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Sector View: Attractive NIFTY-50: 21,659 January 05, 2024

PSU banks: Valuation convergence prompts a thesis review

The investment thesis of preferring Tier-2 PSU bank stocks has performed
well in the past year or so, driven by credit cost normalization. However,
valuation multiples have now converged sharply, prompting a review of our
recommendations. Given the relative strength of SBI as a franchise
(demonstrated over the last credit cycle), we now recommend owning it over
other PSU banks. We maintain BUY on SBI and ADD on BOB, but downgrade
Canara (ADD), Union (ADD) and PNB (REDUCE).

Investment thesis on credit cost normalization has played out well

Asset quality for PSU banks has seen a steady recovery in the past few years
toward the end of the corporate NPA cycle and even held up well through the
Covid pandemic – contrary to the expectations of many. This recovery cycle
began with a declining trend in slippages, which was followed by declining
GNPA ratios. We have now seen credit costs also decline as net NPA ratios for
most PSU banks have converged to a level of about 1.0%. The steady decline in
credit cost has driven a steady improvement in RoE closer to mid-teen levels.
With increasing comfort in the outlook for asset quality and return ratios, these
Tier-2 PSU bank stocks saw a sharp rally recently and their valuation multiples
have now converged closer to those of SBI, which traded at a valuation premium
for a few years. As a consequence, the investment thesis of favoring these
inexpensive stocks has played out very well.

Valuation convergence encourages us to favor the stronger franchise

With the recent swift convergence in valuation multiples, we have reviewed our
investment thesis on the PSU banking space. While we earlier favored holding
these Tier-2 PSU bank stocks, given the anticipated asset-quality recovery,
making an investment case for them is challenging unless we believe that Tier-
2 banks would be able to deliver superior return ratios for a much longer period,
led by a healthy differential in loan growth, superior revenue mix leading to
better operating profit ratios and importantly lower credit costs.

We do not think we have any evidence to change this thesis. SBI, in our view,
has demonstrated that its franchise has been better than other PSU banks
peers in terms of through-the-cycle credit cost, liability franchise, asset
franchise as well as digital/technological enhancements. Hence, we prefer to
now go back to recommending SBI over the other PSU banks.

Prefer SBI (retain BUY); downgrade PNB, Union and Canara Bank
We now recommend SBI (retain BUY) as our preferred stock within the PSU bank
space, while retaining ADD on BOB and downgrading the others – PNB (REDUCE),
Union Bank (ADD) and Canara Bank (ADD). We roll over our Fair Values to base
them on March 2026 BVPS while maintaining the same pecking order – SBI
(~1.2X), BOB (~1.0X) and the rest (Canara, Union and PNB) at ~0.9X.

Full sector coverage on KINSITE

M B Mahesh, CFA Nischint Chawathe Ashlesh Sonje, CFA Abhijeet Sakhare Varun Palacharla
+91-22-4336-0886 +91-22-4336-0887 +91-22-4336-0889 +91-22-4336-1240 +91-22-4336-0888

Sidham Jain

Changes in rating and Fair Value (FV) for PSU banks under coverage
Rating Fair Value (Rs) Target PBR (adj, X) Current PBR (adj, X)
Market price
Old New Old New (Rs) 2023 2024E 2025E 2026E 2023 2024E 2025E 2026E
Public banks
Bank of Baroda ADD ADD 215 250 238 1.5 1.3 1.2 1.0 1.4 1.2 1.1 1.0
Canara Bank BUY ADD 425 500 465 1.6 1.3 1.1 0.9 1.5 1.2 1.0 0.8
PNB BUY REDUCE 82 95 97 1.4 1.1 1.0 0.9 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.9
SBI BUY BUY 725 760 643 1.8 1.5 1.3 1.2 1.5 1.3 1.1 1.0
Union Bank BUY ADD 115 135 124 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.9 1.3 1.1 1.0 0.8

Note: We have shown standalone bank valuation multiples for SBI.

Source: Company, Bloomberg, Kotak Institutional Equities estimates

Valuation multiples of other PSU banks have converged with that of SBI recently
Price-to-book value (adjusted, 12-month forward) ratio for PSU banks (X)




















Source: Company, Bloomberg, Kotak Institutional Equities estimates

India Research

Peak GNPA ratio in the last decade was lower for SBI than other Net NPA declined more swiftly for SBI than other PSU banks
PSU banks
Net NPA ratio for PSU banks under coverage, March
Gross NPA ratio for PSU banks under coverage, fiscal year-ends (%)
March fiscal year-ends (%)
SBI BOB Canara Union PNB
SBI BOB Canara Union PNB














Source: Company, Kotak Institutional Equities

Source: Company, Kotak Institutional Equities

SBI has consistently reported lower slippages than other PSU Average credit cost over the last decade has been lower for SBI
banks in the past few years as compared to other PSU banks
Slippage ratio for PSU banks under coverage, March Credit cost ratio for PSU banks under coverage,
fiscal year-ends (%) March fiscal year-ends (%)

SBI BOB Canara Union PNB SBI BOB Canara Union PNB
12.5 7.5

10.0 6.0

7.5 4.5

5.0 3.0

2.5 1.5

0.0 0.0











Source: Company, Kotak Institutional Equities Source: Company, Kotak Institutional Equities

India Research

Other PSU banks have reported a higher cost of funds than SBI Other PSU banks have reported a lower CASA ratio than SBI
Cost of funds for PSU banks under coverage, March CASA deposit ratio for PSU banks under coverage,
fiscal year-ends (%) March fiscal year-ends (%)

SBI BOB Canara Union PNB SBI BOB Canara Union PNB
7.5 50

6.0 40

4.5 30

3.0 20

1.5 10

0.0 0


















Source: Company, Kotak Institutional Equities Source: Company, Kotak Institutional Equities

RoE recovery for PNB is expected in FY2025E, while the others will see RoE recovery in FY2024E
Return on equity for PSU banks under coverage, March fiscal year-ends (%)

SBI BOB Canara Union PNB





2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024E 2025E 2026E

Source: Company, Bloomberg, Kotak Institutional Equities estimates

India Research
“Each of the analysts named below hereby certifies that, with respect to each subject company and its securities for which the analyst is
responsible in this report, (1) all of the views expressed in this report accurately reflect his or her personal views about the subject companies
and securities, and (2) no part of his or her compensation was, is, or will be, directly or indirectly, related to the specific recommendations or
views expressed in this report: M B Mahesh, Nischint Chawathe, Ashlesh Sonje, Abhijeet Sakhare, Varun Palacharla, Sidham Jain.”

Ratings and other definitions/identifiers

Definitions of ratings

BUY. We expect this stock to deliver more than 15% returns over the next 12 months.

ADD. We expect this stock to deliver 5-15% returns over the next 12 months.
REDUCE. We expect this stock to deliver -5-+5% returns over the next 12 months.
SELL. We expect this stock to deliver <-5% returns over the next 12 months.

Our Fair Value estimates are also on a 12-month horizon basis.

Our Ratings System does not take into account short-term volatility in stock prices related to movements in the market. Hence, a particular Rating may
not strictly be in accordance with the Rating System at all times.

Distribution of ratings/investment banking relationships

Kotak Institutional Equities Research coverage universe

Percentage of companies covered by Kotak Institutional

Equities, within the specified category.

Percentage of companies within each category for which
Kotak Institutional Equities and or its affiliates has
provided investment banking services within the previous
12 months.
40% * The above categories are defined as follows: Buy = We
expect this stock to deliver more than 15% returns over
29.0% the next 12 months; Add = We expect this stock to deliver
30% 25.3%
24.5% 5-15% returns over the next 12 months; Reduce = We
expect this stock to deliver -5-+5% returns over the next
20% 12 months; Sell = We expect this stock to deliver less than
-5% returns over the next 12 months. Our target prices
10% 6.1% are also on a 12-month horizon basis. These ratings are
3.7% 2.4% used illustratively to comply with applicable regulations. As
of 30/09/2023 Kotak Institutional Equities Investment
Research had investment ratings on 245 equity securities.

Source: Kotak Institutional Equities

As of September 30, 2023

Coverage view
The coverage view represents each analyst’s overall fundamental outlook on the Sector. The coverage view will consist of one of the following
designations: Attractive, Neutral, Cautious.

Other ratings/identifiers

NR = Not Rated. The investment rating and fair value, if any, have been suspended temporarily. Such suspension is in compliance with applicable
regulation(s) and/or Kotak Securities policies in circumstances when Kotak Securities or its affiliates is acting in an advisory capacity in a merger or
strategic transaction involving this company and in certain other circumstances.

CS = Coverage Suspended. Kotak Securities has suspended coverage of this company.

NC = Not Covered. Kotak Securities does not cover this company.

RS = Rating Suspended. Kotak Securities Research has suspended the investment rating and fair value, if any, for this stock, because there is not a
sufficient fundamental basis for determining an investment rating or fair value. The previous investment rating and fair value, if any, are no longer in
effect for this stock and should not be relied upon.

NA = Not Available or Not Applicable. The information is not available for display or is not applicable.

NM = Not Meaningful. The information is not meaningful and is therefore excluded.

India Research
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