WO4 - As Built Qty Form (13-01-2023)

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Quantities per zones and depth (Cumulative)

WO no.: 04
Month: 13-Jan
As-Built no.: 21

QTY (Depth / Depth Depth Depth Depth Depth Depth Depth Depth Depth Depth Depth Depth Depth Depth
Soil Type zones) 0 to 1 1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 4 to 5 5 to 6 6 to 7 7 to 8 8 to 9 9 to 10 10 to 15 15 to 20 20 to 25 25 to 35
Z1 63,603.97 26,379.33 11,204.95 5,550.54 1,187.79 3.63 - - - - - -
Z2 52,606.49 4,361.18 30.53 - - - - - - - - -
Z3 21,338.09 245.60 - - - - - - - - - -
Z4 44,171.34 23,470.62 11,473.54 7,542.63 4,086.63 458.25 - - - - - -
Z5 65,821.26 40,528.57 8,083.55 909.90 134.15 91.00 15.70 - - - - -
Z6 35,242.23 16,230.86 1,714.72 175.30 134.14 90.99 15.71 - - - - -
Total sand 282,783.38 111,216.16 32,507.29 14,178.37 5,542.71 643.87 31.41 - - - - -
Z1 5,167.82 38,523.86 35,428.83 19,774.26 10,369.39 2,408.14 453.06 0.64 - - - - - -
Z2 14,532.18 47,464.23 26,533.33 6,873.73 2,418.35 1,208.33 194.80 - - - - - - -
Z3 26,768.61 25,051.19 9,025.13 1,446.54 211.57 141.03 4.72 - - - - - - -
Weak Rock
Z4 12,481.52 26,931.43 35,986.88 33,743.93 29,879.44 27,988.13 14,856.17 11,210.37 8,600.89 6,024.11 8,057.74 -
Z5 3,605.92 33,079.69 30,968.70 15,441.39 10,022.13 7,403.88 9,060.43 2,453.42 590.29 - - - - -
Z6 - 6,746.48 16,671.02 12,590.01 4,752.38 127.61 - - - - - - - -
Total Weak Rock 62,556.05 177,796.88 154,613.89 89,869.86 57,653.26 39,277.12 24,569.18 13,664.43 9,191.18 6,024.11 8,057.74 - - -
Z1 - 2,433.92 19,681.20 40,942.42 54,014.34 62,441.21 63,725.81 62,734.89 57,797.58 48,614.30 110,432.56 45,897.81 12,886.51 -
Z2 1,592.87 12,212.63 37,520.05 56,154.82 59,308.97 59,133.70 56,777.00 45,865.18 27,998.65 7,574.27 1,965.12 - - -
Z3 13,820.06 37,428.20 55,510.03 63,782.01 64,161.82 62,463.59 57,921.21 42,788.30 27,244.24 15,617.58 4,403.16 - - -
Hard Rock
Z4 9,896.46 11,395.56 11,688.37 15,665.72 21,119.47 21,135.35 19,750.11 18,142.27 14,076.39 9,077.70 16,197.90 3,548.19 1,280.27 41.89
Z5 221.91 7,008.67 29,360.31 45,372.90 50,383.92 52,304.51 54,043.67 49,726.63 38,503.48 27,875.69 43,220.15 - - -
Z6 3,272.04 12,714.27 18,138.42 24,207.11 32,145.95 36,881.53 36,835.43 36,675.81 36,242.08 35,621.97 130,745.69 2,772.33 - -
Total Hard rock 28,803.34 83,193.25 171,898.38 246,124.98 281,134.47 294,359.89 289,053.23 255,933.08 201,862.42 144,381.51 306,964.58 52,218.33 14,166.78 41.89

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