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Monthly Test - January 2022

Paper = /48
Subject : Biology Handwriting = /02
Total = /50
Class : 7 ….......
Duration : 25 minutes Date: .........……..…….....….......…
Candidate's name :.............................................................… Admission no: ….............….…......

Instructions to candidates:
 This paper consists of Part 1 and Part 2.
 Answer all the questions.
 Marks will be deducted for misspelled words and for instructions not being followed.

Part 1
Select the most suitable answer.

1. Micro-organisms are found ,

(i) in soil. (ii) in water. (iii) inside our body. (iv) in all of the above.

2. An example for a uni-cellular animal is

(i) bacteria. (ii) algae. (iii) amoeba. (iv) fungi.

3. Which one of the following makes the dough rise in making bread?

(i) Oxygen (ii) Water (iii) Salt (iv) Carbon dioxide

4. ‘Live’ yoghurt is used in the production of yoghurt since it contains

(i) dead yoghurt making bacteria in it. (ii) harmless bacteria in it.
(iii) living yoghurt-making bacteria in it. (iv) all kinds of good bacteria in it.

Answer questions 5 and 6 using the diagram given below.

Figure 1

5. What is the organism in figure 1 given above?

(i) Bacterium . (ii) Virus
(iii) Yeast (iv) Alga
Grade 7 Biology - Monthly Test January 2022
Prepared for Lyceum International Schools by Lyceum Assessments
6. Which process is shown in the above diagram?
(i) Budding (ii) Fission
(iii) Laying eggs (iv) Growth
7. Micro-organisms grow slowest when they have
(i) plenty of water. (ii) cold temperature.
(iii) plenty of oxygen. (iv) food.
8. Mushrooms are examples of
(i) multi-cellular fungi. (ii) unicellular-fungi.
(iii) protozoa. (iv) algae.

9. Influenza is caused by a
(i) bacterium. (ii) virus.
(iii) fungus. (iv) protozoan.

10. Which one of the following organisms produces its own food in photosynthesis?
(i) Amoeba. (ii) Alga.
(iii) Fungus. (iv) Plasmodium.
[Total = 2 × 10 = 20 marks]

Part 2

1. Match A and B. Write the correct letter in the grid given below.


(i) Human cells are similar in size to (a) Bacteria cells

(ii) Tiny objects can be observed through the (b) Organic matter
(iii) They usually make colonies with smooth edges. (c) Air
(iv) Dead bodies and animal waste are commonly known as (d) Microscope
(v) Colds can be transmitted through the (e) Yeast cells
(f) Viruses
(g) Naked eye
(h) Soil
(i) Mosquitoes
(j) Clay

A (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)

[Total = 5 marks]

Grade 7 Biology - Monthly Test January 2022

Prepared for Lyceum International Schools by Lyceum Assessments
2. Write only ‘True’ or ‘False’. Marks will not be given for writing either T/F or  /.

(i) Viruses feed on what we eat. --------------------

(ii) Some protozoa can make us ill. --------------------

(iii) All micro-organisms are made of only one cell. --------------------

(iv) Some fungi are essential in the bakery industry. --------------------

(v) Individual macro-organisms are too small to be seen. --------------------

(vi) Covid 19 is a virus. --------------------

(vii) Mosquitoes cause malaria. --------------------

(viii) Bacteria cells are bigger than viruses. --------------------

[Total = 8 marks]

3. Select the correct word from the following.

(i) A substance that is used to kill micro-organisms outside the body is called an
(a) anteceptic. (b) antiseptic. (c) anticeptick.
(ii) An example for a bacterial infection is
(a) tubeculocis. (b) tuberkulocis. (c) tuberculosis.
(iii) The agar jelly usually contains
(a) nutrients. (b) nutritients. (c) neutriens.
(iv) Micro-organisms produce harmful substances that could damage our cells called
(a) tokxines. (b) toxins. (c) tocxines.
(v) Food can be kept fresh for a long time using
(a) Vaccum pakeging. (b) Vaceum packaging. (c) Vacuum packaging.
[Total = 5 marks]

4. Fill in the blanks.

(i) Some kinds of bacteria used in making cheese, feed on sugar in milk changing it to -------------------.

(ii) A scientist named ---------------------------------------- discovered that micro-organisms were

involved in making wine from grapes.

(iii) Some micro-organisms cause organic matter to --------------------------------.

(iv) Bacteria that can cause diseases can be killed by the drugs called --------------------------------.

(v) -------------------------------- is the only life process shown by viruses if they enter a living cell.

[Total = 2 × 5 = 10 marks]

Ref: CJ
Grade 7 Biology - Monthly Test January 2022
Prepared for Lyceum International Schools by Lyceum Assessments

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