3/20
D) 2 3/20
18. If you subtract 5/6 from 2/3, what is the result?
A) 1/3
B) 1/6
C) 2/3
D) 5/6

19. What is the product of 2/3 and 3/4?

A) 1/2
B) 5/12
C) 1 1/2
D) 6/7

20. If you add 1/4 to 3/5, what is the total value?

A) 3/5
B) 4/9
C) 5/8
D) 7/10

Critical Thinking: Using Evidence to Formulate an Argument

21. If a car travels at a speed of 45.75 km/h for 2.5 hours, how far does it travel?
A) 90.00 km
B) 100.75 km
C) 114.38 km
D) 127.88 km

22. If a book costs ₱150.00 and you buy 3 copies, how much will you pay in total?
A) ₱362.50
B) ₱450.00
C) ₱475.00
D) ₱525.00

23. A store sells 3.5 kg of rice for ₱50.75. How much would 5.5 kg of rice cost?
A) ₱87.50
B) ₱92.50
C) ₱96.25
D) ₱102.25

24. What is the product of 2.5 and 3.75?

A) 8.25
B) 9.25
C) 9.375
D) 10.625

Answer Key:

13. B) 2.25 liters

14. A) 1.25 kg
15. A) ₱364.25
16. B) 0.60 kg
17. B) 1 1/2
18. A) 1/3
19. B) 5/12
20. A) 7/10
21. C) 114.38 km
22. B) ₱450.00
23. A) ₱87.50
24. C) 9.375

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