Activity 3

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NAMES: ____________________________________________________DATE: _______________

STRAND/SECTION: _________________________________________ SCORE: ______________

LESSON 3. Patterns of Written Text


Identify the pattern of writing development used in the following paragraphs.

____________________________1. Flashfloods have victimized thousands of Filipinos. This phenomenon has

been due to the denudation of the forests, garbage that are thrown anywhere, and the clogging of the drainage
system. Somehow, the basic cause of flash floods is the fact that Filipinos do not know how to manage their
garbage (Castigador, 2012).

____________________________2. Men can be categorized by the way they treat women while dating into three
groups: a social addict, a content lover, or a keeper. The first type, a social addict, is the type of man who is
constantly late and everything is on his time. Social addicts are particularly self-absorbed. For your birthday this
type of dater will give you a gift such as a necklace, so that everybody can notice it. When it comes down to
emotions and feelings, a social addict will say whatever he assumes you want to hear at any given moment. The
second type of dater, a content lover, is a guy who will come and go as he pleases. These men just seem to be in
attendance but not involved. When he is with you, he will not open up and share his thoughts. A content lover will
forget your birthday all together. Lastly there is the keeper who will not keep you waiting; in fact, he always plans
ahead and involves you in the decision making. To them, your birthday is tremendously important. They will give
you time for your friends and family; in addition, they always make unique plans for the two of you later that
evening. Unlike the other types of daters, the keeper will attempt to be 100% in touch with their feelings towards
you and are willing to talk about them. Men’s dating styles differ; nonetheless, it all comes down to what behavior
you are in the mood for.

____________________________3. The Filipino is as pliant as the bamboo. Like the bamboo, the Filipino is
characterized by flexibility, endurance, and harmony with nature. As the bamboo bends with the wind and survives
a storm, the Filipino chooses to adapt to fate rather than resist it. The Filipino mind is pliant: it is open to new ideas;
it is constantly searching for wisdom. But unlike the bamboo, his heart can be hardened with hatred and can seek
revenge when betrayed. Although the Filipino can stand adversity, his resilience is tested when freedom and liberty
are at stake (King, 2002).

____________________________4. One day in the times when the sky was close to the ground, a spinster went
out to pound rice. Before she began her work, she took off the beads from around her neck and the comb from her
hair, and hung them on the sky, which at that time looked like coral rock. Then she began working, and each time
that she raised her pestle into the air it struck the sky. For some time she pounded the rice, and then she raised
the pestle so high that it struck the sky very hard. Immediately the sky began to rise, and it went up so far that she
lost her ornaments. Never did they come down, for the comb became the moon and the beads are the stars that
are scattered about.

____________________________5. Distillation is a process by which a liquid is evaporated and condensed. The

liquids can be heated to force components which have different boiling points into the gas phase. The gas is then
condensed back into liquid for and collected. -distillation- is 601964
____________________________6. Obesity is caused by many factors. Common reasons that lead to obesity
are poor eating habits, slow metabolism, lack of exercise and hereditary influence. Poor eating habit is the lack of
consumption of healthy foods that are high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Slow metabolism is burning fewer
calories when at rest. Lack of exercise is not getting enough physical activity. Lastly, hereditary influence is the
traits and properties that are passed by parents to their child. All of these factors lead to obesity.

____________________________7. Obesity is one major problems faced by older women. This is a growing
concern especially for aging women whose metabolism slows down and physical activity is lessened. To solve this
dilemma, women are advised to have healthy eating habits and to increase physical activity.

____________________________8. Sunset is the time of the day when the sky turns bright orange, pink and even
purple. The heavens swirl in the soft glow of the afternoon light as the sun moves lazily towards the horizon. The
earth and sky part with this phenomenon. The moon on the other side begins to become clearer reflecting the land
below and the space beyond. As the sun sets, everything seems to slow down taking in the calm, cold breeze of
the coming night.

____________________________9. Homework is an important part of the learning process in school. It provides

additional practice, time for longer assignments and review. Since classes are too short for adequate practice,
homework allows students to do independent practice. Compositions, reports, and special projects are done in
varying speeds so bringing them home gives students adequate time to concentrate and complete them. Finally,
doing homework is an opportunity for students to review old and new materials especially preparing for exams
thereby a big help in improving grades. These are why homework should not be taken out of the school system.

____________________________10. Although they do not consider it cheating, students simply copy what they
see over the internet. In truth, plagiarism is a common form of cheating. Plagiarism is copying someone’s work and
acknowledging it as one’s own. Students often copy verbatim, cutting and pasting without proper acknowledgment.
In some instance, they copy the work of their classmates. These examples may seem ordinary, day-to day school
happenings but in truth, these are forms of cheating.

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